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Figure 10
Phase-contrast SXCT scan of an Epipalaeolithic human vertebra from an archaeological excavation carried out in the EMME region. The scan was performed at SESAME BEATS using filtered white beam with peak X-ray energy of 36 keV. Voxel size: 6.5 µm. Number of projections: 8000. Exposure time: 0.7 ms. Scan time: 1.5 min. Transverse (a), coronal (b) 3D and sagittal (c) sections through the reconstructed volume. (d) 3D rendering of the scanned region. Thanks to the achievable high 3D resolution and contrast and the possibility of exploiting phase-contrast, SXCT is considered the gold standard for investigations of the morphology and architecture of bone from the millimetre down to the nanometre scale (Maggiano et al., 2016BB31). Sample courtesy of Dr Kirsi O. Lorentz and Dr Anis Fatima, the Cyprus Institute (Cyprus).

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