Figure 2
Calculation results for the efficiencies of the Pt-HSQ-ZP. (a) Illustration of the zone-doubled ZP structure. (b) 2D efficiency map of the zone-doubled ZP with varying ALD ratio and duty-cycle ratio calculated using the BPM. The diameter of the ZP was 100 µm with an outermost zone width of 30 nm and a height of 1 µm. The X-ray energy was fixed at 7.2 keV. (c) Plot of efficiency changes with the ALD ratio from (b) when the duty-cycle ratio is fixed at α = 0.25. (d) Focusing efficiency calculated using the BPM for the HSQ-ZP coated with a high refractive index film of different materials by ALD. The diameter of ZPs was 100 µm and the height was 1 µm. (e) Theoretical focusing efficiency of the Pt zone-doubled ZP as a function of X-ray energy and lens height calculated using the BPM. |