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ISSN: 2053-2296

The influence of the axial group on the crystal structures of boron sub­phthalo­cy­an­ines

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aDepartment of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, 200 College Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3E5, Canada, bDepartment of Chemistry, University of Toronto, 80 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3H6, Canada, cDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Toronto, 184 College Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3E4, Canada, and dDepartment of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, 5 King's College Road, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3G8, Canada
*Correspondence e-mail:

Edited by R. Diniz, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil (Received 21 June 2024; accepted 15 July 2024; online 4 September 2024)

The crystal structures of 16 boron sub­phthalo­cy­an­ines (BsubPcs) with structurally diverse axial groups were analyzed and com­pared to elucidate the impact of the axial group on the inter­molecular ππ inter­actions, axial-group inter­actions, axial bond length and BsubPc bowl depth. ππ inter­actions between the iso­indole units of adjacent BsubPc mol­ecules most often involve concave–concave packing, whereas axial-group inter­actions with adjacent BsubPc mol­ecules tend to favour the convex side of the BsubPc bowl. Furthermore, axial groups that contain O and/or F atoms tend to have significant hy­dro­gen-bonding inter­actions, while axial groups containing arene site(s) can participate in ππ inter­actions with the BsubPc bowl, both of which can strongly influence the crystal packing. Bulky axial groups did tend to disrupt the ππ inter­actions and/or axial-group inter­actions, preventing some of the close packing that is seen in BsubPcs with less bulky axial groups. The atomic radius of the heteroatom bonded to boron directly influences the axial bond length, whereas the axial group has minimal impact on the BsubPc bowl depth. Finally, the crystal growth method did not generally appear to have a significant impact on the solid-state arrangement, with the exception of water occasionally being incorporated into crystal structures when hygroscopic solvents were used. These insights can help with the design and fine-tuning of the solid-state structures of BsubPcs as they continue to be developed as functional materials in organic electronics.

1. Introduction

Boron sub­phthalo­cy­an­ines (BsubPcs) are a class of nonplanar aromatic organic com­pounds with a unique bowl-shaped structure. The BsubPcs are homologues of the phthalocyanine (Pc) family and are com­prised of three di­imino­iso­indole units templated around a boron chelation centre (Fig. 1[link]) (Claessens et al., 2014[Claessens, C. G., González-Rodríguez, D., Rodríguez-Morgade, M. S., Medina, A. & Torres, T. (2014). Chem. Rev. 114, 2192-2277.]). An additional substituent bonded to boron protrudes from the convex side of the bowl and is known as the axial group (Farac et al., 2023[Farac, N. F., Tetreault, A. R. & Bender, T. P. (2023). J. Phys. Chem. C, 127, 702-727.]; Zigelstein & Bender, 2024[Zigelstein, R. & Bender, T. P. (2024). Mol. Syst. Des. Eng.]). BsubPcs were first synthesized accidentally by Meller and Ossko in 1972 when trying to incorporate boron as the central atom in a phthalocyanine (Pc) (Grant et al., 2019[Grant, T. M., Josey, D. S., Sampson, K. L., Mudigonda, T., Bender, T. P. & Lessard, B. H. (2019). Chem. Rec. 19, 1093-1112.]; Meller & Ossko, 1972[Meller, A. & Ossko, A. (1972). Monatsh. Chem. 103, 150-155.]). Instead of the anti­cipated planar macrocycle with four repeating di­imino­iso­indole units that is a part of the Pc structure, they discovered Cl-BsubPc as a purple nonplanar com­pound with three di­imino­iso­indole units around the boron centre, with chlorine in the axial position [Fig. 1[link](c)] (Grant et al., 2019[Grant, T. M., Josey, D. S., Sampson, K. L., Mudigonda, T., Bender, T. P. & Lessard, B. H. (2019). Chem. Rec. 19, 1093-1112.]). The characteristic nonplanar shape of BsubPcs is caused by the atomic radius of boron being slightly larger than the cavity it occupies (Morse & Bender, 2012a[Morse, G. E. & Bender, T. P. (2012a). Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 4, 5055-5068.]). Numerous BsubPc derivatives have been synthesized in the ∼50 years since their discovery, with many physical properties, including the solid-state arrangement, being influenced by substitution at the axial and/or peripheral positions of the BsubPc macrocycle (Morse et al., 2014[Morse, G. E., Gong, I., Kawar, Y., Lough, A. J. & Bender, T. P. (2014). Cryst. Growth Des. 14, 2138-2147.]). The unique optical, electronic and physical properties of BsubPcs, as well as the ability to tune these properties through axial and/or peripheral derivatization, have led to the development of these materials for organic electronic applications, such as organic photovoltaics (OPVs) (Grant et al., 2019[Grant, T. M., Josey, D. S., Sampson, K. L., Mudigonda, T., Bender, T. P. & Lessard, B. H. (2019). Chem. Rec. 19, 1093-1112.]; Mutolo et al., 2006[Mutolo, K. L., Mayo, E. I., Rand, B. P., Forrest, S. R. & Thompson, M. E. (2006). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 8108-8109.]), organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) (Morse & Bender, 2012a[Morse, G. E. & Bender, T. P. (2012a). Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 4, 5055-5068.]: Morse et al., 2010[Morse, G. E., Helander, M. G., Maka, J. F., Lu, Z.-H. & Bender, T. P. (2010). Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2, 1934-1944.]) and organic thin film transistors (OTFTs) (Yasuda & Tsutsui, 2006[Yasuda, T. & Tsutsui, T. (2006). Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 462, 3-9.]).

[Figure 1]
Figure 1
(a) General 2D structure of the BsubPc unit with key terms labelled, including the peripheral substituents (Rp), imine (Nimine) and pyrrole (Npyr) N atoms, and different π units (πPh in red and πpyr in green). (b) General 2D structure of the BsubPc unit with `head' (orange highlight) and `tail' (purple highlight) labelled. (c) General 3D structure of the BsubPc unit with the axial substituent (Ra) and concave/convex sides of the bowl labelled. The peripheral substituents have been omitted from the 3D structure for clarity.

BsubPcs are typically employed in the solid state as photoactive materials in organic electronics, sparking the inter­est in using X-ray diffraction (XRD) to study the inter­molecular inter­actions that impact their solid-state arrangements (Virdo et al., 2016[Virdo, J. D., Lough, A. J. & Bender, T. P. (2016). Acta Cryst. C72, 297-307.]). The solid-state arrangement of BsubPcs can be described by the mol­ecular fragment inter­actions between neighbouring BsubPcs and the relative alignment of the isoindoline fragments, with ππ inter­actions commonly being seen between adjacent BsubPcs in the crystal structure (Bukuroshi et al., 2019[Bukuroshi, E., Vestfrid, J., Gross, Z. & Bender, T. P. (2019). New J. Chem. 43, 16730-16737.]). These inter­actions can provide information on the charge-transfer properties of BsubPcs, which is important for their application as organic semiconductors (Castrucci et al., 2012[Castrucci, J. S., Helander, M. G., Morse, G. E., Lu, Z.-H., Yip, C. M. & Bender, T. P. (2012). Cryst. Growth Des. 12, 1095-1100.]).

In this study, single crystals were grown of an array of BsubPcs with structurally diverse axial groups (Fig. 2[link]) to investigate how the axial group impacts the ππ inter­actions of BsubPcs in the solid state and explore the inter­molecular inter­actions that involve the axial group. The influence of the axial group on the BsubPc bowl depth and axial bond length is also of inter­est. While crystal structures of some of the BsubPcs investigated in this study have been reported previously, past studies have largely focused on smaller subsets of axial substituents, such as halide (Fulford et al., 2012[Fulford, M. V., Jaidka, D., Paton, A. S., Morse, G. E., Brisson, E. R. L., Lough, A. J. & Bender, T. P. (2012). J. Chem. Eng. Data, 57, 2756-2765.]), phen­oxy (Paton et al., 2011[Paton, A. S., Morse, G. E., Lough, A. J. & Bender, T. P. (2011). CrystEngComm, 13, 914-919.]) or sulfonate (Paton et al., 2012[Paton, A. S., Lough, A. J. & Bender, T. P. (2012). Acta Cryst. C68, o459-o464.]) derivatives, but different functional groups are rarely com­pared to each other. A review paper from Lavarda et al. (2022[Lavarda, G., Labella, J., Martínez-Díaz, M. V., Rodríguez-Morgade, M. S., Osuka, A. & Torres, T. (2022). Chem. Soc. Rev. 51, 9482-9619.]) provides a general summary of the crystal behaviour of axial halide, aryl and ar­yloxy derivatives, but the discussion does not extend to other boron–oxygen-bonded derivatives or include any boron–sulfur- or boron–nitro­gen-bonded derivatives, and the crystals are from multiple laboratories. Therefore, herein, we provide the first report of a systematic com­parison of BsubPc crystal structures with a com­prehensive set of axial substituents, including halide (1 and 2), alk­oxy (38), phen­oxy (9 and 10), carboxyl­ate (11 and 12), sil­oxy (13), thio­phen­oxy (14 and 15) and amino (16) derivatives. Furthermore, we report new polymorphs of some BsubPcs and use different crystal growth methods than have been reported previously.

[Figure 2]
Figure 2
2D structures of investigated axially substituted BsubPcs with the colour of the axial group representing the heteroatom bonded to boron, i.e. chlorine – pink, bromine – purple, oxygen – blue, sulfur – red and nitro­gen – green.

2. Experimental

2.1. Materials and instrumentation

Toluene, heptane, acetone, di­chloro­methane (DCM), hexa­nes, tetra­hydro­furan (THF) and pentane were purchased from Caledon Laboratories (Caledon, Ontario, Canada) and used as received. All X-ray crystal structure data were collected using a Bruker Kappa APEX DUO CMOS Photon II dif­frac­tom­eter. Experimental and refinement details are provided in Table 1[link]. Structural analysis was conducted using Mercury software (Macrae et al., 2020[Macrae, C. F., Sovago, I., Cottrell, S. J., Galek, P. T. A., McCabe, P., Pidcock, E., Platings, M., Shields, G. P., Stevens, J. S., Towler, M. & Wood, P. A. (2020). J. Appl. Cryst. 53, 226-235.]).

Table 1
Experimental details

Experiments were carried out using a Bruker Kappa APEX DUO CMOS Photon II diffractometer at 150 K. H-atom parameters were constrained. Absorption was corrected for by multi-scan methods (SADABS; Krause et al., 2015[Krause, L., Herbst-Irmer, R., Sheldrick, G. M. & Stalke, D. (2015). J. Appl. Cryst. 48, 3-10.]).

  Cl-BsubPc (1) Br-BsubPc (2) MeO-BsubPc (3) EtO-BsubPc (4-I)
CCDC Deposition No. 2363922 2363923 2363924 2363925
Crystallization method Sublimation (405 °C) Sublimation (350 °C) Sublimation (300 °C) Sublimation (295 °C)
Crystal data
Chemical formula C24H12BClN6 C24H12BBrN6 C25H15BN6O C26H17BN6O
Mr 430.66 475.12 426.24 440.26
Crystal system, space group Orthorhombic, Pnma Orthorhombic, Pnma Orthorhombic, Pnma Monoclinic, P21/n
a, b, c (Å) 12.0315 (10), 14.8174 (13), 10.3002 (8) 12.0010 (6), 15.0617 (8), 10.3879 (5) 12.3162 (11), 15.2325 (19), 10.4151 (10) 9.0313 (14), 14.220 (2), 16.474 (2)
α, β, γ (°) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 102.667 (4), 90
V3) 1836.3 (3) 1877.67 (16) 1953.9 (4) 2064.3 (5)
Z 4 4 4 4
Radiation type Cu Kα Mo Kα Cu Kα Mo Kα
μ (mm−1) 2.07 2.22 0.75 0.09
Crystal size (mm) 0.15 × 0.06 × 0.02 0.27 × 0.16 × 0.14 0.10 × 0.04 × 0.02 0.21 × 0.12 × 0.03
Data collection
Tmin, Tmax 0.646, 0.753 0.688, 0.746 0.659, 0.753 0.684, 0.746
No. of measured, independent and observed [I > 2σ(I)] reflections 19930, 1647, 1416 23127, 2243, 1955 27808, 1762, 1570 49575, 4744, 3311
Rint 0.061 0.027 0.057 0.101
(sin θ/λ)max−1) 0.593 0.650 0.592 0.650
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)], wR(F2), S 0.035, 0.097, 1.06 0.021, 0.057, 1.09 0.032, 0.078, 1.08 0.047, 0.098, 1.04
No. of reflections 1647 2243 1762 4744
No. of parameters 151 151 159 308
No. of restraints 0 0 0 0
Δρmax, Δρmin (e Å−3) 0.24, −0.35 0.38, −0.26 0.22, −0.19 0.21, −0.23
  EtO-BsubPc (4-II) F3EtO-BsubPc (5) ButO-BsubPc (6) tButO-BsubPc (7)
CCDC Deposition No. 2363926 2363927 2363928 2363929
Crystallization method Slow evaporation – acetone Sublimation (305 °C) Sublimation (265 °C) Rotovap – DCM/hexanes
Crystal data
Chemical formula C26H17BN6O C26H14BF3N6O C28H21BN6O C28H21BN6O
Mr 440.26 494.24 468.32 468.32
Crystal system, space group Monoclinic, P21/n Monoclinic, P21/c Orthorhombic, Pbca Monoclinic, P21/c
a, b, c (Å) 9.0304 (5), 14.2423 (8), 16.4452 (9) 10.4664 (6), 15.4986 (8), 14.3171 (8) 14.6398 (8), 15.2842 (9), 20.5313 (12) 14.3815 (7), 8.2702 (4), 19.8660 (9)
α, β, γ (°) 90, 102.476 (3), 90 90, 110.221 (3), 90 90, 90, 90 90, 102.074 (2), 90
V3) 2065.1 (2) 2179.3 (2) 4594.0 (5) 2310.55 (19)
Z 4 4 8 4
Radiation type Cu Kα Cu Kα Cu Kα Cu Kα
μ (mm−1) 0.72 0.96 0.68 0.68
Crystal size (mm) 0.15 × 0.15 × 0.10 0.14 × 0.09 × 0.04 0.15 × 0.07 × 0.06 0.17 × 0.09 × 0.02
Data collection
Tmin, Tmax 0.654, 0.753 0.624, 0.753 0.661, 0.753 0.673, 0.753
No. of measured, independent and observed [I > 2σ(I)] reflections 46104, 3555, 3148 39716, 3759, 3043 45733, 3951, 3295 41764, 3994, 3363
Rint 0.059 0.083 0.065 0.052
(sin θ/λ)max−1) 0.593 0.594 0.594 0.594
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)], wR(F2), S 0.039, 0.102, 1.05 0.039, 0.107, 1.04 0.038, 0.095, 1.07 0.035, 0.089, 1.05
No. of reflections 3555 3759 3951 3994
No. of parameters 308 335 326 329
No. of restraints 0 0 0 0
Δρmax, Δρmin (e Å−3) 0.50, −0.21 0.27, −0.28 0.33, −0.22 0.22, −0.17
  OctO-BsubPc (8) PhO-BsubPc (9) Naphthoxy-BsubPc (10) Acetate-BsubPc (11)
CCDC Deposition No. 2363930 2363931 2363932 2363933
Crystallization method Slow Evaporation – methanol SVD – toluene/heptane Sublimation (315 °C) Sublimation (290 °C)
Crystal data
Chemical formula 6C32H29BN6O·0.5H2O C30H17BN6O C34H19BN6O C26H15BN6O2
Mr 3166.55 488.30 538.36 454.25
Crystal system, space group Triclinic, P[\overline{1}] Triclinic, P[\overline{1}] Orthorhombic, Pnma Triclinic, P[\overline{1}]
a, b, c (Å) 15.3028 (7), 16.2278 (7), 17.3604 (7) 10.0268 (10), 10.7263 (12), 11.8090 (13) 17.133 (3), 13.929 (2), 10.3669 (16) 9.3432 (9), 9.3548 (7), 12.3322 (12)
α, β, γ (°) 103.045 (3), 105.716 (3), 94.022 (3) 85.879 (4), 77.440 (3), 66.151 (3) 90, 90, 90 104.203 (2), 100.751 (3), 90.701 (2)
V3) 4003.0 (3) 1133.6 (2) 2474.0 (7) 1024.69 (16)
Z 1 2 4 2
Radiation type Cu Kα Mo Kα Mo Kα Mo Kα
μ (mm−1) 0.65 0.09 0.09 0.10
Crystal size (mm) 0.24 × 0.16 × 0.06 0.28 × 0.15 × 0.09 0.26 × 0.15 × 0.08 0.24 × 0.22 × 0.13
Data collection
Tmin, Tmax 0.622, 0.753 0.687, 0.746 0.609, 0.746 0.710, 0.746
No. of measured, independent and observed [I > 2σ(I)] reflections 110436, 13816, 10618 26461, 5137, 3795 17347, 2963, 1878 21123, 4670, 3665
Rint 0.070 0.052 0.092 0.038
(sin θ/λ)max−1) 0.594 0.649 0.650 0.650
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)], wR(F2), S 0.054, 0.149, 1.05 0.039, 0.095, 1.03 0.052, 0.119, 1.05 0.038, 0.096, 1.03
No. of reflections 13816 5137 2963 4670
No. of parameters 1201 343 217 317
No. of restraints 499 0 0 0
Δρmax, Δρmin (e Å−3) 0.61, −0.39 0.22, −0.23 0.26, −0.28 0.32, −0.28
  Benzoate-BsubPc (12) TMSO-BsubPc (13) F5PhS-BsubPc (14) MePhS-BsubPC (15)
CCDC Deposition No. 2363934 2363935 2363936 2363937
Crystallization method Sublimation (355 °C) Rotovap – DCM/hexanes SVD – toluene/heptane SVD – toluene/heptane
Crystal data
Chemical formula C31H17BN6O2 C27H21BN6OSi C30H12BF5N6S C31H19BN6S
Mr 516.31 484.40 594.33 518.39
Crystal system, space group Monoclinic, P21/c Monoclinic, P21/c Triclinic, P[\overline{1}] Monoclinic, C2/c
a, b, c (Å) 15.671 (2), 11.1920 (13), 15.2363 (19) 16.343 (3), 11.9655 (16), 12.5059 (19) 10.7010 (5), 11.8651 (6), 22.4968 (13) 49.653 (4), 12.1268 (10), 27.559 (2)
α, β, γ (°) 90, 115.386 (4), 90 90, 99.996 (11), 90 95.863 (2), 92.861 (2), 115.433 (2) 90, 114.838 (4), 90
V3) 2414.3 (5) 2408.4 (6) 2552.1 (2) 15059 (2)
Z 4 4 4 24
Radiation type Mo Kα Cu Kα Mo Kα Cu Kα
μ (mm−1) 0.09 1.13 0.20 1.41
Crystal size (mm) 0.30 × 0.15 × 0.12 0.19 × 0.15 × 0.01 0.35 × 0.24 × 0.05 0.28 × 0.27 × 0.02
Data collection
Tmin, Tmax 0.685, 0.746 0.629, 0.753 0.713, 0.746 0.633, 0.753
No. of measured, independent and observed [I > 2σ(I)] reflections 49333, 5530, 4050 57016, 4230, 2990 75917, 11711, 7793 12819, 12819, 10107
Rint 0.071 0.127 0.073 0.091
(sin θ/λ)max−1) 0.650 0.608 0.650 0.594
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)], wR(F2), S 0.040, 0.095, 1.03 0.054, 0.123, 1.05 0.043, 0.102, 1.02 0.098, 0.242, 1.09
No. of reflections 5530 4230 11711 12819
No. of parameters 361 326 775 1059
No. of restraints 0 0 0 0
Δρmax, Δρmin (e Å−3) 0.23, −0.24 0.31, −0.24 0.39, −0.31 0.89, −0.57
  PhMeN-BsubPc (16-I) PhMeN-BsubPc (16-II)
CCDC Deposition No. 2363938 2363939
Crystallization method Recrystallization – THF/pentane Recrystallization – THF/pentane
Crystal data
Chemical formula C31H20BN7·0.14H2O C31H20BN7
Mr 503.87 501.35
Crystal system, space group Triclinic, P[\overline{1}] Monoclinic, P21/c
a, b, c (Å) 11.4897 (5), 11.7489 (5), 19.3046 (8) 10.3502 (4), 20.7509 (8), 12.2816 (5)
α, β, γ (°) 73.348 (2), 81.941 (2), 76.167 (2) 90, 114.734 (2), 90
V3) 2417.05 (18) 2395.80 (17)
Z 4 4
Radiation type Cu Kα Cu Kα
μ (mm−1) 0.68 0.68
Crystal size (mm) 0.20 × 0.15 × 0.08 0.19 × 0.14 × 0.09
Data collection
Tmin, Tmax 0.657, 0.753 0.462, 0.753
No. of measured, independent and observed [I > 2σ(I)] reflections 60606, 8275, 7193 41606, 4159, 3432
Rint 0.046 0.111
(sin θ/λ)max−1) 0.592 0.595
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)], wR(F2), S 0.037, 0.093, 1.06 0.055, 0.165, 1.06
No. of reflections 8275 4159
No. of parameters 713 354
No. of restraints 0 0
Δρmax, Δρmin (e Å−3) 0.27, −0.29 0.28, −0.35
Computer programs: APEX4 (Bruker, 2021[Bruker (2021). APEX4. Bruker AXS Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.]), SHELXT2018 (Sheldrick, 2015a[Sheldrick, G. M. (2015a). Acta Cryst. A71, 3-8.]), SHELXL2019 (Sheldrick, 2015b[Sheldrick, G. M. (2015b). Acta Cryst. C71, 3-8.]), PLATON (Spek, 2020[Spek, A. L. (2020). Acta Cryst. E76, 1-11.]) and SHELXTL (Sheldrick, 2008[Sheldrick, G. M. (2008). Acta Cryst. A64, 112-122.]).

2.2. Synthesis and crystal growth

Briefly, with the exception of Br- and Cl-BsubPc, all other axially substituted BsubPcs were synthesized through an axial exchange reaction with Br-BsubPc and the appropriate nucleophile. In general, the axial exchange reactions were run in anhydrous chloro­benzene with 5–10 equivalents of the nucleophile at 75 °C until all of the Br-BsubPc was consumed, as monitored by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Full detailed synthetic procedures and characterization by 1H NMR and 19F NMR spectroscopy, direct analysis in real-time high-resolution mass spectrometry (DART-HRMS) and HPLC for the BsubPcs analysed within this study are provided in a recent publication (Zigelstein & Bender, 2024[Zigelstein, R. & Bender, T. P. (2024). Mol. Syst. Des. Eng.]).

The train sublimation apparatus that was used to grow several of the crystals analysed in this study has been described previously (Morse et al., 2010[Morse, G. E., Helander, M. G., Maka, J. F., Lu, Z.-H. & Bender, T. P. (2010). Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2, 1934-1944.]; Virdo et al., 2016[Virdo, J. D., Lough, A. J. & Bender, T. P. (2016). Acta Cryst. C72, 297-307.]). For crystals grown by slow vapour diffusion of heptane into toluene, 5–10 mg of material was dissolved in toluene in a 20 ml scintillation vial. The vial was then suspended in a sealed jar containing ∼150 ml of heptane and left undisturbed for 2–4 weeks until crystals were seen. For crystals grown by slow evaporation of a common organic solvent (i.e. acetone or methanol), 5–10 mg of material was dissolved in solvent in a 20 ml scintillation vial. The vial was then covered with aluminium foil with 3–5 holes poked through and left undisturbed until crystals were seen. For crystals grown during a two-solvent recrystallization, the material was dissolved in THF, and pentane was added dropwise until crystals formed out of solution. These crystals were then collected by gravity filtration. Finally, some crystals formed after rotary evaporation to remove DCM/hexa­nes after purification by column chromatography on standard basic alumina. The crystal growth method used for each com­pound is provided in Table 1[link].

2.3. Refinement

Crystal data, data collection and structure refinement details are summarized in Table 1[link].

3. Results and discussion

Single crystals of 16 axially substituted BsubPcs were grown by either train sublimation, slow vapour diffusion of heptane into toluene, slow evaporation of an organic solvent (i.e. acetone or methanol), two-solvent recrystallization or formed during rotary evaporation to remove solvent following purification by column chromatography. The influence of the axial group on the inter­molecular inter­actions, bowl depths and axial bond lengths was analysed and is discussed below.

3.1. Inter­molecular inter­actions

The previously established method for describing the inter­molecular ππ inter­actions of BsubPcs uses some unique terminology for the side of the BsubPc bowl being considered and the alignment of iso­indole units between adjacent BsubPcs (Morse et al., 2014[Morse, G. E., Gong, I., Kawar, Y., Lough, A. J. & Bender, T. P. (2014). Cryst. Growth Des. 14, 2138-2147.]; Virdo et al., 2016[Virdo, J. D., Lough, A. J. & Bender, T. P. (2016). Acta Cryst. C72, 297-307.]; Claessens et al., 2014[Claessens, C. G., González-Rodríguez, D., Rodríguez-Morgade, M. S., Medina, A. & Torres, T. (2014). Chem. Rev. 114, 2192-2277.]; Farac et al., 2024[Farac, N. F., Lough, A. J. & Bender, T. P. (2024). Precis. Chem. 2, 161-181.]). First, the terms concave and convex are used to describe the side of the BsubPc bowl being considered, with concave being the `inside' of the bowl and convex being the outer surface of the bowl [Fig. 1[link](c)]. Furthermore, the three outermost six-membered carbon rings of the BsubPc are called `heads', while the six-membered rings containing the boron centre, one imine N atom and two pyrrole N atoms are called `tails' [Fig. 1[link](b)] (Virdo et al., 2016[Virdo, J. D., Lough, A. J. & Bender, T. P. (2016). Acta Cryst. C72, 297-307.]). With these terms, the inter­molecular ππ inter­actions of BsubPcs can be described as concave–concave, convex–convex, concave–convex, head-to-head, tail-to-tail and head-to-tail (Morse et al., 2010[Morse, G. E., Helander, M. G., Maka, J. F., Lu, Z.-H. & Bender, T. P. (2010). Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2, 1934-1944.], 2014[Morse, G. E., Gong, I., Kawar, Y., Lough, A. J. & Bender, T. P. (2014). Cryst. Growth Des. 14, 2138-2147.]). Inter­actions between the axial ligand and BsubPc π-system are also sometimes observed and are described as concave-to-axial ligand and convex-to-axial ligand (Morse et al., 2010[Morse, G. E., Helander, M. G., Maka, J. F., Lu, Z.-H. & Bender, T. P. (2010). Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2, 1934-1944.], 2014[Morse, G. E., Gong, I., Kawar, Y., Lough, A. J. & Bender, T. P. (2014). Cryst. Growth Des. 14, 2138-2147.]). Distances less than 4 Å are considered significant inter­molecular ππ inter­actions (Fulford et al., 2012[Fulford, M. V., Jaidka, D., Paton, A. S., Morse, G. E., Brisson, E. R. L., Lough, A. J. & Bender, T. P. (2012). J. Chem. Eng. Data, 57, 2756-2765.]). All inter­actions involving a π-group are measured to the centroid of that group. Other inter­actions are considered significant if the inter­molecular distance between the two atoms is less than the sum of the van der Waals radii of the two atoms (Virdo et al., 2013[Virdo, J. D., Kawar, Y. H., Lough, A. J. & Bender, T. P. (2013). CrystEngComm, 15, 3187-3199.]). For example, weak hy­dro­gen bonds with C—H⋯O, C—H⋯F and C—H⋯N contacts are characterized by H⋯O, H⋯F and H⋯N distances less than 2.72, 2.67 and 2.75 Å, respectively. Furthermore, C—H⋯halogen bonds are characterized by H⋯Cl and H⋯Br distances that are less than 2.95 and 3.05 Å, respectively.

3.1.1. Axially halogenated BsubPcs

The crystal structure of Cl-BsubPc [1; Fig. 3[link](a)] from train sublimation grown in this study shows good agreement with the previously reported structure (Virdo et al., 2016[Virdo, J. D., Lough, A. J. & Bender, T. P. (2016). Acta Cryst. C72, 297-307.]). It arranges in the ortho­rhom­bic Pnma space group, with four mol­ecules in the unit cell [Fig. 3[link](b)] [see Note 2]. There are significant convex–convex head-to-head inter­actions, with a πpyrπPh distance (pyr is pyrrole and Ph is phenyl) of 3.615 Å, and less significant concave–concave head-to-tail inter­actions, with an inter­molecular distance of 4.150 Å. There are also C—H⋯halogen inter­actions between the axial Cl and a πPh H atom of an adjacent mol­ecule (C—HPh⋯Cl—B) at an inter­molecular distance of 2.893 Å. Upon extension of the unit cell, there are convex-to-axial ligand halogen–π (B—Cl⋯πPh) inter­actions, with an inter­molecular distance of 3.548 Å. The inter­molecular inter­actions of Cl-BsubPc (1) are shown in Fig. 3[link](c).

[Figure 3]
Figure 3
(a) The mol­ecular structure of Cl-BsubPc (1), with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level and H atoms removed for clarity, (b) the unit-cell packing and (c) significant inter­molecular inter­actions in the crystal structure. ππ inter­actions are shown in blue and all other inter­molecular inter­actions are shown in green. Atom colours: carbon – gray, hy­dro­gen – white, nitro­gen – blue, boron – light pink and chlorine – green.

It has been reported previously that a Br-BsubPc [2; Fig. 4[link](a)] crystal cannot be grown by train sublimation because the boron–bromine axial bond (B—Br) is not thermally stable at its sublimation temperature (Fulford et al., 2012[Fulford, M. V., Jaidka, D., Paton, A. S., Morse, G. E., Brisson, E. R. L., Lough, A. J. & Bender, T. P. (2012). J. Chem. Eng. Data, 57, 2756-2765.]; Hildebrand et al., 2022[Hildebrand, M., Holst, D., Bender, T. & Kronik, L. (2022). Adv. Theory Simul. 5, 2100400.]). However, within this study, we were able to obtain a sublimed crystal of Br-BsubPc during the attempted purification of TMSO-BsubPc (13) by train sublimation (350 °C), as there was some unreacted Br-BsubPc remaining in the crude product from the TMSO-BsubPc axial exchange reaction, and therefore was separated and crystallized during train sublimation. Like Cl-BsubPc, Br-BsubPc arranges in the ortho­rhom­bic Pnma space group, with four mol­ecules in the unit cell [Fig. 4[link](b)], which is consistent with the previously reported Br-BsubPc crystal structure using solvent-based crystal growth methods (Fulford et al., 2012[Fulford, M. V., Jaidka, D., Paton, A. S., Morse, G. E., Brisson, E. R. L., Lough, A. J. & Bender, T. P. (2012). J. Chem. Eng. Data, 57, 2756-2765.]). The inter­molecular inter­actions observed in the Br-BsubPc crystal structure are very similar to those of the Cl-BsubPc crystal structure. Within the unit cell, Br-BsubPc displays concave–concave head-to-tail packing, with an inter­molecular distance of 4.151 Å, which is nearly identical to the distance observed for Cl-BsubPc. Upon extension outside the unit cell, more significant ππ inter­actions are seen, with convex–convex head-to-head inter­actions between adjacent mol­ecules at a πpyrπPh distance of 3.661 Å. There are also C—H⋯halogen inter­actions between the axial Br atom and an adjacent πPh H atom (C—HPh⋯Br—B), with an inter­molecular distance of 2.977 Å, which is slightly longer than what is seen in the Cl-BsubPc crystal structure due to the larger size of bromine com­pared to chlorine. Convex-to-axial ligand halogen–π (B—Br⋯πPh) inter­actions are also observed, with an inter­molecular distance of 3.475 Å. This is shorter than the distance observed for the analogous inter­action for Cl-BsubPc. The inter­molecular inter­actions of Br-BsubPc (2) are shown in Fig. 4[link](c).

[Figure 4]
Figure 4
(a) The mol­ecular structure of Br-BsubPc (2), with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level and H atoms removed for clarity, (b) the unit-cell packing and (c) significant inter­molecular inter­actions in the crystal structure. ππ inter­actions are shown in blue and all other inter­molecular inter­actions are shown in green. Atom colours: carbon – gray, hy­dro­gen – white, nitro­gen – blue, boron – light pink and bromine – bronze.
3.1.2. Axial boron–oxygen-bonded BsubPcs

Crystals of MeO-BsubPc [3; Fig. 5[link](a)] were grown by train sublimation and arranged in the ortho­rhom­bic Pnma space group, with four mol­ecules in the unit cell [Fig. 5[link](b)]. The only ππ inter­actions are weak concave–concave head-to-tail inter­actions, with an inter­molecular distance of 4.044 Å. There is weak hy­dro­gen bonding between the axial O atom and an adjacent πPh H atom (C—HPh⋯O—B), with an inter­molecular distance of 2.637 Å. Extending beyond the unit cell, there is a convex-to-axial ligand C—HaxπPh inter­action, with an inter­molecular distance of 2.605 Å. The inter­molecular inter­actions of MeO-BsubPc (3) are shown in Fig. 5[link](c).

[Figure 5]
Figure 5
(a) The mol­ecular structure of MeO-BsubPc (3), with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level and H atoms removed for clarity, (b) the unit-cell packing and (c) significant inter­molecular inter­actions in the crystal structure. ππ inter­actions are shown in blue, weak hy­dro­gen bonds are shown in red and all other inter­molecular inter­actions are shown in green. Atom colours: carbon – gray, hy­dro­gen – white, nitro­gen – blue, boron – light pink and oxygen – red.

Crystals of EtO-BsubPc (4) were grown in two ways: train sublimation [4-I; Fig. 6[link](a)] and slow evaporation of acetone (4-II). The crystal structure was the same by both crystal growth methods. EtO-BsubPc is the only com­pound in the array that crystallizes in the monoclinic P21/n space group. Starting with 4-I, there are four mol­ecules in the unit cell [Fig. 6[link](b)] and the only ππ inter­actions are concave–concave head-to-head inter­actions, with a πpyrπPh distance of 3.574 Å. There is weak hy­dro­gen bonding between the axial O atom and an adjacent πPh H atom (C—HPh⋯O—B), with an inter­molecular distance of 2.682 Å, which is slightly longer than the analogous distance for MeO-BsubPc. Extending beyond the unit cell, there is a concave-to-axial ligand C26—HaxπPh inter­action, with an inter­molecular distance of 3.593 Å. EtO-BsubPc is the only com­pound in the array with this type of inter­action. The inter­molecular inter­actions of EtO-BsubPc (4-I) are shown in Fig. 6[link](c).

[Figure 6]
Figure 6
(a) The mol­ecular structure of EtO-BsubPc (4-I), with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level and H atoms removed for clarity, (b) the unit-cell packing and (c) significant inter­molecular inter­actions in the crystal structure. ππ inter­actions are shown in blue, weak hy­dro­gen bonds are shown in red and all other inter­actions are shown in green. Atom colours: carbon – gray, hy­dro­gen – white, nitro­gen – blue, boron – light pink and oxygen – red.

As mentioned above, the crystal structure of EtO-BsubPc from slow evaporation of acetone [4-II; Fig. 7[link](a)] was the same as the crystal structure from train sublimation (4-I), arranging in the monoclinic P21/n space group, with four mol­ecules in the unit cell [Fig. 7[link](b)]. Identical inter­molecular inter­actions were seen for 4-I and 4-II, with very modest differences in the inter­molecular distances. The concave–concave head-to-head πpyrπPh distance for 4-II (3.577 Å) was slightly longer than for 4-I (3.574 Å), whereas the concave-to-axial ligand C26—HaxπPh inter­molecular distance for 4-II (3.590 Å) was slightly shorter than for 4-I (3.593 Å). Lastly, the weak hy­dro­gen bonding between the axial O atom and an adjacent πPh H atom (C—HPh⋯O—B) for 4-II (2.690 Å) was at a slightly longer inter­molecular distance than for 4-I (2.682 Å). The inter­molecular inter­actions of EtO-BsubPc (4-II) are shown in Fig. 7[link](c).

[Figure 7]
Figure 7
(a) The mol­ecular structure of EtO-BsubPc (4-II), with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level and H atoms removed for clarity, (b) the unit-cell packing and (c) significant inter­molecular inter­actions in the crystal structure. ππ inter­actions are shown in blue, weak hy­dro­gen bonds are shown in red and all other inter­actions are shown in green. Atom colours: carbon – gray, hy­dro­gen – white, nitro­gen – blue, boron – light pink and oxygen – red.

F3EtO-BsubPc [5; Fig. 8[link](a)] crystals were grown by train sublimation, organizing in the monoclinic P21/c space group, with four mol­ecules in the unit cell [Fig. 8[link](b)]. Similar to EtO-BsubPc, the most significant ππ inter­actions are concave–concave head-to-head inter­actions, although the πpyrπPh distance is slightly longer at 3.640 Å. Unlike EtO-BsubPc, convex–convex head-to-tail inter­actions are observed, with an inter­molecular distance of 3.822 Å. The axial group also has significant inter­actions, with weak hy­dro­gen bonding between the axial O atom and an adjacent πPh H atom (C—HPh⋯O—B = 2.446 Å), an axial F atom with an adjacent πPh H atom (C—HPh⋯F—C = 2.529 Å) and an axial methyl­ene H atom with an adjacent imine N atom (C25—Hax⋯Nimine = 2.622 Å). F3EtO-BsubPc is the only alk­oxy derivative that does not contain any concave- or convex-to-axial ligand inter­actions, indicating that when H atoms are replaced with F atoms, weak hy­dro­gen bonding dominates over axial–π inter­actions. The inter­molecular inter­actions of F3EtO-BsubPc (5) are shown in Fig. 8[link](c).

[Figure 8]
Figure 8
(a) The mol­ecular structure of F3EtO-BsubPc (5), with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level and H atoms removed for clarity, (b) the unit-cell packing and (c) significant inter­molecular inter­actions in the crystal structure. ππ inter­actions are shown in blue and weak hy­dro­gen bonds are shown in red. Atom colours: carbon – gray, hy­dro­gen – white, nitro­gen – blue, boron – light pink, oxygen – red and fluorine – green.

ButO-BsubPc [6; Fig. 9[link](a)] is the only com­pound in the array to crystallize in the ortho­rhom­bic Pbca space group, with eight mol­ecules in the unit cell [Fig. 9[link](b)]. There are significant concave–concave head-to-head inter­actions, with a πpyrπPh distance of 3.612 Å, and less significant convex–convex head-to-tail inter­actions, with an inter­molecular distance of 4.295 Å. There are also significant inter­actions involving the axial group, including weak hy­dro­gen bonding between the axial O atom and a neighbouring πPh H atom (C—HPh⋯O—B = 2.556 Å), and between an axial methyl­ene H atom and an adjacent imine N atom (C26—Hax⋯Nimine = 2.640 Å). There is also a convex-to-axial ligand C28—HaxπPh inter­action between an axial methyl H atom and the πPh group of a neighbouring mol­ecule (3.319 Å). The inter­molecular inter­actions of ButO-BsubPc (6) are shown in Fig. 9[link](c).

[Figure 9]
Figure 9
(a) The mol­ecular structure of ButO-BsubPc (6), with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level and H atoms removed for clarity, (b) the unit-cell packing and (c) significant inter­molecular inter­actions in the crystal structure. ππ inter­actions are shown in blue, weak hy­dro­gen bonds are shown in red and all other inter­molecular inter­actions are shown in green. Atom colours: carbon – gray, hy­dro­gen – white, nitro­gen – blue, boron – light pink and oxygen – red.

tButO-BsubPc [7; Fig. 10[link](a)] arranges in the monoclinic P21/c space group, with four mol­ecules in the unit cell [Fig. 10[link](b)]. Within the unit cell, the only significant ππ inter­action is a concave–concave head-to-head inter­action, with a πpyrπPh distance of 3.564 Å, which is shorter than the distance observed for EtO-BsubPc (4), F3EtO-BsubPc (5) and ButO-BsubPc (6). Upon extension of the unit cell, there is a convex-to-axial ligand C27—HaxπPh inter­action between an axial H atom and an adjacent πPh group (3.057 Å). No hy­dro­gen bonding is observed for tButO-BsubPc. The inter­molecular inter­actions of tButO-BsubPc (7) are shown in Fig. 10[link](c).

