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Figure 16
Relations between the results of the demagnetization experiments and the star densities owing to photoneutrons and pions as a function of the electron energy. The calculation results of the star densities are normalized to the 4 GeV experimental results. The double circles and circles with a dot are the experimental results with the copper and tantalum blocks, respectively. The open triangles, squares and diamonds are the calculation results of the star densities owing to the photoneutrons with the copper block for a cut-off energy of 500 MeV, 100 MeV and 20 MeV, respectively. The full triangle, square and diamond are the star densities owing to the photoneutrons with the tantalum block for a cut-off energy of 500 MeV, 100 MeV and 20 MeV, respectively. The red open inverse triangles and double inverse triangles are the star densities owing to the pions with the copper block for a cut-off energy of 100 MeV and 500 MeV, respectively. The red full inverse and double inverse triangles are the star densities owing to the pions with the tantalum block for a cut-off energy of 100 MeV and 500 MeV, respectively.

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ISSN: 1600-5775
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