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Figure 4
Experimental stations and examples of results. Panel (a) shows BMIT-BM during studies of Laue diffraction in bent Si crystals. The main sample positioner, label (1), is repurposed to support the upstream crystal, the white-beam microscope (2) is moved out of the beam, and downstream mounting points are used to support the second crystal and the monochromatic beam microscope (labeled as 3 and 4, respectively). Panel (b) shows the interior of the imaging hutch on BMIT-ID beamline. The heavy-duty LAPS/MRT sample positioning system is labeled (1), the primary sample positioning system marked as (2). The microscope, macroscope, label (3), and the large-field-of-view detector can be seen on the right side of the image. Label (4) points to the auxiliary positioning systems. Panels (c) and (d) contain examples of results from BM and ID beamlines, respectively (see the text in Section 5[link] for details).

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