[Figure 10]
Figure 10
(a) The mol­ecular structure of tButO-BsubPc (7), with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level and H atoms removed for clarity, (b) the unit-cell packing and (c) significant inter­molecular inter­actions in the crystal structure. ππ inter­actions are shown in blue and all other inter­molecular inter­actions are shown in green. Atom colours: carbon – gray, hy­dro­gen – white, nitro­gen – blue, boron – light pink and oxygen – red.

A diffraction-quality crystal of OctO-BsubPc (8) was difficult to obtain, likely due to the length of the axial alkyl chain preventing close packing of neighbouring mol­ecules. After several unsuccessful attempts to grow crystals by train sublimation and solvent-based methods, such as slow evaporation and slow vapour diffusion, diffraction-quality crystals of OctO-BsubPc were successfully grown by slow evaporation of methanol, arranging in the triclinic P[\overline{1}] space group. There are three independent OctO-BsubPc mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit, which are referred to as 8-A [Fig. 11[link](a)], 8-B [Fig. 11[link](b)] and 8-C [Fig. 11[link](c)], and 0.5 mol­ecules of water for every three mol­ecules of OctO-BsubPc [Fig. 11[link](d)]. 8-B and 8-C have disorder in the octyl chains. Within the unit cell, there appears to be concave–convex head-to-head packing between 8-A and 8-B, although the alignment is not perfect. The two πpyrπPh distances between adjacent mol­ecules are not the same, at 3.628 and 3.673 Å. There also appears to be a concave–convex head-to-tail inter­action between 8-A and 8-C, with an inter­molecular distance of 3.890 Å, but again, the alignment is not perfect between the two adjacent mol­ecules. The length of the axial octyl chain is likely responsible for the lack of perfect alignment. There is weak hy­dro­gen bond between the axial O atom of 8-A and a πPh H atom of the adjacent 8-B mol­ecule (C—HPh⋯O—B), with an inter­molecular distance of 2.641 Å. There is also hy­dro­gen bonding between a water mol­ecule and the imine N atom of an adjacent 8-A mol­ecule (2.165 Å). Lastly, convex-to-axial ligand C—H⋯π inter­actions are observed between an axial H atom of 8-C and the πPh group of 8-B, with a C—HaxπPh distance of 2.971 Å. The inter­molecular inter­actions of OctO-BsubPc (8) are shown in Fig. 11[link](e).

[Figure 11]
Figure 11
The mol­ecular structures of (a) OctO-BsubPc mol­ecule A (8-A), (b) OctO-BsubPc mol­ecule B (8-B) and (c) OctO-BsubPc mol­ecule C (8-C), with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability and H atoms removed for clarity. (d) The unit-cell packing of 8 and (e) significant inter­molecular inter­actions in the crystal structure of 8. ππ inter­actions are shown in blue, strong and weak hy­dro­gen bonds are shown in red, and all other inter­molecular inter­actions are shown in green. Atom colours: carbon – gray, hy­dro­gen – white, nitro­gen – blue, boron – light pink and oxygen – red.

Crystals of PhO-BsubPc [9; Fig. 12[link](a)] were grown by slow vapour diffusion of heptane into toluene, arranging in the triclinic P[\overline{1}] space group, with two mol­ecules in the unit cell [Fig. 12[link](b)], as was reported previously (Paton et al., 2011[Paton, A. S., Morse, G. E., Lough, A. J. & Bender, T. P. (2011). CrystEngComm, 13, 914-919.]). While there are no ππ inter­actions within the unit cell, upon extension, concave–concave head-to-head packing is ob­ser­ved, with a πpyrπPh distance of 3.674 Å. There do not appear to be any ππ inter­actions between the axial group and the iso­indole groups of adjacent mol­ecules, or any other inter­actions involving the axial group. The inter­molecular inter­actions of PhO-BsubPc (9) are shown in Fig. 12[link](c).

[Figure 12]
Figure 12
(a) The mol­ecular structure of PhO-BsubPc (9), with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level and H atoms removed for clarity, (b) the unit-cell packing and (c) significant inter­molecular inter­actions in the crystal structure. ππ inter­actions are shown in blue. Atom colours: carbon – gray, hy­dro­gen – white, nitro­gen – blue, boron – light pink and oxygen – red.

Crystals of naphth­oxy-BsubPc [10; Fig. 13[link](a)] were grown by train sublimation and the resulting crystal structure is identical to a previous report from our group (Paton et al., 2013[Paton, A. S., Morse, G. E., Lough, A. J. & Bender, T. P. (2013). Cryst. Growth Des. 13, 5368-5374.]). Naphth­oxy-BsubPc arranges in the ortho­rhom­bic Pnma space group, with four mol­ecules in the unit cell [Fig. 13[link](b)]. The naphth­oxy axial group causes a disruption in the ππ inter­actions of the iso­indole units of neighbouring BsubPcs, instead containing concave-to-axial ligand ππ inter­actions between the centroid of the outer ring of the naphth­oxy unit and the tail of the BsubPc, with an inter­molecular distance of 3.813 Å. There is also weak hy­dro­gen bonding between the axial O atom and a neighbouring πPh H atom (2.627 Å). The inter­molecular inter­actions of naphth­oxy-BsubPc (10) are shown in Fig. 13[link](c).

[Figure 13]
Figure 13
(a) The mol­ecular structure of naphth­oxy-BsubPc (10), with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level and H atoms removed for clarity, (b) the unit-cell packing and (c) significant inter­molecular inter­actions in the crystal structure. ππ inter­actions are shown in blue and weak hy­dro­gen bonds are shown in red. Atom colours: carbon – gray, hy­dro­gen – white, nitro­gen – blue, boron – light pink and oxygen – red.

Moving on to the carboxyl­ate derivatives (11 and 12), crystals of acetate-BsubPc [11; Fig. 14[link](a)] were grown by train sublimation, showing good agreement with the previously reported structure from slow vapour diffusion of heptane into toluene (Lessard & Bender, 2013[Lessard, B. H. & Bender, T. P. (2013). Macromol. Rapid Commun. 34, 568-573.]). Acetate-BsubPc crystallizes in the triclinic P[\overline{1}] space group, with two mol­ecules in the unit cell [Fig. 14[link](b)]. Packing within the unit cell appears to be largely dictated by the axial-group inter­actions, with weak hy­dro­gen bonding between the axial O atom and an adjacent πPh H atom (C—HPh⋯O—B = 2.581 Å), the axial carbonyl O atom and an adjacent πPh H atom (C—HPh⋯O=C = 2.628 Å), and an axial H atom and an adjacent imine N atom (C—Hax⋯Nimine = 2.635 Å). The only ππ inter­actions ob­served in the unit cell are convex–convex tail-to-tail inter­actions, with an inter­molecular distance of 3.897 Å. Looking beyond the unit cell, there are concave–concave head-to-head inter­actions, with a πpyrπPh distance of 3.620 Å. The inter­molecular inter­actions of acetate-BsubPc (11) are shown in Fig. 14[link](c).

[Figure 14]
Figure 14
(a) The mol­ecular structure of acetate-BsubPc (11), with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level and H atoms removed for clarity, (b) the unit-cell packing and (c) significant inter­molecular inter­actions in the crystal structure. ππ inter­actions are shown in blue and weak hy­dro­gen bonds are shown in red. Atom colours: carbon – gray, hy­dro­gen – white, nitro­gen – blue, boron – light pink and oxygen – red.

Crystals of benzoate-BsubPc [12; Fig. 15[link](a)] were grown by train sublimation, again showing good agreement with the previously reported structure from slow vapour diffusion of heptane into toluene (Lessard & Bender, 2013[Lessard, B. H. & Bender, T. P. (2013). Macromol. Rapid Commun. 34, 568-573.]). Benzoate-BsubPc arranges in the monoclinic P21/c space group, with four mol­ecules in the unit cell [Fig. 15[link](b)], which is different from acetate-BsubPc. The benzoate axial group seems to disrupt the BsubPc ππ inter­actions, as only weak convex–convex head-to-tail inter­actions are observed, with an inter­molecular distance of 4.163 Å. As with acetate-BsubPc, the most significant inter­molecular inter­actions for benzoate-BsubPc involve the axial group. First, C—HPhπax inter­actions are observed, with the closest inter­molecular distances being 2.726 or 3.612 Å, depending on which mol­ecules in the unit cell are being considered. Weak hy­dro­gen bonding between the axial carbonyl O atom and adjacent πPh H atoms (C—HPh⋯O=C) is also observed, with inter­molecular distances of 2.510 or 2.536 Å, depending on the mol­ecules in the unit cell being considered. The inter­molecular inter­actions of benzoate-BsubPc (12) are shown in Fig. 15[link](c).

[Figure 15]
Figure 15
(a) The mol­ecular structure of benzoate-BsubPc (12), with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level and H atoms removed for clarity, (b) the unit-cell packing and (c) significant inter­molecular inter­actions in the crystal structure. ππ inter­actions are shown in blue, weak hy­dro­gen bonds are shown in red and all other inter­molecular inter­actions are shown in green. Atom colours: carbon – gray, hy­dro­gen – white, nitro­gen – blue, boron – light pink and oxygen – red.

The packing of the crystal of TMSO-BsubPc [13; Fig. 16[link](a)] is analogous to that of tButO-BsubPc (7), with the only structural difference between the two com­pounds being the replacement of the quaternary C atom of the axial tert-butyl group in tButO-BsubPc with an Si atom in TMSO-BsubPc. The crystals of both com­pounds were grown serendipitously during rotary evaporation of DCM/hexa­nes following purification by column chromatography. Both arrange in the monoclinic P21/c space group, with four mol­ecules in the unit cell [Fig. 16[link](b)], and display concave–concave head-to-head packing. The inter­molecular πpyrπPh distance for TMSO-BsubPc (3.543 Å) is slightly shorter than for tButO-BsubPc, while the convex-to-axial ligand C26—HaxπPh inter­action has a slightly longer inter­molecular distance (3.070 Å) for TMSO-BsubPc than for tButO-BsubPc. There is also weak hy­dro­gen bonding observed between an axial H atom and an adjacent πPh H atom (C—HPh⋯O—B = 2.478 Å), which is not observed for tButO-BsubPc. This may result from the longer bond length between oxygen and silicon (1.638 Å) in TMSO-BsubPc com­pared to oxygen and carbon (1.440 Å) in tButO-BsubPc, allowing for closer inter­actions with the axial O atom due to less steric hindrance directly around the O atom. The inter­molecular inter­actions of TMSO-BsubPc (13) are shown in Fig. 16[link](c).

[Figure 16]
Figure 16
(a) The mol­ecular structure of TMSO-BsubPc (13), with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level and H atoms removed for clarity, (b) the unit-cell packing and (c) significant inter­molecular inter­actions in the crystal structure. ππ inter­actions are shown in blue, weak hy­dro­gen bonds are shown in red and all other inter­molecular inter­actions are shown in green. Atom colours: carbon – gray, hy­dro­gen – white, nitro­gen – blue, boron – light pink, oxygen – red and silicon – yellow.
3.1.3. Axial boron–sulfur- and boron–nitro­gen-bonded BsubPcs

Crystals of F5PhS-BsubPc (14) were grown by slow vapour diffusion of heptane into toluene. There are two crystallographically independent mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit, which are referred to as 14-A [Fig. 17[link](a)] and 14-B [Fig. 17[link](b)]. F5PhS-BsubPc arranges in the triclinic P[\overline{1}] space group, with four mol­ecules in the unit cell [Fig. 17[link](c)]. Within the unit cell, there is concave–convex head-to-tail packing between 14-A and 14-B, with an inter­molecular distance of 3.958 Å. Upon extension of the unit cell, significant concave-to-axial ligand ππ inter­actions are observed between the πPh group and the πax group, with an inter­molecular distance of 3.525 Å. There is also an inter­action between the axial S atom and the πax group of an adjacent mol­ecule (πax⋯S—B), at a distance of 3.560 Å. Finally, weak hy­dro­gen bonding is observed between an axial F atom and an adjacent πPh H atom (C—FaxπPh), at a distance of 2.546 Å. The inter­molecular inter­actions of F5PhS-BsubPc (14) are shown in Fig. 17[link](d).

[Figure 17]
Figure 17
The mol­ecular structures of (a) F5PhS-BsubPc mol­ecule A (14-A) and (b) F5PhS-BsubPc mol­ecule B (14-B), with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level and H atoms removed for clarity. (c) The unit-cell packing and (d) significant inter­molecular inter­actions in the crystal structure of 14. ππ inter­actions are shown in blue, weak hy­dro­gen bonds are shown in red and all other inter­molecular inter­actions are shown in green. Atom colours: carbon – gray, hy­dro­gen – white, nitro­gen – blue, boron – light pink, sulfur – orange and fluorine – green.

MePhS-BsubPc (15) crystals were grown by slow vapour diffusion of heptane into toluene. There are three independent mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit that are referred to as 15-A [Fig. 18[link](a)], 15-B [Fig. 18[link](b)] and 15-C [Fig. 18[link](c)]. MePhS-BsubPc arranges in the monoclinic C2/c space group, with 24 mol­ecules in the unit cell [Fig. 18[link](d)]. This is a different polymorph than the previously reported crystal structure of MePhS-BsubPc (Morse & Bender, 2012b[Morse, G. E. & Bender, T. P. (2012b). Inorg. Chem. 51, 6460-6467.]). With 24 mol­ecules in the unit cell, many inter­actions are observed. First, there are concave–concave head-to-head inter­actions between two adjacent 15-A mol­ecules, with a πpyrπPh distance of 3.659 Å. Next, there are less significant concave–concave head-to-tail inter­actions between two adjacent 15-B mol­ecules at an inter­molecular distance of 4.040 Å. There is also a slightly offset convex–convex head-to-head inter­action between mol­ecules 15-B and 15-C, with inconsistent πpyrπPh distances of 3.577 and 3.691 Å. The most significant overlap between iso­indole groups in this inter­action is between the adjacent πPh groups at a distance of 3.537 Å. A similar offset convex–convex head-to-head inter­action is seen between 15-A and 15-B, with πpyrπPh distances of 3.861 and 3.934 Å, and a πPhπPh distance of 3.911 Å. There are also some significant inter­actions with the axial group. First, there is a concave-to-axial ligand inter­action between 15-B and 15-C, with a ππ inter­action observed between the axial arene group of 15-B and the `tail' of 15-C at a distance of 3.895 Å. There is also a convex-to-axial ligand inter­action between the axial S atom of 15-A and the πPh group of an adjacent 15-C mol­ecule (πPh⋯S—B) at a distance of 3.786 Å. Finally, there is a C31—Haxπax inter­action between two adjacent 15-A mol­ecules involving an axial methyl H atom and an axial arene group at a distance of 2.876 Å. The inter­molecular inter­actions of MePhS-BsubPc (15) are shown in Fig. 18[link](e).

[Figure 18]
Figure 18
The mol­ecular structures of (a) MePhS-BsubPc mol­ecule A (15-A), (b) MePhS-BsubPc mol­ecule B (15-B) and (c) MePhS-BsubPc mol­ecule C (15-C), with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level and H atoms removed for clarity. (d) The unit-cell packing and (e) significant inter­molecular inter­actions in the crystal structure of 15. ππ inter­actions are shown in blue and all other inter­molecular inter­actions are shown in green. Atom colours: carbon – gray, hy­dro­gen – white, nitro­gen – blue, boron – light pink and sulfur – orange.

On two separate occasions, crystals of PhMeN-BsubPc were grown during a two-solvent recrystallization with THF and pentane, resulting in two different polymorphs. The first polymorph [16-I; Fig. 19[link](a)] crystallized in the triclinic P[\overline{1}] space group, with two mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit [16-I (mol 1) and 16-I (mol 2)] and a partial occupancy water solvent mol­ecule [Fig. 19[link](b)], which is aligned with a previous report (Morse & Bender, 2012b[Morse, G. E. & Bender, T. P. (2012b). Inorg. Chem. 51, 6460-6467.]). The second polymorph [16-II; Fig. 20[link](a)] crystallized in the monoclinic P21/c space group, with only one mol­ecule in the asymmetric unit and no water [Fig. 20[link](b)]. Both 16-I and 16-II have four mol­ecules in the unit cell. Concave–concave head-to-head inter­actions were seen within the unit cell for 16-I, with a πpyrπPh distance of 3.705 Å. There is also hy­dro­gen bonding between the water mol­ecule and the imine N atoms of two adjacent BsubPc mol­ecules. Upon extension of the unit cell, there is a C—HPh,axπax inter­action between adjacent axial groups, with an inter­molecular distance of 3.048 Å. The inter­molecular inter­actions of 16-I are shown in Fig. 19[link](c).

[Figure 19]
Figure 19
(a) The mol­ecular structure of PhMeN-BsubPc (16-I), with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level and H atoms removed for clarity, (b) the unit-cell packing and (c) significant inter­molecular inter­actions in the crystal structure. ππ inter­actions are shown in blue, hy­dro­gen bonding is shown in red and all other inter­molecular inter­actions are shown in green. Atom colours: carbon – gray, hy­dro­gen – white, nitro­gen – blue and boron – light pink.
[Figure 20]
Figure 20
(a) The mol­ecular structure of PhMeN-BsubPc (16-II), with displacement ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level and H atoms removed for clarity, (b) the unit-cell packing and (c) significant inter­molecular inter­actions in the crystal structure. ππ inter­actions are shown in blue and all other inter­molecular inter­actions are shown in green. Atom colours: carbon – gray, hy­dro­gen – white, nitro­gen – blue and boron – light pink.

For another crystal of PhMeN-BsubPc (16-II), there are no significant ππ inter­actions between adjacent iso­indole units within the unit cell. The axial group appears to have a strong influence on the packing within the unit cell, with the most significant inter­actions being a convex-to-axial ligand C31—HaxπPh inter­action between an axial methyl H atom and the adjacent πPh group (2.816 Å). Upon extension of the unit cell, there are concave–concave head-to-head inter­actions, with a πPhπpyr distance of 3.790 Å, which is slightly longer than the analogous distance observed for 16-I. The inter­molecular inter­actions of 16-II are shown in Fig. 20[link](c).

3.1.4. Inter­molecular inter­actions summary

The ππ inter­actions observed in the crystal structures of the investigated BsubPcs are summarized in Table 2[link], and all inter­mole­cular inter­actions involving the axial group are sum­marized in Table 3[link]. Concave–concave head-to-head inter­actions were the most common ππ inter­actions in the analyzed BsubPcs, observed in 10 of the 17 crystal structures (Table 2[link]). Head-to-head inter­actions, whether concave–concave, convex–convex or concave–convex, tend to display closer packing than head-to-tail inter­actions. Only MeO- (3), naphth­oxy- (10), benzoate- (12) and F5PhS-BsubPc (14) didn't display any head-to-head packing. Concave–convex inter­actions were rare, appearing only in the crystal structures of OctO- (8) and F5PhS-BsubPc (14).

Table 2
Summary of π–π inter­actions (Å), not including any axial-group inter­actions

Axial group Concave–concave Convex–convex Concave–convex
  Head-to-head Head-to-tail Head-to-head Head-to-tail Tail-to-tail Head-to-head Head-to-tail
Cl (1) 4.150 3.615a
Br (2) 4.151 3.661a
MeO (3) 4.044
EtO (4-I) 3.574a
EtO (4-II) 3.577a
F3EtO (5) 3.640a 3.822
ButO (6) 3.612a 4.295
tButO (7) 3.564a
OctO (8) 3.628a, 3.673a 3.890
PhO (9) 3.674a
Naphth­oxy (10)
Acetate (11) 3.620a 3.897
Benzoate (12) 4.163
TMSO (13) 3.543a
F5PhS (14) 3.958
MePhS (15) 3.659a 4.040 3.577a
PhMeN (16-I) 3.705a
PhMeN (16-II) 3.790a
Notes: (a) πpyrπPh distance; (b) πPhπPh distance.

Table 3
Summary of inter­molecular inter­actions (Å) involving the axial group

Axial group Convex-to-axial ligand Concave-to-axial ligand Hydrogen/halogen bonding πax inter­actions
  B—AπPh C—HaxπPh πaxπtail πaxπPh C—HaxπPh B—A⋯HPh—C C—Hax⋯Nimine C—Fax⋯HPh—C C=Oax⋯HPh—C C—HPhπax B—Aπax C—Haxπax
Cl (1) 3.548 2.893b
Br (2) 3.475 2.977b
MeO (3) 2.605 2.637a
EtO (4-I) 3.593 2.682a
EtO (4-II) 3.590 2.690a
F3EtO (5) 2.446a 2.622a 2.529a
ButO (6) 3.319 2.556a 2.640a
tButO (7) 3.057
OctO (8) 2.971 2.641a
PhO (9)
Naphth­oxy (10) 3.813 2.627a
Acetate (11) 2.581a 2.635a 2.628a
Benzoate (12) 2.510a, 2.536a 2.726, 3.612
TMSO (13) 3.070 2.478a
F5PhS (14) 3.525 2.546a 3.560
MePhS (15) 3.786 3.895 2.876
PhMeN (16-I) 3.048
PhMeN (16-II) 2.816
Notes: (a) weak hy­dro­gen bond; (b) halogen bond.

Regarding inter­molecular inter­actions involving the axial group, convex-to-axial ligand inter­actions were quite common, appearing in nine of the investigated crystal structures. These inter­actions always involved a πPh group and either an axial H atom, which was common among the axial alk­oxy derivatives (38), or the axial heteroatom bonded to boron, in the cases of Cl- (1), Br- (2) and MePhS-BsubPc (15). F3EtO-BsubPc (5) was the only alk­oxy derivative that did not have any concave- or convex-to-axial ligand inter­actions. Its nonfluorinated analogue, EtO-BsubPc (4), displayed concave-to-axial ligand inter­actions between one of its axial methyl H atoms and an adjacent πPh group, but in the case of F3EtO-BsubPc (5), the axial methyl H atoms are all replaced by F atoms. The F atoms instead inter­acted with adjacent πPh H atoms through weak hy­dro­gen bonding. Furthermore, neither carboxyl­ate derivative (11 and 12) had any concave- or convex-to-axial ligand inter­actions. Both com­pounds have two O atoms in the axial group capable of weak hy­dro­gen bonding, which appeared to dictate the axial-group inter­actions.

Weak hy­dro­gen-bonding inter­actions were prevalent in com­pounds with boron–oxygen axial bonds (313). Of the alk­oxy derivatives (38), only tButO-BsubPc (7) did not display any hy­dro­gen bonding, likely due to steric effects. PhO-BsubPc (9) was the only other boron–oxygen-bonded com­pound that did not display any hy­dro­gen bonding. It looked like there may have been weak hy­dro­gen bonding between the axial O atom and an adjacent axial πPh H atom in the crystal structure of 9, but the inter­molecular O⋯H distance (2.766 Å) was slightly greater than the sum of the van der Waals radii of oxygen and hy­dro­gen (2.72 Å). For the carboxyl­ate derivatives, acetate-BsubPc (11) had weak hy­dro­gen bonding involving both the axial O atom bonded to boron and the carbonyl O atom, whereas hy­dro­gen bonding was only seen with the carbonyl O atom of benzoate-BsubPc (12). Hydrogen bonding involving the axial N atom of PhMeN-BsubPc (16) was not observed for either polymorph.

Among the six com­pounds containing an arene group within the axial moiety (9, 10, 12, 14, 15 and 16), three had ππ inter­actions involving the axial group. Most significantly, the only ππ inter­actions seen for naphth­oxy-BsubPc (10) were concave-to-axial ligand πaxπtail inter­actions. The two thio­phen­oxy derivatives were the only other com­pounds to display ππ inter­actions involving the πax group. Inter­estingly, PhO-BsubPc (9) was the only investigated com­pound that didn't have any inter­actions involving the axial group. Finally, the two polymorphs of PhMeN-BsubPc (16) have different inter­molecular inter­actions involving the axial group. Both have C—Haxπ inter­actions, but for 16-I this inter­action is between an axial phenyl H atom and an adjacent πax group, while for 16-II this inter­action is between an axial methyl H atom and an adjacent πPh group.

3.2. Axial bond length and BsubPc bowl depth

The influence of the axial group on the axial bond length was also of inter­est in this study. The axial bond length is the distance between boron and the heteroatom to which it is bonded. As expected, the axial bond length increased linearly as the atomic radius of the heteroatom bonded to boron increased (Fig. 21[link]). In cases where multiple com­pounds had the same heteroatom, the average bond length was used to generate Fig. 21[link]. The average axial bond length was 1.430 ± 0.020 Å for boron–oxygen bonds, 1.512 ± 0.002 Å for boron–nitro­gen bonds, 1.884 Å for the boron–chlorine bond, 1.931 ± 0.021 Å for boron–sulfur bonds and 2.052 Å for the boron–bromine bond.

[Figure 21]
Figure 21
Atomic radius of the heteroatom bonded to boron (oxygen – blue circle, nitro­gen – green square, chlorine – pink triangle, sulfur – red diamond and bromine – purple X) versus the axial bond length. The boron–oxygen bond length is the average axial bond length of com­pounds 313 and the boron–sulfur bond length is the average axial bond length of com­pounds 14 and 15.

Additional trends were observed when com­paring the axial bond lengths of com­pounds with the same heteroatom. Within the com­pounds with boron–oxygen bonds (Fig. 22[link]), the two carboxyl­ate derivatives [acetate- (11) and benzoate-BsubPc (12)] had the longest axial bond lengths at 1.473 Å for both com­pounds. The two phen­oxy derivatives [PhO- (9) and naphth­oxy-BsubPc (10)] had the next highest axial bond lengths at 1.441 Å for both com­pounds. For the axial alk­oxy derivatives (38), there was a general slight decrease in axial bond length as the length of the carbon chain increases. The exception was F3EtO-BsubPc (5), which had the longest axial bond length of the alk­oxy derivatives at 1.437 Å. The axial bond lengths of the three OctO-BsubPc (8) mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit showed some variation, resulting in an average bond length of 1.414 ± 0.006 Å. The bond length of TMSO-BsubPc (13) was most closely aligned with ButO-BsubPc (6), with both com­pounds having an axial bond length of 1.415 Å.

[Figure 22]
Figure 22
Axial bond lengths of the investigated BsubPcs with boron–oxygen axial bonds.

For the two com­pounds with axial boron–sulfur bonds, the axial bond length of F5PhS-BsubPc (14) was longer than that of MePhS-BsubPc (15) (Fig. 23[link]). This is similar to what was seen with the alk­oxy derivatives (38), with the fluorine-containing axial group (5) having the longest axial bond length. These results indicate that F atoms in the axial group cause a slight lengthening of the axial bond. F5PhS-BsubPc (14) has two mol­ecules in its asymmetric unit, with an average bond length of 1.957 ± 0.001 Å, and MePhS-BsubPc (15) has three mol­ecules in its asymmetric unit, with an average bond length of 1.915 ± 0.006 Å.

[Figure 23]
Figure 23
Axial bond lengths of the investigated BsubPcs with boron–sulfur axial bonds.

Bowl depth is a measure of the degree of nonplanarity of the BsubPc macrocycle. The greater the bowl depth, the less planar the mol­ecule. Three bowl depths were calculated for each BsubPc (Fig. 24[link]) by measuring the distance between the B atom and (i) the plane defined by the three pyrrole N atoms (plane a, green), (ii) the plane defined by the three imine N atoms (plane b, blue), and (iii) the plane defined by the six outermost C atoms (plane c, red). The greatest variation in bowl depth across the axially substituted BsubPcs was seen when considering the distance between boron and plane c (Fig. 24[link]). Very little variation was seen in bowl depth when considering the distance between boron and planes a and b (Fig. 24[link]). Therefore, this discussion will focus on the bowl depth that is measured between boron and plane c.

[Figure 24]
Figure 24
(a) Bowl depth variation with different axial substituents. Three bowl depths are reported as the shortest distance between boron and plane a (green), boron and plane b (blue), and boron and plane c (red). (b) 3D structure of Cl-BsubPc defining planes a, b and c, and (c) 2D general BsubPc structure highlighting the atoms that define planes a, b and c. For com­pounds with multiple mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit (8, 14, 15 and 16-I), the reported bowl depths are an average of all the mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit.

Unlike for the axial bond length, the nature of the heteroatom bonded to boron did not have a clear influence on the BsubPc bowl depth. The axially halogenated derivatives [Cl- (1) and Br-BsubPc (2)] had two of the smallest bowl depths of the investigated com­pounds, although the nature of the halogen atom had an almost negligible impact. Acetate-BsubPc (11) was the only com­pound with a smaller bowl depth than the halogens and had the smallest bowl depth of all investigated com­pounds. Inter­estingly, the other investigated carboxyl­ate derivative, benzoate-BsubPc (12), had the second largest bowl depth of all investigated BsubPcs, behind only naphth­oxy-BsubPc (10). It appears that adding arenes to otherwise identical axial substituents increases the bowl depth. For instance, naphth­oxy-BsubPc (10), which has two arene sites in the axial position, has a larger bowl depth than PhO-BsubPc (9), which has one arene site in the axial position. Furthermore, benzoate-BsubPc (12) has a larger bowl depth than acetate-BsubPc (11), with the only difference being an arene in place of a methyl group.

While F3EtO-BsubPc (5) stuck out from the other alk­oxy-BsubPc derivatives (38) with the longest bond length, it stuck out again here with the smallest bowl depth. Among the nonfluorinated alk­oxy derivatives, there does not appear to be a clear correlation between the bowl depth and the length of the axial carbon chain. Furthermore, there was a minimal difference in the bowl depths of ButO- (6) and tButO-BsubPc (7), indicating that branching does not impact the bowl depth. However, the bowl depth of TMSO-BsubPc (13) was smaller than that of its structural analogue, tButO-BsubPc (7), indicating that the presence of an Si atom in place of a C atom has a modest impact on the planarity of the BsubPc.

The thio­phen­oxy derivatives (14 and 15) both have multiple mol­ecules in their asymmetric units with varying bowl depths. For F5PhS-BsubPc (14), there are two independent mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit, with an average bowl depth of 2.620 ± 0.131 Å. For MePhS-BsubPc (15), the average bowl depth of the three mol­ecules is 2.553 ± 0.019 Å. Therefore, adding F atoms to the thio­phen­oxy axial group increases both the BsubPc bowl depth and the axial bond length, in contrast to what was seen when adding F atoms to the axial alk­oxy group, whereby the bond length increased and the bowl depth decreased.

Finally, the two PhMeN-BsubPc (16) polymorphs have very similar bowl depths when com­paring the average bowl depth of the two mol­ecules in 16-I (2.586 ± 0.45 Å) to the bowl depth of 16-II (2.595 Å).

The axial bond lengths and BsubPc bowl depths are tabulated in Table 4[link].

Table 4
Axial bond lengths (Å) and bowl depths (Å) of the investigated BsubPcs

Plane a is defined by the three pyrrole N atoms, plane b by the three imine N atoms and plane c by the six outermost C atoms.

Axial group Axial bond length Bowl depth to plane a Bowl depth to plane b Bowl depth to plane c
Cl (1) 1.884 0.580 1.116 2.456
Br (2) 2.052 0.568 1.101 2.457
MeO (3) 1.424 0.632 1.191 2.618
EtO (4-I) 1.421 0.641 1.193 2.598
EtO (4-II) 1.418 0.642 1.192 2.590
F3EtO (5) 1.437 0.631 1.188 2.468
ButO (6) 1.417 0.643 1.210 2.718
tButO (7) 1.415 0.660 1.225 2.711
OctO (8-A) 1.416 0.643 1.230 2.867
OctO (8-B) 1.421 0.646 1.209 2.652
OctO (8-C) 1.406 0.640 1.195 2.493
PhO (9) 1.441 0.624 1.181 2.607
Naphth­oxy (10) 1.441 0.620 1.202 2.881
Acetate (11) 1.473 0.603 1.158 2.389
Benzoate (12) 1.473 0.602 1.192 2.835
TMSO (13) 1.415 0.649 1.207 2.630
F5PhS (14-A) 1.955 0.587 1.183 2.751
F5PhS (14-B) 1.958 0.587 1.119 2.489
MePhS (15-A) 1.922 0.615 1.180 2.580
MePhS (15-A) 1.907 0.625 1.173 2.541
MePhS (15-A) 1.915 0.619 1.165 2.537
PhMeN (16–1, mol 1) 1.509 0.650 1.205 2.541
PhMeN (16–1, mol 2) 1.513 0.667 1.250 2.631
PhMeN (16–2) 1.513 0.659 1.217 2.595

4. Conclusions

Overall, the axial-group inter­actions play a significant role in the crystal packing of BsubPcs, influencing the crystal system/space group and inter­molecular inter­actions. Concave–concave head-to-head inter­actions were the most common ππ inter­actions in the crystal structures of the investigated BsubPcs, whereas axial-group inter­actions with adjacent isoindoline units tended to favour the convex side of the bowl. Weak hy­dro­gen-bonding inter­actions are prevalent when the axial group contains O and/or F atoms, but the axial N atom in PhMeN-BsubPc did not participate in hy­dro­gen bonding. This may be a result of steric hindrance, as other investigated com­pounds with bulky axial groups, such as tButO-BsubPc and OctO-BsubPc, also disrupted some of the inter­molecular inter­actions. The bulkiness of tButO-BsubPc disrupted hy­dro­gen bonding with the axial O atom, while OctO-BsubPc disrupted the inter­molecular ππ inter­actions. The presence of arenes in the axial moiety can also have a significant impact, as ππ inter­actions involving the axial group are now possible. In particular, naphth­oxy-, F5PhS- and MePhS-BsubPc all have concave-to-axial ππ inter­actions. Furthermore, the axial bond length increases linearly with the atomic radius of the heteroatom bonded to boron, and the presence of F atoms in the axial group tended to lengthen the axial bond. However, there is no clear trend in BsubPc bowl depth related to the axial group, with only a modest impact being observed. There were also no clear trends observed based on some of the crystal growth methods. The crystal structures of EtO-BsubPc from train sublimation (4-I) and slow evaporation of acetone (4-II) were identical, as were the crystal structures of acetate- (11) and benzoate-BsubPc (12) grown from train sublimation in this study com­pared to a previous report of the crystal structures from solvent-based crystal growth methods. Train sublimation is often the preferred crystal growth method, as it most closely mimics the vacuum deposition conditions used for the thin film fabrication in organic electronic applicants. However, in this case, the solvent-based crystal growth methods appeared to produce the same results as train sublimation. The only observed solvent effects were when hygroscopic solvents methanol and THF were used to grow crystals of OctO- (8) and PhMeN-BsubPc (16-I), respectively, with water mol­ecules incorporated into the crystal structures and hy­dro­gen bonding with imine N atoms. Overall, the results of this study are useful for the nanoengineering of thin films of BsubPcs for their application in organic electronics.

