Figure 17
Monochromatic high-resolution X-ray topography at BM05 ESRF beamline on a diamond beam-splitter. The analysis was conducted via Laue diffraction on its (220) lattice planes, both on the (220) main face and the (220) orthogonal to the main face. The photon energy is 20 keV, the field of view 1.3 mm × 1.3 mm and the pixel size 0.65 µm. (a, b, c) are images of the crystal surface, image size 1.3 mm × 1.3 mm. (a) Integrated intensity map of the surface, i.e. map of the total intensity diffracted by the rocking curve of each point on the surface. (b) FWHM map of the surface, i.e. map of the diffraction passband for each point on the surface. (c) Center of mass (COM) map, i.e. map of the relative position of the center of the rocking curve of each point on the surface. (d, e, f) are magnified images of two crystal sections, the distance between the sections being 500 µm. They are section topography maps through the splitter, (d) integrated intensity map, (e) FWHM map, (f) COM map. |