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Figure 1
PBD constructs with isoleucine zippers. (a) Schematic cross-section of a P22 virion drawn according to the cryo-EM structure presented in Tang et al. (2011BB54). The proteins (gps) forming the capsid and tail are labelled. (b) Schematic representation of the zipper constructs PBDzip and PBDzip-Y108W. L, linker region; α, α-helix at the upper part of the RBD; zip, isoleucine zipper sequence. The position of the Y108W mutation is marked. (c) Ribbon tracing of the structures of the PBD (PDB entry 1lkt) and RBD (PDB entry 1tyu). The three subunits are depicted in red, blue and green. An arrow points to the position of the missing linker connecting the two domains. (d) Ribbon tracing of the structure of PBDzip-Y108W. Subunits are coloured as in (c). The portion of the isoleucine zipper is shown in lighter colours. (e) Superposition of the core Cα atoms (residues 14–105) of PBDzip-Y108W (blue) with the PBD (PDB entry 1lkt; grey). The root-mean-square deviation of corresponding Cα positions is 0.65 Å. Only one subunit is shown, in the same orientation as in (d).

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