waiving of open-access fees

In combination with our publishing partner, Wiley, we offer waivers and discounts to corresponding authors based in low- and middle-income countries. Wiley's partnership with Research4Life enables research from authors in these countries to be published open access by providing automatic waivers and discounts on Article Publication Charges (APCs) for authors accepted to publish in Journal of Synchrotron Radiation.
Automatic waivers
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Automatic discounts
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*Automatic discounts can only be applied if the corresponding author selects to pay directly or arrange for payment at the payment step during article submission.
If you do not qualify for a waiver under the above rules, discretionary waivers may be available for authors who demonstrate financial need. Note that Journal of Synchrotron Radiation expects authors to exhaust all alternative funding sources before applying for a discretionary waiver. For additional information, contact jsr@iucr.org.
For details of Wiley's general policy on waivers, click here.