Supporting information

Computing details top

Chlorido(subphthalocyaninato)boron (d2344a_a) top
Crystal data top
C24H12BClN6Dx = 1.558 Mg m3
Mr = 430.66Cu Kα radiation, λ = 1.54178 Å
Orthorhombic, PnmaCell parameters from 5394 reflections
a = 12.0315 (10) Åθ = 5.7–65.5°
b = 14.8174 (13) ŵ = 2.07 mm1
c = 10.3002 (8) ÅT = 150 K
V = 1836.3 (3) Å3Shard, pink
Z = 40.15 × 0.06 × 0.02 mm
F(000) = 880
Data collection top
1416 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: Incoatec ImuS with multi-layer opticsRint = 0.061
φ and ω scansθmax = 66.2°, θmin = 5.2°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Krause et al., 2015)
h = 1414
Tmin = 0.646, Tmax = 0.753k = 1716
19930 measured reflectionsl = 1211
1647 independent reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Least-squares matrix: fullHydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.035H-atom parameters constrained
wR(F2) = 0.097 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0494P)2 + 1.2852P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
S = 1.06(Δ/σ)max = 0.001
1647 reflectionsΔρmax = 0.24 e Å3
151 parametersΔρmin = 0.34 e Å3
0 restraints
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Cl10.18664 (5)0.2500001.23875 (6)0.0214 (2)
N10.00611 (17)0.2500000.9063 (2)0.0187 (5)
N20.16179 (12)0.32926 (10)0.99200 (14)0.0175 (4)
N30.33419 (12)0.40660 (11)0.97328 (15)0.0203 (4)
N40.32869 (17)0.2500001.0229 (2)0.0189 (5)
C10.06079 (14)0.32723 (13)0.93070 (17)0.0182 (4)
C20.04565 (15)0.41770 (12)0.87898 (18)0.0184 (4)
C30.04130 (16)0.45728 (13)0.80994 (18)0.0209 (4)
C40.02881 (17)0.54552 (14)0.76936 (18)0.0237 (4)
C50.06875 (16)0.59383 (14)0.79419 (19)0.0233 (4)
C60.15769 (16)0.55449 (13)0.85768 (18)0.0216 (4)
C70.14594 (15)0.46613 (13)0.90106 (17)0.0186 (4)
C80.22237 (15)0.40490 (13)0.96506 (17)0.0189 (4)
C90.38573 (15)0.32726 (13)0.99400 (17)0.0195 (4)
C100.49870 (15)0.29805 (13)0.96453 (16)0.0199 (4)
C110.59444 (16)0.34628 (14)0.93356 (18)0.0243 (4)
C120.68919 (16)0.29719 (15)0.9045 (2)0.0286 (5)
B10.2098 (3)0.2500001.0579 (3)0.0193 (6)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Cl10.0256 (4)0.0190 (3)0.0195 (3)0.0000.0007 (2)0.000
N10.0177 (11)0.0165 (11)0.0218 (11)0.0000.0024 (9)0.000
N20.0171 (7)0.0156 (8)0.0196 (8)0.0000 (6)0.0003 (6)0.0002 (6)
N30.0194 (8)0.0205 (8)0.0211 (8)0.0013 (6)0.0006 (6)0.0005 (7)
N40.0181 (11)0.0180 (12)0.0205 (11)0.0000.0003 (9)0.000
C10.0166 (9)0.0201 (9)0.0180 (9)0.0003 (8)0.0030 (7)0.0012 (8)
C20.0200 (9)0.0178 (10)0.0175 (9)0.0013 (8)0.0029 (7)0.0004 (7)
C30.0187 (9)0.0228 (10)0.0212 (10)0.0007 (8)0.0009 (8)0.0010 (8)
C40.0235 (10)0.0258 (11)0.0218 (10)0.0065 (8)0.0009 (8)0.0016 (8)
C50.0273 (10)0.0196 (10)0.0230 (10)0.0027 (8)0.0039 (8)0.0027 (8)
C60.0229 (9)0.0199 (10)0.0220 (10)0.0007 (8)0.0035 (8)0.0010 (8)
C70.0207 (9)0.0188 (9)0.0164 (9)0.0010 (8)0.0022 (7)0.0001 (7)
C80.0200 (9)0.0188 (9)0.0180 (9)0.0018 (7)0.0003 (7)0.0010 (8)
C90.0199 (9)0.0200 (10)0.0187 (9)0.0021 (8)0.0022 (7)0.0008 (8)
C100.0173 (9)0.0249 (10)0.0176 (9)0.0002 (8)0.0037 (7)0.0008 (8)
C110.0215 (9)0.0278 (11)0.0234 (10)0.0035 (8)0.0030 (8)0.0021 (9)
C120.0178 (9)0.0383 (12)0.0296 (11)0.0039 (9)0.0003 (8)0.0015 (10)
B10.0199 (15)0.0176 (15)0.0205 (15)0.0000.0009 (12)0.000
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
Cl1—B11.884 (3)C3—H3A0.9500
N1—C11.344 (2)C4—C51.398 (3)
N1—C1i1.344 (2)C4—H4A0.9500
N2—C81.365 (2)C5—C61.383 (3)
N2—C11.370 (2)C5—H5A0.9500
N2—B11.474 (2)C6—C71.391 (3)
N3—C91.346 (2)C6—H6A0.9500
N3—C81.348 (2)C7—C81.450 (3)
N4—C91.367 (2)C9—C101.458 (3)
N4—C9i1.367 (2)C10—C111.393 (3)
N4—B11.475 (4)C10—C10i1.424 (4)
C1—C21.454 (3)C11—C121.385 (3)
C2—C31.394 (3)C11—H110.9500
C2—C71.422 (3)C12—C12i1.399 (4)
C3—C41.381 (3)C12—H120.9500
C1—N1—C1i116.8 (2)C7—C6—H6A121.0
C8—N2—C1113.45 (15)C6—C7—C2120.65 (17)
C8—N2—B1122.57 (17)C6—C7—C8132.11 (18)
C1—N2—B1122.83 (17)C2—C7—C8107.16 (16)
C9—N3—C8116.95 (16)N3—C8—N2122.36 (17)
C9—N4—C9i113.7 (2)N3—C8—C7130.51 (17)
C9—N4—B1122.66 (11)N2—C8—C7105.51 (15)
C9i—N4—B1122.67 (11)N3—C9—N4122.31 (16)
N1—C1—N2122.64 (17)N3—C9—C10130.96 (17)
N1—C1—C2130.93 (17)N4—C9—C10105.34 (16)
N2—C1—C2105.06 (15)C11—C10—C10i120.87 (12)
C3—C2—C7120.40 (17)C11—C10—C9131.78 (18)
C3—C2—C1131.96 (17)C10i—C10—C9107.26 (11)
C7—C2—C1107.47 (15)C12—C11—C10117.44 (19)
C4—C3—C2118.09 (18)C12—C11—H11121.3
C2—C3—H3A121.0C11—C12—C12i121.68 (12)
C3—C4—C5121.38 (18)C11—C12—H12119.2
C5—C4—H4A119.3N2—B1—N2i105.6 (2)
C6—C5—C4121.35 (19)N2—B1—N4105.51 (16)
C6—C5—H5A119.3N2i—B1—N4105.52 (16)
C4—C5—H5A119.3N2—B1—Cl1113.41 (14)
C5—C6—C7118.04 (18)N2i—B1—Cl1113.41 (14)
C5—C6—H6A121.0N4—B1—Cl1112.64 (19)
C1i—N1—C1—N27.7 (3)C2—C7—C8—N3158.19 (19)
C1i—N1—C1—C2156.82 (14)C6—C7—C8—N2175.97 (19)
C8—N2—C1—N1156.35 (18)C2—C7—C8—N27.20 (19)
B1—N2—C1—N111.7 (3)C8—N3—C9—N48.6 (3)
C8—N2—C1—C211.6 (2)C8—N3—C9—C10155.84 (18)
B1—N2—C1—C2179.66 (18)C9i—N4—C9—N3157.11 (13)
N1—C1—C2—C314.9 (3)B1—N4—C9—N311.8 (3)
N2—C1—C2—C3178.50 (19)C9i—N4—C9—C1010.7 (3)
N1—C1—C2—C7160.3 (2)B1—N4—C9—C10179.7 (2)
N2—C1—C2—C76.32 (19)N3—C9—C10—C1116.4 (3)
C7—C2—C3—C42.9 (3)N4—C9—C10—C11177.2 (2)
C1—C2—C3—C4177.54 (19)N3—C9—C10—C10i160.25 (17)
C2—C3—C4—C51.2 (3)N4—C9—C10—C10i6.13 (16)
C3—C4—C5—C61.6 (3)C10i—C10—C11—C120.7 (2)
C4—C5—C6—C72.5 (3)C9—C10—C11—C12177.04 (18)
C5—C6—C7—C20.8 (3)C10—C11—C12—C12i0.7 (2)
C5—C6—C7—C8177.25 (19)C8—N2—B1—N2i140.31 (15)
C3—C2—C7—C61.9 (3)C1—N2—B1—N2i26.6 (3)
C1—C2—C7—C6177.79 (16)C8—N2—B1—N428.8 (3)
C3—C2—C7—C8175.32 (17)C1—N2—B1—N4138.10 (17)
C1—C2—C7—C80.52 (19)C8—N2—B1—Cl194.9 (2)
C9—N3—C8—N27.9 (3)C1—N2—B1—Cl198.15 (19)
C9—N3—C8—C7155.37 (19)C9—N4—B1—N228.2 (3)
C1—N2—C8—N3154.88 (17)C9i—N4—B1—N2139.74 (19)
B1—N2—C8—N313.2 (3)C9—N4—B1—N2i139.74 (19)
C1—N2—C8—C712.0 (2)C9i—N4—B1—N2i28.2 (3)
B1—N2—C8—C7179.94 (18)C9—N4—B1—Cl196.0 (2)
C6—C7—C8—N318.6 (3)C9i—N4—B1—Cl196.0 (2)
Symmetry code: (i) x, y+1/2, z.
Bromido(subphthalocyaninato)boron (d23119a_a) top
Crystal data top
C24H12BBrN6Dx = 1.681 Mg m3
Mr = 475.12Mo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
Orthorhombic, PnmaCell parameters from 9878 reflections
a = 12.0010 (6) Åθ = 2.4–27.5°
b = 15.0617 (8) ŵ = 2.22 mm1
c = 10.3879 (5) ÅT = 150 K
V = 1877.67 (16) Å3Shard, purple
Z = 40.27 × 0.16 × 0.14 mm
F(000) = 952
Data collection top
1955 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: sealed tube with Bruker Triumph monochromatorRint = 0.027
φ and ω scansθmax = 27.5°, θmin = 2.4°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Krause et al., 2015)
h = 1513
Tmin = 0.688, Tmax = 0.746k = 1819
23127 measured reflectionsl = 1313
2243 independent reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Least-squares matrix: fullHydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.021H-atom parameters constrained
wR(F2) = 0.057 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0231P)2 + 1.4706P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
S = 1.09(Δ/σ)max = 0.001
2243 reflectionsΔρmax = 0.38 e Å3
151 parametersΔρmin = 0.26 e Å3
0 restraints
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Br10.81550 (2)0.7500000.24958 (2)0.01614 (7)
N10.66674 (10)0.59579 (8)0.52765 (12)0.0161 (3)
N20.83966 (10)0.67206 (8)0.50914 (12)0.0138 (2)
N30.99565 (14)0.7500000.59384 (17)0.0146 (3)
N40.67202 (14)0.7500000.47898 (17)0.0144 (4)
C10.31111 (13)0.70352 (12)0.59788 (17)0.0258 (4)
C20.40596 (13)0.65542 (11)0.56881 (15)0.0216 (3)
C30.50217 (12)0.70269 (10)0.53733 (14)0.0172 (3)
C40.61501 (12)0.67384 (10)0.50787 (14)0.0157 (3)
C50.77859 (12)0.59742 (10)0.53537 (14)0.0147 (3)
C60.85558 (12)0.53724 (10)0.59867 (14)0.0152 (3)
C70.84333 (13)0.45010 (10)0.64201 (14)0.0175 (3)
C80.93209 (13)0.41167 (10)0.70617 (16)0.0197 (3)
C91.02985 (13)0.45920 (11)0.73121 (14)0.0196 (3)
C101.04267 (12)0.54609 (10)0.69005 (14)0.0171 (3)
C110.95604 (12)0.58479 (10)0.62094 (14)0.0146 (3)
C120.94074 (11)0.67398 (10)0.56982 (14)0.0141 (3)
B10.79108 (19)0.7500000.4451 (2)0.0139 (4)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Br10.02272 (12)0.01261 (11)0.01311 (11)0.0000.00090 (8)0.000
N10.0169 (6)0.0158 (6)0.0158 (6)0.0018 (5)0.0013 (5)0.0010 (5)
N20.0145 (6)0.0120 (6)0.0148 (6)0.0004 (5)0.0008 (5)0.0001 (5)
N30.0149 (8)0.0132 (8)0.0158 (8)0.0000.0018 (7)0.000
N40.0149 (8)0.0134 (8)0.0148 (8)0.0000.0004 (7)0.000
C10.0164 (7)0.0365 (10)0.0245 (8)0.0051 (7)0.0008 (6)0.0034 (7)
C20.0174 (7)0.0268 (8)0.0207 (8)0.0036 (6)0.0022 (6)0.0046 (7)
C30.0153 (7)0.0220 (8)0.0143 (7)0.0003 (6)0.0024 (6)0.0000 (6)
C40.0156 (7)0.0172 (7)0.0142 (7)0.0023 (6)0.0014 (5)0.0004 (6)
C50.0175 (7)0.0131 (7)0.0136 (7)0.0012 (5)0.0002 (5)0.0000 (5)
C60.0171 (7)0.0147 (7)0.0137 (6)0.0008 (6)0.0012 (6)0.0003 (5)
C70.0190 (7)0.0150 (7)0.0184 (7)0.0013 (6)0.0029 (6)0.0010 (6)
C80.0250 (8)0.0144 (7)0.0196 (7)0.0018 (6)0.0034 (6)0.0038 (6)
C90.0214 (7)0.0192 (7)0.0181 (7)0.0056 (6)0.0002 (6)0.0029 (6)
C100.0167 (7)0.0170 (7)0.0175 (7)0.0014 (6)0.0002 (6)0.0009 (6)
C110.0171 (6)0.0130 (7)0.0136 (7)0.0015 (5)0.0029 (5)0.0008 (5)
C120.0135 (6)0.0152 (7)0.0135 (7)0.0013 (5)0.0017 (5)0.0001 (6)
B10.0157 (10)0.0128 (10)0.0134 (11)0.0000.0001 (9)0.000
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
Br1—B12.052 (2)C2—H20.9500
N1—C51.3449 (18)C3—C3i1.425 (3)
N1—C41.3452 (19)C3—C41.455 (2)
N2—C121.3674 (18)C5—C61.452 (2)
N2—C51.3693 (18)C6—C71.395 (2)
N2—B11.4698 (18)C6—C111.421 (2)
N3—C12i1.3444 (17)C7—C81.384 (2)
N3—C121.3444 (17)C7—H7A0.9500
N4—C4i1.3689 (17)C8—C91.399 (2)
N4—C41.3689 (17)C8—H8A0.9500
N4—B11.471 (3)C9—C101.385 (2)
C1—C21.383 (2)C9—H9A0.9500
C1—C1i1.400 (4)C10—C111.391 (2)
C2—C31.395 (2)C11—C121.456 (2)
C5—N1—C4116.99 (13)C11—C6—C5107.39 (12)
C12—N2—C5113.61 (12)C8—C7—C6117.89 (14)
C12—N2—B1122.92 (13)C8—C7—H7A121.1
C5—N2—B1122.24 (13)C6—C7—H7A121.1
C12i—N3—C12116.79 (17)C7—C8—C9121.42 (14)
C4i—N4—C4113.85 (17)C7—C8—H8A119.3
C4i—N4—B1122.53 (9)C9—C8—H8A119.3
C4—N4—B1122.53 (9)C10—C9—C8121.28 (14)
C2—C1—C1i121.60 (10)C10—C9—H9A119.4
C1i—C1—H1119.2C9—C10—C11118.17 (14)
C1—C2—C3117.72 (16)C9—C10—H10A120.9
C3—C2—H2121.1C10—C11—C6120.44 (13)
C2—C3—C3i120.68 (10)C10—C11—C12131.98 (14)
C2—C3—C4131.85 (15)C6—C11—C12107.38 (12)
C3i—C3—C4107.38 (9)N3—C12—N2122.58 (13)
N1—C4—N4122.35 (13)N3—C12—C11131.01 (14)
N1—C4—C3131.18 (14)N2—C12—C11105.09 (12)
N4—C4—C3105.13 (13)N2i—B1—N2106.01 (17)
N1—C5—N2122.50 (13)N2i—B1—N4106.08 (12)
N1—C5—C6130.60 (13)N2—B1—N4106.08 (12)
N2—C5—C6105.19 (12)N2i—B1—Br1113.03 (11)
C7—C6—C11120.73 (14)N2—B1—Br1113.03 (11)
C7—C6—C5131.79 (14)N4—B1—Br1112.04 (15)
C1i—C1—C2—C30.93 (18)C9—C10—C11—C62.7 (2)
C1—C2—C3—C3i0.92 (18)C9—C10—C11—C12176.81 (15)
C1—C2—C3—C4176.97 (16)C7—C6—C11—C102.1 (2)
C5—N1—C4—N48.8 (2)C5—C6—C11—C10174.79 (13)
C5—N1—C4—C3155.92 (15)C7—C6—C11—C12177.45 (13)
C4i—N4—C4—N1157.35 (11)C5—C6—C11—C120.60 (16)
B1—N4—C4—N110.9 (3)C12i—N3—C12—N28.0 (3)
C4i—N4—C4—C310.8 (2)C12i—N3—C12—C11156.87 (11)
B1—N4—C4—C3179.12 (17)C5—N2—C12—N3156.66 (15)
C2—C3—C4—N115.9 (3)B1—N2—C12—N310.9 (2)
C3i—C3—C4—N1160.54 (14)C5—N2—C12—C1111.56 (16)
C2—C3—C4—N4177.39 (17)B1—N2—C12—C11179.14 (15)
C3i—C3—C4—N46.17 (13)C10—C11—C12—N314.1 (3)
C4—N1—C5—N27.8 (2)C6—C11—C12—N3160.59 (16)
C4—N1—C5—C6155.00 (15)C10—C11—C12—N2179.12 (15)
C12—N2—C5—N1154.60 (14)C6—C11—C12—N26.23 (15)
B1—N2—C5—N113.1 (2)C12—N2—B1—N2i25.6 (2)
C12—N2—C5—C611.95 (16)C5—N2—B1—N2i140.89 (12)
B1—N2—C5—C6179.63 (14)C12—N2—B1—N4138.14 (14)
N1—C5—C6—C718.5 (3)C5—N2—B1—N428.4 (2)
N2—C5—C6—C7176.44 (15)C12—N2—B1—Br198.71 (15)
N1—C5—C6—C11157.83 (15)C5—N2—B1—Br194.76 (16)
N2—C5—C6—C117.19 (15)C4i—N4—B1—N2i27.4 (2)
C11—C6—C7—C80.4 (2)C4—N4—B1—N2i139.86 (15)
C5—C6—C7—C8176.41 (15)C4i—N4—B1—N2139.86 (15)
C6—C7—C8—C92.2 (2)C4—N4—B1—N227.4 (2)
C7—C8—C9—C101.5 (2)C4i—N4—B1—Br196.36 (16)
C8—C9—C10—C111.0 (2)C4—N4—B1—Br196.36 (16)
Symmetry code: (i) x, y+3/2, z.
(Methanolato)(subphthalocyaninato)boron (d2368_a) top
Crystal data top
C25H15BN6ODx = 1.449 Mg m3
Mr = 426.24Cu Kα radiation, λ = 1.54178 Å
Orthorhombic, PnmaCell parameters from 8333 reflections
a = 12.3162 (11) Åθ = 5.1–65.5°
b = 15.2325 (19) ŵ = 0.75 mm1
c = 10.4151 (10) ÅT = 150 K
V = 1953.9 (4) Å3Shard, pink
Z = 40.10 × 0.04 × 0.02 mm
F(000) = 880
Data collection top
1570 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: Icoatec ImuS with multi-layer opticsRint = 0.057
φ and ω scansθmax = 66.0°, θmin = 5.1°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Krause et al., 2015)
h = 1414
Tmin = 0.659, Tmax = 0.753k = 1717
27808 measured reflectionsl = 1211
1762 independent reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Hydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
Least-squares matrix: fullH-atom parameters constrained
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.032 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0301P)2 + 0.6842P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
wR(F2) = 0.078(Δ/σ)max < 0.001
S = 1.08Δρmax = 0.22 e Å3
1762 reflectionsΔρmin = 0.19 e Å3
159 parametersExtinction correction: SHELXL2019 (Sheldrick, 2015b), Fc*=kFc[1+0.001xFc2λ3/sin(2θ)]-1/4
0 restraintsExtinction coefficient: 0.0026 (3)
Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
xyzUiso*/UeqOcc. (<1)
O10.74991 (10)0.7500000.29681 (12)0.0284 (3)
N10.96403 (12)0.7500000.56717 (14)0.0249 (3)
N20.80691 (8)0.67267 (7)0.49738 (10)0.0235 (3)
N30.64054 (8)0.59780 (7)0.53777 (10)0.0266 (3)
N40.64148 (12)0.7500000.48741 (14)0.0248 (3)
C10.90890 (10)0.67473 (8)0.54862 (12)0.0235 (3)
C20.92753 (10)0.58766 (8)0.60186 (12)0.0240 (3)
C31.01583 (10)0.55147 (8)0.66539 (13)0.0281 (3)
C41.00543 (11)0.46789 (9)0.71533 (13)0.0316 (3)
C50.90876 (11)0.42036 (9)0.70283 (13)0.0306 (3)
C60.81926 (10)0.45637 (8)0.64260 (13)0.0276 (3)
C70.82830 (10)0.54053 (8)0.59167 (12)0.0245 (3)
C80.74954 (10)0.59952 (8)0.53308 (12)0.0246 (3)
C90.58841 (10)0.67493 (8)0.52199 (12)0.0251 (3)
C100.48053 (10)0.70324 (9)0.56126 (12)0.0274 (3)
C110.38841 (10)0.65651 (10)0.59870 (13)0.0332 (3)
C120.29788 (11)0.70410 (11)0.63409 (15)0.0406 (4)
C130.84839 (16)0.7500000.23075 (18)0.0316 (4)
B10.75398 (16)0.7500000.43343 (19)0.0240 (4)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
O10.0324 (7)0.0282 (7)0.0246 (7)0.0000.0006 (5)0.000
N10.0245 (7)0.0217 (8)0.0284 (8)0.0000.0037 (6)0.000
N20.0247 (6)0.0216 (6)0.0242 (6)0.0011 (4)0.0021 (4)0.0001 (4)
N30.0263 (6)0.0280 (6)0.0255 (6)0.0025 (4)0.0020 (4)0.0002 (5)
N40.0248 (8)0.0265 (8)0.0231 (8)0.0000.0009 (6)0.000
C10.0226 (6)0.0236 (7)0.0241 (6)0.0004 (5)0.0042 (5)0.0011 (5)
C20.0261 (6)0.0207 (6)0.0252 (6)0.0010 (5)0.0037 (5)0.0015 (5)
C30.0261 (6)0.0241 (7)0.0342 (7)0.0008 (5)0.0005 (5)0.0026 (5)
C40.0317 (7)0.0273 (7)0.0359 (8)0.0046 (6)0.0029 (6)0.0018 (6)
C50.0362 (7)0.0224 (7)0.0332 (7)0.0016 (6)0.0031 (6)0.0040 (5)
C60.0292 (7)0.0243 (7)0.0293 (7)0.0028 (5)0.0041 (5)0.0003 (5)
C70.0273 (6)0.0227 (7)0.0235 (6)0.0002 (5)0.0030 (5)0.0015 (5)
C80.0277 (6)0.0232 (6)0.0228 (6)0.0036 (5)0.0012 (5)0.0014 (5)
C90.0255 (6)0.0272 (7)0.0227 (6)0.0031 (5)0.0022 (5)0.0010 (5)
C100.0245 (6)0.0355 (7)0.0221 (6)0.0013 (5)0.0052 (5)0.0010 (5)
C110.0261 (7)0.0413 (8)0.0323 (7)0.0044 (6)0.0049 (6)0.0046 (6)
C120.0236 (7)0.0557 (9)0.0426 (8)0.0047 (6)0.0002 (6)0.0040 (7)
C130.0465 (12)0.0223 (9)0.0261 (10)0.0000.0043 (9)0.000
B10.0265 (10)0.0228 (10)0.0228 (10)0.0000.0012 (8)0.000
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
O1—C131.394 (2)C5—C61.3819 (19)
O1—B11.424 (2)C5—H5A0.9500
N1—C1i1.3465 (14)C6—C71.3920 (18)
N1—C11.3466 (14)C6—H6A0.9500
N2—C11.3651 (16)C7—C81.4563 (18)
N2—C81.3708 (16)C9—C101.4555 (18)
N2—B11.5020 (16)C10—C111.3950 (18)
N3—C81.3435 (16)C10—C10i1.425 (3)
N3—C91.3489 (17)C11—C121.380 (2)
N4—C91.3655 (15)C11—H110.9500
N4—C9i1.3656 (15)C12—C12i1.398 (3)
N4—B11.495 (2)C12—H120.9500
C1—C21.4556 (17)C13—H13A0.9800
C2—C31.3872 (18)C13—H13B0.9800
C2—C71.4213 (17)C13—H13C0.9800
C3—C41.3813 (19)C13—H13Ai0.980 (9)
C3—H3A0.9500C13—H13Bi0.980 (15)
C4—C51.3995 (19)C13—H13Ci0.980 (5)
C13—O1—B1117.55 (15)C11—C10—C10i120.68 (8)
C1i—N1—C1116.76 (15)C11—C10—C9132.06 (13)
C1—N2—C8112.76 (10)C10i—C10—C9107.23 (7)
C1—N2—B1123.69 (11)C12—C11—C10117.63 (14)
C8—N2—B1122.28 (11)C12—C11—H11121.2
C8—N3—C9117.01 (11)C10—C11—H11121.2
C9—N4—C9i113.74 (15)C11—C12—C12i121.69 (9)
C9—N4—B1122.87 (7)C11—C12—H12119.2
C9i—N4—B1122.87 (7)C12i—C12—H12119.2
N1—C1—N2122.66 (11)O1—C13—H13A109.5
N1—C1—C2129.92 (12)O1—C13—H13B109.5
N2—C1—C2105.85 (10)H13A—C13—H13B109.5
C3—C2—C7120.59 (11)O1—C13—H13C109.5
C3—C2—C1131.86 (12)H13A—C13—H13C109.5
C7—C2—C1107.23 (11)H13B—C13—H13C109.5
C4—C3—C2118.24 (12)O1—C13—H13Ai109.5 (2)
C3—C4—C5121.38 (12)H13C—C13—H13Ai75.8
C3—C4—H4A119.3O1—C13—H13Bi109.5 (3)
C6—C5—C4121.03 (12)H13B—C13—H13Bi75.8
C5—C6—C7118.34 (12)O1—C13—H13Ci109.47 (12)
C6—C7—C2120.37 (12)H13C—C13—H13Ci135.8
C6—C7—C8132.43 (12)H13Ai—C13—H13Ci109.5
C2—C7—C8107.00 (11)H13Bi—C13—H13Ci109.5
N3—C8—N2122.73 (11)O1—B1—N4110.07 (15)
N3—C8—C7129.67 (11)O1—B1—N2117.29 (10)
N2—C8—C7105.77 (10)N4—B1—N2103.62 (11)
N3—C9—N4122.25 (11)O1—B1—N2i117.28 (10)
N3—C9—C10131.17 (12)N4—B1—N2i103.62 (11)
N4—C9—C10105.25 (11)N2—B1—N2i103.30 (14)
C1i—N1—C1—N28.5 (2)C2—C7—C8—N27.22 (13)
C1i—N1—C1—C2155.07 (10)C8—N3—C9—N47.75 (18)
C8—N2—C1—N1155.14 (13)C8—N3—C9—C10157.04 (13)
B1—N2—C1—N112.2 (2)C9i—N4—C9—N3156.56 (9)
C8—N2—C1—C211.82 (13)B1—N4—C9—N315.4 (2)
B1—N2—C1—C2179.17 (12)C9i—N4—C9—C1011.64 (19)
N1—C1—C2—C314.3 (2)B1—N4—C9—C10176.44 (14)
N2—C1—C2—C3179.94 (13)N3—C9—C10—C1117.8 (2)
N1—C1—C2—C7159.10 (13)N4—C9—C10—C11175.53 (14)
N2—C1—C2—C76.56 (13)N3—C9—C10—C10i160.09 (12)
C7—C2—C3—C41.61 (18)N4—C9—C10—C10i6.63 (11)
C1—C2—C3—C4174.26 (13)C10i—C10—C11—C120.65 (15)
C2—C3—C4—C50.04 (19)C9—C10—C11—C12178.25 (13)
C3—C4—C5—C61.6 (2)C10—C11—C12—C12i0.66 (15)
C4—C5—C6—C71.55 (19)C13—O1—B1—N4180.000 (1)
C5—C6—C7—C20.02 (18)C13—O1—B1—N261.93 (13)
C5—C6—C7—C8174.12 (13)C13—O1—B1—N2i61.93 (13)
C3—C2—C7—C61.63 (18)C9—N4—B1—O194.40 (13)
C1—C2—C7—C6175.90 (11)C9i—N4—B1—O194.40 (13)
C3—C2—C7—C8173.85 (11)C9—N4—B1—N231.80 (19)
C1—C2—C7—C80.42 (13)C9i—N4—B1—N2139.39 (12)
C9—N3—C8—N28.48 (17)C9—N4—B1—N2i139.39 (12)
C9—N3—C8—C7153.85 (13)C9i—N4—B1—N2i31.80 (19)
C1—N2—C8—N3153.87 (11)C1—N2—B1—O1103.19 (15)
B1—N2—C8—N313.69 (18)C8—N2—B1—O190.62 (17)
C1—N2—C8—C712.08 (13)C1—N2—B1—N4135.32 (12)
B1—N2—C8—C7179.64 (12)C8—N2—B1—N430.86 (16)
C6—C7—C8—N317.3 (2)C1—N2—B1—N2i27.49 (19)
C2—C7—C8—N3157.40 (13)C8—N2—B1—N2i138.69 (10)
C6—C7—C8—N2178.07 (13)
Symmetry code: (i) x, y+3/2, z.
(Ethanolato)(subphthalocyaninato)boron (d22127_a) top
Crystal data top
C26H17BN6OF(000) = 912
Mr = 440.26Dx = 1.417 Mg m3
Monoclinic, P21/nMo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
a = 9.0313 (14) ÅCell parameters from 6076 reflections
b = 14.220 (2) Åθ = 2.5–26.0°
c = 16.474 (2) ŵ = 0.09 mm1
β = 102.667 (4)°T = 150 K
V = 2064.3 (5) Å3Plate, purple
Z = 40.21 × 0.12 × 0.03 mm
Data collection top
3311 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: sealed tube with Bruker Triumph MonochromatorRint = 0.101
φ and ω scansθmax = 27.5°, θmin = 1.9°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Krause et al., 2015)
h = 1111
Tmin = 0.684, Tmax = 0.746k = 1818
49575 measured reflectionsl = 2120
4744 independent reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Least-squares matrix: fullHydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.047H-atom parameters constrained
wR(F2) = 0.098 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0401P)2 + 0.5512P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
S = 1.04(Δ/σ)max < 0.001
4744 reflectionsΔρmax = 0.21 e Å3
308 parametersΔρmin = 0.23 e Å3
0 restraints
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
O10.43092 (12)0.67237 (8)0.21540 (6)0.0226 (3)
N10.45908 (14)0.58982 (9)0.34451 (8)0.0197 (3)
N20.56828 (14)0.70834 (9)0.43968 (8)0.0209 (3)
N30.34169 (14)0.73791 (9)0.33712 (8)0.0185 (3)
N40.07319 (14)0.74430 (9)0.29173 (8)0.0200 (3)
N50.20976 (14)0.60783 (9)0.26680 (8)0.0186 (3)
N60.30979 (14)0.45416 (9)0.30217 (8)0.0211 (3)
C10.43968 (17)0.49460 (11)0.34219 (10)0.0196 (3)
C20.56971 (17)0.45745 (11)0.40263 (10)0.0212 (3)
C30.62097 (18)0.36620 (12)0.42212 (10)0.0238 (4)
C40.75308 (18)0.35475 (12)0.48276 (10)0.0262 (4)
C50.82990 (19)0.43142 (12)0.52514 (10)0.0266 (4)
C60.77830 (18)0.52271 (12)0.50793 (10)0.0247 (4)
C70.64924 (17)0.53599 (11)0.44495 (10)0.0208 (3)
C80.56794 (17)0.62028 (11)0.41016 (10)0.0202 (3)
C90.44772 (17)0.76266 (11)0.40651 (10)0.0197 (3)
C100.38257 (17)0.84138 (11)0.44307 (10)0.0192 (3)
C110.43401 (18)0.89251 (11)0.51574 (10)0.0220 (4)
C120.33899 (18)0.95956 (12)0.53769 (10)0.0241 (4)
C130.19304 (18)0.97406 (11)0.48953 (10)0.0240 (4)
C140.13725 (18)0.92083 (11)0.41948 (10)0.0224 (4)
C150.23215 (17)0.85429 (11)0.39580 (9)0.0191 (3)
C160.20517 (17)0.78150 (11)0.33235 (9)0.0192 (3)
C170.07709 (17)0.65512 (11)0.26457 (9)0.0194 (3)
C180.04156 (18)0.58441 (11)0.25035 (9)0.0197 (3)
C190.19862 (18)0.59144 (12)0.24018 (9)0.0220 (4)
C200.28115 (18)0.50930 (12)0.23222 (10)0.0250 (4)
C210.21131 (19)0.42095 (12)0.23637 (10)0.0255 (4)
C220.05506 (19)0.41275 (12)0.24797 (10)0.0232 (4)
C230.03053 (17)0.49511 (11)0.25409 (9)0.0202 (3)
C240.19339 (17)0.51235 (11)0.27071 (9)0.0196 (3)
C250.34167 (18)0.70717 (12)0.13924 (10)0.0260 (4)
C260.4441 (2)0.72668 (13)0.08048 (11)0.0318 (4)
B10.3627 (2)0.65482 (13)0.28386 (11)0.0196 (4)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
O10.0180 (6)0.0296 (6)0.0206 (6)0.0021 (5)0.0052 (5)0.0034 (5)
N10.0163 (7)0.0219 (7)0.0220 (7)0.0023 (5)0.0068 (5)0.0016 (6)
N20.0160 (7)0.0228 (7)0.0243 (7)0.0015 (6)0.0053 (6)0.0027 (6)
N30.0153 (6)0.0183 (7)0.0219 (7)0.0013 (5)0.0044 (5)0.0027 (5)
N40.0186 (7)0.0201 (7)0.0203 (7)0.0019 (5)0.0022 (5)0.0020 (5)
N50.0168 (7)0.0193 (7)0.0199 (7)0.0018 (5)0.0046 (5)0.0012 (5)
N60.0208 (7)0.0222 (7)0.0217 (7)0.0021 (6)0.0076 (6)0.0009 (6)
C10.0198 (8)0.0205 (8)0.0212 (8)0.0025 (6)0.0101 (6)0.0008 (6)
C20.0182 (8)0.0244 (9)0.0237 (8)0.0045 (7)0.0106 (7)0.0033 (7)
C30.0218 (9)0.0239 (9)0.0292 (9)0.0028 (7)0.0129 (7)0.0044 (7)
C40.0238 (9)0.0266 (9)0.0315 (9)0.0083 (7)0.0132 (7)0.0106 (7)
C50.0205 (9)0.0350 (10)0.0250 (9)0.0058 (7)0.0063 (7)0.0090 (7)
C60.0200 (8)0.0301 (10)0.0249 (9)0.0038 (7)0.0068 (7)0.0024 (7)
C70.0174 (8)0.0243 (9)0.0225 (8)0.0024 (7)0.0082 (6)0.0032 (7)
C80.0149 (8)0.0251 (9)0.0218 (8)0.0002 (7)0.0067 (6)0.0016 (7)
C90.0159 (8)0.0204 (8)0.0228 (8)0.0017 (6)0.0045 (6)0.0026 (7)
C100.0179 (8)0.0182 (8)0.0223 (8)0.0013 (6)0.0057 (6)0.0043 (6)
C110.0196 (8)0.0220 (9)0.0235 (8)0.0029 (7)0.0029 (7)0.0030 (7)
C120.0263 (9)0.0242 (9)0.0223 (8)0.0048 (7)0.0061 (7)0.0005 (7)
C130.0249 (9)0.0218 (9)0.0275 (9)0.0030 (7)0.0103 (7)0.0008 (7)
C140.0193 (8)0.0231 (9)0.0248 (8)0.0028 (7)0.0046 (7)0.0041 (7)
C150.0198 (8)0.0179 (8)0.0199 (8)0.0001 (6)0.0052 (6)0.0037 (6)
C160.0187 (8)0.0183 (8)0.0208 (8)0.0032 (6)0.0050 (6)0.0057 (6)
C170.0179 (8)0.0238 (9)0.0165 (8)0.0032 (6)0.0038 (6)0.0022 (6)
C180.0208 (8)0.0228 (8)0.0150 (7)0.0006 (7)0.0025 (6)0.0003 (6)
C190.0199 (8)0.0262 (9)0.0198 (8)0.0018 (7)0.0043 (7)0.0024 (7)
C200.0187 (8)0.0343 (10)0.0231 (9)0.0014 (7)0.0071 (7)0.0045 (7)
C210.0256 (9)0.0278 (9)0.0246 (9)0.0065 (7)0.0087 (7)0.0019 (7)
C220.0257 (9)0.0234 (9)0.0208 (8)0.0005 (7)0.0061 (7)0.0010 (7)
C230.0202 (8)0.0235 (9)0.0174 (8)0.0014 (7)0.0050 (6)0.0008 (7)
C240.0210 (8)0.0203 (8)0.0181 (8)0.0024 (7)0.0053 (6)0.0018 (6)
C250.0224 (9)0.0326 (10)0.0224 (9)0.0013 (7)0.0037 (7)0.0035 (7)
C260.0366 (10)0.0362 (10)0.0247 (9)0.0009 (8)0.0111 (8)0.0047 (8)
B10.0161 (9)0.0199 (9)0.0230 (9)0.0021 (7)0.0051 (7)0.0018 (7)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
O1—B11.421 (2)C10—C111.391 (2)
O1—C251.4231 (18)C10—C151.422 (2)
N1—C81.363 (2)C11—C121.383 (2)
