scientific commentaries
Understanding of magnetic ordering in Gd-rich compounds
aTechnical University Munich, Synthesis and Characterization of Innovative Materials, Department of Chemistry, Lichtenbergstrasse 4, 85748 Garching b. München, Germany
*Correspondence e-mail: tom.nilges@tum.de
Keywords: rare earth-transition metal intermetallics; high TC materials; quantum chemical calculations; structure–property relations.
Rare-earth transition-metal pnictides (RE-T-Pn) and related compounds are intriguing materials with a wide range of possible applications. Some randomly selected examples are Skutterudites (Evers et al., 1995) or the rare-earth iron arsenide 1111 superconductors (Kamihara et al., 2008
). Another important class of materials with numerous reported candidates are RE6TX2 representatives. In a combined crystal structure/electronic structure study on Gd6FeBi2, reported in Acta Crystallographica Section C (Zhang et al., 2019
), a magnetic material with a high TC well above room temperature was reported. Based on the selected elemental composition and its Zr6CoAl2-type structure (Kripyakevich et al., 1970
) (prototype structure K2UF6; Zachariasen, 1948
), a TC of 350 K was observed. In a clear and precise way, the authors show that structure parameters like the Gd—Gd distance scales linearly with the TC value for many structurally-related Gd compounds. In contrast, the title compound strongly deviates from this trend. After an excellent structure evaluation and the accurate determination of the gadolinium bond lengths, the authors substantiated and interpreted this finding with the aid of quantum chemical calculations (Fig. 1
). They identified strong attractive Gd—Fe interactions rather than weak Gd—Bi ones as being responsible for the strong magnetic coupling. The present study clearly illustrates how important a precise is to interpret and understand physical properties. The exceptional high TC in this case is fully understood after combining experimental diffraction and magnetic data with theory. Metallic Gd6FeBi2 has a very small and almost negligible range and it can be regarded more as a line compound rather than an alloy. Gd6FeBi2 might be useful for a plethora of applications and the article of Zhang et al. (2019
) may help to initiate the first efforts in that direction.
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Zhang, J., Kang, Y.-M., Shan, G. & Bobev, S. (2019). Acta Cryst. C75, 562–567. CrossRef ICSD IUCr Journals Google Scholar
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