Figure 2
Schematic of the experimental setup used to measure particle transmission efficiency. (a) Schematic of the ES setup, in which the sample is aerosolized by forming a Taylor cone. The aerosol is then carried to the neutralization chamber, where it is neutralized by a VUV ionizer before exiting either through a Rayleigh scattering setup or an SMPS setup. (b) Layout of the ES setup as arranged in the laboratory. (c) Rayleigh scattering setup, which comprises double skimmer stages that remove excess gas and an aerodynamic lens that focuses the particle beam before it passes through the interaction chamber and is detected by a pulsed laser beam. (d) SMPS setup, which uses a series of differential mobility analyzers and a condensation particle counter to analyze the sample. (e) Schematic of the gas flow circuit, which incorporates gas flow meters, differential pressure and valves to regulate the flow rate of the sample and carrier gases. |