N1—C11.365 (2)C11—H11A0.9500
N1—B11.493 (2)C12—C131.397 (2)
N2—C81.343 (2)C12—H12A0.9500
N2—C91.349 (2)C13—C141.380 (2)
N3—C91.3665 (19)C13—H13A0.9500
N3—C161.3667 (19)C14—C151.389 (2)
N3—B11.508 (2)C14—H14A0.9500
N4—C161.341 (2)C15—C161.453 (2)
N4—C171.348 (2)C17—C181.451 (2)
N5—C171.3675 (19)C18—C191.395 (2)
N5—C241.369 (2)C18—C231.422 (2)
N5—B11.504 (2)C19—C201.376 (2)
N6—C11.342 (2)C19—H19A0.9500
N6—C241.349 (2)C20—C211.401 (2)
C1—C21.462 (2)C20—H20A0.9500
C2—C31.392 (2)C21—C221.387 (2)
C2—C71.425 (2)C21—H21A0.9500
C3—C41.387 (2)C22—C231.395 (2)
C4—C51.395 (2)C23—C241.457 (2)
C4—H4A0.9500C25—C261.504 (2)
C5—C61.387 (2)C25—H25A0.9900
C6—C71.393 (2)C26—H26A0.9800
C7—C81.456 (2)C26—H26C0.9800
C9—C101.455 (2)
B1—O1—C25120.02 (12)C13—C14—C15118.29 (15)
C8—N1—C1113.79 (13)C13—C14—H14A120.9
C8—N1—B1123.21 (13)C15—C14—H14A120.9
C1—N1—B1122.88 (13)C14—C15—C10120.57 (14)
C8—N2—C9116.72 (13)C14—C15—C16132.13 (14)
C9—N3—C16112.90 (13)C10—C15—C16106.94 (13)
C9—N3—B1122.28 (13)N4—C16—N3122.79 (14)
C16—N3—B1123.28 (13)N4—C16—C15129.08 (14)
C16—N4—C17116.85 (13)N3—C16—C15105.95 (13)
C17—N5—C24112.70 (13)N4—C17—N5122.71 (14)
C17—N5—B1123.34 (13)N4—C17—C18129.32 (14)
C24—N5—B1122.42 (13)N5—C17—C18105.98 (13)
C1—N6—C24116.70 (13)C19—C18—C23120.87 (14)
N6—C1—N1122.12 (14)C19—C18—C17131.71 (15)
N6—C1—C2131.66 (14)C23—C18—C17107.27 (13)
N1—C1—C2105.09 (13)C20—C19—C18117.76 (15)
C3—C2—C7120.77 (14)C20—C19—H19A121.1
C3—C2—C1132.15 (15)C18—C19—H19A121.1
C7—C2—C1107.07 (13)C19—C20—C21121.87 (15)
C4—C3—C2117.75 (16)C19—C20—H20A119.1
C2—C3—H3A121.1C22—C21—C20121.05 (15)
C3—C4—C5121.57 (16)C22—C21—H21A119.5
C5—C4—H4A119.2C21—C22—C23118.06 (15)
C6—C5—C4121.42 (15)C21—C22—H22A121.0
C4—C5—H5A119.3C22—C23—C18120.36 (14)
C5—C6—C7117.89 (16)C22—C23—C24132.50 (15)
C5—C6—H6A121.1C18—C23—C24106.96 (13)
C7—C6—H6A121.1N6—C24—N5122.92 (14)
C6—C7—C2120.53 (15)N6—C24—C23129.70 (14)
C6—C7—C8132.24 (15)N5—C24—C23105.85 (13)
C2—C7—C8107.22 (13)O1—C25—C26108.79 (13)
N2—C8—N1121.84 (14)O1—C25—H25A109.9
N2—C8—C7131.61 (14)C26—C25—H25A109.9
N1—C8—C7105.34 (13)O1—C25—H25B109.9
N2—C9—N3123.14 (14)C26—C25—H25B109.9
N2—C9—C10129.53 (14)H25A—C25—H25B108.3
N3—C9—C10105.76 (13)C25—C26—H26A109.5
C11—C10—C15120.18 (14)C25—C26—H26B109.5
C11—C10—C9132.03 (14)H26A—C26—H26B109.5
C15—C10—C9107.28 (13)C25—C26—H26C109.5
C12—C11—C10118.44 (15)H26A—C26—H26C109.5
C10—C11—H11A120.8O1—B1—N1110.43 (13)
C11—C12—C13121.05 (15)O1—B1—N5118.04 (14)
C11—C12—H12A119.5N1—B1—N5103.11 (13)
C13—C12—H12A119.5O1—B1—N3117.12 (14)
C14—C13—C12121.35 (16)N1—B1—N3102.99 (13)
C14—C13—H13A119.3N5—B1—N3103.27 (12)
C24—N6—C1—N16.1 (2)C14—C15—C16—N417.3 (3)
C24—N6—C1—C2159.88 (16)C10—C15—C16—N4155.65 (15)
C8—N1—C1—N6156.73 (14)C14—C15—C16—N3179.45 (16)
B1—N1—C1—N619.4 (2)C10—C15—C16—N37.64 (16)
C8—N1—C1—C212.44 (17)C16—N4—C17—N59.2 (2)
B1—N1—C1—C2171.41 (13)C16—N4—C17—C18152.47 (16)
N6—C1—C2—C319.7 (3)C24—N5—C17—N4154.08 (14)
N1—C1—C2—C3172.63 (16)B1—N5—C17—N412.1 (2)
N6—C1—C2—C7160.56 (16)C24—N5—C17—C1811.23 (17)
N1—C1—C2—C77.15 (16)B1—N5—C17—C18177.40 (13)
C7—C2—C3—C41.2 (2)N4—C17—C18—C1918.0 (3)
C1—C2—C3—C4178.56 (16)N5—C17—C18—C19178.01 (16)
C2—C3—C4—C52.2 (2)N4—C17—C18—C23157.53 (15)
C3—C4—C5—C60.6 (3)N5—C17—C18—C236.46 (17)
C4—C5—C6—C71.9 (2)C23—C18—C19—C201.3 (2)
C5—C6—C7—C22.8 (2)C17—C18—C19—C20176.34 (16)
C5—C6—C7—C8178.47 (16)C18—C19—C20—C211.8 (2)
C3—C2—C7—C61.3 (2)C19—C20—C21—C220.6 (2)
C1—C2—C7—C6178.86 (14)C20—C21—C22—C231.0 (2)
C3—C2—C7—C8179.69 (14)C21—C22—C23—C181.4 (2)
C1—C2—C7—C80.12 (17)C21—C22—C23—C24175.98 (16)
C9—N2—C8—N16.2 (2)C19—C18—C23—C220.3 (2)
C9—N2—C8—C7159.34 (16)C17—C18—C23—C22175.85 (14)
C1—N1—C8—N2156.42 (14)C19—C18—C23—C24176.08 (14)
B1—N1—C8—N219.7 (2)C17—C18—C23—C240.04 (17)
C1—N1—C8—C712.39 (17)C1—N6—C24—N510.3 (2)
B1—N1—C8—C7171.47 (14)C1—N6—C24—C23153.46 (16)
C6—C7—C8—N218.5 (3)C17—N5—C24—N6155.86 (14)
C2—C7—C8—N2160.30 (16)B1—N5—C24—N610.5 (2)
C6—C7—C8—N1174.22 (17)C17—N5—C24—C2311.24 (17)
C2—C7—C8—N16.97 (17)B1—N5—C24—C23177.55 (13)
C8—N2—C9—N311.0 (2)C22—C23—C24—N615.7 (3)
C8—N2—C9—C10152.64 (16)C18—C23—C24—N6159.39 (16)
C16—N3—C9—N2156.63 (14)C22—C23—C24—N5178.39 (16)
B1—N3—C9—N29.6 (2)C18—C23—C24—N56.51 (16)
C16—N3—C9—C1010.29 (17)B1—O1—C25—C26175.44 (14)
B1—N3—C9—C10176.52 (13)C25—O1—B1—N1160.56 (13)
N2—C9—C10—C1110.6 (3)C25—O1—B1—N542.4 (2)
N3—C9—C10—C11176.42 (16)C25—O1—B1—N382.04 (18)
N2—C9—C10—C15160.93 (15)C8—N1—B1—O191.45 (17)
N3—C9—C10—C154.84 (17)C1—N1—B1—O192.76 (17)
C15—C10—C11—C123.8 (2)C8—N1—B1—N5141.56 (14)
C9—C10—C11—C12174.54 (16)C1—N1—B1—N534.24 (19)
C10—C11—C12—C131.8 (2)C8—N1—B1—N334.36 (19)
C11—C12—C13—C141.4 (2)C1—N1—B1—N3141.43 (14)
C12—C13—C14—C152.4 (2)C17—N5—B1—O1102.86 (17)
C13—C14—C15—C100.3 (2)C24—N5—B1—O192.29 (18)
C13—C14—C15—C16172.45 (16)C17—N5—B1—N1135.14 (14)
C11—C10—C15—C142.8 (2)C24—N5—B1—N129.72 (18)
C9—C10—C15—C14175.61 (14)C17—N5—B1—N328.15 (19)
C11—C10—C15—C16171.05 (14)C24—N5—B1—N3136.70 (14)
C9—C10—C15—C161.71 (17)C9—N3—B1—O192.20 (17)
C17—N4—C16—N38.8 (2)C16—N3—B1—O1103.01 (17)
C17—N4—C16—C15152.04 (15)C9—N3—B1—N129.17 (19)
C9—N3—C16—N4153.22 (14)C16—N3—B1—N1135.62 (14)
B1—N3—C16—N412.8 (2)C9—N3—B1—N5136.25 (14)
C9—N3—C16—C1511.38 (17)C16—N3—B1—N528.55 (19)
B1—N3—C16—C15177.45 (13)
(Ethanolato)(subphthalocyaninato)boron (d22128_a) top
Crystal data top
C26H17BN6OF(000) = 912
Mr = 440.26Dx = 1.416 Mg m3
Monoclinic, P21/nCu Kα radiation, λ = 1.54178 Å
a = 9.0304 (5) ÅCell parameters from 9939 reflections
b = 14.2423 (8) Åθ = 4.2–65.7°
c = 16.4452 (9) ŵ = 0.72 mm1
β = 102.476 (3)°T = 150 K
V = 2065.1 (2) Å3Block, purple
Z = 40.15 × 0.15 × 0.10 mm
Data collection top
3148 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: Incoatec ImuS with multi-layer opticsRint = 0.059
φ and ω scansθmax = 66.1°, θmin = 4.2°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Krause et al., 2015)
h = 1010
Tmin = 0.654, Tmax = 0.753k = 1616
46104 measured reflectionsl = 1919
3555 independent reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Least-squares matrix: fullHydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.039H-atom parameters constrained
wR(F2) = 0.102 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0501P)2 + 0.8523P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
S = 1.05(Δ/σ)max < 0.001
3555 reflectionsΔρmax = 0.50 e Å3
308 parametersΔρmin = 0.21 e Å3
0 restraints
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
O10.43100 (11)0.67170 (7)0.21518 (6)0.0284 (3)
N10.45941 (13)0.58926 (9)0.34451 (8)0.0247 (3)
N20.56875 (13)0.70791 (9)0.43942 (8)0.0270 (3)
N30.34174 (13)0.73692 (8)0.33710 (8)0.0243 (3)
N40.07299 (13)0.74350 (9)0.29183 (8)0.0253 (3)
N50.20962 (13)0.60716 (9)0.26691 (7)0.0241 (3)
N60.31011 (14)0.45375 (9)0.30233 (8)0.0264 (3)
C10.44029 (16)0.49430 (10)0.34227 (9)0.0253 (3)
C20.57050 (16)0.45711 (11)0.40250 (9)0.0264 (3)
C30.62145 (17)0.36615 (11)0.42205 (10)0.0300 (4)
C40.75388 (18)0.35451 (12)0.48250 (10)0.0331 (4)
C50.83088 (18)0.43129 (12)0.52509 (10)0.0339 (4)
C60.77923 (17)0.52228 (12)0.50784 (10)0.0305 (4)
C70.64952 (16)0.53554 (11)0.44475 (9)0.0271 (3)
C80.56827 (15)0.61983 (11)0.40996 (9)0.0255 (3)
C90.44810 (16)0.76202 (10)0.40642 (9)0.0252 (3)
C100.38312 (16)0.84085 (10)0.44303 (9)0.0260 (3)
C110.43452 (17)0.89237 (11)0.51549 (10)0.0292 (3)
C120.33929 (18)0.95902 (11)0.53744 (10)0.0304 (4)
C130.19338 (18)0.97357 (11)0.48956 (10)0.0310 (4)
C140.13711 (17)0.92004 (11)0.41949 (10)0.0288 (3)
C150.23225 (16)0.85365 (10)0.39565 (9)0.0252 (3)
C160.20527 (16)0.78083 (10)0.33249 (9)0.0245 (3)
C170.07694 (16)0.65457 (10)0.26476 (9)0.0241 (3)
C180.04180 (16)0.58398 (10)0.25038 (9)0.0250 (3)
C190.19910 (16)0.59083 (11)0.24007 (9)0.0276 (3)
C200.28149 (17)0.50859 (12)0.23204 (10)0.0305 (4)
C210.21143 (18)0.42064 (12)0.23607 (10)0.0310 (4)
C220.05515 (17)0.41233 (11)0.24806 (9)0.0287 (3)
C230.03028 (17)0.49473 (11)0.25427 (9)0.0254 (3)
C240.19340 (16)0.51184 (10)0.27080 (9)0.0248 (3)
C250.34110 (18)0.70714 (12)0.13931 (10)0.0342 (4)
C260.4432 (2)0.72616 (13)0.08009 (11)0.0404 (4)
B10.36277 (18)0.65409 (12)0.28368 (11)0.0248 (4)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
O10.0225 (5)0.0359 (6)0.0268 (5)0.0022 (4)0.0054 (4)0.0042 (5)
N10.0205 (6)0.0268 (7)0.0269 (7)0.0030 (5)0.0054 (5)0.0020 (5)
N20.0208 (6)0.0287 (7)0.0310 (7)0.0007 (5)0.0048 (5)0.0029 (5)
N30.0212 (6)0.0247 (6)0.0265 (7)0.0010 (5)0.0041 (5)0.0032 (5)
N40.0235 (6)0.0265 (7)0.0250 (6)0.0020 (5)0.0029 (5)0.0022 (5)
N50.0215 (6)0.0253 (6)0.0254 (6)0.0021 (5)0.0049 (5)0.0007 (5)
N60.0239 (6)0.0280 (7)0.0279 (7)0.0039 (5)0.0071 (5)0.0005 (5)
C10.0236 (7)0.0267 (8)0.0272 (8)0.0033 (6)0.0090 (6)0.0009 (6)
C20.0230 (7)0.0305 (8)0.0275 (8)0.0047 (6)0.0096 (6)0.0045 (6)
C30.0282 (8)0.0308 (8)0.0334 (9)0.0044 (6)0.0122 (7)0.0058 (7)
C40.0296 (8)0.0351 (9)0.0376 (9)0.0098 (7)0.0137 (7)0.0131 (7)
C50.0259 (8)0.0441 (10)0.0322 (9)0.0078 (7)0.0076 (7)0.0114 (7)
C60.0241 (8)0.0376 (9)0.0304 (8)0.0039 (7)0.0068 (6)0.0043 (7)
C70.0217 (7)0.0332 (8)0.0281 (8)0.0035 (6)0.0088 (6)0.0043 (6)
C80.0192 (7)0.0302 (8)0.0278 (8)0.0009 (6)0.0066 (6)0.0031 (6)
C90.0200 (7)0.0275 (8)0.0276 (8)0.0018 (6)0.0039 (6)0.0028 (6)
C100.0236 (7)0.0252 (8)0.0290 (8)0.0017 (6)0.0052 (6)0.0043 (6)
C110.0259 (8)0.0292 (8)0.0308 (8)0.0038 (6)0.0019 (6)0.0025 (7)
C120.0332 (8)0.0297 (8)0.0284 (8)0.0039 (7)0.0068 (7)0.0012 (6)
C130.0314 (8)0.0288 (8)0.0340 (9)0.0018 (6)0.0097 (7)0.0012 (7)
C140.0260 (8)0.0291 (8)0.0307 (8)0.0025 (6)0.0049 (6)0.0036 (6)
C150.0245 (7)0.0240 (7)0.0265 (8)0.0001 (6)0.0043 (6)0.0037 (6)
C160.0219 (7)0.0261 (8)0.0252 (8)0.0031 (6)0.0043 (6)0.0053 (6)
C170.0224 (7)0.0269 (8)0.0224 (7)0.0039 (6)0.0034 (6)0.0020 (6)
C180.0242 (7)0.0294 (8)0.0207 (7)0.0014 (6)0.0036 (6)0.0007 (6)
C190.0243 (8)0.0339 (9)0.0242 (8)0.0025 (6)0.0046 (6)0.0025 (6)
C200.0226 (7)0.0409 (9)0.0284 (8)0.0022 (7)0.0067 (6)0.0046 (7)
C210.0292 (8)0.0350 (9)0.0292 (8)0.0062 (7)0.0074 (7)0.0030 (7)
C220.0303 (8)0.0290 (8)0.0271 (8)0.0002 (6)0.0069 (6)0.0009 (6)
C230.0249 (7)0.0295 (8)0.0218 (7)0.0007 (6)0.0050 (6)0.0008 (6)
C240.0249 (7)0.0261 (8)0.0241 (7)0.0016 (6)0.0067 (6)0.0008 (6)
C250.0297 (8)0.0415 (9)0.0301 (9)0.0015 (7)0.0034 (7)0.0041 (7)
C260.0434 (10)0.0456 (10)0.0333 (9)0.0007 (8)0.0105 (8)0.0046 (8)
B10.0201 (8)0.0270 (9)0.0270 (9)0.0022 (7)0.0046 (7)0.0028 (7)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
O1—B11.418 (2)C10—C111.391 (2)
O1—C251.4257 (19)C10—C151.428 (2)
N1—C81.3628 (19)C11—C121.380 (2)
N1—C11.363 (2)C11—H11A0.9500
N1—B11.496 (2)C12—C131.397 (2)
N2—C81.344 (2)C12—H12A0.9500
N2—C91.3491 (19)C13—C141.384 (2)
N3—C161.3694 (18)C13—H13A0.9500
N3—C91.3700 (19)C14—C151.390 (2)
N3—B11.507 (2)C14—H14A0.9500
N4—C171.3456 (19)C15—C161.451 (2)
N4—C161.3460 (19)C17—C181.452 (2)
N5—C241.368 (2)C18—C191.397 (2)
N5—C171.3691 (18)C18—C231.423 (2)
N5—B11.507 (2)C19—C201.379 (2)
N6—C11.3466 (19)C19—H19A0.9500
N6—C241.3520 (19)C20—C211.398 (2)
C1—C21.463 (2)C20—H20A0.9500
C2—C31.389 (2)C21—C221.387 (2)
C2—C71.423 (2)C21—H21A0.9500
C3—C41.390 (2)C22—C231.396 (2)
C4—C51.400 (3)C23—C241.459 (2)
C4—H4A0.9500C25—C261.504 (2)
C5—C61.386 (2)C25—H25A0.9900
C6—C71.400 (2)C26—H26A0.9800
C7—C81.458 (2)C26—H26C0.9800
C9—C101.456 (2)
B1—O1—C25119.65 (11)C13—C14—C15118.14 (14)
C8—N1—C1113.82 (12)C13—C14—H14A120.9
C8—N1—B1123.23 (13)C15—C14—H14A120.9
C1—N1—B1122.84 (13)C14—C15—C10120.55 (14)
C8—N2—C9116.65 (13)C14—C15—C16132.06 (14)
C16—N3—C9112.81 (12)C10—C15—C16107.00 (13)
C16—N3—B1123.39 (12)N4—C16—N3122.59 (13)
C9—N3—B1122.37 (12)N4—C16—C15129.18 (13)
C17—N4—C16116.87 (12)N3—C16—C15106.08 (12)
C24—N5—C17112.87 (12)N4—C17—N5122.77 (13)
C24—N5—B1122.33 (12)N4—C17—C18129.38 (13)
C17—N5—B1123.32 (13)N5—C17—C18105.91 (12)
C1—N6—C24116.79 (13)C19—C18—C23120.73 (14)
N6—C1—N1122.06 (13)C19—C18—C17131.86 (14)
N6—C1—C2131.62 (14)C23—C18—C17107.26 (12)
N1—C1—C2105.21 (13)C20—C19—C18117.76 (14)
C3—C2—C7120.86 (14)C20—C19—H19A121.1
C3—C2—C1132.21 (15)C18—C19—H19A121.1
C7—C2—C1106.94 (13)C19—C20—C21121.82 (14)
C2—C3—C4117.87 (15)C19—C20—H20A119.1
C4—C3—H3A121.1C22—C21—C20121.28 (15)
C3—C4—C5121.49 (15)C22—C21—H21A119.4
C5—C4—H4A119.3C21—C22—C23117.89 (14)
C6—C5—C4121.28 (15)C21—C22—H22A121.1
C4—C5—H5A119.4C22—C23—C18120.49 (14)
C5—C6—C7117.95 (16)C22—C23—C24132.34 (14)
C5—C6—H6A121.0C18—C23—C24107.02 (13)
C7—C6—H6A121.0N6—C24—N5122.86 (13)
C6—C7—C2120.47 (14)N6—C24—C23129.87 (14)
C6—C7—C8132.19 (15)N5—C24—C23105.71 (12)
C2—C7—C8107.33 (13)O1—C25—C26108.53 (13)
N2—C8—N1121.90 (13)O1—C25—H25A110.0
N2—C8—C7131.66 (14)C26—C25—H25A110.0
N1—C8—C7105.24 (13)O1—C25—H25B110.0
N2—C9—N3123.08 (13)C26—C25—H25B110.0
N2—C9—C10129.55 (14)H25A—C25—H25B108.4
N3—C9—C10105.82 (12)C25—C26—H26A109.5
C11—C10—C15120.18 (14)C25—C26—H26B109.5
C11—C10—C9132.17 (14)H26A—C26—H26B109.5
C15—C10—C9107.17 (13)C25—C26—H26C109.5
C12—C11—C10118.38 (14)H26A—C26—H26C109.5
C10—C11—H11A120.8O1—B1—N1110.46 (12)
C11—C12—C13121.31 (15)O1—B1—N5118.17 (13)
C11—C12—H12A119.3N1—B1—N5103.20 (12)
C13—C12—H12A119.3O1—B1—N3117.11 (13)
C14—C13—C12121.33 (15)N1—B1—N3102.83 (12)
C14—C13—H13A119.3N5—B1—N3103.16 (12)
C24—N6—C1—N16.0 (2)C14—C15—C16—N416.8 (3)
C24—N6—C1—C2160.12 (15)C10—C15—C16—N4155.77 (14)
C8—N1—C1—N6156.80 (13)C14—C15—C16—N3179.82 (15)
B1—N1—C1—N619.5 (2)C10—C15—C16—N37.59 (16)
C8—N1—C1—C212.45 (16)C16—N4—C17—N59.1 (2)
B1—N1—C1—C2171.22 (13)C16—N4—C17—C18152.72 (15)
N6—C1—C2—C319.3 (3)C24—N5—C17—N4154.15 (13)
N1—C1—C2—C3172.91 (15)B1—N5—C17—N412.2 (2)
N6—C1—C2—C7160.49 (15)C24—N5—C17—C1811.34 (16)
N1—C1—C2—C77.31 (15)B1—N5—C17—C18177.72 (13)
C7—C2—C3—C41.6 (2)N4—C17—C18—C1917.9 (3)
C1—C2—C3—C4178.61 (15)N5—C17—C18—C19177.93 (15)
C2—C3—C4—C52.6 (2)N4—C17—C18—C23157.53 (14)
C3—C4—C5—C60.9 (2)N5—C17—C18—C236.65 (16)
C4—C5—C6—C71.7 (2)C23—C18—C19—C201.4 (2)
C5—C6—C7—C22.6 (2)C17—C18—C19—C20176.29 (15)
C5—C6—C7—C8178.40 (15)C18—C19—C20—C211.6 (2)
C3—C2—C7—C60.9 (2)C19—C20—C21—C220.2 (2)
C1—C2—C7—C6178.88 (13)C20—C21—C22—C231.3 (2)
C3—C2—C7—C8179.82 (13)C21—C22—C23—C181.5 (2)
C1—C2—C7—C80.37 (16)C21—C22—C23—C24176.41 (15)
C9—N2—C8—N16.3 (2)C19—C18—C23—C220.2 (2)
C9—N2—C8—C7159.23 (15)C17—C18—C23—C22175.85 (13)
C1—N1—C8—N2156.59 (13)C19—C18—C23—C24176.23 (13)
B1—N1—C8—N219.7 (2)C17—C18—C23—C240.19 (16)
C1—N1—C8—C712.23 (16)C1—N6—C24—N510.1 (2)
B1—N1—C8—C7171.46 (13)C1—N6—C24—C23153.51 (15)
C6—C7—C8—N218.6 (3)C17—N5—C24—N6155.84 (13)
C2—C7—C8—N2160.55 (15)B1—N5—C24—N610.7 (2)
C6—C7—C8—N1174.17 (15)C17—N5—C24—C2311.19 (16)
C2—C7—C8—N16.71 (16)B1—N5—C24—C23177.73 (13)
C8—N2—C9—N310.9 (2)C22—C23—C24—N615.9 (3)
C8—N2—C9—C10152.75 (15)C18—C23—C24—N6159.45 (15)
C16—N3—C9—N2156.91 (14)C22—C23—C24—N5178.28 (15)
B1—N3—C9—N29.9 (2)C18—C23—C24—N56.33 (16)
C16—N3—C9—C1010.08 (16)B1—O1—C25—C26175.74 (14)
B1—N3—C9—C10176.86 (12)C25—O1—B1—N1161.12 (13)
N2—C9—C10—C1110.6 (3)C25—O1—B1—N542.67 (19)
N3—C9—C10—C11176.44 (15)C25—O1—B1—N381.67 (17)
N2—C9—C10—C15161.15 (15)C8—N1—B1—O191.19 (16)
N3—C9—C10—C154.69 (16)C1—N1—B1—O192.82 (16)
C15—C10—C11—C123.4 (2)C8—N1—B1—N5141.58 (13)
C9—C10—C11—C12174.31 (15)C1—N1—B1—N534.41 (18)
C10—C11—C12—C131.4 (2)C8—N1—B1—N334.53 (17)
C11—C12—C13—C141.7 (2)C1—N1—B1—N3141.46 (13)
C12—C13—C14—C152.7 (2)C24—N5—B1—O192.26 (17)
C13—C14—C15—C100.6 (2)C17—N5—B1—O1102.61 (16)
C13—C14—C15—C16172.42 (15)C24—N5—B1—N129.94 (18)
C11—C10—C15—C142.5 (2)C17—N5—B1—N1135.19 (13)
C9—C10—C15—C14175.39 (13)C24—N5—B1—N3136.74 (13)
C11—C10—C15—C16171.16 (13)C17—N5—B1—N328.39 (18)
C9—C10—C15—C161.77 (16)C16—N3—B1—O1102.80 (16)
C17—N4—C16—N38.7 (2)C9—N3—B1—O191.83 (17)
C17—N4—C16—C15152.26 (15)C16—N3—B1—N1135.91 (13)
C9—N3—C16—N4153.51 (14)C9—N3—B1—N129.45 (17)
B1—N3—C16—N413.1 (2)C16—N3—B1—N528.83 (18)
C9—N3—C16—C1511.22 (16)C9—N3—B1—N5136.53 (13)
B1—N3—C16—C15177.83 (13)
(Subphthalocyaninato)(2,2,2-trifluoroethanolato)boron (d22126_a) top
Crystal data top
C26H14BF3N6OF(000) = 1008
Mr = 494.24Dx = 1.506 Mg m3
Monoclinic, P21/cCu Kα radiation, λ = 1.54178 Å
a = 10.4664 (6) ÅCell parameters from 8597 reflections
b = 15.4986 (8) Åθ = 4.4–65.2°
c = 14.3171 (8) ŵ = 0.96 mm1
β = 110.221 (3)°T = 150 K
V = 2179.3 (2) Å3Needle, purple
Z = 40.14 × 0.09 × 0.04 mm
Data collection top
3043 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: Incoatec ImuS with multi-layer opticsRint = 0.083
φ and ω scansθmax = 66.3°, θmin = 4.4°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Krause et al., 2015)
h = 1212
Tmin = 0.624, Tmax = 0.753k = 1818
39716 measured reflectionsl = 1616
3759 independent reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Hydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
Least-squares matrix: fullH-atom parameters constrained
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.039 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0593P)2 + 0.5694P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
wR(F2) = 0.107(Δ/σ)max < 0.001
S = 1.04Δρmax = 0.27 e Å3
3759 reflectionsΔρmin = 0.28 e Å3
335 parametersExtinction correction: SHELXL2019 (Sheldrick, 2015b), Fc*=kFc[1+0.001xFc2λ3/sin(2θ)]-1/4
0 restraintsExtinction coefficient: 0.0077 (6)
Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
F10.14828 (12)0.32579 (9)0.15721 (11)0.0619 (4)
F20.12876 (12)0.35980 (8)0.00694 (10)0.0642 (4)
F30.10380 (11)0.22880 (7)0.04406 (9)0.0493 (3)
O10.40052 (12)0.36016 (7)0.13347 (8)0.0281 (3)
N10.60948 (13)0.42611 (8)0.23935 (10)0.0240 (3)
N20.53157 (13)0.55917 (9)0.28127 (10)0.0253 (3)
N30.42606 (13)0.42704 (8)0.29839 (10)0.0236 (3)
N40.39573 (13)0.30705 (9)0.39199 (10)0.0249 (3)
N50.54216 (13)0.29777 (9)0.29696 (10)0.0238 (3)
N60.75795 (14)0.30516 (9)0.27647 (10)0.0267 (3)
C10.73096 (16)0.38769 (11)0.24857 (11)0.0247 (4)
C20.82193 (17)0.45773 (11)0.24592 (12)0.0261 (4)
C30.95492 (17)0.45794 (12)0.24534 (13)0.0299 (4)
C41.01423 (19)0.53653 (12)0.24214 (14)0.0337 (4)
C50.94627 (18)0.61398 (12)0.24159 (13)0.0339 (4)
C60.81507 (18)0.61465 (11)0.24444 (12)0.0303 (4)
C70.75239 (17)0.53604 (11)0.24620 (12)0.0258 (4)
C80.61905 (16)0.51318 (10)0.25096 (11)0.0240 (4)
C90.44168 (16)0.51425 (10)0.31008 (11)0.0239 (4)
C100.36737 (16)0.53890 (11)0.37553 (12)0.0254 (4)
C110.33740 (17)0.61856 (11)0.40721 (12)0.0291 (4)
C120.26033 (18)0.62009 (12)0.46888 (13)0.0325 (4)
C130.21908 (18)0.54373 (12)0.50201 (13)0.0322 (4)
C140.25226 (17)0.46388 (11)0.47436 (12)0.0285 (4)
C150.32478 (16)0.46125 (11)0.40874 (12)0.0252 (4)
C160.37397 (16)0.39014 (11)0.36432 (12)0.0243 (4)
C170.48759 (16)0.26371 (11)0.36294 (11)0.0244 (4)
C180.57039 (17)0.18891 (10)0.40590 (12)0.0248 (4)
C190.56054 (18)0.12527 (11)0.47146 (12)0.0287 (4)
C200.66076 (19)0.06292 (11)0.49991 (12)0.0320 (4)
C210.77307 (19)0.06506 (11)0.46843 (13)0.0342 (4)
C220.78658 (18)0.12919 (11)0.40537 (13)0.0301 (4)
C230.68316 (17)0.18960 (10)0.37145 (12)0.0256 (4)
C240.66641 (16)0.26342 (10)0.30644 (12)0.0248 (4)
C250.32578 (17)0.28402 (11)0.10139 (13)0.0285 (4)
C260.17718 (19)0.30021 (12)0.07709 (14)0.0354 (4)
B10.48581 (19)0.37544 (12)0.23485 (13)0.0237 (4)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
F10.0388 (7)0.0799 (9)0.0757 (9)0.0018 (6)0.0309 (6)0.0268 (7)
F20.0441 (7)0.0473 (7)0.0741 (9)0.0030 (6)0.0144 (6)0.0187 (6)
F30.0363 (6)0.0454 (7)0.0586 (7)0.0149 (5)0.0067 (5)0.0029 (6)
O10.0299 (6)0.0294 (6)0.0235 (6)0.0066 (5)0.0071 (5)0.0005 (5)
N10.0236 (7)0.0262 (7)0.0229 (7)0.0005 (5)0.0089 (6)0.0004 (5)
N20.0240 (7)0.0275 (7)0.0233 (7)0.0005 (6)0.0068 (6)0.0031 (6)
N30.0204 (7)0.0264 (7)0.0231 (7)0.0006 (5)0.0066 (6)0.0020 (6)
N40.0230 (7)0.0279 (7)0.0239 (7)0.0006 (6)0.0083 (6)0.0001 (6)
N50.0239 (7)0.0247 (7)0.0240 (7)0.0008 (5)0.0096 (6)0.0006 (6)
N60.0280 (8)0.0283 (7)0.0255 (7)0.0002 (6)0.0114 (6)0.0008 (6)
C10.0257 (9)0.0282 (9)0.0213 (8)0.0006 (7)0.0094 (7)0.0013 (7)
C20.0258 (9)0.0327 (9)0.0196 (8)0.0014 (7)0.0077 (7)0.0012 (7)
C30.0246 (9)0.0384 (10)0.0269 (9)0.0021 (7)0.0093 (7)0.0048 (7)
C40.0242 (9)0.0448 (11)0.0313 (9)0.0038 (8)0.0086 (7)0.0057 (8)
C50.0295 (10)0.0373 (10)0.0339 (9)0.0088 (7)0.0098 (8)0.0052 (8)
C60.0311 (9)0.0305 (9)0.0284 (9)0.0025 (7)0.0091 (7)0.0014 (7)
C70.0252 (9)0.0306 (9)0.0216 (8)0.0017 (7)0.0080 (7)0.0001 (7)
C80.0240 (8)0.0262 (8)0.0205 (8)0.0006 (7)0.0061 (7)0.0022 (6)
C90.0223 (8)0.0264 (8)0.0219 (8)0.0011 (6)0.0062 (7)0.0019 (7)
C100.0204 (8)0.0306 (9)0.0225 (8)0.0013 (6)0.0039 (7)0.0005 (7)
C110.0271 (9)0.0300 (9)0.0273 (9)0.0001 (7)0.0057 (7)0.0012 (7)
C120.0332 (10)0.0345 (10)0.0280 (9)0.0026 (7)0.0085 (8)0.0065 (7)
C130.0300 (9)0.0428 (11)0.0242 (9)0.0038 (8)0.0099 (7)0.0029 (7)
C140.0274 (9)0.0341 (9)0.0242 (8)0.0015 (7)0.0091 (7)0.0021 (7)
C150.0207 (8)0.0309 (9)0.0223 (8)0.0018 (6)0.0052 (7)0.0007 (7)
C160.0214 (8)0.0285 (9)0.0222 (8)0.0023 (6)0.0064 (7)0.0017 (7)
C170.0238 (8)0.0271 (8)0.0222 (8)0.0037 (7)0.0076 (7)0.0011 (7)
C180.0290 (9)0.0226 (8)0.0224 (8)0.0033 (7)0.0083 (7)0.0029 (6)
C190.0349 (9)0.0267 (9)0.0245 (8)0.0042 (7)0.0104 (7)0.0032 (7)
C200.0433 (11)0.0259 (9)0.0257 (9)0.0015 (8)0.0105 (8)0.0014 (7)
C210.0390 (10)0.0284 (9)0.0325 (9)0.0049 (8)0.0088 (8)0.0001 (8)
C220.0311 (9)0.0292 (9)0.0295 (9)0.0013 (7)0.0099 (7)0.0036 (7)
C230.0290 (9)0.0252 (8)0.0225 (8)0.0009 (7)0.0090 (7)0.0040 (6)
C240.0255 (9)0.0263 (8)0.0241 (8)0.0005 (7)0.0103 (7)0.0028 (7)
C250.0311 (9)0.0282 (9)0.0272 (8)0.0034 (7)0.0114 (7)0.0041 (7)
C260.0326 (10)0.0325 (10)0.0378 (10)0.0037 (8)0.0081 (8)0.0031 (8)
B10.0223 (9)0.0266 (10)0.0233 (9)0.0015 (7)0.0092 (8)0.0004 (7)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
F1—C261.343 (2)C6—H6A0.9500
F2—C261.329 (2)C7—C81.464 (2)
F3—C261.337 (2)C9—C101.461 (2)
O1—C251.403 (2)C10—C111.388 (2)
O1—B11.437 (2)C10—C151.421 (2)
N1—C81.359 (2)C11—C121.387 (3)
N1—C11.368 (2)C11—H11A0.9500
N1—B11.496 (2)C12—C131.398 (3)
N2—C91.345 (2)C12—H12A0.9500
N2—C81.345 (2)C13—C141.380 (3)
N3—C91.365 (2)C13—H13A0.9500
N3—C161.368 (2)C14—C151.398 (2)
N3—B11.500 (2)C14—H14A0.9500
N4—C161.343 (2)C15—C161.453 (2)
N4—C171.351 (2)C17—C181.451 (2)
N5—C171.367 (2)C18—C191.390 (2)
N5—C241.368 (2)C18—C231.428 (2)
N5—B11.492 (2)C19—C201.380 (3)
N6—C11.341 (2)C19—H19A0.9500
N6—C241.343 (2)C20—C211.397 (3)
C1—C21.453 (2)C20—H20A0.9500
C2—C31.395 (3)C21—C221.382 (3)
C2—C71.416 (2)C21—H21A0.9500
C3—C41.375 (2)C22—C231.386 (2)
C4—C51.394 (3)C23—C241.447 (2)
C4—H4A0.9500C25—C261.493 (3)
C5—C61.388 (3)C25—H25A0.9900
C6—C71.388 (2)
C25—O1—B1123.44 (13)C13—C14—C15117.91 (16)
C8—N1—C1113.17 (13)C13—C14—H14A121.0
C8—N1—B1123.54 (14)C15—C14—H14A121.0
C1—N1—B1122.48 (14)C14—C15—C10120.41 (15)
C9—N2—C8116.80 (14)C14—C15—C16132.33 (16)
C9—N3—C16112.89 (13)C10—C15—C16107.25 (14)
C9—N3—B1123.02 (14)N4—C16—N3122.48 (15)
C16—N3—B1122.99 (14)N4—C16—C15130.37 (15)
C16—N4—C17116.86 (14)N3—C16—C15105.72 (14)
C17—N5—C24113.02 (13)N4—C17—N5122.17 (14)
C17—N5—B1123.35 (14)N4—C17—C18130.62 (15)
C24—N5—B1122.66 (13)N5—C17—C18105.69 (14)
C1—N6—C24117.03 (14)C19—C18—C23120.12 (15)
N6—C1—N1122.48 (15)C19—C18—C17132.90 (16)
N6—C1—C2130.39 (15)C23—C18—C17106.94 (14)
N1—C1—C2105.53 (14)C20—C19—C18118.04 (17)
C3—C2—C7120.86 (15)C20—C19—H19A121.0
C3—C2—C1131.77 (16)C18—C19—H19A121.0
C7—C2—C1107.35 (14)C19—C20—C21121.77 (17)
C4—C3—C2117.73 (16)C19—C20—H20A119.1
C2—C3—H3A121.1C22—C21—C20121.00 (17)
C3—C4—C5121.85 (17)C22—C21—H21A119.5
C5—C4—H4A119.1C21—C22—C23118.08 (17)
C6—C5—C4120.95 (17)C21—C22—H22A121.0
C4—C5—H5A119.5C22—C23—C18120.83 (16)
C7—C6—C5118.21 (17)C22—C23—C24131.76 (16)
C7—C6—H6A120.9C18—C23—C24107.30 (14)
C5—C6—H6A120.9N6—C24—N5122.65 (14)
C6—C7—C2120.38 (16)N6—C24—C23130.17 (15)
C6—C7—C8132.64 (16)N5—C24—C23105.74 (14)
C2—C7—C8106.97 (14)O1—C25—C26110.68 (14)
N2—C8—N1122.41 (14)O1—C25—H25A109.5
N2—C8—C7130.75 (15)C26—C25—H25A109.5
N1—C8—C7105.41 (14)O1—C25—H25B109.5
N2—C9—N3122.82 (15)C26—C25—H25B109.5
N2—C9—C10130.21 (15)H25A—C25—H25B108.1
