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Figure 5
Comparison of the Fourier transform of the simulated diffuse intensity (left panels) with that of the experimental data (middle panels) and the Bragg data (right panels). Only the anisotropic component is used to calculate the transforms. Positive contours are in black and negative contours are in red. Contours are at every 0.5σ between 0 and 10σ in the diffuse data and are adjusted to be equivalent with respect to σ/Imax in the other panels. (a) x = 0 section, simulation; (b) x = 0 section, diffuse data; (c) x = 0 section, Bragg data; (d) z = 0 section, simulation; (e) z = 0 section, diffuse data; (f) z = 0 section, Bragg data. The plots were produced using mapslicer in CCP4 (Winn et al., 2011BB40).

Volume 5| Part 2| March 2018| Pages 172-181
ISSN: 2052-2525