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Figure 13
SXCT images of life science samples from SESAME BEATS. (a) 3D rendering from phase-contrast reconstruction of a German wasp (Vespula germanica). Filtered white beam (peak X-ray energy: 25 keV). Voxel size: 3.1 µm. Number of projections: 2000. Exposure time: 20 ms. Scan time: 55 s. (b) 3D visualization of ceramic orthodontic bracket bonded to bovine tooth model. Filtered white beam (peak X-ray energy: 36 keV). Voxel size: 4.5 µm. Number of projections: 4000. Exposure time: 8.4 ms. Scan time: 2 min. (c) Transverse section, (d) radiograph, (e) longitudinal section and (f) 3D volume rendering of a thin grass fibre (diameter 90 µm approximately). The scan was performed with filtered white beam at a peak X-ray energy of 16 keV and a voxel size of 0.65 µm. Number of projections: 1000. Exposure time: 30 ms. Scan time: 40 s. Despite low X-ray absorption, high contrast and anatomical resolution are achieved in the reconstructed images [(c) and (e)] thanks to a phase-retrieval step. Microvessels with a diameter of approximately 2.5 µm are highlighted with arrow heads in (c). Sample in (b) courtesy of Dr Petra Koch from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Germany). The scans shown in (c), (d), (e) and (f) are courtesy of Dr Marieh Al-Handawi and Professor Panče Naumov from New York University Abu Dhabi (UAE).

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