N3—C9—C10105.66 (14)F2—C26—F3106.60 (14)
C11—C10—C15120.77 (16)F2—C26—F1107.49 (16)
C11—C10—C9132.30 (16)F3—C26—F1105.96 (16)
C15—C10—C9106.93 (14)F2—C26—C25112.78 (16)
C12—C11—C10118.04 (16)F3—C26—C25111.61 (15)
C12—C11—H11A121.0F1—C26—C25111.99 (15)
C10—C11—H11A121.0O1—B1—N5116.67 (14)
C11—C12—C13121.16 (16)O1—B1—N1110.87 (14)
C11—C12—H12A119.4N5—B1—N1103.88 (13)
C13—C12—H12A119.4O1—B1—N3117.18 (14)
C14—C13—C12121.61 (17)N5—B1—N3103.33 (13)
C14—C13—H13A119.2N1—B1—N3103.28 (13)
C24—N6—C1—N17.4 (2)C10—C15—C16—N4158.64 (16)
C24—N6—C1—C2155.98 (16)C14—C15—C16—N3174.03 (17)
C8—N1—C1—N6154.59 (15)C10—C15—C16—N37.64 (17)
B1—N1—C1—N615.4 (2)C16—N4—C17—N59.1 (2)
C8—N1—C1—C212.37 (17)C16—N4—C17—C18154.73 (16)
B1—N1—C1—C2177.64 (14)C24—N5—C17—N4155.36 (14)
N6—C1—C2—C319.4 (3)B1—N5—C17—N413.6 (2)
N1—C1—C2—C3175.05 (17)C24—N5—C17—C1811.96 (17)
N6—C1—C2—C7159.14 (16)B1—N5—C17—C18179.06 (14)
N1—C1—C2—C76.39 (17)N4—C17—C18—C1919.2 (3)
C7—C2—C3—C41.8 (2)N5—C17—C18—C19174.95 (17)
C1—C2—C3—C4179.75 (17)N4—C17—C18—C23158.20 (16)
C2—C3—C4—C51.3 (3)N5—C17—C18—C237.64 (17)
C3—C4—C5—C60.1 (3)C23—C18—C19—C201.2 (2)
C4—C5—C6—C71.1 (3)C17—C18—C19—C20178.37 (16)
C5—C6—C7—C20.5 (2)C18—C19—C20—C213.1 (2)
C5—C6—C7—C8178.76 (17)C19—C20—C21—C221.4 (3)
C3—C2—C7—C60.9 (2)C20—C21—C22—C232.2 (3)
C1—C2—C7—C6179.70 (15)C21—C22—C23—C184.1 (2)
C3—C2—C7—C8177.70 (15)C21—C22—C23—C24179.74 (16)
C1—C2—C7—C81.05 (17)C19—C18—C23—C222.4 (2)
C9—N2—C8—N16.9 (2)C17—C18—C23—C22175.42 (15)
C9—N2—C8—C7157.45 (16)C19—C18—C23—C24179.02 (14)
C1—N1—C8—N2154.74 (14)C17—C18—C23—C241.21 (17)
B1—N1—C8—N215.1 (2)C1—N6—C24—N58.8 (2)
C1—N1—C8—C712.99 (17)C1—N6—C24—C23155.46 (16)
B1—N1—C8—C7177.14 (14)C17—N5—C24—N6156.34 (15)
C6—C7—C8—N220.3 (3)B1—N5—C24—N612.7 (2)
C2—C7—C8—N2158.15 (16)C17—N5—C24—C2311.21 (17)
C6—C7—C8—N1173.44 (17)B1—N5—C24—C23179.72 (14)
C2—C7—C8—N18.15 (17)C22—C23—C24—N615.5 (3)
C8—N2—C9—N38.0 (2)C18—C23—C24—N6160.58 (16)
C8—N2—C9—C10156.98 (16)C22—C23—C24—N5178.20 (17)
C16—N3—C9—N2155.65 (14)C18—C23—C24—N55.68 (17)
B1—N3—C9—N212.6 (2)B1—O1—C25—C26108.42 (17)
C16—N3—C9—C1012.50 (17)O1—C25—C26—F258.5 (2)
B1—N3—C9—C10179.23 (13)O1—C25—C26—F3178.51 (14)
N2—C9—C10—C1119.1 (3)O1—C25—C26—F162.88 (19)
N3—C9—C10—C11173.93 (17)C25—O1—B1—N526.0 (2)
N2—C9—C10—C15160.02 (16)C25—O1—B1—N1144.61 (14)
N3—C9—C10—C156.91 (16)C25—O1—B1—N397.22 (18)
C15—C10—C11—C122.5 (2)C17—N5—B1—O199.68 (18)
C9—C10—C11—C12178.46 (16)C24—N5—B1—O192.39 (18)
C10—C11—C12—C132.9 (3)C17—N5—B1—N1137.99 (14)
C11—C12—C13—C140.5 (3)C24—N5—B1—N129.94 (19)
C12—C13—C14—C152.3 (3)C17—N5—B1—N330.43 (19)
C13—C14—C15—C102.6 (2)C24—N5—B1—N3137.50 (14)
C13—C14—C15—C16179.22 (16)C8—N1—B1—O196.21 (18)
C11—C10—C15—C140.3 (2)C1—N1—B1—O194.85 (17)
C9—C10—C15—C14179.02 (14)C8—N1—B1—N5137.70 (14)
C11—C10—C15—C16178.82 (14)C1—N1—B1—N531.24 (19)
C9—C10—C15—C160.46 (17)C8—N1—B1—N330.11 (19)
C17—N4—C16—N39.1 (2)C1—N1—B1—N3138.84 (14)
C17—N4—C16—C15155.18 (16)C9—N3—B1—O193.42 (18)
C9—N3—C16—N4154.83 (14)C16—N3—B1—O199.48 (17)
B1—N3—C16—N413.4 (2)C9—N3—B1—N5136.78 (14)
C9—N3—C16—C1512.79 (17)C16—N3—B1—N530.32 (19)
B1—N3—C16—C15178.93 (13)C9—N3—B1—N128.76 (19)
C14—C15—C16—N419.7 (3)C16—N3—B1—N1138.34 (14)
(Butanolato)(subphthalocyaninato)boron (d2365_a) top
Crystal data top
C28H21BN6ODx = 1.354 Mg m3
Mr = 468.32Cu Kα radiation, λ = 1.54178 Å
Orthorhombic, PbcaCell parameters from 7196 reflections
a = 14.6398 (8) Åθ = 4.7–63.5°
b = 15.2842 (9) ŵ = 0.68 mm1
c = 20.5313 (12) ÅT = 150 K
V = 4594.0 (5) Å3Shard, red
Z = 80.15 × 0.07 × 0.06 mm
F(000) = 1952
Data collection top
3295 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: Incoatec ImuS with multi-layer opticsRint = 0.065
φ and ω scansθmax = 66.3°, θmin = 4.7°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Krause et al., 2015)
h = 1716
Tmin = 0.661, Tmax = 0.753k = 1617
45733 measured reflectionsl = 2424
3951 independent reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Least-squares matrix: fullHydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.038H-atom parameters constrained
wR(F2) = 0.095 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0386P)2 + 1.7934P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
S = 1.07(Δ/σ)max = 0.001
3951 reflectionsΔρmax = 0.33 e Å3
326 parametersΔρmin = 0.22 e Å3
0 restraints
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
O10.65454 (7)0.16749 (7)0.52754 (5)0.0285 (3)
N10.58690 (8)0.22126 (8)0.42800 (6)0.0248 (3)
N20.44187 (9)0.26949 (8)0.46684 (6)0.0263 (3)
N30.57903 (9)0.31323 (8)0.51964 (6)0.0250 (3)
N40.70172 (8)0.41129 (8)0.54038 (6)0.0267 (3)
N50.71948 (8)0.29367 (8)0.46566 (6)0.0252 (3)
N60.71634 (9)0.23507 (8)0.35842 (6)0.0275 (3)
C10.62896 (10)0.21061 (10)0.36922 (7)0.0259 (3)
C20.55680 (11)0.19102 (10)0.32311 (7)0.0269 (3)
C30.55809 (11)0.17229 (10)0.25676 (8)0.0322 (4)
C40.47546 (12)0.16141 (11)0.22530 (8)0.0363 (4)
C50.39223 (12)0.16993 (11)0.25832 (8)0.0342 (4)
C60.38963 (11)0.18955 (10)0.32386 (8)0.0300 (4)
C70.47213 (11)0.20048 (10)0.35668 (7)0.0263 (3)
C80.49379 (10)0.22703 (10)0.42291 (7)0.0253 (3)
C90.48618 (10)0.31643 (10)0.51220 (7)0.0251 (3)
C100.45570 (10)0.39165 (10)0.55014 (7)0.0264 (3)
C110.36938 (11)0.42489 (11)0.56440 (7)0.0303 (4)
C120.36428 (12)0.49964 (11)0.60225 (8)0.0343 (4)
C130.44299 (12)0.54373 (11)0.62283 (8)0.0343 (4)
C140.52909 (11)0.51372 (10)0.60704 (8)0.0306 (4)
C150.53575 (10)0.43579 (10)0.57201 (7)0.0260 (3)
C160.61408 (11)0.38657 (10)0.54796 (7)0.0257 (3)
C170.75094 (10)0.36772 (10)0.49558 (7)0.0256 (3)
C180.82841 (10)0.39771 (10)0.45701 (8)0.0270 (4)
C190.88477 (11)0.47080 (10)0.46284 (8)0.0304 (4)
C200.94620 (11)0.48738 (11)0.41319 (9)0.0355 (4)
C210.94995 (11)0.43464 (12)0.35767 (9)0.0372 (4)
C220.89308 (11)0.36290 (11)0.35053 (8)0.0327 (4)
C230.83258 (10)0.34367 (10)0.40074 (8)0.0275 (3)
C240.75772 (10)0.28113 (10)0.40558 (7)0.0264 (3)
C250.69849 (13)0.18122 (11)0.58877 (8)0.0371 (4)
C260.70553 (11)0.09683 (11)0.62503 (8)0.0327 (4)
C270.74800 (13)0.10629 (12)0.69235 (8)0.0405 (4)
C280.75238 (17)0.02032 (14)0.72826 (10)0.0595 (6)
B10.63728 (12)0.24284 (11)0.48926 (8)0.0254 (4)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
O10.0352 (6)0.0240 (6)0.0262 (6)0.0006 (5)0.0076 (5)0.0007 (4)
N10.0262 (7)0.0232 (7)0.0248 (7)0.0000 (5)0.0014 (5)0.0011 (5)
N20.0288 (7)0.0253 (7)0.0248 (7)0.0025 (5)0.0003 (5)0.0021 (5)
N30.0276 (7)0.0243 (7)0.0232 (6)0.0011 (5)0.0012 (5)0.0007 (5)
N40.0278 (7)0.0262 (7)0.0261 (7)0.0006 (5)0.0029 (5)0.0013 (5)
N50.0256 (7)0.0243 (7)0.0257 (7)0.0013 (5)0.0017 (5)0.0016 (5)
N60.0268 (7)0.0255 (7)0.0302 (7)0.0020 (5)0.0003 (5)0.0036 (6)
C10.0290 (8)0.0231 (8)0.0258 (8)0.0028 (6)0.0003 (6)0.0016 (6)
C20.0318 (9)0.0214 (8)0.0274 (8)0.0016 (6)0.0027 (7)0.0021 (6)
C30.0372 (9)0.0301 (9)0.0292 (8)0.0032 (7)0.0015 (7)0.0052 (7)
C40.0449 (10)0.0371 (10)0.0268 (8)0.0045 (8)0.0070 (8)0.0073 (7)
C50.0372 (9)0.0320 (9)0.0334 (9)0.0013 (7)0.0102 (7)0.0046 (7)
C60.0302 (9)0.0275 (8)0.0323 (9)0.0006 (7)0.0041 (7)0.0024 (7)
C70.0302 (8)0.0213 (8)0.0275 (8)0.0007 (6)0.0022 (6)0.0007 (6)
C80.0266 (8)0.0234 (8)0.0260 (8)0.0010 (6)0.0011 (6)0.0014 (6)
C90.0263 (8)0.0257 (8)0.0233 (8)0.0017 (6)0.0007 (6)0.0032 (6)
C100.0318 (8)0.0272 (8)0.0202 (7)0.0014 (7)0.0011 (6)0.0035 (6)
C110.0313 (9)0.0335 (9)0.0261 (8)0.0029 (7)0.0004 (7)0.0049 (7)
C120.0364 (9)0.0364 (9)0.0301 (9)0.0108 (7)0.0038 (7)0.0041 (7)
C130.0444 (10)0.0286 (9)0.0299 (9)0.0070 (7)0.0021 (7)0.0011 (7)
C140.0376 (9)0.0273 (8)0.0269 (8)0.0012 (7)0.0001 (7)0.0003 (7)
C150.0306 (8)0.0251 (8)0.0222 (8)0.0008 (6)0.0017 (6)0.0031 (6)
C160.0312 (8)0.0238 (8)0.0222 (8)0.0008 (6)0.0021 (6)0.0003 (6)
C170.0274 (8)0.0234 (8)0.0261 (8)0.0005 (6)0.0053 (7)0.0019 (6)
C180.0235 (8)0.0249 (8)0.0327 (9)0.0035 (6)0.0035 (6)0.0003 (7)
C190.0276 (8)0.0270 (8)0.0364 (9)0.0004 (6)0.0040 (7)0.0005 (7)
C200.0294 (9)0.0327 (9)0.0445 (10)0.0035 (7)0.0032 (8)0.0038 (8)
C210.0279 (9)0.0421 (10)0.0416 (10)0.0018 (7)0.0031 (7)0.0050 (8)
C220.0272 (9)0.0361 (9)0.0348 (9)0.0035 (7)0.0019 (7)0.0021 (7)
C230.0240 (8)0.0257 (8)0.0330 (8)0.0038 (6)0.0016 (6)0.0000 (7)
C240.0258 (8)0.0247 (8)0.0287 (8)0.0046 (6)0.0004 (7)0.0019 (7)
C250.0501 (11)0.0324 (9)0.0288 (9)0.0005 (8)0.0114 (8)0.0004 (7)
C260.0339 (9)0.0319 (9)0.0325 (9)0.0025 (7)0.0037 (7)0.0028 (7)
C270.0484 (11)0.0415 (10)0.0318 (9)0.0047 (8)0.0061 (8)0.0034 (8)
C280.0765 (15)0.0565 (13)0.0457 (12)0.0175 (11)0.0181 (11)0.0175 (10)
B10.0277 (9)0.0244 (9)0.0241 (9)0.0005 (7)0.0010 (7)0.0020 (7)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
O1—B11.417 (2)C11—H11A0.9500
O1—C251.4277 (19)C12—C131.400 (2)
N1—C11.3646 (19)C12—H12A0.9500
N1—C81.3700 (19)C13—C141.380 (2)
N1—B11.495 (2)C13—H13A0.9500
N2—C91.343 (2)C14—C151.395 (2)
N2—C81.346 (2)C14—H14A0.9500
N3—C161.3630 (19)C15—C161.458 (2)
N3—C91.369 (2)C17—C181.457 (2)
N3—B11.508 (2)C18—C191.394 (2)
N4—C171.345 (2)C18—C231.421 (2)
N4—C161.346 (2)C19—C201.383 (2)
N5—C171.3676 (19)C19—H19A0.9500
N5—C241.3680 (19)C20—C211.397 (3)
N5—B11.512 (2)C20—H20A0.9500
N6—C241.342 (2)C21—C221.385 (2)
N6—C11.351 (2)C21—H21A0.9500
C1—C21.450 (2)C22—C231.391 (2)
C2—C31.392 (2)C22—H22A0.9500
C2—C71.426 (2)C23—C241.458 (2)
C3—C41.381 (2)C25—C261.493 (2)
C4—C51.401 (2)C25—H25B0.9900
C4—H4A0.9500C26—C271.523 (2)
C5—C61.379 (2)C26—H26A0.9900
C6—C71.393 (2)C27—C281.508 (3)
C7—C81.454 (2)C27—H27B0.9900
C9—C101.459 (2)C28—H28A0.9800
C10—C111.393 (2)C28—H28B0.9800
C10—C151.425 (2)C28—H28C0.9800
C11—C121.384 (2)
B1—O1—C25116.69 (12)N4—C16—N3122.69 (14)
C1—N1—C8112.90 (12)N4—C16—C15130.09 (14)
C1—N1—B1123.22 (13)N3—C16—C15105.83 (13)
C8—N1—B1122.74 (13)N4—C17—N5122.45 (14)
C9—N2—C8116.71 (13)N4—C17—C18129.27 (14)
C16—N3—C9113.09 (13)N5—C17—C18106.15 (13)
C16—N3—B1123.39 (13)C19—C18—C23120.67 (15)
C9—N3—B1122.74 (13)C19—C18—C17131.76 (15)
C17—N4—C16116.79 (13)C23—C18—C17106.99 (13)
C17—N5—C24112.53 (13)C20—C19—C18117.94 (15)
C17—N5—B1123.31 (12)C20—C19—H19A121.0
C24—N5—B1122.86 (12)C18—C19—H19A121.0
C24—N6—C1117.02 (13)C19—C20—C21121.41 (16)
N6—C1—N1122.64 (14)C19—C20—H20A119.3
N6—C1—C2129.79 (14)C21—C20—H20A119.3
N1—C1—C2105.86 (13)C22—C21—C20121.31 (16)
C3—C2—C7120.38 (14)C22—C21—H21A119.3
C3—C2—C1132.19 (15)C20—C21—H21A119.3
C7—C2—C1107.27 (13)C21—C22—C23118.16 (15)
C4—C3—C2118.07 (15)C21—C22—H22A120.9
C2—C3—H3A121.0C22—C23—C18120.46 (14)
C3—C4—C5121.63 (15)C22—C23—C24131.92 (15)
C3—C4—H4A119.2C18—C23—C24107.07 (13)
C5—C4—H4A119.2N6—C24—N5122.65 (14)
C6—C5—C4121.09 (15)N6—C24—C23129.38 (14)
C6—C5—H5A119.5N5—C24—C23106.09 (13)
C4—C5—H5A119.5O1—C25—C26110.07 (13)
C5—C6—C7118.31 (15)O1—C25—H25A109.6
C6—C7—C2120.51 (14)C26—C25—H25B109.6
C6—C7—C8132.45 (15)H25A—C25—H25B108.2
C2—C7—C8106.90 (13)C25—C26—C27113.51 (14)
N2—C8—N1122.80 (13)C25—C26—H26A108.9
N2—C8—C7129.64 (14)C27—C26—H26A108.9
N1—C8—C7105.69 (13)C25—C26—H26B108.9
N2—C9—N3122.56 (14)C27—C26—H26B108.9
N2—C9—C10130.07 (14)H26A—C26—H26B107.7
N3—C9—C10105.80 (13)C28—C27—C26112.24 (15)
C11—C10—C15120.48 (14)C28—C27—H27A109.2
C11—C10—C9132.62 (15)C26—C27—H27A109.2
C15—C10—C9106.85 (13)C28—C27—H27B109.2
C12—C11—C10117.91 (15)C26—C27—H27B109.2
C11—C12—C13121.50 (15)C27—C28—H28B109.5
C14—C13—C12121.39 (15)H28A—C28—H28C109.5
C12—C13—H13A119.3O1—B1—N1112.04 (13)
C13—C14—C15117.95 (15)O1—B1—N3116.83 (13)
C13—C14—H14A121.0N1—B1—N3103.09 (12)
C15—C14—H14A121.0O1—B1—N5116.97 (13)
C14—C15—C10120.62 (14)N1—B1—N5103.67 (12)
C14—C15—C16132.09 (14)N3—B1—N5102.47 (12)
C10—C15—C16107.22 (13)
C24—N6—C1—N18.4 (2)C10—C15—C16—N4160.67 (15)
C24—N6—C1—C2154.51 (15)C14—C15—C16—N3177.24 (15)
C8—N1—C1—N6154.80 (14)C10—C15—C16—N35.86 (16)
B1—N1—C1—N613.3 (2)C16—N4—C17—N59.5 (2)
C8—N1—C1—C211.62 (16)C16—N4—C17—C18151.51 (15)
B1—N1—C1—C2179.71 (13)C24—N5—C17—N4153.85 (14)
N6—C1—C2—C316.4 (3)B1—N5—C17—N413.5 (2)
N1—C1—C2—C3178.53 (16)C24—N5—C17—C1810.97 (16)
N6—C1—C2—C7158.88 (15)B1—N5—C17—C18178.28 (13)
N1—C1—C2—C76.20 (16)N4—C17—C18—C1914.1 (3)
C7—C2—C3—C41.4 (2)N5—C17—C18—C19177.53 (16)
C1—C2—C3—C4176.16 (16)N4—C17—C18—C23157.01 (15)
C2—C3—C4—C50.9 (2)N5—C17—C18—C236.41 (16)
C3—C4—C5—C60.1 (3)C23—C18—C19—C201.8 (2)
C4—C5—C6—C70.2 (2)C17—C18—C19—C20171.89 (16)
C5—C6—C7—C20.3 (2)C18—C19—C20—C212.2 (2)
C5—C6—C7—C8174.89 (16)C19—C20—C21—C220.9 (3)
C3—C2—C7—C61.2 (2)C20—C21—C22—C230.9 (2)
C1—C2—C7—C6177.11 (14)C21—C22—C23—C181.3 (2)
C3—C2—C7—C8175.16 (14)C21—C22—C23—C24171.58 (16)
C1—C2—C7—C80.78 (16)C19—C18—C23—C220.0 (2)
C9—N2—C8—N18.5 (2)C17—C18—C23—C22172.32 (14)
C9—N2—C8—C7153.64 (15)C19—C18—C23—C24172.41 (14)
C1—N1—C8—N2153.67 (14)C17—C18—C23—C240.10 (16)
B1—N1—C8—N214.5 (2)C1—N6—C24—N58.6 (2)
C1—N1—C8—C712.10 (17)C1—N6—C24—C23153.51 (15)
B1—N1—C8—C7179.74 (13)C17—N5—C24—N6154.79 (14)
C6—C7—C8—N218.7 (3)B1—N5—C24—N612.6 (2)
C2—C7—C8—N2156.99 (15)C17—N5—C24—C2310.90 (16)
C6—C7—C8—N1176.85 (16)B1—N5—C24—C23178.27 (13)
C2—C7—C8—N17.44 (16)C22—C23—C24—N613.1 (3)
C8—N2—C9—N38.3 (2)C18—C23—C24—N6158.15 (15)
C8—N2—C9—C10155.31 (15)C22—C23—C24—N5177.46 (16)
C16—N3—C9—N2155.60 (14)C18—C23—C24—N56.24 (16)
B1—N3—C9—N214.6 (2)B1—O1—C25—C26175.87 (14)
C16—N3—C9—C1011.42 (17)O1—C25—C26—C27177.48 (14)
B1—N3—C9—C10178.37 (13)C25—C26—C27—C28178.82 (17)
N2—C9—C10—C1118.6 (3)C25—O1—B1—N1177.06 (13)
N3—C9—C10—C11175.67 (16)C25—O1—B1—N358.47 (19)
N2—C9—C10—C15158.69 (15)C25—O1—B1—N563.47 (18)
N3—C9—C10—C156.99 (16)C1—N1—B1—O197.97 (16)
C15—C10—C11—C122.4 (2)C8—N1—B1—O195.08 (17)
C9—C10—C11—C12179.44 (15)C1—N1—B1—N3135.58 (14)
C10—C11—C12—C133.5 (2)C8—N1—B1—N331.36 (18)
C11—C12—C13—C141.0 (2)C1—N1—B1—N529.03 (18)
C12—C13—C14—C152.5 (2)C8—N1—B1—N5137.91 (13)
C13—C14—C15—C103.5 (2)C16—N3—B1—O198.99 (17)
C13—C14—C15—C16179.89 (16)C9—N3—B1—O191.81 (17)
C11—C10—C15—C141.1 (2)C16—N3—B1—N1137.69 (13)
C9—C10—C15—C14176.62 (13)C9—N3—B1—N131.50 (18)
C11—C10—C15—C16178.43 (14)C16—N3—B1—N530.24 (18)
C9—C10—C15—C160.71 (16)C9—N3—B1—N5138.96 (14)
C17—N4—C16—N39.7 (2)C17—N5—B1—O198.84 (17)
C17—N4—C16—C15154.90 (15)C24—N5—B1—O195.14 (17)
C9—N3—C16—N4156.81 (14)C17—N5—B1—N1137.31 (13)
B1—N3—C16—N413.3 (2)C24—N5—B1—N128.71 (18)
C9—N3—C16—C1510.97 (17)C17—N5—B1—N330.30 (18)
B1—N3—C16—C15178.90 (13)C24—N5—B1—N3135.72 (13)
C14—C15—C16—N416.2 (3)
(tert-Butanolato)(subphthalocyaninato)boron (d23115_a) top
Crystal data top
C28H21BN6OF(000) = 976
Mr = 468.32Dx = 1.346 Mg m3
Monoclinic, P21/cCu Kα radiation, λ = 1.54178 Å
a = 14.3815 (7) ÅCell parameters from 9907 reflections
b = 8.2702 (4) Åθ = 3.1–65.6°
c = 19.8660 (9) ŵ = 0.68 mm1
β = 102.074 (2)°T = 150 K
V = 2310.55 (19) Å3Shard, pink
Z = 40.17 × 0.09 × 0.02 mm
Data collection top
3363 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: Incoatec ImuS with multi-layer opticsRint = 0.052
φ and ω scansθmax = 66.4°, θmin = 3.1°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Krause et al., 2015)
h = 1716
Tmin = 0.673, Tmax = 0.753k = 99
41764 measured reflectionsl = 2323
3994 independent reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Hydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
Least-squares matrix: fullH-atom parameters constrained
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.035 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.043P)2 + 0.6555P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
wR(F2) = 0.089(Δ/σ)max < 0.001
S = 1.05Δρmax = 0.22 e Å3
3994 reflectionsΔρmin = 0.17 e Å3
329 parametersExtinction correction: SHELXL2019 (Sheldrick, 2015b), Fc*=kFc[1+0.001xFc2λ3/sin(2θ)]-1/4
0 restraintsExtinction coefficient: 0.0027 (2)
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
O10.13233 (7)0.45659 (12)0.34123 (5)0.0322 (2)
N10.25586 (8)0.26134 (13)0.35481 (6)0.0257 (3)
N20.38286 (8)0.42521 (14)0.33597 (6)0.0273 (3)
N30.29197 (8)0.50116 (14)0.41822 (6)0.0261 (3)
N40.26678 (8)0.50795 (14)0.53271 (6)0.0282 (3)
N50.19298 (8)0.30535 (14)0.45350 (6)0.0269 (3)
N60.18897 (8)0.04134 (15)0.40441 (6)0.0295 (3)
C10.23293 (10)0.10185 (17)0.35669 (7)0.0264 (3)
C20.28511 (10)0.02031 (17)0.31120 (7)0.0269 (3)
C30.28641 (11)0.13979 (18)0.28963 (7)0.0313 (3)
C40.34791 (11)0.18023 (19)0.24732 (8)0.0358 (4)
C50.40911 (11)0.06566 (19)0.22827 (8)0.0347 (4)
C60.41009 (10)0.09253 (18)0.25084 (7)0.0301 (3)
C70.34651 (10)0.13761 (17)0.29132 (7)0.0263 (3)
C80.32972 (10)0.28996 (17)0.32361 (7)0.0253 (3)
C90.36722 (10)0.52164 (16)0.38687 (7)0.0264 (3)
C100.43102 (10)0.63519 (16)0.42978 (7)0.0277 (3)
C110.51788 (10)0.70194 (17)0.42372 (8)0.0314 (3)
C120.56482 (11)0.80038 (17)0.47634 (8)0.0337 (3)
C130.52780 (11)0.82968 (17)0.53489 (8)0.0335 (4)
C140.44356 (11)0.75980 (17)0.54275 (8)0.0313 (3)
C150.39448 (10)0.66299 (16)0.48975 (7)0.0283 (3)
C160.30911 (10)0.56455 (16)0.48327 (7)0.0272 (3)
C170.21516 (10)0.37185 (17)0.51812 (7)0.0275 (3)
C180.19411 (10)0.24788 (18)0.56463 (7)0.0282 (3)
C190.20229 (10)0.24625 (19)0.63576 (7)0.0315 (3)
C200.18385 (11)0.1032 (2)0.66637 (8)0.0376 (4)
C210.16091 (12)0.0380 (2)0.62762 (8)0.0423 (4)
C220.15452 (12)0.0400 (2)0.55722 (8)0.0383 (4)
C230.16970 (10)0.10470 (18)0.52524 (7)0.0305 (3)
C240.17644 (10)0.14261 (17)0.45474 (7)0.0281 (3)
C250.04743 (10)0.53426 (18)0.35279 (8)0.0307 (3)
C260.00330 (13)0.6075 (2)0.28332 (9)0.0488 (4)
C270.07026 (11)0.66450 (19)0.40753 (9)0.0396 (4)
C280.01812 (11)0.4078 (2)0.37321 (9)0.0433 (4)
B10.20919 (11)0.3904 (2)0.38962 (8)0.0270 (4)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
O10.0296 (5)0.0411 (6)0.0274 (5)0.0076 (4)0.0091 (4)0.0016 (4)
N10.0276 (6)0.0273 (6)0.0234 (6)0.0002 (5)0.0083 (5)0.0003 (5)
N20.0309 (6)0.0273 (6)0.0249 (6)0.0010 (5)0.0085 (5)0.0025 (5)
N30.0294 (6)0.0253 (6)0.0250 (6)0.0011 (5)0.0084 (5)0.0006 (5)
N40.0313 (6)0.0278 (6)0.0271 (6)0.0023 (5)0.0095 (5)0.0010 (5)
N50.0281 (6)0.0298 (6)0.0245 (6)0.0007 (5)0.0092 (5)0.0011 (5)
N60.0302 (6)0.0329 (7)0.0273 (6)0.0052 (5)0.0101 (5)0.0023 (5)
C10.0269 (7)0.0274 (7)0.0251 (7)0.0023 (6)0.0062 (6)0.0003 (6)
C20.0290 (7)0.0303 (7)0.0215 (7)0.0008 (6)0.0057 (6)0.0001 (6)
C30.0342 (8)0.0295 (8)0.0311 (8)0.0011 (6)0.0089 (6)0.0013 (6)
C40.0398 (9)0.0309 (8)0.0380 (9)0.0029 (7)0.0110 (7)0.0053 (7)
C50.0353 (8)0.0371 (8)0.0345 (8)0.0048 (7)0.0137 (7)0.0032 (6)
C60.0300 (7)0.0337 (8)0.0283 (8)0.0008 (6)0.0100 (6)0.0002 (6)
C70.0274 (7)0.0289 (7)0.0227 (7)0.0013 (6)0.0052 (6)0.0008 (6)
C80.0268 (7)0.0279 (7)0.0222 (7)0.0009 (6)0.0078 (6)0.0025 (6)
C90.0291 (7)0.0254 (7)0.0268 (7)0.0021 (6)0.0104 (6)0.0043 (6)
C100.0317 (8)0.0223 (7)0.0296 (8)0.0018 (6)0.0076 (6)0.0030 (6)
C110.0336 (8)0.0270 (7)0.0351 (8)0.0022 (6)0.0106 (7)0.0025 (6)
C120.0297 (8)0.0284 (8)0.0418 (9)0.0006 (6)0.0047 (7)0.0035 (6)
C130.0373 (8)0.0247 (7)0.0349 (8)0.0010 (6)0.0011 (7)0.0022 (6)
C140.0396 (8)0.0245 (7)0.0291 (8)0.0036 (6)0.0054 (6)0.0030 (6)
C150.0333 (8)0.0230 (7)0.0286 (8)0.0025 (6)0.0065 (6)0.0029 (6)
C160.0314 (8)0.0253 (7)0.0255 (7)0.0032 (6)0.0076 (6)0.0002 (6)
C170.0279 (7)0.0311 (8)0.0254 (7)0.0018 (6)0.0098 (6)0.0024 (6)
C180.0252 (7)0.0344 (8)0.0269 (7)0.0008 (6)0.0101 (6)0.0002 (6)
C190.0285 (7)0.0403 (9)0.0268 (8)0.0026 (6)0.0082 (6)0.0013 (6)
C200.0378 (9)0.0502 (10)0.0262 (8)0.0074 (7)0.0099 (7)0.0025 (7)
C210.0507 (10)0.0447 (9)0.0334 (9)0.0138 (8)0.0134 (8)0.0048 (7)
C220.0448 (9)0.0382 (9)0.0341 (9)0.0124 (7)0.0130 (7)0.0005 (7)
C230.0291 (8)0.0371 (8)0.0277 (8)0.0052 (6)0.0113 (6)0.0004 (6)
C240.0277 (7)0.0312 (8)0.0269 (7)0.0037 (6)0.0089 (6)0.0010 (6)
C250.0266 (7)0.0333 (8)0.0331 (8)0.0027 (6)0.0089 (6)0.0001 (6)
C260.0429 (10)0.0640 (12)0.0395 (9)0.0200 (9)0.0086 (8)0.0086 (9)
C270.0355 (9)0.0340 (8)0.0497 (10)0.0012 (7)0.0096 (7)0.0071 (7)
C280.0351 (9)0.0407 (9)0.0568 (11)0.0060 (7)0.0160 (8)0.0049 (8)
B10.0285 (8)0.0287 (8)0.0254 (8)0.0011 (7)0.0096 (7)0.0004 (7)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
O1—B11.4146 (19)C11—H11A0.9500
O1—C251.4399 (17)C12—C131.398 (2)
N1—C81.3578 (17)C12—H12A0.9500
N1—C11.3620 (18)C13—C141.380 (2)
N1—B11.5040 (19)C13—H13A0.9500
N2—C91.3432 (18)C14—C151.392 (2)
N2—C81.3480 (18)C14—H14A0.9500
N3—C91.3675 (17)C15—C161.456 (2)
N3—C161.3684 (18)C17—C181.454 (2)
N3—B11.515 (2)C18—C191.393 (2)
N4—C161.3434 (18)C18—C231.422 (2)
N4—C171.3461 (19)C19—C201.381 (2)
N5—C241.3679 (18)C19—H19A0.9500
N5—C171.3715 (18)C20—C211.400 (2)
N5—B11.5110 (19)C20—H20A0.9500
N6—C11.3416 (18)C21—C221.382 (2)
N6—C241.3450 (18)C21—H21A0.9500
C1—C21.4554 (19)C22—C231.393 (2)
C2—C31.393 (2)C22—H22A0.9500
C2—C71.4222 (19)C23—C241.4581 (19)
C3—C41.383 (2)C25—C271.517 (2)
C3—H3A0.9500C25—C281.519 (2)
C4—C51.398 (2)C25—C261.519 (2)
C5—C61.382 (2)C26—H26B0.9800
C6—C71.389 (2)C27—H27A0.9800
C7—C81.4568 (19)C27—H27C0.9800
C9—C101.457 (2)C28—H28A0.9800
C10—C111.394 (2)C28—H28B0.9800
C10—C151.418 (2)C28—H28C0.9800
C11—C121.384 (2)
B1—O1—C25129.23 (11)N4—C16—N3122.50 (13)
C8—N1—C1113.47 (11)N4—C16—C15129.27 (13)
C8—N1—B1123.58 (12)N3—C16—C15106.24 (11)
C1—N1—B1122.73 (12)N4—C17—N5123.14 (12)
C9—N2—C8116.87 (11)N4—C17—C18129.16 (13)
C9—N3—C16112.29 (12)N5—C17—C18105.88 (12)
C9—N3—B1122.59 (11)C19—C18—C23120.58 (13)
C16—N3—B1123.92 (11)C19—C18—C17131.82 (13)
C16—N4—C17116.60 (12)C23—C18—C17107.32 (12)
C24—N5—C17112.64 (12)C20—C19—C18118.15 (14)
C24—N5—B1122.08 (12)C20—C19—H19A120.9
C17—N5—B1123.57 (12)C18—C19—H19A120.9
C1—N6—C24116.70 (12)C19—C20—C21121.16 (14)
N6—C1—N1122.22 (12)C19—C20—H20A119.4
N6—C1—C2130.26 (13)C21—C20—H20A119.4
N1—C1—C2105.81 (11)C22—C21—C20121.65 (15)
C3—C2—C7120.92 (13)C22—C21—H21A119.2
C3—C2—C1132.32 (13)C20—C21—H21A119.2
C7—C2—C1106.68 (12)C21—C22—C23117.85 (15)
C4—C3—C2117.92 (14)C21—C22—H22A121.1
C2—C3—H3A121.0C22—C23—C18120.56 (13)
C3—C4—C5121.31 (14)C22—C23—C24132.13 (14)
C3—C4—H4A119.3C18—C23—C24106.93 (12)
C5—C4—H4A119.3N6—C24—N5123.26 (12)
C6—C5—C4121.19 (14)N6—C24—C23128.78 (13)
C6—C5—H5A119.4N5—C24—C23106.00 (12)
C4—C5—H5A119.4O1—C25—C27111.56 (12)
C5—C6—C7118.59 (14)O1—C25—C28109.25 (12)
C5—C6—H6A120.7C27—C25—C28110.53 (13)
C7—C6—H6A120.7O1—C25—C26103.89 (11)
C6—C7—C2119.99 (13)C27—C25—C26110.78 (14)
C6—C7—C8132.61 (13)C28—C25—C26110.64 (14)
C2—C7—C8107.33 (11)C25—C26—H26A109.5
N2—C8—N1121.96 (12)C25—C26—H26B109.5
N2—C8—C7131.15 (12)H26A—C26—H26B109.5
N1—C8—C7105.54 (11)C25—C26—H26C109.5
N2—C9—N3122.85 (13)H26A—C26—H26C109.5
N2—C9—C10129.72 (12)H26B—C26—H26C109.5
N3—C9—C10105.95 (12)C25—C27—H27A109.5
C11—C10—C15120.32 (13)C25—C27—H27B109.5
C11—C10—C9132.12 (13)H27A—C27—H27B109.5
C15—C10—C9107.31 (12)C25—C27—H27C109.5
C12—C11—C10118.16 (14)H27A—C27—H27C109.5
C11—C12—C13121.32 (14)C25—C28—H28B109.5
C14—C13—C12121.18 (14)H28A—C28—H28C109.5
C12—C13—H13A119.4O1—B1—N1108.82 (12)
C13—C14—C15118.26 (14)O1—B1—N5120.99 (12)
C13—C14—H14A120.9N1—B1—N5102.59 (11)
C15—C14—H14A120.9O1—B1—N3117.50 (12)
C14—C15—C10120.70 (13)N1—B1—N3102.13 (11)
C14—C15—C16132.32 (13)N5—B1—N3102.33 (11)
C10—C15—C16106.79 (12)
C24—N6—C1—N16.2 (2)C10—C15—C16—N4156.41 (14)
C24—N6—C1—C2156.75 (14)C14—C15—C16—N3177.62 (14)
C8—N1—C1—N6155.21 (13)C10—C15—C16—N37.51 (15)
B1—N1—C1—N619.7 (2)C16—N4—C17—N510.1 (2)
C8—N1—C1—C211.33 (16)C16—N4—C17—C18152.35 (14)
B1—N1—C1—C2173.79 (12)C24—N5—C17—N4154.67 (13)
N6—C1—C2—C318.9 (3)B1—N5—C17—N410.7 (2)
N1—C1—C2—C3176.02 (15)C24—N5—C17—C1811.22 (15)
N6—C1—C2—C7157.83 (14)B1—N5—C17—C18176.55 (12)
N1—C1—C2—C77.22 (15)N4—C17—C18—C1915.4 (3)
C7—C2—C3—C41.2 (2)N5—C17—C18—C19179.91 (15)
C1—C2—C3—C4177.55 (14)N4—C17—C18—C23158.39 (14)
C2—C3—C4—C51.9 (2)N5—C17—C18—C236.35 (15)
C3—C4—C5—C60.3 (2)C23—C18—C19—C201.5 (2)
C4—C5—C6—C72.1 (2)C17—C18—C19—C20174.57 (15)
C5—C6—C7—C22.7 (2)C18—C19—C20—C212.3 (2)
C5—C6—C7—C8179.19 (15)C19—C20—C21—C220.8 (3)
C3—C2—C7—C61.1 (2)C20—C21—C22—C231.4 (3)
C1—C2—C7—C6176.06 (13)C21—C22—C23—C182.1 (2)
C3—C2—C7—C8178.40 (13)C21—C22—C23—C24173.96 (16)
C1—C2—C7—C81.19 (15)C19—C18—C23—C220.7 (2)
C9—N2—C8—N17.97 (19)C17—C18—C23—C22173.92 (14)
C9—N2—C8—C7156.70 (14)C19—C18—C23—C24174.38 (13)
C1—N1—C8—N2157.53 (13)C17—C18—C23—C240.21 (16)
