issue contents

ISSN: 2053-2733

May 2008 issue

Highlighted illustration

Cover illustration: An octagonal mosaic from the Kasbah de Telouet, High Atlas, Morocco, based on a modified quasilattice. The underlying quasilattice can best be seen in the blue-and-black portions of the pattern where the `standing' lozenges define bars of unit width and the diagonally positioned lozenges define bars with a width equal to [square root]2. Four orientations of the bar scheme, 45° apart, and phason shifts (alternation of bars in the sequence) are present. Picture taken by Emil Makovicky during the 24th European Crystallographic Meeting 2007.

research papers

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The effect of deuteration is examined by data mining of the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) for 26 isomorphous and three non-isomorphous pairs. Significant and meaningful changes are found in four and two, respectively, but the changes are less than neutron protein crystallography would be sensitive to.

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Using first-principles calculations, it is shown that a monoclinic structure with space group B1a1 is the lowest-energy structure among all the experimentally known structures.

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Static and dynamic characteristics of layerwise growth in two-dimensional quasiperiodic Ito–Ohtsuki tilings are studied.

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An approach is outlined for X-ray structure refinement using atomic density fragments obtained by Hirshfeld partitioning of quantum-mechanical density fragments. Results are presented for urea and benzene.

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Dynamical calculations are given for the X-ray back diffraction (1240) in a monolithic two-plate silicon cavity at photon energy 14.4388 keV, at which 24 beams are simultaneously excited.

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New concepts and the principles of residual-density analysis are introduced.

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Crystallographic properties of one-, two- and three-dimensional magnetic space groups are presented in a format and content similar to that of International Tables for Crystallography.

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The nets of the three-periodic regular polyhedra are identified.

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