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Figure 2
Part of the crystal structure of (I)[link], showing how the cations and anions are arranged to form a layer. The Zn atom at (x, y, z) and those with symmetry codes (i)–(iv) lie in the same plane. Infinite [Zn(C8HN4O2)2(H2O)2]n chains are formed along the b axis via O3⋯H1—N1 hydrogen bonds. Adjacent chains are connected by coordination of an N3 atom from one chain to a Zn atom of another chain. In the layer, anions of adjacent chains form dimers via ππ inter­actions, e.g. the anion at (x, y, z) and its coordinated ZnII cation form a dimer with the anion at symmetry position (viii), which is related to cation Znii. The Zn⋯Zni,ii,iii,iv distances are equal at 8.185 (1) Å. [Symmetry codes: (i) [{\script{1\over 2}}] − x, −[{\script{1\over 2}}] + y, [{\script{1\over 2}}] − z; (ii) [{\script{1\over 2}}] − x, −[{\script{1\over 2}}] + y, −[{\script{1\over 2}}] − z; (iii) [{\script{1\over 2}}] − x, [{\script{1\over 2}}] + y, −[{\script{1\over 2}}] − z; (iv) [{\script{1\over 2}}] − x, [{\script{1\over 2}}] + y, [{\script{1\over 2}}] − z; (v) [{\script{1\over 2}}] − x, [{\script{3\over 2}}] − y, −z; (vi) x, 1 − y, −[{\script{1\over 2}}] + z; (vii) [{\script{1\over 2}}] − x, [{\script{1\over 2}}] + y, [{\script{1\over 2}}] − z; (viii) [{\script{1\over 2}}] − x, [{\script{1\over 2}}] − y, −z; (ix) x, 1 + y, z.]

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