B1—N1—C8—N217.3 (2)C1—N6—C24—N510.0 (2)
C1—N1—C8—C710.55 (15)C1—N6—C24—C23151.74 (14)
B1—N1—C8—C7174.62 (12)C17—N5—C24—N6153.95 (13)
C6—C7—C8—N215.5 (3)B1—N5—C24—N611.6 (2)
C2—C7—C8—N2161.26 (14)C17—N5—C24—C2311.36 (16)
C6—C7—C8—N1177.95 (15)B1—N5—C24—C23176.94 (12)
C2—C7—C8—N15.28 (15)C22—C23—C24—N615.2 (3)
C8—N2—C9—N310.19 (19)C18—C23—C24—N6157.52 (14)
C8—N2—C9—C10153.89 (14)C22—C23—C24—N5179.40 (16)
C16—N3—C9—N2155.48 (13)C18—C23—C24—N56.70 (16)
B1—N3—C9—N212.4 (2)B1—O1—C25—C2749.70 (19)
C16—N3—C9—C1011.85 (15)B1—O1—C25—C2872.81 (18)
B1—N3—C9—C10179.74 (12)B1—O1—C25—C26169.09 (15)
N2—C9—C10—C1114.4 (3)C25—O1—B1—N1154.31 (12)
N3—C9—C10—C11179.50 (14)C25—O1—B1—N536.1 (2)
N2—C9—C10—C15159.66 (14)C25—O1—B1—N390.36 (17)
N3—C9—C10—C156.47 (15)C8—N1—B1—O191.35 (16)
C15—C10—C11—C122.5 (2)C1—N1—B1—O194.29 (15)
C9—C10—C11—C12175.92 (14)C8—N1—B1—N5139.34 (13)
C10—C11—C12—C131.5 (2)C1—N1—B1—N535.02 (17)
C11—C12—C13—C140.8 (2)C8—N1—B1—N333.56 (17)
C12—C13—C14—C152.0 (2)C1—N1—B1—N3140.79 (12)
C13—C14—C15—C100.9 (2)C24—N5—B1—O190.43 (17)
C13—C14—C15—C16175.22 (14)C17—N5—B1—O1105.58 (16)
C11—C10—C15—C141.4 (2)C24—N5—B1—N130.88 (17)
C9—C10—C15—C14176.22 (12)C17—N5—B1—N1133.10 (13)
C11—C10—C15—C16174.24 (12)C24—N5—B1—N3136.51 (13)
C9—C10—C15—C160.63 (15)C17—N5—B1—N327.48 (17)
C17—N4—C16—N38.1 (2)C9—N3—B1—O188.02 (16)
C17—N4—C16—C15153.56 (14)C16—N3—B1—O1105.50 (15)
C9—N3—C16—N4153.00 (13)C9—N3—B1—N130.93 (16)
B1—N3—C16—N414.7 (2)C16—N3—B1—N1135.55 (13)
C9—N3—C16—C1512.28 (15)C9—N3—B1—N5136.90 (12)
B1—N3—C16—C15179.99 (12)C16—N3—B1—N529.58 (17)
C14—C15—C16—N418.5 (3)
(Octanolato)(subphthalocyaninato)boron (d23123_a) top
Crystal data top
6C32H29BN6O·2H2O0.50Z = 1
Mr = 3166.55F(000) = 1668
Triclinic, P1Dx = 1.314 Mg m3
a = 15.3028 (7) ÅCu Kα radiation, λ = 1.54178 Å
b = 16.2278 (7) ÅCell parameters from 6400 reflections
c = 17.3604 (7) Åθ = 2.7–63.9°
α = 103.045 (3)°µ = 0.65 mm1
β = 105.716 (3)°T = 150 K
γ = 94.022 (3)°Shard, pink
V = 4003.0 (3) Å30.24 × 0.16 × 0.06 mm
Data collection top
10618 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: Incoatec ImuS with multi-layer opticsRint = 0.070
φ and ω scansθmax = 66.4°, θmin = 2.7°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Krause et al., 2015)
h = 1718
Tmin = 0.622, Tmax = 0.753k = 1919
110436 measured reflectionsl = 2020
13816 independent reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Hydrogen site location: mixed
Least-squares matrix: fullH-atom parameters constrained
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.054 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0697P)2 + 2.1766P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
wR(F2) = 0.149(Δ/σ)max < 0.001
S = 1.05Δρmax = 0.61 e Å3
13816 reflectionsΔρmin = 0.38 e Å3
1201 parametersExtinction correction: SHELXL2019 (Sheldrick, 2015b), Fc*=kFc[1+0.001xFc2λ3/sin(2θ)]-1/4
499 restraintsExtinction coefficient: 0.00223 (15)
Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
xyzUiso*/UeqOcc. (<1)
O1A0.77624 (11)0.36183 (10)0.70390 (9)0.0390 (4)
N1A0.65242 (12)0.26603 (12)0.59626 (10)0.0316 (4)
N2A0.71668 (12)0.13671 (12)0.57327 (10)0.0326 (4)
N3A0.72729 (12)0.21399 (12)0.71030 (10)0.0303 (4)
N4A0.67121 (12)0.23869 (12)0.82811 (10)0.0332 (4)
N5A0.62832 (12)0.31692 (12)0.72638 (11)0.0332 (4)
N6A0.52633 (13)0.34070 (12)0.60570 (11)0.0380 (5)
C1A0.57428 (15)0.29578 (14)0.56100 (13)0.0337 (5)
C2A0.54488 (15)0.24989 (15)0.47383 (13)0.0345 (5)
C3A0.46960 (17)0.25264 (16)0.40831 (14)0.0395 (6)
C4A0.45320 (17)0.19143 (17)0.33424 (14)0.0426 (6)
C5A0.50962 (17)0.12849 (17)0.32495 (14)0.0406 (6)
C6A0.58470 (16)0.12477 (16)0.38906 (13)0.0370 (5)
C7A0.60278 (15)0.18617 (15)0.46395 (13)0.0328 (5)
C8A0.66774 (14)0.19482 (14)0.54496 (13)0.0313 (5)
C9A0.74113 (14)0.14480 (14)0.65553 (13)0.0309 (5)
C10A0.75977 (14)0.07926 (15)0.70003 (13)0.0321 (5)
C11A0.77972 (15)0.00374 (16)0.67651 (14)0.0376 (5)
C12A0.78409 (17)0.05425 (17)0.73115 (15)0.0442 (6)
C13A0.76830 (18)0.02420 (17)0.80787 (16)0.0458 (6)
C14A0.74848 (16)0.05751 (16)0.83205 (14)0.0390 (5)
C15A0.74499 (14)0.11037 (15)0.77825 (13)0.0319 (5)
C16A0.71809 (14)0.19458 (15)0.78081 (12)0.0321 (5)
C17A0.62236 (15)0.29559 (14)0.79709 (13)0.0333 (5)
C18A0.54126 (15)0.32801 (14)0.81356 (13)0.0347 (5)
C19A0.50171 (16)0.32619 (15)0.87688 (14)0.0375 (5)
C20A0.41774 (16)0.35503 (15)0.86993 (15)0.0414 (6)
C21A0.37301 (17)0.38452 (15)0.80207 (16)0.0439 (6)
C22A0.41091 (17)0.38620 (15)0.73843 (15)0.0425 (6)
C23A0.49608 (16)0.35851 (15)0.74487 (14)0.0366 (5)
C24A0.55087 (16)0.34516 (14)0.68727 (14)0.0357 (5)
C25A0.83225 (17)0.39292 (17)0.78780 (15)0.0457 (6)
C26A0.92488 (19)0.3681 (2)0.79900 (18)0.0624 (8)
C27A0.98796 (19)0.4084 (2)0.88718 (18)0.0583 (7)
C28A1.0846 (2)0.3902 (2)0.8993 (2)0.0710 (9)
C29A1.1493 (2)0.4336 (2)0.98479 (18)0.0581 (7)
C30A1.24692 (19)0.41957 (19)0.99252 (17)0.0532 (7)
C31A1.31477 (19)0.46988 (17)1.07356 (15)0.0486 (6)
C32A1.41249 (18)0.45535 (17)1.07933 (16)0.0484 (6)
B1A0.70321 (18)0.29553 (17)0.68701 (15)0.0340 (6)
N1B0.54418 (12)0.17729 (11)0.14279 (10)0.0290 (4)
N2B0.68560 (12)0.15591 (11)0.22919 (11)0.0318 (4)
N3B0.63544 (12)0.29256 (11)0.25022 (11)0.0304 (4)
N4B0.55947 (13)0.39765 (12)0.31570 (11)0.0339 (4)
N5B0.48129 (12)0.30104 (11)0.18579 (10)0.0309 (4)
N6B0.38246 (12)0.17359 (11)0.10262 (10)0.0318 (4)
C1B0.45758 (15)0.13443 (14)0.10575 (12)0.0292 (5)
C2B0.46782 (15)0.04419 (14)0.09085 (12)0.0297 (5)
C3B0.40548 (16)0.03011 (14)0.05101 (13)0.0330 (5)
C4B0.43778 (17)0.10798 (15)0.04899 (13)0.0372 (5)
C5B0.52956 (17)0.11243 (15)0.08691 (14)0.0375 (5)
C6B0.59174 (16)0.03945 (14)0.12875 (13)0.0341 (5)
C7B0.56093 (15)0.03915 (14)0.12949 (12)0.0300 (5)
C8B0.60736 (15)0.12615 (14)0.16756 (13)0.0297 (5)
C9B0.69478 (14)0.23733 (14)0.27341 (13)0.0311 (5)
C10B0.74647 (15)0.27666 (14)0.35949 (13)0.0322 (5)
C11B0.81553 (15)0.24968 (15)0.41503 (14)0.0362 (5)
C12B0.84344 (17)0.29682 (16)0.49675 (14)0.0408 (6)
C13B0.80404 (17)0.36904 (16)0.52340 (14)0.0407 (6)
C14B0.73544 (16)0.39605 (15)0.46901 (14)0.0371 (5)
C15B0.70689 (15)0.35006 (14)0.38632 (13)0.0322 (5)
C16B0.63209 (15)0.35593 (14)0.31657 (13)0.0322 (5)
C17B0.48290 (15)0.36609 (14)0.25208 (13)0.0321 (5)
C18B0.38776 (15)0.37471 (15)0.24656 (13)0.0346 (5)
C19B0.34798 (17)0.43257 (16)0.29397 (15)0.0415 (6)
C20B0.25313 (18)0.42293 (17)0.27291 (16)0.0471 (6)
C21B0.19961 (18)0.35591 (18)0.20819 (16)0.0474 (6)
C22B0.23781 (16)0.29607 (16)0.16222 (15)0.0411 (6)
C23B0.33295 (16)0.30587 (15)0.18100 (13)0.0353 (5)
C24B0.39575 (15)0.25567 (14)0.14705 (13)0.0317 (5)
O1B0.59133 (11)0.30152 (9)0.10243 (9)0.0359 (4)
C25B0.63545 (18)0.38710 (15)0.12029 (16)0.0435 (6)0.735 (5)
H25C0.6273060.4211930.1722330.052*0.735 (5)
H25D0.6069330.4134290.0751140.052*0.735 (5)
C26B0.7365 (2)0.3880 (2)0.1291 (2)0.0626 (7)0.735 (5)
H26C0.7673640.4477620.1481760.075*0.735 (5)
H26D0.7638970.3578320.1715370.075*0.735 (5)
C27B0.7525 (3)0.3457 (3)0.0487 (3)0.0637 (12)0.735 (5)
H27C0.7323920.3811630.0093930.076*0.735 (5)
H27D0.7126490.2898320.0257850.076*0.735 (5)
C28B0.8512 (3)0.3304 (4)0.0517 (4)0.0877 (16)0.735 (5)
H28C0.8517970.3034870.0052520.105*0.735 (5)
H28D0.8899850.3867260.0696370.105*0.735 (5)
C29B0.8957 (4)0.2757 (4)0.1074 (4)0.1024 (17)0.735 (5)
H29C0.8882170.2975510.1629340.123*0.735 (5)
H29D0.9622320.2816430.1134760.123*0.735 (5)
C30B0.8554 (4)0.1785 (3)0.0748 (3)0.1314 (16)0.735 (5)
H30C0.7876960.1713740.0605400.158*0.735 (5)
H30D0.8727830.1524060.0247520.158*0.735 (5)
C31B0.8961 (3)0.1354 (4)0.1454 (3)0.0941 (17)0.735 (5)
H31C0.8866170.1675210.1975690.113*0.735 (5)
H31D0.8644460.0763140.1314990.113*0.735 (5)
C32B0.9955 (4)0.1343 (4)0.1564 (4)0.144 (2)0.735 (5)
H32D1.0212090.1070920.2009440.217*0.735 (5)
H32E1.0044800.1019690.1048030.217*0.735 (5)
H32F1.0265970.1929520.1707100.217*0.735 (5)
C25D0.63545 (18)0.38710 (15)0.12029 (16)0.0435 (6)0.265 (5)
H25E0.6273060.4211930.1722330.052*0.265 (5)
H25F0.6069330.4134290.0751140.052*0.265 (5)
C26D0.7365 (2)0.3880 (2)0.1291 (2)0.0626 (7)0.265 (5)
H26E0.7594780.4436350.1223050.075*0.265 (5)
H26F0.7673710.3868390.1868560.075*0.265 (5)
C27D0.7678 (8)0.3223 (8)0.0756 (9)0.075 (3)0.265 (5)
H27E0.7385220.3229250.0174780.090*0.265 (5)
H27F0.7467950.2660200.0824690.090*0.265 (5)
C28D0.8736 (8)0.3314 (8)0.0916 (10)0.084 (3)0.265 (5)
H28E0.9056070.3375980.1507580.100*0.265 (5)
H28F0.8955310.3816630.0750130.100*0.265 (5)
C29D0.8904 (10)0.2463 (7)0.0364 (9)0.098 (3)0.265 (5)
H29E0.8548670.2373750.0223580.118*0.265 (5)
H29F0.9562410.2460880.0408190.118*0.265 (5)
C30D0.8554 (4)0.1785 (3)0.0748 (3)0.1314 (16)0.265 (5)
H30E0.8523910.2062730.1308230.158*0.265 (5)
H30F0.7928960.1512820.0403520.158*0.265 (5)
C31D0.9189 (10)0.1114 (9)0.0803 (9)0.124 (3)0.265 (5)
H31E0.8833350.0566930.0771730.149*0.265 (5)
H31F0.9433160.1024920.0322040.149*0.265 (5)
C32D0.9955 (4)0.1343 (4)0.1564 (4)0.144 (2)0.265 (5)
H32M1.0342300.0886410.1566350.217*0.265 (5)
H32N1.0318820.1876630.1592980.217*0.265 (5)
H32O0.9718740.1418430.2042870.217*0.265 (5)
B1B0.56605 (17)0.27289 (16)0.16599 (15)0.0312 (5)
N1C0.13334 (12)0.19929 (11)0.72603 (10)0.0318 (4)
N2C0.02401 (12)0.14414 (12)0.65772 (10)0.0339 (4)
N3C0.07636 (12)0.17606 (11)0.58153 (10)0.0306 (4)
N4C0.17635 (12)0.14168 (12)0.49917 (11)0.0344 (4)
N5C0.23513 (12)0.19534 (12)0.64534 (11)0.0325 (4)
N6C0.28824 (12)0.17955 (11)0.78215 (11)0.0324 (4)
C1C0.20267 (15)0.18497 (14)0.78823 (13)0.0316 (5)
C2C0.15901 (15)0.15785 (14)0.84433 (13)0.0337 (5)
C3C0.19425 (17)0.13847 (16)0.92022 (13)0.0397 (6)
C4C0.13259 (18)0.10997 (19)0.95682 (15)0.0497 (7)
C5C0.03801 (19)0.0983 (2)0.91901 (15)0.0540 (7)
C6C0.00154 (17)0.11549 (18)0.84299 (14)0.0464 (6)
C7C0.06235 (15)0.14635 (15)0.80580 (13)0.0359 (5)
C8C0.04847 (15)0.16719 (14)0.72637 (13)0.0336 (5)
C9C0.00699 (15)0.14378 (14)0.58546 (13)0.0308 (5)
C10C0.05796 (14)0.09803 (13)0.50040 (12)0.0293 (5)
C11C0.14766 (15)0.05620 (14)0.46462 (13)0.0316 (5)
C12C0.17588 (15)0.02045 (14)0.37984 (13)0.0336 (5)
C13C0.11654 (15)0.02286 (14)0.33174 (13)0.0346 (5)
C14C0.02592 (16)0.06010 (14)0.36707 (13)0.0344 (5)
C15C0.00316 (15)0.09905 (14)0.45160 (13)0.0302 (5)
C16C0.09146 (15)0.14334 (14)0.50739 (13)0.0315 (5)
C17C0.24669 (15)0.16291 (14)0.56954 (13)0.0344 (5)
C18C0.33898 (15)0.13995 (15)0.58579 (14)0.0359 (5)
C19C0.39147 (16)0.11047 (17)0.53419 (15)0.0416 (6)
C20C0.47704 (16)0.09008 (17)0.56928 (15)0.0441 (6)
C21C0.50874 (16)0.09647 (16)0.65411 (15)0.0407 (6)
C22C0.45746 (15)0.12573 (15)0.70684 (14)0.0364 (5)
C23C0.37277 (15)0.14928 (14)0.67285 (13)0.0335 (5)
C24C0.30167 (15)0.18014 (14)0.70868 (13)0.0325 (5)
O1C0.15664 (14)0.31964 (11)0.66693 (12)0.0652 (6)0.513 (4)
C25C0.1609 (4)0.3589 (3)0.6120 (3)0.0466 (12)0.513 (4)
H25G0.1091550.3329830.5617000.056*0.513 (4)
H25H0.2182720.3493170.5974030.056*0.513 (4)
C26C0.1585 (4)0.4530 (3)0.6350 (4)0.0455 (13)0.513 (4)
H26G0.1799910.4787390.5957160.055*0.513 (4)
H26H0.2019740.4777280.6908460.055*0.513 (4)
C27C0.0651 (4)0.4774 (4)0.6353 (5)0.0505 (14)0.513 (4)
H27G0.0510340.4662930.6847210.061*0.513 (4)
H27H0.0185380.4406290.5857680.061*0.513 (4)
C28C0.0579 (5)0.5704 (5)0.6357 (9)0.0539 (19)0.513 (4)
H28G0.1052350.6064370.6850790.065*0.513 (4)
H28H0.0729890.5808690.5864120.065*0.513 (4)
C29C0.0339 (4)0.6006 (4)0.6358 (4)0.0590 (14)0.513 (4)
H29G0.0465590.5963930.6878620.071*0.513 (4)
H29H0.0826150.5619470.5893540.071*0.513 (4)
C30C0.0384 (4)0.6921 (4)0.6279 (5)0.0636 (14)0.513 (4)
H30G0.0171050.7288300.6678530.076*0.513 (4)
H30H0.0365160.6936530.5717050.076*0.513 (4)
C31C0.1219 (5)0.7304 (5)0.6426 (6)0.0804 (19)0.513 (4)
H31G0.1152120.7910620.6408140.096*0.513 (4)
H31H0.1244840.7289560.6986230.096*0.513 (4)
C32C0.2115 (8)0.6844 (8)0.5797 (9)0.123 (4)0.513 (4)
H32G0.2626200.7121140.5925320.185*0.513 (4)
H32H0.2102670.6868250.5241480.185*0.513 (4)
H32I0.2195470.6246660.5820060.185*0.513 (4)
O1E0.15664 (14)0.31964 (11)0.66693 (12)0.0652 (6)0.487 (4)
C25E0.0916 (3)0.3650 (3)0.6582 (3)0.0408 (11)0.487 (4)
H25J0.0647480.3664660.7042460.049*0.487 (4)
H25K0.0432590.3361330.6061790.049*0.487 (4)
C26E0.1162 (5)0.4543 (3)0.6559 (4)0.0387 (12)0.487 (4)
H26J0.1331380.4537580.6046250.046*0.487 (4)
H26K0.1705020.4813870.7034880.046*0.487 (4)
C27E0.0390 (4)0.5076 (4)0.6587 (4)0.0457 (14)0.487 (4)
H27J0.0279000.5150210.7132270.055*0.487 (4)
H27K0.0177030.4767100.6157810.055*0.487 (4)
C28E0.0598 (6)0.5949 (5)0.6446 (8)0.0510 (18)0.487 (4)
H28J0.0636270.5869150.5874080.061*0.487 (4)
H28K0.1208400.6220480.6827110.061*0.487 (4)
C29E0.0093 (4)0.6559 (5)0.6569 (4)0.0615 (15)0.487 (4)
H29J0.0169840.6608660.7125510.074*0.487 (4)
H29K0.0152680.7131940.6549330.074*0.487 (4)
C30E0.1017 (4)0.6279 (4)0.5931 (5)0.0760 (17)0.487 (4)
H30J0.1306770.5748610.6003770.091*0.487 (4)
H30K0.0935510.6151920.5371810.091*0.487 (4)
C31E0.1651 (7)0.6971 (6)0.6003 (7)0.075 (2)0.487 (4)
H31J0.1356080.7518990.5968130.090*0.487 (4)
H31K0.1797800.7061880.6534160.090*0.487 (4)
C32E0.2526 (8)0.6626 (8)0.5266 (8)0.120 (4)0.487 (4)
H32J0.2962170.7040470.5275330.180*0.487 (4)
H32K0.2366660.6537250.4746010.180*0.487 (4)
H32L0.2805790.6082810.5308720.180*0.487 (4)
B1C0.15010 (18)0.23063 (16)0.65562 (16)0.0352 (6)
O1W0.4156 (8)0.4621 (6)0.5274 (6)0.233 (7)0.5
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
O1A0.0391 (9)0.0421 (9)0.0293 (8)0.0029 (7)0.0034 (7)0.0068 (7)
N1A0.0339 (10)0.0331 (10)0.0263 (9)0.0033 (8)0.0075 (7)0.0065 (8)
N2A0.0289 (9)0.0430 (11)0.0268 (9)0.0059 (8)0.0097 (7)0.0084 (8)
N3A0.0286 (9)0.0367 (10)0.0244 (9)0.0050 (8)0.0076 (7)0.0058 (8)
N4A0.0331 (10)0.0386 (11)0.0252 (9)0.0063 (8)0.0075 (7)0.0037 (8)
N5A0.0362 (10)0.0338 (10)0.0271 (9)0.0057 (8)0.0079 (8)0.0041 (8)
N6A0.0445 (11)0.0343 (11)0.0326 (10)0.0085 (9)0.0070 (8)0.0075 (8)
C1A0.0355 (12)0.0333 (12)0.0317 (11)0.0055 (10)0.0075 (9)0.0099 (10)
C2A0.0391 (12)0.0349 (13)0.0290 (11)0.0024 (10)0.0076 (9)0.0110 (9)
C3A0.0448 (13)0.0422 (14)0.0328 (12)0.0086 (11)0.0085 (10)0.0147 (10)
C4A0.0454 (14)0.0510 (15)0.0277 (12)0.0017 (12)0.0024 (10)0.0149 (11)
C5A0.0476 (14)0.0467 (15)0.0264 (11)0.0025 (11)0.0107 (10)0.0089 (10)
C6A0.0419 (13)0.0415 (14)0.0281 (11)0.0035 (10)0.0121 (10)0.0082 (10)
C7A0.0339 (11)0.0385 (13)0.0272 (11)0.0011 (10)0.0098 (9)0.0109 (9)
C8A0.0296 (11)0.0376 (13)0.0275 (11)0.0026 (9)0.0097 (9)0.0086 (9)
C9A0.0254 (10)0.0391 (13)0.0273 (11)0.0043 (9)0.0081 (8)0.0063 (9)
C10A0.0259 (11)0.0409 (13)0.0282 (11)0.0073 (9)0.0068 (8)0.0071 (9)
C11A0.0315 (12)0.0448 (14)0.0343 (12)0.0109 (10)0.0081 (9)0.0061 (10)
C12A0.0440 (14)0.0437 (15)0.0459 (14)0.0162 (11)0.0111 (11)0.0131 (11)
C13A0.0501 (15)0.0488 (16)0.0442 (14)0.0140 (12)0.0139 (11)0.0213 (12)
C14A0.0371 (12)0.0502 (15)0.0313 (11)0.0100 (11)0.0091 (10)0.0136 (11)
C15A0.0266 (11)0.0401 (13)0.0288 (11)0.0076 (9)0.0071 (9)0.0086 (9)
C16A0.0280 (11)0.0413 (13)0.0250 (10)0.0042 (9)0.0064 (9)0.0066 (9)
C17A0.0366 (12)0.0337 (12)0.0257 (11)0.0035 (10)0.0077 (9)0.0023 (9)
C18A0.0376 (12)0.0291 (12)0.0323 (11)0.0033 (9)0.0097 (9)0.0011 (9)
C19A0.0420 (13)0.0306 (12)0.0361 (12)0.0022 (10)0.0129 (10)0.0001 (10)
C20A0.0409 (13)0.0341 (13)0.0448 (13)0.0019 (10)0.0172 (11)0.0036 (10)
C21A0.0366 (13)0.0345 (14)0.0530 (15)0.0048 (10)0.0139 (11)0.0044 (11)
C22A0.0426 (13)0.0329 (13)0.0433 (13)0.0090 (10)0.0065 (11)0.0011 (10)
C23A0.0381 (12)0.0311 (12)0.0347 (12)0.0052 (10)0.0084 (10)0.0005 (10)
C24A0.0385 (12)0.0295 (12)0.0344 (12)0.0075 (10)0.0054 (10)0.0048 (9)
C25A0.0462 (14)0.0421 (15)0.0363 (13)0.0023 (11)0.0013 (11)0.0042 (11)
C26A0.0450 (16)0.074 (2)0.0550 (17)0.0027 (14)0.0019 (13)0.0070 (15)
C27A0.0467 (15)0.0650 (19)0.0505 (16)0.0056 (14)0.0041 (12)0.0026 (14)
C28A0.0510 (17)0.079 (2)0.0650 (19)0.0185 (16)0.0009 (14)0.0013 (16)
C29A0.0570 (17)0.0544 (18)0.0496 (16)0.0091 (14)0.0032 (13)0.0014 (13)
C30A0.0557 (16)0.0491 (16)0.0465 (15)0.0113 (13)0.0056 (12)0.0058 (12)
C31A0.0606 (17)0.0399 (15)0.0387 (13)0.0072 (12)0.0065 (12)0.0071 (11)
C32A0.0542 (16)0.0409 (15)0.0439 (14)0.0072 (12)0.0080 (12)0.0064 (11)
B1A0.0360 (14)0.0372 (15)0.0268 (12)0.0032 (11)0.0071 (10)0.0072 (11)
N1B0.0358 (10)0.0241 (9)0.0266 (9)0.0043 (8)0.0087 (7)0.0058 (7)
N2B0.0347 (10)0.0282 (10)0.0326 (9)0.0052 (8)0.0109 (8)0.0067 (8)
N3B0.0341 (10)0.0252 (9)0.0301 (9)0.0036 (8)0.0082 (8)0.0052 (7)
N4B0.0396 (10)0.0274 (10)0.0323 (10)0.0063 (8)0.0085 (8)0.0049 (8)
N5B0.0363 (10)0.0270 (10)0.0279 (9)0.0062 (8)0.0072 (8)0.0060 (7)
N6B0.0374 (10)0.0300 (10)0.0256 (9)0.0059 (8)0.0060 (7)0.0059 (8)
C1B0.0352 (11)0.0295 (12)0.0232 (10)0.0033 (9)0.0086 (9)0.0077 (9)
C2B0.0396 (12)0.0278 (11)0.0233 (10)0.0035 (9)0.0127 (9)0.0059 (9)
C3B0.0409 (12)0.0323 (12)0.0258 (10)0.0001 (10)0.0128 (9)0.0058 (9)
C4B0.0543 (15)0.0279 (12)0.0305 (11)0.0023 (10)0.0184 (10)0.0047 (9)
C5B0.0551 (15)0.0268 (12)0.0348 (12)0.0085 (10)0.0186 (11)0.0092 (10)
C6B0.0452 (13)0.0307 (12)0.0301 (11)0.0089 (10)0.0146 (10)0.0100 (9)
C7B0.0409 (12)0.0275 (11)0.0238 (10)0.0051 (9)0.0132 (9)0.0067 (9)
C8B0.0340 (11)0.0297 (12)0.0282 (10)0.0068 (9)0.0120 (9)0.0092 (9)
C9B0.0314 (11)0.0285 (12)0.0343 (11)0.0041 (9)0.0096 (9)0.0100 (9)
C10B0.0335 (11)0.0285 (12)0.0331 (11)0.0010 (9)0.0084 (9)0.0082 (9)
C11B0.0350 (12)0.0323 (12)0.0399 (13)0.0007 (10)0.0079 (10)0.0117 (10)
C12B0.0424 (13)0.0386 (14)0.0374 (13)0.0005 (11)0.0031 (10)0.0141 (11)
C13B0.0469 (14)0.0400 (14)0.0304 (12)0.0037 (11)0.0059 (10)0.0091 (10)
C14B0.0407 (13)0.0320 (12)0.0358 (12)0.0002 (10)0.0096 (10)0.0063 (10)
C15B0.0340 (11)0.0287 (12)0.0322 (11)0.0008 (9)0.0086 (9)0.0075 (9)
C16B0.0374 (12)0.0244 (11)0.0329 (11)0.0009 (9)0.0098 (9)0.0051 (9)
C17B0.0407 (12)0.0242 (11)0.0298 (11)0.0056 (9)0.0094 (9)0.0048 (9)
C18B0.0383 (12)0.0326 (12)0.0324 (11)0.0106 (10)0.0083 (9)0.0083 (10)
C19B0.0495 (14)0.0365 (13)0.0377 (12)0.0120 (11)0.0125 (11)0.0063 (10)
C20B0.0495 (15)0.0481 (16)0.0481 (14)0.0190 (12)0.0206 (12)0.0099 (12)
C21B0.0398 (13)0.0523 (16)0.0523 (15)0.0140 (12)0.0153 (12)0.0133 (13)
C22B0.0389 (13)0.0408 (14)0.0414 (13)0.0085 (11)0.0093 (10)0.0084 (11)
C23B0.0384 (12)0.0347 (13)0.0335 (11)0.0108 (10)0.0089 (10)0.0104 (10)
C24B0.0360 (12)0.0310 (12)0.0266 (10)0.0064 (9)0.0063 (9)0.0072 (9)
O1B0.0454 (9)0.0290 (8)0.0345 (8)0.0013 (7)0.0139 (7)0.0089 (6)
C25B0.0540 (14)0.0303 (12)0.0479 (13)0.0027 (11)0.0158 (11)0.0133 (10)
C26B0.0606 (16)0.0530 (16)0.0702 (17)0.0051 (13)0.0128 (14)0.0197 (14)
C27B0.062 (2)0.067 (3)0.069 (2)0.001 (2)0.021 (2)0.031 (2)
C28B0.064 (3)0.096 (3)0.105 (4)0.006 (2)0.023 (3)0.032 (3)
C29B0.080 (3)0.105 (4)0.114 (4)0.005 (3)0.017 (3)0.027 (3)
C30B0.089 (3)0.136 (3)0.136 (3)0.002 (2)0.004 (2)0.019 (3)
C31B0.078 (3)0.111 (4)0.084 (3)0.033 (3)0.020 (3)0.004 (3)
C32B0.150 (5)0.150 (5)0.130 (4)0.052 (4)0.028 (4)0.037 (4)
C25D0.0540 (14)0.0303 (12)0.0479 (13)0.0027 (11)0.0158 (11)0.0133 (10)
C26D0.0606 (16)0.0530 (16)0.0702 (17)0.0051 (13)0.0128 (14)0.0197 (14)
C27D0.064 (4)0.076 (4)0.089 (5)0.008 (4)0.026 (4)0.025 (4)
C28D0.065 (4)0.093 (5)0.092 (5)0.009 (4)0.012 (4)0.037 (5)
C29D0.074 (4)0.116 (5)0.099 (5)0.017 (4)0.013 (4)0.030 (4)
C30D0.089 (3)0.136 (3)0.136 (3)0.002 (2)0.004 (2)0.019 (3)
C31D0.109 (5)0.133 (6)0.119 (6)0.017 (5)0.018 (5)0.027 (5)
C32D0.150 (5)0.150 (5)0.130 (4)0.052 (4)0.028 (4)0.037 (4)
B1B0.0367 (13)0.0266 (13)0.0294 (12)0.0051 (10)0.0087 (10)0.0065 (10)
N1C0.0340 (10)0.0291 (10)0.0269 (9)0.0103 (8)0.0019 (7)0.0030 (7)
N2C0.0341 (10)0.0388 (11)0.0258 (9)0.0145 (8)0.0049 (8)0.0042 (8)
N3C0.0338 (10)0.0286 (10)0.0270 (9)0.0084 (8)0.0032 (7)0.0079 (7)
N4C0.0350 (10)0.0379 (11)0.0307 (9)0.0020 (8)0.0062 (8)0.0149 (8)
N5C0.0336 (10)0.0303 (10)0.0299 (9)0.0011 (8)0.0020 (8)0.0099 (8)
N6C0.0330 (10)0.0283 (10)0.0300 (9)0.0028 (8)0.0024 (7)0.0048 (8)
C1C0.0333 (12)0.0276 (11)0.0270 (11)0.0075 (9)0.0016 (9)0.0010 (9)
C2C0.0368 (12)0.0338 (12)0.0256 (10)0.0104 (10)0.0059 (9)0.0006 (9)
C3C0.0412 (13)0.0464 (14)0.0254 (11)0.0109 (11)0.0039 (10)0.0031 (10)
C4C0.0506 (15)0.0702 (19)0.0267 (12)0.0122 (13)0.0080 (11)0.0119 (12)
C5C0.0474 (15)0.083 (2)0.0323 (13)0.0091 (14)0.0138 (11)0.0140 (13)
C6C0.0380 (13)0.0658 (18)0.0301 (12)0.0106 (12)0.0071 (10)0.0040 (11)
C7C0.0357 (12)0.0433 (14)0.0250 (11)0.0141 (10)0.0067 (9)0.0014 (10)
C8C0.0341 (12)0.0346 (12)0.0286 (11)0.0142 (10)0.0061 (9)0.0024 (9)
C9C0.0330 (12)0.0282 (11)0.0297 (11)0.0125 (9)0.0055 (9)0.0064 (9)
C10C0.0335 (11)0.0264 (11)0.0270 (10)0.0115 (9)0.0048 (9)0.0078 (9)
C11C0.0335 (11)0.0307 (12)0.0306 (11)0.0100 (9)0.0078 (9)0.0080 (9)
C12C0.0338 (12)0.0297 (12)0.0319 (11)0.0068 (9)0.0047 (9)0.0028 (9)
C13C0.0401 (12)0.0299 (12)0.0285 (11)0.0068 (10)0.0053 (9)0.0021 (9)
C14C0.0401 (13)0.0351 (13)0.0278 (11)0.0095 (10)0.0088 (9)0.0080 (9)
C15C0.0350 (11)0.0271 (11)0.0278 (11)0.0078 (9)0.0056 (9)0.0092 (9)
C16C0.0377 (12)0.0283 (12)0.0284 (11)0.0054 (9)0.0057 (9)0.0116 (9)
C17C0.0372 (12)0.0329 (12)0.0326 (12)0.0007 (10)0.0068 (9)0.0134 (10)
C18C0.0312 (12)0.0389 (13)0.0360 (12)0.0033 (10)0.0063 (9)0.0137 (10)
C19C0.0370 (13)0.0514 (15)0.0350 (12)0.0059 (11)0.0094 (10)0.0131 (11)
C20C0.0346 (13)0.0526 (16)0.0435 (14)0.0029 (11)0.0130 (11)0.0104 (12)
C21C0.0292 (12)0.0470 (15)0.0444 (13)0.0006 (10)0.0085 (10)0.0135 (11)
C22C0.0304 (11)0.0377 (13)0.0364 (12)0.0019 (10)0.0034 (9)0.0102 (10)
C23C0.0313 (11)0.0332 (12)0.0330 (11)0.0021 (9)0.0048 (9)0.0104 (9)
C24C0.0322 (11)0.0276 (12)0.0312 (11)0.0002 (9)0.0008 (9)0.0064 (9)
O1C0.0783 (13)0.0281 (9)0.0611 (11)0.0053 (9)0.0238 (10)0.0099 (8)
C25C0.048 (2)0.039 (2)0.054 (3)0.007 (2)0.014 (2)0.015 (2)
C26C0.044 (3)0.035 (2)0.060 (3)0.005 (2)0.014 (2)0.020 (2)
C27C0.049 (3)0.040 (3)0.065 (3)0.005 (2)0.017 (2)0.020 (2)
C28C0.055 (3)0.044 (4)0.068 (3)0.010 (3)0.017 (3)0.025 (4)
C29C0.059 (3)0.047 (3)0.079 (3)0.010 (2)0.024 (2)0.029 (3)
C30C0.064 (3)0.056 (3)0.088 (3)0.018 (3)0.031 (3)0.039 (3)
C31C0.076 (4)0.070 (4)0.118 (5)0.023 (3)0.042 (4)0.050 (4)
C32C0.097 (8)0.106 (7)0.158 (9)0.020 (6)0.004 (7)0.068 (7)
O1E0.0783 (13)0.0281 (9)0.0611 (11)0.0053 (9)0.0238 (10)0.0099 (8)
C25E0.041 (2)0.031 (2)0.053 (2)0.0106 (19)0.016 (2)0.0133 (19)
C26E0.035 (3)0.033 (2)0.052 (3)0.011 (2)0.014 (2)0.015 (2)
C27E0.047 (3)0.035 (3)0.061 (3)0.012 (2)0.021 (2)0.017 (2)
C28E0.059 (3)0.040 (3)0.065 (4)0.014 (3)0.021 (3)0.029 (3)
C29E0.072 (3)0.050 (3)0.073 (3)0.018 (3)0.029 (3)0.025 (3)
C30E0.068 (3)0.066 (3)0.104 (4)0.020 (3)0.023 (3)0.040 (3)
C31E0.076 (5)0.065 (4)0.101 (5)0.027 (4)0.027 (4)0.050 (4)
C32E0.143 (11)0.093 (8)0.135 (10)0.036 (8)0.039 (8)0.047 (7)
B1C0.0384 (14)0.0281 (14)0.0323 (13)0.0072 (11)0.0004 (11)0.0065 (11)
O1W0.269 (12)0.168 (9)0.182 (9)0.155 (9)0.043 (8)0.022 (7)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
O1A—B1A1.416 (3)C28B—H28D0.9900
O1A—C25A1.429 (3)C29B—C30B1.568 (6)
N1A—C1A1.362 (3)C29B—H29C0.9900
N1A—C8A1.367 (3)C29B—H29D0.9900
N1A—B1A1.503 (3)C30B—C31B1.553 (6)
N2A—C8A1.342 (3)C30B—H30C0.9900
N2A—C9A1.347 (3)C30B—H30D0.9900
N3A—C9A1.368 (3)C31B—C32B1.484 (6)
N3A—C16A1.371 (3)C31B—H31C0.9900
N3A—B1A1.510 (3)C31B—H31D0.9900
N4A—C17A1.343 (3)C32B—H32D0.9800
N4A—C16A1.352 (3)C32B—H32E0.9800
N5A—C24A1.362 (3)C32B—H32F0.9800
N5A—C17A1.372 (3)C25D—C26D1.511 (4)
N5A—B1A1.508 (3)C25D—H25E0.9900
N6A—C1A1.342 (3)C25D—H25F0.9900
N6A—C24A1.347 (3)C26D—C27D1.447 (9)
C1A—C2A1.457 (3)C26D—H26E0.9900
C2A—C3A1.394 (3)C26D—H26F0.9900
C2A—C7A1.419 (3)C27D—C28D1.557 (10)
C3A—C4A1.384 (4)C27D—H27E0.9900
C4A—C5A1.393 (4)C28D—C29D1.573 (10)
C5A—C6A1.382 (3)C28D—H28F0.9900
C5A—H5AA0.9500C29D—C30D1.544 (10)
C6A—C7A1.393 (3)C29D—H29E0.9900
C7A—C8A1.456 (3)C30D—C31D1.511 (10)
C9A—C10A1.450 (3)C30D—H30E0.9900
C10A—C11A1.397 (3)C30D—H30F0.9900
C10A—C15A1.422 (3)C31D—C32D1.462 (10)
C11A—C12A1.378 (4)C31D—H31E0.9900
C12A—C13A1.403 (4)C32D—H32M0.9800
C13A—C14A1.379 (4)C32D—H32O0.9800
C13A—H13A0.9500N1C—C8C1.367 (3)
C14A—C15A1.397 (3)N1C—C1C1.369 (3)
