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Figure 2
Example of a PCA + KMC analysis. The scan was performed on a sample (9d of Table 1[link]) with high-dose SrR treatment at deficient Ca diet. (a) Score plot of principle components PC1 versus PC2 derived from a plot of Ca versus Sr intensities by linear transformation exhibiting a new set of mutually orthogonal axes. The PC1 axis represents the direction of constant Sr/Ca ratios. The PC2 axis represents the direction of changing Sr/Ca ratios. The KMC analysis of the PCA score plot used four clusters (k = 4), color-coded red, green, pink and blue; the crosses in circles are centroids of clusters C1, C2, C3, C4. The meaning of the clusters can be explained by generating binary images, where all pixels corresponding to a certain cluster are displayed in white (b). (b) Binary images produced according to the cluster data: image C1 shows the distribution of pixels clustered in C1 (red) and corresponds to the background/bone-marrow space, where both Ca and Sr concentrations are zero. Image C2 (pixels from cluster C2, green) highlights areas of old bone showing a low Sr to Ca fraction, while image C3 (pixels clustered in C3, purple) contains pixels representing the rim region of the bone. Finally, image C4, which contains all pixels of cluster C4 (cyan), displays pixels of highest Sr to Ca fraction, corresponding to areas of young bone.

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