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Figure 2
(Left) Comparison between FDMNES simulated spectra and the same spectra normalized by area for Pt (light blue line) and PtO2 (brown line) in the top panels and Ni (light green line) and NiO (magenta line) in the bottom panels. The grey dotted line represents the position of e0 of the metallic Pt and Ni spectrum used to determine the integration ranges (red dotted lines) over which [V_{\rm{NAD}}\,\%] was calculated. The plots for area normalization of 20, 40 and 80 eV above e0 are reported and the respective areas are coloured. (Right) Horizontal bar plot of the calculated [V_{\rm{NAD}}\,\%] values for edge-jump versus area normalization as a function of integration range.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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