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Figure 3
Three-dimensional structure determination of a whole frozen-hydrated N. caninum cell. (a) A representative diffraction pattern taken at the 0° tilt angle in which the horizontal and vertical bars are caused by the tiling of the 2 × 2 modules of the MAXIPIX detector (Ponchut et al., 2011BB30). The inset shows an enlarged version of the low-spatial-frequency region of the pattern where the missing data at the centre are due to a beam stop. A two-dimensional projection (b) and an isosurface rendering (c) of the reconstructed three-dimensional cell at the 0° tilt angle. The colour scale for the projection represents electron density. (d) Dark-field and bright-field optical microscope images of similar cells are shown enlarged to an equivalent scale for comparison. (e) A series of thin slices through the cell at a distance ranging from 250 to 1000 nm away from the silicon nitride substrate, in which the red arrows indicate a conoid-like region. Images in (a), (b), (e) are false coloured: red, yellow, green, blue and black range from high, medium and low to no electron density. Scale bars: 1 µm.

Volume 2| Part 5| September 2015| Pages 575-583
ISSN: 2052-2525