C14A—H14A0.9500N1C—B1C1.500 (3)
C15A—C16A1.449 (3)N2C—C8C1.347 (3)
C17A—C18A1.454 (3)N2C—C9C1.347 (3)
C18A—C19A1.396 (3)N3C—C16C1.365 (3)
C18A—C23A1.419 (3)N3C—C9C1.369 (3)
C19A—C20A1.382 (3)N3C—B1C1.507 (3)
C19A—H19A0.9500N4C—C16C1.346 (3)
C20A—C21A1.396 (4)N4C—C17C1.347 (3)
C20A—H20A0.9500N5C—C24C1.363 (3)
C21A—C22A1.384 (4)N5C—C17C1.366 (3)
C21A—H21A0.9500N5C—B1C1.496 (3)
C22A—C23A1.393 (3)N6C—C24C1.348 (3)
C22A—H22A0.9500N6C—C1C1.349 (3)
C23A—C24A1.460 (3)C1C—C2C1.447 (3)
C25A—C26A1.475 (4)C2C—C3C1.397 (3)
C25A—H25A0.9900C2C—C7C1.428 (3)
C25A—H25B0.9900C3C—C4C1.380 (4)
C26A—C27A1.537 (4)C3C—H3CA0.9500
C26A—H26A0.9900C4C—C5C1.397 (4)
C27A—C28A1.497 (4)C5C—C6C1.386 (4)
C27A—H27B0.9900C6C—C7C1.393 (4)
C28A—C29A1.520 (4)C6C—H6CA0.9500
C28A—H28A0.9900C7C—C8C1.457 (3)
C28A—H28B0.9900C9C—C10C1.463 (3)
C29A—C30A1.502 (4)C10C—C11C1.396 (3)
C29A—H29A0.9900C10C—C15C1.424 (3)
C29A—H29B0.9900C11C—C12C1.387 (3)
C30A—C31A1.515 (4)C11C—H11B0.9500
C30A—H30A0.9900C12C—C13C1.394 (3)
C31A—C32A1.510 (4)C13C—C14C1.385 (3)
C31A—H31B0.9900C14C—C15C1.393 (3)
C32A—H32B0.9800C15C—C16C1.456 (3)
C32A—H32C0.9800C17C—C18C1.456 (3)
N1B—C8B1.363 (3)C18C—C19C1.388 (4)
N1B—C1B1.364 (3)C18C—C23C1.427 (3)
N1B—B1B1.501 (3)C19C—C20C1.384 (3)
N2B—C8B1.343 (3)C19C—H19B0.9500
N2B—C9B1.346 (3)C20C—C21C1.397 (3)
N3B—C9B1.367 (3)C20C—H20B0.9500
N3B—C16B1.375 (3)C21C—C22C1.387 (3)
N3B—B1B1.506 (3)C21C—H21B0.9500
N4B—C16B1.340 (3)C22C—C23C1.390 (3)
N4B—C17B1.347 (3)C22C—H22B0.9500
N5B—C17B1.368 (3)C23C—C24C1.457 (3)
N5B—C24B1.368 (3)O1C—C25C1.274 (4)
N5B—B1B1.504 (3)O1C—B1C1.406 (3)
N6B—C1B1.346 (3)C25C—C26C1.494 (5)
N6B—C24B1.350 (3)C25C—H25G0.9900
C1B—C2B1.456 (3)C25C—H25H0.9900
C2B—C3B1.395 (3)C26C—C27C1.510 (6)
C2B—C7B1.418 (3)C26C—H26G0.9900
C3B—C4B1.385 (3)C26C—H26H0.9900
C3B—H3BA0.9500C27C—C28C1.520 (6)
C4B—C5B1.395 (3)C27C—H27G0.9900
C5B—C6B1.384 (3)C28C—C29C1.520 (6)
C6B—C7B1.389 (3)C28C—H28H0.9900
C6B—H6BA0.9500C29C—C30C1.527 (6)
C7B—C8B1.455 (3)C29C—H29G0.9900
C9B—C10B1.458 (3)C29C—H29H0.9900
C10B—C11B1.393 (3)C30C—C31C1.517 (6)
C10B—C15B1.416 (3)C30C—H30G0.9900
C11B—C12B1.384 (3)C30C—H30H0.9900
C11B—H11C0.9500C31C—C32C1.518 (8)
C12B—C13B1.399 (4)C31C—H31G0.9900
C13B—C14B1.378 (3)C32C—H32G0.9800
C14B—C15B1.393 (3)C32C—H32I0.9800
C14B—H14C0.9500O1E—C25E1.276 (4)
C15B—C16B1.450 (3)O1E—B1C1.406 (3)
C17B—C18B1.452 (3)C25E—C26E1.484 (6)
C18B—C19B1.390 (3)C25E—H25J0.9900
C18B—C23B1.423 (3)C25E—H25K0.9900
C19B—C20B1.386 (4)C26E—C27E1.516 (7)
C20B—C21B1.393 (4)C26E—H26K0.9900
C20B—H20C0.9500C27E—C28E1.517 (8)
C21B—C22B1.380 (4)C27E—H27J0.9900
C22B—C23B1.392 (3)C28E—C29E1.523 (8)
C23B—C24B1.461 (3)C28E—H28K0.9900
O1B—B1B1.421 (3)C29E—C30E1.505 (7)
O1B—C25B1.429 (3)C29E—H29J0.9900
O1B—C25D1.429 (3)C29E—H29K0.9900
C25B—C26B1.511 (4)C30E—C31E1.540 (8)
C26B—C27B1.503 (5)C31E—C32E1.545 (10)
C27B—C28B1.536 (5)C32E—H32J0.9800
C28B—C29B1.516 (6)O1W—H1WB0.8400
B1A—O1A—C25A117.29 (18)H30C—C30B—H30D108.6
C1A—N1A—C8A112.41 (17)C32B—C31B—C30B109.4 (5)
C1A—N1A—B1A123.00 (19)C32B—C31B—H31C109.8
C8A—N1A—B1A123.16 (18)C30B—C31B—H31C109.8
C8A—N2A—C9A117.18 (19)C32B—C31B—H31D109.8
C9A—N3A—C16A112.27 (18)C30B—C31B—H31D109.8
C9A—N3A—B1A122.79 (18)H31C—C31B—H31D108.2
C16A—N3A—B1A123.52 (18)C31B—C32B—H32D109.5
C17A—N4A—C16A116.72 (18)C31B—C32B—H32E109.5
C24A—N5A—C17A112.40 (19)H32D—C32B—H32E109.5
C24A—N5A—B1A122.71 (18)C31B—C32B—H32F109.5
C17A—N5A—B1A123.86 (18)H32D—C32B—H32F109.5
C1A—N6A—C24A116.90 (19)H32E—C32B—H32F109.5
N6A—C1A—N1A122.66 (19)O1B—C25D—C26D110.4 (2)
N6A—C1A—C2A129.0 (2)O1B—C25D—H25E109.6
N1A—C1A—C2A106.23 (19)C26D—C25D—H25E109.6
C3A—C2A—C7A120.4 (2)O1B—C25D—H25F109.6
C3A—C2A—C1A132.1 (2)C26D—C25D—H25F109.6
C7A—C2A—C1A107.01 (18)H25E—C25D—H25F108.1
C4A—C3A—C2A118.0 (2)C27D—C26D—C25D120.4 (5)
C3A—C4A—C5A121.4 (2)C27D—C26D—H26F107.2
C6A—C5A—C4A121.5 (2)C26D—C27D—C28D114.8 (9)
C5A—C6A—C7A118.0 (2)C26D—C27D—H27F108.6
C6A—C7A—C2A120.6 (2)C27D—C28D—C29D104.7 (8)
C6A—C7A—C8A132.0 (2)C27D—C28D—H28E110.8
C2A—C7A—C8A106.88 (19)C29D—C28D—H28E110.8
N2A—C8A—N1A122.72 (18)C27D—C28D—H28F110.8
N2A—C8A—C7A128.9 (2)C29D—C28D—H28F110.8
N1A—C8A—C7A106.27 (18)H28E—C28D—H28F108.9
N2A—C9A—N3A122.64 (19)C30D—C29D—C28D101.8 (9)
N2A—C9A—C10A128.9 (2)C30D—C29D—H29E111.4
N3A—C9A—C10A106.25 (18)C28D—C29D—H29E111.4
C11A—C10A—C15A120.7 (2)C30D—C29D—H29F111.4
C11A—C10A—C9A132.1 (2)C28D—C29D—H29F111.4
C15A—C10A—C9A106.94 (19)H29E—C29D—H29F109.3
C12A—C11A—C10A118.0 (2)C31D—C30D—C29D110.1 (9)
C11A—C12A—C13A121.5 (2)C31D—C30D—H30F109.6
C14A—C13A—C12A121.3 (2)C32D—C31D—C30D113.0 (8)
C13A—C14A—C15A118.3 (2)C32D—C31D—H31F109.0
C14A—C15A—C10A120.3 (2)C31D—C32D—H32M109.5
C14A—C15A—C16A132.1 (2)C31D—C32D—H32N109.5
C10A—C15A—C16A107.21 (18)H32M—C32D—H32N109.5
N4A—C16A—N3A122.7 (2)C31D—C32D—H32O109.5
N4A—C16A—C15A129.2 (2)H32M—C32D—H32O109.5
N3A—C16A—C15A106.07 (18)H32N—C32D—H32O109.5
N4A—C17A—N5A122.4 (2)O1B—B1B—N1B110.72 (18)
N4A—C17A—C18A129.7 (2)O1B—B1B—N5B117.42 (19)
N5A—C17A—C18A106.05 (18)N1B—B1B—N5B102.59 (18)
C19A—C18A—C23A120.6 (2)O1B—B1B—N3B118.1 (2)
C19A—C18A—C17A132.0 (2)N1B—B1B—N3B103.49 (17)
C23A—C18A—C17A107.2 (2)N5B—B1B—N3B102.61 (18)
C20A—C19A—C18A117.6 (2)C8C—N1C—C1C112.88 (19)
C20A—C19A—H19A121.2C8C—N1C—B1C123.24 (18)
C18A—C19A—H19A121.2C1C—N1C—B1C122.78 (19)
C19A—C20A—C21A121.8 (2)C8C—N2C—C9C116.7 (2)
C19A—C20A—H20A119.1C16C—N3C—C9C113.21 (18)
C21A—C20A—H20A119.1C16C—N3C—B1C122.8 (2)
C22A—C21A—C20A121.4 (2)C9C—N3C—B1C123.29 (19)
C22A—C21A—H21A119.3C16C—N4C—C17C116.72 (19)
C20A—C21A—H21A119.3C24C—N5C—C17C113.03 (19)
C21A—C22A—C23A117.7 (2)C24C—N5C—B1C123.58 (19)
C21A—C22A—H22A121.2C17C—N5C—B1C122.65 (18)
C23A—C22A—H22A121.2C24C—N6C—C1C117.39 (17)
C22A—C23A—C18A120.9 (2)N6C—C1C—N1C122.3 (2)
C22A—C23A—C24A131.8 (2)N6C—C1C—C2C130.14 (19)
C18A—C23A—C24A106.92 (19)N1C—C1C—C2C105.85 (19)
N6A—C24A—N5A122.7 (2)C3C—C2C—C7C120.5 (2)
N6A—C24A—C23A129.5 (2)C3C—C2C—C1C132.3 (2)
N5A—C24A—C23A106.23 (19)C7C—C2C—C1C107.12 (18)
O1A—C25A—C26A111.6 (2)C4C—C3C—C2C117.7 (2)
O1A—C25A—H25B109.3C3C—C4C—C5C121.8 (2)
C25A—C26A—C27A111.7 (2)C6C—C5C—C4C121.5 (3)
C25A—C26A—H26B109.3C5C—C6C—C7C117.8 (2)
C28A—C27A—C26A113.4 (3)C6C—C7C—C2C120.7 (2)
C28A—C27A—H27A108.9C6C—C7C—C8C132.2 (2)
C26A—C27A—H27A108.9C2C—C7C—C8C107.0 (2)
C28A—C27A—H27B108.9N2C—C8C—N1C122.8 (2)
C26A—C27A—H27B108.9N2C—C8C—C7C130.1 (2)
H27A—C27A—H27B107.7N1C—C8C—C7C105.51 (18)
C27A—C28A—C29A114.1 (3)N2C—C9C—N3C122.52 (18)
C27A—C28A—H28A108.7N2C—C9C—C10C131.0 (2)
C29A—C28A—H28A108.7N3C—C9C—C10C105.31 (18)
C27A—C28A—H28B108.7C11C—C10C—C15C120.49 (19)
C29A—C28A—H28B108.7C11C—C10C—C9C132.2 (2)
H28A—C28A—H28B107.6C15C—C10C—C9C107.25 (19)
C30A—C29A—C28A112.6 (2)C12C—C11C—C10C117.6 (2)
C30A—C29A—H29B109.1C11C—C12C—C13C121.8 (2)
C29A—C30A—C31A114.0 (2)C14C—C13C—C12C121.2 (2)
C29A—C30A—H30B108.7C13C—C14C—C15C118.0 (2)
C32A—C31A—C30A112.9 (2)C14C—C15C—C10C120.7 (2)
C32A—C31A—H31A109.0C14C—C15C—C16C132.3 (2)
C30A—C31A—H31A109.0C10C—C15C—C16C106.97 (18)
C32A—C31A—H31B109.0N4C—C16C—N3C122.39 (19)
C30A—C31A—H31B109.0N4C—C16C—C15C130.6 (2)
H31A—C31A—H31B107.8N3C—C16C—C15C105.83 (19)
C31A—C32A—H32A109.5N4C—C17C—N5C122.6 (2)
C31A—C32A—H32B109.5N4C—C17C—C18C130.0 (2)
H32A—C32A—H32B109.5N5C—C17C—C18C105.88 (18)
C31A—C32A—H32C109.5C19C—C18C—C23C120.7 (2)
H32A—C32A—H32C109.5C19C—C18C—C17C132.5 (2)
H32B—C32A—H32C109.5C23C—C18C—C17C106.8 (2)
O1A—B1A—N1A111.98 (19)C20C—C19C—C18C118.3 (2)
O1A—B1A—N5A116.5 (2)C20C—C19C—H19B120.8
N1A—B1A—N5A103.26 (18)C18C—C19C—H19B120.8
O1A—B1A—N3A117.28 (19)C19C—C20C—C21C120.9 (2)
N1A—B1A—N3A103.62 (18)C19C—C20C—H20B119.5
N5A—B1A—N3A102.45 (18)C21C—C20C—H20B119.5
C8B—N1B—C1B113.48 (18)C22C—C21C—C20C121.7 (2)
C8B—N1B—B1B122.40 (18)C22C—C21C—H21B119.1
C1B—N1B—B1B123.49 (18)C20C—C21C—H21B119.1
C8B—N2B—C9B116.97 (18)C21C—C22C—C23C117.9 (2)
C9B—N3B—C16B112.23 (17)C21C—C22C—H22B121.0
C9B—N3B—B1B122.45 (18)C23C—C22C—H22B121.0
C16B—N3B—B1B123.70 (18)C22C—C23C—C18C120.3 (2)
C16B—N4B—C17B116.94 (18)C22C—C23C—C24C132.4 (2)
C17B—N5B—C24B112.65 (18)C18C—C23C—C24C107.14 (19)
C17B—N5B—B1B123.72 (18)N6C—C24C—N5C122.1 (2)
C24B—N5B—B1B122.88 (18)N6C—C24C—C23C130.92 (19)
C1B—N6B—C24B116.74 (18)N5C—C24C—C23C105.76 (19)
N6B—C1B—N1B122.37 (19)C25C—O1C—B1C125.3 (3)
N6B—C1B—C2B130.8 (2)O1C—C25C—C26C116.1 (4)
N1B—C1B—C2B105.49 (18)O1C—C25C—H25G108.3
C3B—C2B—C7B120.3 (2)C26C—C25C—H25G108.3
C3B—C2B—C1B132.6 (2)O1C—C25C—H25H108.3
C7B—C2B—C1B107.05 (18)C26C—C25C—H25H108.3
C4B—C3B—C2B118.1 (2)H25G—C25C—H25H107.4
C4B—C3B—H3BA121.0C25C—C26C—C27C114.4 (5)
C3B—C4B—C5B121.2 (2)C27C—C26C—H26G108.7
C6B—C5B—C4B121.5 (2)H26G—C26C—H26H107.6
C6B—C5B—H5BA119.3C26C—C27C—C28C113.4 (4)
C5B—C6B—C7B118.0 (2)C28C—C27C—H27G108.9
C6B—C7B—C2B120.8 (2)H27G—C27C—H27H107.7
C6B—C7B—C8B131.7 (2)C29C—C28C—C27C117.0 (6)
C2B—C7B—C8B107.41 (18)C29C—C28C—H28G108.0
N2B—C8B—N1B122.66 (19)C27C—C28C—H28G108.0
N2B—C8B—C7B130.29 (19)C29C—C28C—H28H108.0
N1B—C8B—C7B105.32 (18)C27C—C28C—H28H108.0
N2B—C9B—N3B122.60 (19)H28G—C28C—H28H107.3
N2B—C9B—C10B129.37 (19)C28C—C29C—C30C113.8 (5)
N3B—C9B—C10B105.95 (18)C28C—C29C—H29G108.8
C11B—C10B—C15B120.7 (2)C30C—C29C—H29G108.8
C11B—C10B—C9B131.6 (2)C28C—C29C—H29H108.8
C15B—C10B—C9B107.33 (18)C30C—C29C—H29H108.8
C12B—C11B—C10B117.7 (2)H29G—C29C—H29H107.7
C12B—C11B—H11C121.2C31C—C30C—C29C115.7 (5)
C11B—C12B—C13B121.6 (2)C29C—C30C—H30G108.4
C14B—C13B—C12B121.1 (2)H30G—C30C—H30H107.4
C14B—C13B—H13C119.5C30C—C31C—C32C113.5 (8)
C13B—C14B—C15B118.2 (2)C32C—C31C—H31G108.9
C14B—C15B—C10B120.6 (2)H31G—C31C—H31H107.7
C14B—C15B—C16B131.9 (2)C31C—C32C—H32G109.5
C10B—C15B—C16B107.10 (19)C31C—C32C—H32H109.5
N4B—C16B—N3B122.59 (19)H32G—C32C—H32H109.5
N4B—C16B—C15B129.4 (2)C31C—C32C—H32I109.5
N3B—C16B—C15B106.27 (19)H32G—C32C—H32I109.5
N4B—C17B—N5B122.3 (2)H32H—C32C—H32I109.5
N4B—C17B—C18B130.0 (2)C25E—O1E—B1C128.0 (3)
N5B—C17B—C18B106.08 (18)O1E—C25E—C26E116.4 (4)
C19B—C18B—C23B121.0 (2)O1E—C25E—H25J108.2
C19B—C18B—C17B131.7 (2)C26E—C25E—H25J108.2
C23B—C18B—C17B107.16 (19)O1E—C25E—H25K108.2
C20B—C19B—C18B117.7 (2)C26E—C25E—H25K108.2
C18B—C19B—H19C121.2C25E—C26E—C27E113.0 (5)
C19B—C20B—C21B121.1 (2)C25E—C26E—H26J109.0
C22B—C21B—C20B122.1 (2)C27E—C26E—H26K109.0
C20B—C21B—H21C119.0C26E—C27E—C28E112.6 (5)
C21B—C22B—C23B117.7 (2)C26E—C27E—H27J109.1
C22B—C23B—C18B120.3 (2)C28E—C27E—H27K109.1
C22B—C23B—C24B132.7 (2)H27J—C27E—H27K107.8
C18B—C23B—C24B106.97 (19)C27E—C28E—C29E115.5 (7)
N6B—C24B—N5B122.46 (19)C27E—C28E—H28J108.4
N6B—C24B—C23B130.1 (2)C29E—C28E—H28J108.4
N5B—C24B—C23B105.75 (18)C27E—C28E—H28K108.4
B1B—O1B—C25B119.09 (18)C29E—C28E—H28K108.4
B1B—O1B—C25D119.09 (18)H28J—C28E—H28K107.5
O1B—C25B—C26B110.4 (2)C30E—C29E—C28E113.3 (7)
C27B—C26B—C25B111.5 (3)C29E—C30E—C31E111.6 (6)
C26B—C27B—C28B116.8 (4)C30E—C31E—C32E105.4 (8)
C29B—C28B—C27B117.2 (5)C31E—C32E—H32J109.5
C28B—C29B—C30B114.0 (5)O1E—B1C—N5C113.6 (2)
C28B—C29B—H29C108.8O1C—B1C—N5C113.6 (2)
C30B—C29B—H29C108.8O1E—B1C—N1C114.8 (2)
C28B—C29B—H29D108.8O1C—B1C—N1C114.8 (2)
C30B—C29B—H29D108.8N5C—B1C—N1C103.66 (17)
H29C—C29B—H29D107.6O1E—B1C—N3C117.28 (18)
C31B—C30B—C29B107.0 (4)O1C—B1C—N3C117.28 (18)
C31B—C30B—H30C110.3N5C—B1C—N3C102.80 (18)
C29B—C30B—H30C110.3N1C—B1C—N3C102.97 (19)
C24A—N6A—C1A—N1A9.4 (3)C18B—C19B—C20B—C21B2.1 (4)
C24A—N6A—C1A—C2A151.6 (2)C19B—C20B—C21B—C22B0.1 (4)
C8A—N1A—C1A—N6A153.4 (2)C20B—C21B—C22B—C23B1.8 (4)
B1A—N1A—C1A—N6A13.3 (3)C21B—C22B—C23B—C18B1.1 (3)
C8A—N1A—C1A—C2A11.3 (2)C21B—C22B—C23B—C24B179.1 (2)
B1A—N1A—C1A—C2A178.0 (2)C19B—C18B—C23B—C22B1.1 (3)
N6A—C1A—C2A—C3A15.6 (4)C17B—C18B—C23B—C22B178.4 (2)
N1A—C1A—C2A—C3A179.0 (2)C19B—C18B—C23B—C24B177.3 (2)
N6A—C1A—C2A—C7A156.3 (2)C17B—C18B—C23B—C24B0.0 (2)
N1A—C1A—C2A—C7A7.1 (2)C1B—N6B—C24B—N5B7.5 (3)
C7A—C2A—C3A—C4A0.3 (3)C1B—N6B—C24B—C23B155.6 (2)
C1A—C2A—C3A—C4A170.6 (2)C17B—N5B—C24B—N6B154.7 (2)
C2A—C3A—C4A—C5A0.3 (4)B1B—N5B—C24B—N6B15.7 (3)
C3A—C4A—C5A—C6A0.4 (4)C17B—N5B—C24B—C23B12.0 (2)
C4A—C5A—C6A—C7A0.0 (4)B1B—N5B—C24B—C23B177.59 (18)
C5A—C6A—C7A—C2A0.6 (3)C22B—C23B—C24B—N6B19.8 (4)
C5A—C6A—C7A—C8A171.7 (2)C18B—C23B—C24B—N6B158.4 (2)
C3A—C2A—C7A—C6A0.8 (3)C22B—C23B—C24B—N5B174.9 (2)
C1A—C2A—C7A—C6A172.2 (2)C18B—C23B—C24B—N5B6.9 (2)
C3A—C2A—C7A—C8A173.9 (2)B1B—O1B—C25B—C26B105.0 (2)
C1A—C2A—C7A—C8A0.9 (2)O1B—C25B—C26B—C27B65.9 (3)
C9A—N2A—C8A—N1A8.4 (3)C25B—C26B—C27B—C28B171.3 (4)
C9A—N2A—C8A—C7A152.9 (2)C26B—C27B—C28B—C29B59.0 (7)
C1A—N1A—C8A—N2A154.2 (2)C27B—C28B—C29B—C30B71.1 (7)
B1A—N1A—C8A—N2A12.5 (3)C28B—C29B—C30B—C31B170.4 (5)
C1A—N1A—C8A—C7A10.8 (2)C29B—C30B—C31B—C32B69.2 (6)
B1A—N1A—C8A—C7A177.5 (2)B1B—O1B—C25D—C26D105.0 (2)
C6A—C7A—C8A—N2A13.9 (4)O1B—C25D—C26D—C27D38.3 (9)
C2A—C7A—C8A—N2A158.0 (2)C25D—C26D—C27D—C28D179.8 (10)
C6A—C7A—C8A—N1A177.6 (2)C26D—C27D—C28D—C29D171.4 (12)
C2A—C7A—C8A—N1A5.7 (2)C27D—C28D—C29D—C30D62.7 (14)
C8A—N2A—C9A—N3A7.7 (3)C28D—C29D—C30D—C31D139.0 (9)
C8A—N2A—C9A—C10A153.0 (2)C29D—C30D—C31D—C32D87.0 (15)
C16A—N3A—C9A—N2A153.0 (2)C25B—O1B—B1B—N1B165.08 (18)
B1A—N3A—C9A—N2A13.8 (3)C25D—O1B—B1B—N1B165.08 (18)
C16A—N3A—C9A—C10A11.5 (2)C25B—O1B—B1B—N5B77.6 (3)
B1A—N3A—C9A—C10A178.27 (19)C25D—O1B—B1B—N5B77.6 (3)
N2A—C9A—C10A—C11A17.6 (4)C25B—O1B—B1B—N3B46.1 (3)
N3A—C9A—C10A—C11A179.3 (2)C25D—O1B—B1B—N3B46.1 (3)
N2A—C9A—C10A—C15A156.2 (2)C8B—N1B—B1B—O1B95.1 (2)
N3A—C9A—C10A—C15A6.9 (2)C1B—N1B—B1B—O1B94.6 (2)
C15A—C10A—C11A—C12A0.3 (3)C8B—N1B—B1B—N5B138.82 (19)
C9A—C10A—C11A—C12A172.8 (2)C1B—N1B—B1B—N5B31.5 (2)
C10A—C11A—C12A—C13A0.6 (4)C8B—N1B—B1B—N3B32.3 (3)
C11A—C12A—C13A—C14A0.6 (4)C1B—N1B—B1B—N3B137.99 (19)
C12A—C13A—C14A—C15A0.4 (4)C17B—N5B—B1B—O1B101.0 (2)
C13A—C14A—C15A—C10A1.3 (3)C24B—N5B—B1B—O1B89.7 (3)
C13A—C14A—C15A—C16A173.2 (2)C17B—N5B—B1B—N1B137.43 (19)
C11A—C10A—C15A—C14A1.3 (3)C24B—N5B—B1B—N1B32.0 (2)
C9A—C10A—C15A—C14A173.4 (2)C17B—N5B—B1B—N3B30.3 (3)
C11A—C10A—C15A—C16A175.02 (19)C24B—N5B—B1B—N3B139.10 (19)
C9A—C10A—C15A—C16A0.3 (2)C9B—N3B—B1B—O1B92.4 (3)
C17A—N4A—C16A—N3A9.2 (3)C16B—N3B—B1B—O1B103.3 (2)
C17A—N4A—C16A—C15A152.6 (2)C9B—N3B—B1B—N1B30.3 (3)
C9A—N3A—C16A—N4A154.1 (2)C16B—N3B—B1B—N1B134.0 (2)
B1A—N3A—C16A—N4A12.5 (3)C9B—N3B—B1B—N5B136.8 (2)
C9A—N3A—C16A—C15A11.3 (2)C16B—N3B—B1B—N5B27.6 (3)
B1A—N3A—C16A—C15A177.93 (19)C24C—N6C—C1C—N1C6.6 (3)
C14A—C15A—C16A—N4A14.9 (4)C24C—N6C—C1C—C2C156.4 (2)
C10A—C15A—C16A—N4A157.8 (2)C8C—N1C—C1C—N6C153.4 (2)
C14A—C15A—C16A—N3A179.0 (2)B1C—N1C—C1C—N6C15.0 (3)
C10A—C15A—C16A—N3A6.3 (2)C8C—N1C—C1C—C2C13.1 (2)
C16A—N4A—C17A—N5A8.4 (3)B1C—N1C—C1C—C2C178.50 (19)
C16A—N4A—C17A—C18A154.0 (2)N6C—C1C—C2C—C3C18.6 (4)
C24A—N5A—C17A—N4A154.4 (2)N1C—C1C—C2C—C3C176.4 (2)
B1A—N5A—C17A—N4A14.2 (3)N6C—C1C—C2C—C7C157.4 (2)
C24A—N5A—C17A—C18A11.6 (2)N1C—C1C—C2C—C7C7.7 (2)
B1A—N5A—C17A—C18A179.84 (19)C7C—C2C—C3C—C4C1.4 (3)
N4A—C17A—C18A—C19A16.3 (4)C1C—C2C—C3C—C4C176.9 (2)
N5A—C17A—C18A—C19A179.2 (2)C2C—C3C—C4C—C5C1.7 (4)
N4A—C17A—C18A—C23A157.5 (2)C3C—C4C—C5C—C6C0.5 (5)
N5A—C17A—C18A—C23A7.0 (2)C4C—C5C—C6C—C7C1.1 (4)
C23A—C18A—C19A—C20A0.0 (3)C5C—C6C—C7C—C2C1.4 (4)
C17A—C18A—C19A—C20A173.1 (2)C5C—C6C—C7C—C8C177.0 (3)
C18A—C19A—C20A—C21A0.4 (3)C3C—C2C—C7C—C6C0.1 (3)
C19A—C20A—C21A—C22A0.0 (4)C1C—C2C—C7C—C6C176.3 (2)
C20A—C21A—C22A—C23A0.9 (3)C3C—C2C—C7C—C8C176.7 (2)
C21A—C22A—C23A—C18A1.3 (3)C1C—C2C—C7C—C8C0.3 (2)
C21A—C22A—C23A—C24A174.0 (2)C9C—N2C—C8C—N1C8.2 (3)
C19A—C18A—C23A—C22A0.9 (3)C9C—N2C—C8C—C7C155.2 (2)
C17A—C18A—C23A—C22A173.7 (2)C1C—N1C—C8C—N2C154.0 (2)
C19A—C18A—C23A—C24A175.2 (2)B1C—N1C—C8C—N2C14.3 (3)
C17A—C18A—C23A—C24A0.6 (2)C1C—N1C—C8C—C7C12.9 (2)
C1A—N6A—C24A—N5A9.4 (3)B1C—N1C—C8C—C7C178.77 (19)
C1A—N6A—C24A—C23A154.0 (2)C6C—C7C—C8C—N2C17.8 (4)
C17A—N5A—C24A—N6A155.6 (2)C2C—C7C—C8C—N2C158.3 (2)
B1A—N5A—C24A—N6A13.2 (3)C6C—C7C—C8C—N1C176.7 (3)
C17A—N5A—C24A—C23A11.2 (2)C2C—C7C—C8C—N1C7.3 (2)
B1A—N5A—C24A—C23A179.9 (2)C8C—N2C—C9C—N3C8.8 (3)
C22A—C23A—C24A—N6A14.1 (4)C8C—N2C—C9C—C10C157.1 (2)
C18A—C23A—C24A—N6A159.4 (2)C16C—N3C—C9C—N2C157.42 (19)
C22A—C23A—C24A—N5A179.6 (2)B1C—N3C—C9C—N2C13.0 (3)
C18A—C23A—C24A—N5A6.1 (2)C16C—N3C—C9C—C10C11.6 (2)
B1A—O1A—C25A—C26A110.0 (3)B1C—N3C—C9C—C10C177.97 (18)
O1A—C25A—C26A—C27A174.7 (2)N2C—C9C—C10C—C11C16.3 (4)
C25A—C26A—C27A—C28A175.7 (3)N3C—C9C—C10C—C11C176.0 (2)
C26A—C27A—C28A—C29A176.8 (3)N2C—C9C—C10C—C15C162.0 (2)
C27A—C28A—C29A—C30A175.4 (3)N3C—C9C—C10C—C15C5.7 (2)
C28A—C29A—C30A—C31A173.6 (3)C15C—C10C—C11C—C12C3.6 (3)
C29A—C30A—C31A—C32A179.4 (2)C9C—C10C—C11C—C12C178.3 (2)
C25A—O1A—B1A—N1A177.44 (19)C10C—C11C—C12C—C13C2.4 (3)
C25A—O1A—B1A—N5A64.0 (3)C11C—C12C—C13C—C14C1.1 (3)
C25A—O1A—B1A—N3A57.8 (3)C12C—C13C—C14C—C15C3.2 (3)
C1A—N1A—B1A—O1A95.9 (3)C13C—C14C—C15C—C10C2.0 (3)
C8A—N1A—B1A—O1A98.8 (2)C13C—C14C—C15C—C16C179.9 (2)
C1A—N1A—B1A—N5A30.2 (3)C11C—C10C—C15C—C14C1.5 (3)
C8A—N1A—B1A—N5A135.1 (2)C9C—C10C—C15C—C14C180.00 (19)
C1A—N1A—B1A—N3A136.8 (2)C11C—C10C—C15C—C16C177.09 (19)
C8A—N1A—B1A—N3A28.5 (3)C9C—C10C—C15C—C16C1.4 (2)
C24A—N5A—B1A—O1A93.1 (2)C17C—N4C—C16C—N3C9.0 (3)
C17A—N5A—B1A—O1A99.5 (3)C17C—N4C—C16C—C15C156.6 (2)
C24A—N5A—B1A—N1A30.1 (3)C9C—N3C—C16C—N4C156.07 (19)
C17A—N5A—B1A—N1A137.4 (2)B1C—N3C—C16C—N4C14.4 (3)
C24A—N5A—B1A—N3A137.5 (2)C9C—N3C—C16C—C15C12.6 (2)
C17A—N5A—B1A—N3A29.9 (3)B1C—N3C—C16C—C15C176.95 (18)
C9A—N3A—B1A—O1A94.8 (2)C14C—C15C—C16C—N4C19.1 (4)
C16A—N3A—B1A—O1A99.9 (2)C10C—C15C—C16C—N4C159.2 (2)
C9A—N3A—B1A—N1A29.1 (3)C14C—C15C—C16C—N3C173.5 (2)
C16A—N3A—B1A—N1A136.2 (2)C10C—C15C—C16C—N3C8.1 (2)
C9A—N3A—B1A—N5A136.29 (19)C16C—N4C—C17C—N5C8.3 (3)
C16A—N3A—B1A—N5A29.0 (3)C16C—N4C—C17C—C18C155.5 (2)
C24B—N6B—C1B—N1B8.2 (3)C24C—N5C—C17C—N4C154.6 (2)
C24B—N6B—C1B—C2B156.6 (2)B1C—N5C—C17C—N4C15.9 (3)
C8B—N1B—C1B—N6B156.63 (19)C24C—N5C—C17C—C18C12.6 (2)
B1B—N1B—C1B—N6B14.5 (3)B1C—N5C—C17C—C18C176.9 (2)
C8B—N1B—C1B—C2B11.5 (2)N4C—C17C—C18C—C19C19.7 (4)
B1B—N1B—C1B—C2B177.39 (18)N5C—C17C—C18C—C19C174.4 (2)
N6B—C1B—C2B—C3B17.5 (4)N4C—C17C—C18C—C23C157.6 (2)
N1B—C1B—C2B—C3B175.8 (2)N5C—C17C—C18C—C23C8.3 (2)
N6B—C1B—C2B—C7B160.0 (2)C23C—C18C—C19C—C20C0.3 (4)
N1B—C1B—C2B—C7B6.7 (2)C17C—C18C—C19C—C20C176.8 (2)
C7B—C2B—C3B—C4B1.4 (3)C18C—C19C—C20C—C21C1.9 (4)
C1B—C2B—C3B—C4B178.6 (2)C19C—C20C—C21C—C22C2.0 (4)
C2B—C3B—C4B—C5B1.2 (3)C20C—C21C—C22C—C23C0.3 (4)
C3B—C4B—C5B—C6B0.7 (3)C21C—C22C—C23C—C18C2.5 (3)
C4B—C5B—C6B—C7B2.3 (3)C21C—C22C—C23C—C24C178.4 (2)
C5B—C6B—C7B—C2B2.1 (3)C19C—C18C—C23C—C22C2.5 (3)
C5B—C6B—C7B—C8B179.3 (2)C17C—C18C—C23C—C22C175.2 (2)
C3B—C2B—C7B—C6B0.2 (3)C19C—C18C—C23C—C24C179.4 (2)
C1B—C2B—C7B—C6B177.64 (19)C17C—C18C—C23C—C24C1.6 (2)
C3B—C2B—C7B—C8B178.10 (19)C1C—N6C—C24C—N5C7.4 (3)
C1B—C2B—C7B—C8B0.2 (2)C1C—N6C—C24C—C23C157.9 (2)
C9B—N2B—C8B—N1B8.1 (3)C17C—N5C—C24C—N6C156.9 (2)
C9B—N2B—C8B—C7B154.6 (2)B1C—N5C—C24C—N6C13.5 (3)
C1B—N1B—C8B—N2B155.1 (2)C17C—N5C—C24C—C23C11.6 (2)
B1B—N1B—C8B—N2B16.1 (3)B1C—N5C—C24C—C23C178.02 (19)
C1B—N1B—C8B—C7B11.3 (2)C22C—C23C—C24C—N6C14.9 (4)
B1B—N1B—C8B—C7B177.44 (18)C18C—C23C—C24C—N6C161.4 (2)
C6B—C7B—C8B—N2B18.9 (4)C22C—C23C—C24C—N5C178.1 (2)
C2B—C7B—C8B—N2B158.6 (2)C18C—C23C—C24C—N5C5.6 (2)
C6B—C7B—C8B—N1B176.1 (2)B1C—O1C—C25C—C26C174.3 (4)
C2B—C7B—C8B—N1B6.4 (2)O1C—C25C—C26C—C27C74.6 (6)
C8B—N2B—C9B—N3B10.1 (3)C25C—C26C—C27C—C28C164.4 (7)
C8B—N2B—C9B—C10B151.0 (2)C26C—C27C—C28C—C29C179.9 (8)
C16B—N3B—C9B—N2B154.0 (2)C27C—C28C—C29C—C30C174.5 (8)
B1B—N3B—C9B—N2B11.9 (3)C28C—C29C—C30C—C31C169.9 (8)
C16B—N3B—C9B—C10B10.9 (2)C29C—C30C—C31C—C32C63.5 (10)
B1B—N3B—C9B—C10B176.88 (19)B1C—O1E—C25E—C26E166.9 (4)
N2B—C9B—C10B—C11B16.2 (4)O1E—C25E—C26E—C27E171.1 (5)
N3B—C9B—C10B—C11B179.7 (2)C25E—C26E—C27E—C28E172.2 (7)
N2B—C9B—C10B—C15B156.8 (2)C26E—C27E—C28E—C29E172.9 (7)
N3B—C9B—C10B—C15B6.8 (2)C27E—C28E—C29E—C30E67.4 (11)
C15B—C10B—C11B—C12B0.2 (3)C28E—C29E—C30E—C31E172.0 (8)
C9B—C10B—C11B—C12B171.9 (2)C29E—C30E—C31E—C32E175.0 (8)
C10B—C11B—C12B—C13B0.1 (4)C25E—O1E—B1C—N5C162.1 (4)
C11B—C12B—C13B—C14B0.1 (4)C25E—O1E—B1C—N1C78.8 (4)
C12B—C13B—C14B—C15B0.7 (4)C25E—O1E—B1C—N3C42.3 (5)
C13B—C14B—C15B—C10B1.1 (3)C25C—O1C—B1C—N5C68.8 (4)
C13B—C14B—C15B—C16B172.9 (2)C25C—O1C—B1C—N1C172.2 (3)
C11B—C10B—C15B—C14B0.9 (3)C25C—O1C—B1C—N3C51.0 (4)
C9B—C10B—C15B—C14B173.0 (2)C24C—N5C—B1C—O1E95.8 (3)
C11B—C10B—C15B—C16B174.5 (2)C17C—N5C—B1C—O1E94.7 (2)
C9B—C10B—C15B—C16B0.6 (2)C24C—N5C—B1C—O1C95.8 (3)
C17B—N4B—C16B—N3B10.4 (3)C17C—N5C—B1C—O1C94.7 (2)
C17B—N4B—C16B—C15B152.4 (2)C24C—N5C—B1C—N1C29.5 (3)
C9B—N3B—C16B—N4B155.7 (2)C17C—N5C—B1C—N1C140.0 (2)
B1B—N3B—C16B—N4B10.1 (3)C24C—N5C—B1C—N3C136.5 (2)
C9B—N3B—C16B—C15B10.6 (2)C17C—N5C—B1C—N3C33.0 (3)
B1B—N3B—C16B—C15B176.33 (19)C8C—N1C—B1C—O1E98.4 (3)
C14B—C15B—C16B—N4B13.4 (4)C1C—N1C—B1C—O1E94.4 (3)
C10B—C15B—C16B—N4B159.3 (2)C8C—N1C—B1C—O1C98.4 (3)
C14B—C15B—C16B—N3B178.4 (2)C1C—N1C—B1C—O1C94.4 (3)
C10B—C15B—C16B—N3B5.7 (2)C8C—N1C—B1C—N5C137.1 (2)
C16B—N4B—C17B—N5B7.8 (3)C1C—N1C—B1C—N5C30.0 (3)
C16B—N4B—C17B—C18B155.4 (2)C8C—N1C—B1C—N3C30.3 (3)
C24B—N5B—C17B—N4B154.7 (2)C1C—N1C—B1C—N3C136.90 (19)
B1B—N5B—C17B—N4B15.6 (3)C16C—N3C—B1C—O1E93.0 (3)
C24B—N5B—C17B—C18B12.0 (2)C9C—N3C—B1C—O1E97.5 (3)
B1B—N5B—C17B—C18B177.66 (19)C16C—N3C—B1C—O1C93.0 (3)
N4B—C17B—C18B—C19B18.6 (4)C9C—N3C—B1C—O1C97.5 (3)
N5B—C17B—C18B—C19B176.1 (2)C16C—N3C—B1C—N5C32.4 (3)
N4B—C17B—C18B—C23B158.4 (2)C9C—N3C—B1C—N5C137.2 (2)
N5B—C17B—C18B—C23B6.9 (2)C16C—N3C—B1C—N1C139.87 (19)
C23B—C18B—C19B—C20B2.6 (3)C9C—N3C—B1C—N1C29.6 (3)
C17B—C18B—C19B—C20B179.3 (2)
Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, º) top
O1W—H1WB···N6A0.842.163.005 (8)179
O1W—H1WA···N4Bi0.842.203.043 (9)179
Symmetry code: (i) x+1, y+1, z+1.
(Phenolato)(subphthalocyaninato)boron (d2335_a) top
Crystal data top
C30H17BN6OZ = 2
Mr = 488.30F(000) = 504
Triclinic, P1Dx = 1.431 Mg m3
a = 10.0268 (10) ÅMo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
b = 10.7263 (12) ÅCell parameters from 6094 reflections
c = 11.8090 (13) Åθ = 2.3–27.2°
α = 85.879 (4)°µ = 0.09 mm1
β = 77.440 (3)°T = 150 K
γ = 66.151 (3)°Shard, pink
V = 1133.6 (2) Å30.28 × 0.15 × 0.09 mm
Data collection top
3795 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: sealed tube with Bruker Triumph monochromatorRint = 0.052
φ and ω scansθmax = 27.5°, θmin = 1.8°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Krause et al., 2015)
h = 1211
Tmin = 0.687, Tmax = 0.746k = 1313
26461 measured reflectionsl = 1515
5137 independent reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Least-squares matrix: fullHydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.039H-atom parameters constrained
wR(F2) = 0.095 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0462P)2 + 0.1591P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
S = 1.03(Δ/σ)max < 0.001
5137 reflectionsΔρmax = 0.22 e Å3
343 parametersΔρmin = 0.23 e Å3
0 restraints
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
O10.60836 (9)0.58360 (9)0.39809 (7)0.0225 (2)
N10.82829 (12)0.20316 (11)0.37311 (9)0.0217 (2)
N20.86304 (11)0.41087 (11)0.36391 (9)0.0200 (2)
N30.99417 (12)0.54932 (11)0.28170 (10)0.0229 (2)
N40.78717 (11)0.55805 (10)0.21103 (9)0.0194 (2)
N50.66845 (11)0.50195 (10)0.08169 (9)0.0216 (2)
N60.69756 (11)0.38657 (10)0.26052 (9)0.0200 (2)
C10.89779 (14)0.27856 (13)0.39799 (11)0.0209 (3)
C21.03999 (14)0.23562 (13)0.43385 (11)0.0219 (3)
C31.13027 (15)0.11419 (14)0.47752 (11)0.0249 (3)
C41.26953 (15)0.10072 (14)0.48954 (12)0.0282 (3)
C51.32060 (15)0.20416 (15)0.45819 (12)0.0301 (3)
C61.23264 (15)0.32495 (14)0.41420 (12)0.0279 (3)
C71.09155 (14)0.34156 (13)0.40321 (11)0.0222 (3)
C80.97963 (14)0.44909 (13)0.35198 (11)0.0213 (3)
C90.90088 (14)0.59754 (13)0.20773 (11)0.0216 (3)
C100.91289 (14)0.66902 (13)0.09880 (11)0.0221 (3)
C111.00034 (14)0.74072 (13)0.05127 (12)0.0266 (3)
C120.98350 (15)0.79963 (14)0.05555 (13)0.0295 (3)
C130.88785 (15)0.78252 (14)0.11731 (12)0.0284 (3)
C140.80442 (14)0.70726 (13)0.07371 (12)0.0250 (3)
C150.81440 (14)0.65294 (13)0.03674 (11)0.0217 (3)
C160.74174 (13)0.57282 (12)0.10831 (11)0.0204 (3)
