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Figure 2
Properties as a function of photon energy of a grating diffracting an incident beam off-plane as shown in Fig. 1[link] for the first four diffraction orders m. In (a) the operation angles γ according to equation (1)[link] for blaze maximum operation of a grating with blaze angle δ = 29.5° are superimposed onto color-coded iso-reflectivity curves for a gold-coated grating (see color bar at upper right). In (b) the related reflection coefficients for a perfect mirror are shown, while in (c) the transmission of a plane mirror/grating pair according to equation (9)[link] is presented, which also includes the observed reduction of the diffraction efficiency according to equation (8)[link]. The related spectral resolving powers according to (2)[link] including the diffraction broadening are shown in (d).

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