Figure 6
The performance of the steered calculations compared with that of the ordinary calculations for 163 diffraction patterns from various aggregates of colloidal gold particles. For each of the selected 163 diffraction patterns, total intensity is plotted against the maximum resolution (a) and Csym (b). (c) Frequencies on the ratio of the number of realistic maps against the three sets of 280 ordinary (red bars) and steered (blue) calculations for 163 diffraction patterns. The number of realistic maps was counted from the results from K-means clustering (MacQueen, 1967 ) applied to 840 final maps. The Csym values (d) and the total intensity (e) of the diffraction patterns are plotted against the ratio in the ordinary (red open circles) and steered (blue) calculations in panel (c). (f) The OS ratio of one of the pairs with the smallest similarity score in each set of 840 PR calculations was plotted against the ratio in panel (c). Comparison of the steered and ordinary calculations for the diffraction patterns from aggregates of 11 (g) and 13 (j) colloidal gold particles are illustrated in panels (h)–(i) and (k)–(l), respectively, as Fig. 5 . The representative projection maps are shown with scale bars of 600 nm. The Csym values of the diffraction patterns in panels (g) and (j) are 0.93 and 0.89, respectively. In panels (h) and (k), showing the frequency distributions of the similarity scores, lines are colored as the labels of HIO cycles in panels (i) and (l), respectively. |