C170.65606 (13)0.40411 (13)0.15564 (11)0.0206 (3)
C180.63636 (13)0.28129 (13)0.13500 (11)0.0206 (3)
C190.59450 (14)0.24229 (14)0.04296 (12)0.0244 (3)
C200.59931 (15)0.11185 (14)0.04268 (12)0.0273 (3)
C210.64868 (15)0.02013 (14)0.12962 (12)0.0258 (3)
C220.69491 (14)0.05581 (13)0.21967 (12)0.0230 (3)
C230.68631 (13)0.18853 (13)0.22413 (11)0.0208 (3)
C240.73460 (14)0.25611 (13)0.29959 (11)0.0202 (3)
C250.48406 (14)0.66715 (13)0.35606 (11)0.0213 (3)
C260.37130 (15)0.62436 (15)0.35710 (12)0.0287 (3)
C270.24733 (16)0.70750 (17)0.31343 (13)0.0359 (4)
C280.23567 (16)0.83366 (17)0.27007 (13)0.0373 (4)
C290.34800 (16)0.87679 (15)0.27049 (13)0.0330 (3)
C300.47267 (15)0.79420 (14)0.31288 (12)0.0256 (3)
B10.72912 (16)0.49125 (15)0.31433 (13)0.0202 (3)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
O10.0238 (5)0.0221 (5)0.0209 (5)0.0078 (4)0.0059 (4)0.0012 (4)
N10.0255 (6)0.0218 (6)0.0196 (6)0.0112 (5)0.0053 (5)0.0021 (4)
N20.0231 (5)0.0187 (6)0.0196 (6)0.0091 (4)0.0061 (4)0.0021 (4)
N30.0251 (6)0.0196 (6)0.0262 (6)0.0096 (5)0.0087 (5)0.0019 (5)
N40.0204 (5)0.0162 (5)0.0212 (6)0.0066 (4)0.0053 (4)0.0012 (4)
N50.0214 (5)0.0176 (6)0.0246 (6)0.0059 (4)0.0067 (4)0.0023 (5)
N60.0212 (5)0.0184 (5)0.0208 (6)0.0079 (4)0.0059 (4)0.0020 (4)
C10.0252 (6)0.0190 (6)0.0177 (7)0.0081 (5)0.0051 (5)0.0026 (5)
C20.0263 (7)0.0227 (7)0.0167 (7)0.0090 (5)0.0058 (5)0.0007 (5)
C30.0315 (7)0.0223 (7)0.0208 (7)0.0091 (6)0.0092 (6)0.0022 (5)
C40.0329 (7)0.0247 (7)0.0231 (7)0.0042 (6)0.0127 (6)0.0016 (6)
C50.0261 (7)0.0338 (8)0.0303 (8)0.0078 (6)0.0135 (6)0.0014 (6)
C60.0294 (7)0.0277 (8)0.0309 (8)0.0130 (6)0.0122 (6)0.0006 (6)
C70.0268 (7)0.0214 (7)0.0196 (7)0.0085 (5)0.0091 (5)0.0001 (5)
C80.0234 (6)0.0201 (7)0.0220 (7)0.0093 (5)0.0063 (5)0.0017 (5)
C90.0219 (6)0.0171 (6)0.0257 (7)0.0080 (5)0.0039 (5)0.0012 (5)
C100.0203 (6)0.0162 (6)0.0257 (7)0.0045 (5)0.0026 (5)0.0010 (5)
C110.0224 (6)0.0216 (7)0.0326 (8)0.0070 (5)0.0029 (6)0.0017 (6)
C120.0249 (7)0.0248 (7)0.0329 (8)0.0090 (6)0.0029 (6)0.0053 (6)
C130.0287 (7)0.0239 (7)0.0235 (7)0.0052 (6)0.0010 (6)0.0045 (6)
C140.0243 (7)0.0214 (7)0.0235 (7)0.0044 (5)0.0027 (5)0.0001 (5)
C150.0220 (6)0.0154 (6)0.0231 (7)0.0040 (5)0.0022 (5)0.0007 (5)
C160.0194 (6)0.0166 (6)0.0215 (7)0.0035 (5)0.0047 (5)0.0009 (5)
C170.0183 (6)0.0204 (7)0.0218 (7)0.0056 (5)0.0059 (5)0.0003 (5)
C180.0177 (6)0.0194 (7)0.0245 (7)0.0072 (5)0.0045 (5)0.0009 (5)
C190.0239 (7)0.0240 (7)0.0267 (7)0.0088 (6)0.0105 (6)0.0032 (6)
C200.0286 (7)0.0282 (7)0.0286 (8)0.0125 (6)0.0097 (6)0.0029 (6)
C210.0280 (7)0.0204 (7)0.0306 (8)0.0112 (6)0.0056 (6)0.0012 (6)
C220.0248 (6)0.0200 (7)0.0245 (7)0.0098 (5)0.0046 (5)0.0025 (5)
C230.0186 (6)0.0216 (7)0.0220 (7)0.0087 (5)0.0031 (5)0.0020 (5)
C240.0211 (6)0.0188 (6)0.0204 (7)0.0085 (5)0.0030 (5)0.0021 (5)
C250.0216 (6)0.0229 (7)0.0164 (6)0.0059 (5)0.0028 (5)0.0019 (5)
C260.0280 (7)0.0329 (8)0.0273 (8)0.0157 (6)0.0026 (6)0.0002 (6)
C270.0254 (7)0.0519 (10)0.0325 (9)0.0170 (7)0.0052 (6)0.0053 (7)
C280.0279 (7)0.0438 (10)0.0307 (8)0.0017 (7)0.0101 (6)0.0044 (7)
C290.0380 (8)0.0249 (8)0.0287 (8)0.0040 (6)0.0086 (6)0.0005 (6)
C300.0284 (7)0.0225 (7)0.0248 (7)0.0087 (6)0.0057 (6)0.0015 (6)
B10.0233 (7)0.0177 (7)0.0213 (8)0.0092 (6)0.0068 (6)0.0025 (6)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
O1—C251.3801 (15)C11—C121.382 (2)
O1—B11.4407 (17)C11—H11A0.9500
N1—C11.3435 (17)C12—C131.397 (2)
N1—C241.3459 (16)C12—H12A0.9500
N2—C81.3646 (16)C13—C141.3840 (19)
N2—C11.3699 (16)C13—H13A0.9500
N2—B11.4907 (17)C14—C151.3968 (18)
N3—C91.3434 (16)C14—H14A0.9500
N3—C81.3460 (17)C15—C161.4553 (18)
N4—C91.3601 (16)C17—C181.4531 (18)
N4—C161.3632 (16)C18—C191.3922 (18)
N4—B11.4977 (18)C18—C231.4229 (18)
N5—C161.3428 (16)C19—C201.3806 (19)
N5—C171.3438 (16)C19—H19A0.9500
N6—C171.3673 (16)C20—C211.3961 (19)
N6—C241.3677 (16)C20—H20A0.9500
N6—B11.4974 (18)C21—C221.3815 (19)
C1—C21.4587 (18)C21—H21A0.9500
C2—C31.3910 (18)C22—C231.3952 (18)
C2—C71.4227 (18)C22—H22A0.9500
C3—C41.3824 (19)C23—C241.4553 (18)
C3—H3A0.9500C25—C261.3791 (19)
C4—C51.396 (2)C25—C301.3892 (19)
C4—H4A0.9500C26—C271.387 (2)
C5—C61.3802 (19)C26—H26A0.9500
C5—H5A0.9500C27—C281.380 (2)
C6—C71.3866 (19)C27—H27A0.9500
C6—H6A0.9500C28—C291.381 (2)
C7—C81.4504 (18)C28—H28A0.9500
C9—C101.4569 (18)C29—C301.3824 (19)
C10—C111.3945 (18)C29—H29A0.9500
C10—C151.4187 (19)C30—H30A0.9500
C25—O1—B1115.60 (10)C14—C15—C10120.64 (12)
C1—N1—C24117.24 (11)C14—C15—C16132.10 (12)
C8—N2—C1112.86 (10)C10—C15—C16107.24 (11)
C8—N2—B1122.15 (11)N5—C16—N4122.23 (11)
C1—N2—B1123.00 (10)N5—C16—C15131.32 (12)
C9—N3—C8116.66 (11)N4—C16—C15105.34 (11)
C9—N4—C16113.67 (11)N5—C17—N6122.99 (11)
C9—N4—B1122.62 (11)N5—C17—C18129.76 (12)
C16—N4—B1123.41 (11)N6—C17—C18105.53 (11)
C16—N5—C17116.65 (11)C19—C18—C23121.07 (12)
C17—N6—C24113.19 (11)C19—C18—C17131.30 (12)
C17—N6—B1122.71 (11)C23—C18—C17107.27 (11)
C24—N6—B1122.97 (11)C20—C19—C18117.79 (12)
N1—C1—N2122.77 (11)C20—C19—H19A121.1
N1—C1—C2129.71 (12)C18—C19—H19A121.1
N2—C1—C2105.62 (11)C19—C20—C21121.44 (13)
C3—C2—C7120.10 (12)C19—C20—H20A119.3
C3—C2—C1132.70 (12)C21—C20—H20A119.3
C7—C2—C1106.84 (11)C22—C21—C20121.50 (13)
C4—C3—C2118.01 (13)C22—C21—H21A119.2
C2—C3—H3A121.0C21—C22—C23118.18 (12)
C3—C4—C5121.81 (13)C21—C22—H22A120.9
C5—C4—H4A119.1C22—C23—C18119.95 (12)
C6—C5—C4120.86 (13)C22—C23—C24132.56 (12)
C6—C5—H5A119.6C18—C23—C24107.14 (11)
C4—C5—H5A119.6N1—C24—N6122.38 (11)
C5—C6—C7118.30 (13)N1—C24—C23130.16 (12)
C5—C6—H6A120.9N6—C24—C23105.55 (10)
C7—C6—H6A120.9C26—C25—O1119.91 (12)
C6—C7—C2120.90 (12)C26—C25—C30120.12 (12)
C6—C7—C8131.41 (13)O1—C25—C30119.97 (11)
C2—C7—C8107.37 (11)C25—C26—C27119.92 (14)
N3—C8—N2123.34 (11)C25—C26—H26A120.0
N3—C8—C7128.92 (12)C27—C26—H26A120.0
N2—C8—C7105.94 (11)C28—C27—C26120.19 (14)
N3—C9—N4122.13 (11)C28—C27—H27A119.9
N3—C9—C10131.07 (11)C26—C27—H27A119.9
N4—C9—C10105.36 (11)C27—C28—C29119.69 (14)
C11—C10—C15120.64 (12)C27—C28—H28A120.2
C11—C10—C9132.19 (12)C29—C28—H28A120.2
C15—C10—C9107.16 (11)C28—C29—C30120.59 (14)
C12—C11—C10117.91 (13)C28—C29—H29A119.7
C10—C11—H11A121.0C29—C30—C25119.48 (13)
C11—C12—C13121.42 (13)C29—C30—H30A120.3
C13—C12—H12A119.3O1—B1—N2112.61 (11)
C14—C13—C12121.53 (13)O1—B1—N6116.43 (11)
C14—C13—H13A119.2N2—B1—N6104.58 (10)
C12—C13—H13A119.2O1—B1—N4114.90 (11)
C13—C14—C15117.72 (13)N2—B1—N4104.01 (10)
C13—C14—H14A121.1N6—B1—N4102.89 (11)
C24—N1—C1—N28.44 (18)C16—N5—C17—N68.23 (17)
C24—N1—C1—C2153.51 (13)C16—N5—C17—C18154.60 (13)
C8—N2—C1—N1153.46 (12)C24—N6—C17—N5154.54 (12)
B1—N2—C1—N110.81 (19)B1—N6—C17—N513.66 (18)
C8—N2—C1—C212.21 (14)C24—N6—C17—C1811.84 (14)
B1—N2—C1—C2176.49 (11)B1—N6—C17—C18179.96 (11)
N1—C1—C2—C316.5 (2)N5—C17—C18—C1915.1 (2)
N2—C1—C2—C3179.24 (14)N6—C17—C18—C19179.80 (13)
N1—C1—C2—C7156.39 (13)N5—C17—C18—C23157.89 (12)
N2—C1—C2—C77.92 (14)N6—C17—C18—C237.22 (13)
C7—C2—C3—C40.11 (19)C23—C18—C19—C201.68 (19)
C1—C2—C3—C4171.97 (13)C17—C18—C19—C20173.85 (13)
C2—C3—C4—C50.6 (2)C18—C19—C20—C211.9 (2)
C3—C4—C5—C60.3 (2)C19—C20—C21—C220.0 (2)
C4—C5—C6—C70.7 (2)C20—C21—C22—C232.18 (19)
C5—C6—C7—C21.5 (2)C21—C22—C23—C182.36 (19)
C5—C6—C7—C8174.04 (14)C21—C22—C23—C24174.66 (13)
C3—C2—C7—C61.2 (2)C19—C18—C23—C220.45 (19)
C1—C2—C7—C6172.74 (12)C17—C18—C23—C22173.39 (11)
C3—C2—C7—C8175.34 (12)C19—C18—C23—C24174.52 (11)
C1—C2—C7—C81.42 (14)C17—C18—C23—C240.68 (14)
C9—N3—C8—N210.55 (18)C1—N1—C24—N66.90 (18)
C9—N3—C8—C7151.96 (13)C1—N1—C24—C23154.97 (13)
C1—N2—C8—N3154.57 (12)C17—N6—C24—N1154.29 (12)
B1—N2—C8—N39.85 (19)B1—N6—C24—N113.87 (19)
C1—N2—C8—C711.36 (15)C17—N6—C24—C2311.42 (14)
B1—N2—C8—C7175.78 (11)B1—N6—C24—C23179.58 (11)
C6—C7—C8—N314.1 (2)C22—C23—C24—N115.0 (2)
C2—C7—C8—N3159.22 (13)C18—C23—C24—N1158.06 (13)
C6—C7—C8—N2178.95 (14)C22—C23—C24—N6179.14 (13)
C2—C7—C8—N25.64 (14)C18—C23—C24—N66.12 (13)
C8—N3—C9—N46.63 (18)B1—O1—C25—C2689.71 (15)
C8—N3—C9—C10157.56 (13)B1—O1—C25—C3090.34 (14)
C16—N4—C9—N3156.21 (12)O1—C25—C26—C27179.12 (12)
B1—N4—C9—N317.75 (18)C30—C25—C26—C270.9 (2)
C16—N4—C9—C1011.49 (14)C25—C26—C27—C280.7 (2)
B1—N4—C9—C10174.55 (11)C26—C27—C28—C290.1 (2)
N3—C9—C10—C1119.3 (2)C27—C28—C29—C300.6 (2)
N4—C9—C10—C11174.53 (13)C28—C29—C30—C250.4 (2)
N3—C9—C10—C15159.29 (13)C26—C25—C30—C290.4 (2)
N4—C9—C10—C156.87 (14)O1—C25—C30—C29179.69 (12)
C15—C10—C11—C122.48 (19)C25—O1—B1—N2176.22 (10)
C9—C10—C11—C12179.08 (13)C25—O1—B1—N663.00 (14)
C10—C11—C12—C133.3 (2)C25—O1—B1—N457.36 (15)
C11—C12—C13—C140.8 (2)C8—N2—B1—O196.40 (14)
C12—C13—C14—C152.46 (19)C1—N2—B1—O1100.76 (14)
C13—C14—C15—C103.18 (18)C8—N2—B1—N6136.25 (12)
C13—C14—C15—C16178.71 (13)C1—N2—B1—N626.59 (16)
C11—C10—C15—C140.75 (19)C8—N2—B1—N428.64 (16)
C9—C10—C15—C14178.05 (11)C1—N2—B1—N4134.20 (12)
C11—C10—C15—C16179.28 (11)C17—N6—B1—O196.10 (14)
C9—C10—C15—C160.48 (14)C24—N6—B1—O196.85 (14)
C17—N5—C16—N47.18 (17)C17—N6—B1—N2138.93 (11)
C17—N5—C16—C15158.90 (13)C24—N6—B1—N228.12 (15)
C9—N4—C16—N5158.01 (11)C17—N6—B1—N430.50 (15)
B1—N4—C16—N515.89 (18)C24—N6—B1—N4136.55 (11)
C9—N4—C16—C1511.20 (14)C9—N4—B1—O190.86 (14)
B1—N4—C16—C15174.90 (11)C16—N4—B1—O195.77 (14)
C14—C15—C16—N516.5 (2)C9—N4—B1—N232.70 (15)
C10—C15—C16—N5161.76 (13)C16—N4—B1—N2140.67 (11)
C14—C15—C16—N4175.64 (13)C9—N4—B1—N6141.56 (11)
C10—C15—C16—N46.07 (13)C16—N4—B1—N631.80 (15)
(Naphthalen-2-olato)(subphthalocyaninato)boron (d23108a_a) top
Crystal data top
C34H19BN6ODx = 1.445 Mg m3
Mr = 538.36Mo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
Orthorhombic, PnmaCell parameters from 2369 reflections
a = 17.133 (3) Åθ = 2.4–25.5°
b = 13.929 (2) ŵ = 0.09 mm1
c = 10.3669 (16) ÅT = 150 K
V = 2474.0 (7) Å3Shard, pink
Z = 40.26 × 0.15 × 0.08 mm
F(000) = 1112
Data collection top
1878 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: sealed tube with Bruker Triumph monochromatorRint = 0.092
φ and ω scansθmax = 27.5°, θmin = 2.3°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Krause et al., 2015)
h = 2122
Tmin = 0.609, Tmax = 0.746k = 1218
17347 measured reflectionsl = 1313
2963 independent reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Least-squares matrix: fullHydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.052H-atom parameters constrained
wR(F2) = 0.119 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0341P)2 + 0.9945P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
S = 1.05(Δ/σ)max < 0.001
2963 reflectionsΔρmax = 0.26 e Å3
217 parametersΔρmin = 0.28 e Å3
0 restraints
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
xyzUiso*/UeqOcc. (<1)
O10.59212 (11)0.2500000.05723 (17)0.0314 (5)
N10.57797 (12)0.2500000.2966 (2)0.0192 (5)
N20.59624 (9)0.08455 (11)0.34594 (14)0.0225 (4)
N30.68267 (9)0.16555 (10)0.20190 (14)0.0206 (4)
N40.80024 (13)0.2500000.1556 (2)0.0235 (5)
C10.43709 (11)0.19995 (15)0.66531 (18)0.0280 (5)
C20.47342 (10)0.14803 (15)0.56894 (18)0.0252 (4)
C30.50988 (10)0.19921 (13)0.47016 (17)0.0204 (4)
C40.55865 (11)0.16829 (13)0.36331 (17)0.0206 (4)
C50.66114 (11)0.08664 (13)0.27245 (17)0.0210 (4)
C60.72892 (11)0.02434 (13)0.27627 (17)0.0233 (4)
C70.74262 (12)0.06215 (14)0.34004 (19)0.0287 (5)
C80.81729 (13)0.09982 (15)0.3370 (2)0.0335 (5)
C90.87772 (13)0.05256 (16)0.2730 (2)0.0359 (5)
C100.86578 (12)0.03504 (15)0.2129 (2)0.0308 (5)
C110.79093 (11)0.07398 (14)0.21471 (18)0.0249 (4)
C120.76111 (11)0.16782 (13)0.17731 (16)0.0223 (4)
C130.45932 (13)0.30777 (14)0.0242 (2)0.0255 (9)0.5
C140.51433 (10)0.23520 (18)0.03849 (18)0.0211 (10)0.5
C150.49167 (12)0.13962 (16)0.0294 (2)0.0296 (10)0.5
C160.41400 (14)0.11661 (13)0.0060 (2)0.0324 (10)0.5
C170.35899 (10)0.18919 (16)0.00823 (14)0.0240 (11)0.5
C180.38165 (11)0.28477 (15)0.00085 (13)0.0221 (12)0.5
C190.32664 (16)0.35734 (19)0.0134 (2)0.0326 (12)0.5
C200.24897 (15)0.3343 (3)0.0368 (2)0.0317 (15)0.5
C210.22631 (10)0.2388 (3)0.04587 (19)0.0407 (14)0.5
C220.28132 (11)0.1662 (2)0.0316 (2)0.0388 (17)0.5
B10.63003 (17)0.2500000.1813 (3)0.0205 (7)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
O10.0203 (11)0.0549 (13)0.0189 (9)0.0000.0012 (8)0.000
N10.0167 (12)0.0221 (11)0.0189 (11)0.0000.0000 (9)0.000
N20.0212 (8)0.0235 (9)0.0227 (8)0.0005 (7)0.0014 (7)0.0016 (7)
N30.0211 (9)0.0222 (8)0.0186 (8)0.0002 (7)0.0031 (7)0.0005 (6)
N40.0249 (12)0.0259 (12)0.0196 (11)0.0000.0023 (10)0.000
C10.0210 (10)0.0447 (12)0.0184 (9)0.0031 (9)0.0023 (8)0.0035 (9)
C20.0183 (10)0.0331 (11)0.0243 (10)0.0023 (9)0.0001 (8)0.0046 (9)
C30.0148 (9)0.0282 (10)0.0183 (9)0.0010 (8)0.0008 (7)0.0009 (7)
C40.0188 (10)0.0225 (10)0.0206 (9)0.0026 (8)0.0021 (8)0.0010 (8)
C50.0246 (10)0.0202 (9)0.0182 (9)0.0017 (8)0.0008 (8)0.0023 (8)
C60.0270 (11)0.0227 (10)0.0202 (10)0.0014 (8)0.0026 (8)0.0030 (8)
C70.0356 (12)0.0235 (10)0.0269 (10)0.0012 (9)0.0030 (9)0.0004 (8)
C80.0435 (14)0.0271 (11)0.0298 (11)0.0114 (10)0.0003 (10)0.0018 (9)
C90.0339 (13)0.0426 (13)0.0311 (12)0.0160 (10)0.0050 (10)0.0018 (10)
C100.0264 (11)0.0361 (12)0.0299 (11)0.0045 (9)0.0060 (9)0.0006 (9)
C110.0278 (11)0.0278 (10)0.0192 (9)0.0040 (9)0.0028 (9)0.0017 (8)
C120.0224 (11)0.0282 (11)0.0163 (9)0.0014 (8)0.0032 (8)0.0021 (7)
C130.031 (2)0.022 (2)0.023 (2)0.0020 (18)0.0011 (18)0.0026 (17)
C140.0255 (17)0.024 (3)0.0142 (14)0.0002 (18)0.0016 (12)0.0006 (17)
C150.033 (3)0.035 (3)0.020 (2)0.001 (2)0.0028 (18)0.0035 (19)
C160.045 (3)0.028 (2)0.025 (2)0.010 (2)0.003 (2)0.0016 (17)
C170.025 (3)0.026 (3)0.021 (2)0.018 (2)0.0038 (19)0.0007 (19)
C180.022 (2)0.027 (3)0.0172 (19)0.0052 (18)0.0000 (17)0.0003 (14)
C190.024 (3)0.049 (3)0.025 (2)0.008 (3)0.002 (2)0.010 (2)
C200.034 (4)0.044 (3)0.018 (2)0.006 (3)0.0035 (19)0.008 (2)
C210.0253 (19)0.074 (4)0.0224 (16)0.030 (4)0.0011 (14)0.008 (4)
C220.037 (5)0.057 (4)0.022 (3)0.012 (3)0.007 (2)0.005 (3)
B10.0187 (16)0.0232 (16)0.0195 (15)0.0000.0022 (12)0.000
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
O1—C141.362 (2)C8—H8A0.9500
O1—B11.441 (3)C9—C101.385 (3)
N1—C41.372 (2)C9—H9A0.9500
N1—C4i1.372 (2)C10—C111.393 (3)
N1—B11.491 (4)C10—H10A0.9500
N2—C41.345 (2)C11—C121.456 (3)
N2—C51.348 (2)C13—C141.3900
N3—C121.368 (2)C13—C181.3900
N3—C51.371 (2)C13—H130.9500
N3—B11.498 (2)C14—C151.3900
N4—C12i1.345 (2)C15—C161.3900
N4—C121.345 (2)C15—H150.9500
C1—C21.382 (3)C16—C171.3900
C1—C1i1.394 (4)C16—H160.9500
C2—C31.395 (3)C17—C221.3900
C3—C3i1.415 (4)C19—C201.3900
C3—C41.453 (3)C19—H190.9500
C5—C61.450 (3)C20—C211.3900
C6—C71.394 (3)C20—H200.9500
C6—C111.419 (3)C21—C221.3900
C7—C81.383 (3)C21—H210.9500
C8—C91.395 (3)
C14—O1—B1124.61 (19)C6—C11—C12107.13 (16)
C4—N1—C4i112.1 (2)N4—C12—N3122.70 (17)
C4—N1—B1123.23 (11)N4—C12—C11129.31 (18)
C4i—N1—B1123.24 (11)N3—C12—C11105.91 (16)
C4—N2—C5116.88 (15)C14—C13—C18120.0
C12—N3—C5112.48 (15)C14—C13—H13120.0
C12—N3—B1123.15 (16)C18—C13—H13120.0
C5—N3—B1122.93 (16)O1—C14—C13124.63 (16)
C12i—N4—C12116.6 (2)O1—C14—C15115.33 (16)
C2—C1—C1i121.57 (12)C13—C14—C15120.0
C1—C2—C3117.70 (19)C16—C15—H15120.0
C2—C3—C3i120.73 (11)C17—C16—H16120.0
C2—C3—C4131.72 (18)C18—C17—C16120.0
C3i—C3—C4107.25 (10)C18—C17—C22120.0
N2—C4—N1122.45 (17)C16—C17—C22120.0
N2—C4—C3129.41 (17)C17—C18—C19120.0
N1—C4—C3106.08 (16)C17—C18—C13120.0
N2—C5—N3122.73 (16)C19—C18—C13120.0
N2—C5—C6129.21 (16)C20—C19—C18120.0
N3—C5—C6106.19 (16)C20—C19—H19120.0
C7—C6—C11120.55 (18)C18—C19—H19120.0
C7—C6—C5131.67 (18)C19—C20—C21120.0
C11—C6—C5107.19 (16)C19—C20—H20120.0
C8—C7—C6118.21 (19)C21—C20—H20120.0
C7—C8—C9121.21 (19)C22—C21—H21120.0
C10—C9—C8121.34 (19)C17—C22—H22120.0
C10—C9—H9A119.3O1—B1—N1116.5 (2)
C8—C9—H9A119.3O1—B1—N3i113.48 (15)
C9—C10—C11118.25 (19)N1—B1—N3i104.25 (15)
C9—C10—H10A120.9O1—B1—N3113.48 (15)
C11—C10—H10A120.9N1—B1—N3104.25 (15)
C10—C11—C6120.37 (18)N3i—B1—N3103.5 (2)
C10—C11—C12132.01 (19)
C1i—C1—C2—C30.5 (2)C6—C11—C12—N4156.1 (2)
C1—C2—C3—C3i0.5 (2)C10—C11—C12—N3179.3 (2)
C1—C2—C3—C4173.30 (19)C6—C11—C12—N37.52 (19)
C5—N2—C4—N18.7 (3)B1—O1—C14—C1396.59 (13)
C5—N2—C4—C3152.58 (18)B1—O1—C14—C1585.63 (15)
C4i—N1—C4—N2153.68 (13)C18—C13—C14—O1177.68 (17)
B1—N1—C4—N213.0 (3)C18—C13—C14—C150.0
C4i—N1—C4—C311.4 (3)O1—C14—C15—C16177.89 (16)
B1—N1—C4—C3178.0 (2)C13—C14—C15—C160.0
C2—C3—C4—N216.5 (3)C14—C15—C16—C170.0
C3i—C3—C4—N2157.01 (17)C15—C16—C17—C180.0
C2—C3—C4—N1179.88 (19)C15—C16—C17—C22180.0
C3i—C3—C4—N16.62 (16)C16—C17—C18—C19180.0
C4—N2—C5—N39.7 (3)C22—C17—C18—C190.0
C4—N2—C5—C6152.53 (18)C16—C17—C18—C130.0
C12—N3—C5—N2155.83 (17)C22—C17—C18—C13180.0
B1—N3—C5—N210.9 (3)C14—C13—C18—C170.0
C12—N3—C5—C69.90 (19)C14—C13—C18—C19180.0
B1—N3—C5—C6176.59 (17)C17—C18—C19—C200.0
N2—C5—C6—C711.1 (3)C13—C18—C19—C20180.0
N3—C5—C6—C7175.57 (19)C18—C19—C20—C210.0
N2—C5—C6—C11159.89 (18)C19—C20—C21—C220.0
N3—C5—C6—C114.58 (19)C20—C21—C22—C170.0
C11—C6—C7—C82.6 (3)C18—C17—C22—C210.0
C5—C6—C7—C8172.59 (19)C16—C17—C22—C21180.0
C6—C7—C8—C90.5 (3)C14—O1—B1—N110.60 (13)
C7—C8—C9—C101.7 (3)C14—O1—B1—N3i131.68 (19)
C8—C9—C10—C111.8 (3)C14—O1—B1—N3110.5 (2)
C9—C10—C11—C60.2 (3)C4—N1—B1—O197.41 (19)
C9—C10—C11—C12170.6 (2)C4i—N1—B1—O197.41 (19)
C7—C6—C11—C102.5 (3)C4—N1—B1—N3i136.73 (18)
C5—C6—C11—C10174.69 (17)C4i—N1—B1—N3i28.5 (3)
C7—C6—C11—C12170.40 (17)C4—N1—B1—N328.5 (3)
C5—C6—C11—C121.8 (2)C4i—N1—B1—N3136.72 (18)
C12i—N4—C12—N39.3 (3)C12—N3—B1—O194.4 (2)
C12i—N4—C12—C11151.92 (15)C5—N3—B1—O1100.4 (2)
C5—N3—C12—N4154.01 (18)C12—N3—B1—N1137.90 (17)
B1—N3—C12—N412.6 (3)C5—N3—B1—N127.4 (2)
C5—N3—C12—C1110.98 (19)C12—N3—B1—N3i29.1 (3)
B1—N3—C12—C11177.64 (18)C5—N3—B1—N3i136.18 (15)
C10—C11—C12—N415.6 (3)
Symmetry code: (i) x, y+1/2, z.
(Acetato)(subphthalocyaninato)boron (d22121a_a) top
Crystal data top
C26H15BN6O2Z = 2
Mr = 454.25F(000) = 468
Triclinic, P1Dx = 1.472 Mg m3
a = 9.3432 (9) ÅMo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
b = 9.3548 (7) ÅCell parameters from 6060 reflections
c = 12.3322 (12) Åθ = 2.5–26.8°
α = 104.203 (2)°µ = 0.10 mm1
β = 100.751 (3)°T = 150 K
γ = 90.701 (2)°Shard, purple
V = 1024.69 (16) Å30.24 × 0.22 × 0.13 mm
Data collection top
3665 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: sealed tube with Bruker Triumph monochromatorRint = 0.038
φ and ω scansθmax = 27.5°, θmin = 2.3°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Krause et al., 2015)
h = 1212
Tmin = 0.710, Tmax = 0.746k = 1211
21123 measured reflectionsl = 1615
4670 independent reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Least-squares matrix: fullHydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.038H-atom parameters constrained
wR(F2) = 0.096 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0473P)2 + 0.293P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
S = 1.03(Δ/σ)max = 0.002
4670 reflectionsΔρmax = 0.32 e Å3
317 parametersΔρmin = 0.28 e Å3
0 restraints
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
O10.51457 (9)0.16222 (10)0.42428 (8)0.0180 (2)
O20.33335 (11)0.11501 (11)0.27076 (8)0.0266 (2)
N10.73832 (11)0.31198 (12)0.46314 (9)0.0164 (2)
N20.90693 (12)0.12760 (12)0.42234 (9)0.0181 (2)
N30.68811 (12)0.13099 (12)0.28825 (9)0.0171 (2)
N40.55469 (12)0.20043 (12)0.12679 (9)0.0185 (2)
N50.55739 (11)0.34670 (11)0.31392 (9)0.0161 (2)
N60.64703 (12)0.54978 (12)0.47176 (9)0.0175 (2)
C10.73959 (14)0.45890 (14)0.51425 (11)0.0171 (3)
C20.87244 (14)0.49059 (14)0.60151 (11)0.0178 (3)
C30.92841 (15)0.61748 (15)0.68630 (11)0.0210 (3)
C41.06085 (15)0.61146 (16)0.75680 (12)0.0232 (3)
C51.13944 (15)0.48379 (16)0.74260 (12)0.0230 (3)
C61.08749 (14)0.35795 (15)0.65680 (11)0.0202 (3)
C70.95253 (14)0.36032 (14)0.58689 (11)0.0176 (3)
C80.86760 (14)0.25015 (14)0.49070 (11)0.0172 (3)
C90.82094 (14)0.07573 (14)0.31928 (11)0.0179 (3)
C100.85492 (14)0.01303 (14)0.21341 (11)0.0188 (3)
C110.96888 (15)0.10341 (15)0.18993 (12)0.0233 (3)
C120.97183 (16)0.16921 (16)0.07677 (13)0.0285 (3)
C130.86795 (16)0.14265 (16)0.01232 (13)0.0280 (3)
C140.75651 (15)0.05006 (15)0.00910 (12)0.0220 (3)
C150.74784 (14)0.01171 (14)0.12215 (11)0.0186 (3)
C160.64749 (14)0.11331 (14)0.17299 (11)0.0177 (3)
C170.51454 (14)0.31884 (14)0.19836 (11)0.0173 (3)
C180.45372 (14)0.45407 (14)0.17736 (11)0.0187 (3)
C190.38252 (15)0.48801 (16)0.07794 (12)0.0224 (3)
C200.34312 (17)0.63161 (17)0.08506 (13)0.0283 (3)
C210.37395 (17)0.73993 (17)0.18817 (13)0.0297 (3)
C220.44477 (15)0.70809 (15)0.28805 (12)0.0241 (3)
C230.48448 (14)0.56374 (14)0.28350 (11)0.0186 (3)
C240.56196 (14)0.49317 (14)0.36891 (11)0.0171 (3)
C250.37765 (14)0.11811 (14)0.37020 (11)0.0181 (3)
C260.28623 (15)0.07167 (16)0.44437 (13)0.0241 (3)
B10.61638 (15)0.23270 (16)0.37237 (12)0.0162 (3)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
O10.0147 (4)0.0206 (5)0.0201 (5)0.0018 (4)0.0038 (4)0.0073 (4)
O20.0264 (5)0.0315 (5)0.0198 (5)0.0057 (4)0.0001 (4)0.0064 (4)
N10.0158 (5)0.0186 (5)0.0159 (5)0.0029 (4)0.0041 (4)0.0053 (4)
N20.0183 (5)0.0189 (5)0.0182 (6)0.0025 (4)0.0041 (4)0.0063 (4)
N30.0152 (5)0.0180 (5)0.0181 (6)0.0017 (4)0.0029 (4)0.0048 (4)
N40.0157 (5)0.0204 (6)0.0191 (6)0.0010 (4)0.0030 (4)0.0046 (4)
N50.0143 (5)0.0180 (5)0.0159 (5)0.0014 (4)0.0029 (4)0.0042 (4)
N60.0163 (5)0.0206 (6)0.0165 (6)0.0031 (4)0.0048 (4)0.0049 (4)
C10.0172 (6)0.0190 (6)0.0166 (6)0.0014 (5)0.0061 (5)0.0049 (5)
C20.0158 (6)0.0230 (7)0.0165 (6)0.0014 (5)0.0047 (5)0.0075 (5)
C30.0227 (7)0.0209 (7)0.0198 (7)0.0010 (5)0.0051 (5)0.0049 (5)
C40.0228 (7)0.0247 (7)0.0198 (7)0.0035 (5)0.0028 (6)0.0025 (6)
C50.0159 (6)0.0326 (8)0.0201 (7)0.0009 (5)0.0009 (5)0.0076 (6)
C60.0166 (6)0.0257 (7)0.0196 (7)0.0035 (5)0.0043 (5)0.0077 (5)
C70.0170 (6)0.0220 (6)0.0159 (6)0.0009 (5)0.0058 (5)0.0067 (5)
C80.0158 (6)0.0198 (6)0.0179 (6)0.0020 (5)0.0039 (5)0.0080 (5)
C90.0168 (6)0.0179 (6)0.0209 (7)0.0024 (5)0.0052 (5)0.0073 (5)
C100.0188 (6)0.0167 (6)0.0205 (7)0.0003 (5)0.0043 (5)0.0038 (5)
C110.0207 (7)0.0222 (7)0.0261 (7)0.0036 (5)0.0048 (6)0.0040 (6)
C120.0235 (7)0.0284 (8)0.0311 (8)0.0065 (6)0.0090 (6)0.0001 (6)
C130.0281 (8)0.0294 (8)0.0229 (7)0.0013 (6)0.0084 (6)0.0029 (6)
C140.0212 (7)0.0228 (7)0.0195 (7)0.0020 (5)0.0033 (5)0.0014 (5)
C150.0174 (6)0.0175 (6)0.0200 (7)0.0013 (5)0.0037 (5)0.0032 (5)
C160.0161 (6)0.0194 (6)0.0164 (6)0.0017 (5)0.0017 (5)0.0033 (5)
C170.0137 (6)0.0212 (6)0.0172 (6)0.0000 (5)0.0022 (5)0.0060 (5)
C180.0150 (6)0.0226 (7)0.0196 (7)0.0030 (5)0.0047 (5)0.0064 (5)
C190.0215 (7)0.0277 (7)0.0180 (7)0.0050 (6)0.0035 (5)0.0060 (6)
C200.0308 (8)0.0338 (8)0.0224 (7)0.0124 (6)0.0034 (6)0.0121 (6)
C210.0364 (9)0.0261 (8)0.0282 (8)0.0129 (6)0.0046 (7)0.0105 (6)
C220.0264 (7)0.0230 (7)0.0221 (7)0.0057 (6)0.0044 (6)0.0043 (6)
C230.0152 (6)0.0234 (7)0.0186 (7)0.0038 (5)0.0044 (5)0.0066 (5)
C240.0156 (6)0.0190 (6)0.0185 (6)0.0031 (5)0.0065 (5)0.0058 (5)
C250.0172 (6)0.0147 (6)0.0217 (7)0.0024 (5)0.0033 (5)0.0033 (5)
C260.0189 (7)0.0282 (7)0.0267 (8)0.0004 (5)0.0048 (6)0.0098 (6)
B10.0148 (7)0.0183 (7)0.0158 (7)0.0021 (5)0.0031 (6)0.0046 (6)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
O1—C251.3362 (15)C7—C81.4587 (18)
O1—B11.4725 (17)C9—C101.4573 (18)
O2—C251.2120 (16)C10—C111.3962 (18)
N1—C11.3631 (17)C10—C151.4264 (19)
N1—C81.3673 (16)C11—C121.386 (2)
N1—B11.4823 (18)C11—H11A0.9500
N2—C91.3428 (17)C12—C131.397 (2)
N2—C81.3460 (17)C12—H12A0.9500
N3—C161.3689 (17)C13—C141.384 (2)
N3—C91.3746 (16)C13—H13A0.9500
N3—B11.4904 (17)C14—C151.3900 (19)
N4—C171.3419 (17)C14—H14A0.9500
N4—C161.3421 (17)C15—C161.4574 (18)
N5—C171.3644 (17)C17—C181.4539 (18)
N5—C241.3678 (17)C18—C191.3923 (18)
N5—B11.4846 (17)C18—C231.4290 (19)
N6—C241.3435 (17)C19—C201.384 (2)
N6—C11.3465 (17)C19—H19A0.9500
C1—C21.4569 (18)C20—C211.397 (2)
C2—C31.3956 (19)C20—H20A0.9500
C2—C71.4292 (18)C21—C221.387 (2)
C3—C41.3837 (19)C21—H21A0.9500
C3—H3A0.9500C22—C231.3954 (19)
C4—C51.401 (2)C22—H22A0.9500
C4—H4A0.9500C23—C241.4621 (18)
C5—C61.387 (2)C25—C261.4941 (19)
C6—C71.3922 (18)C26—H26B0.9800
C25—O1—B1121.85 (10)C14—C13—H13A119.4
C1—N1—C8113.88 (11)C12—C13—H13A119.4
C1—N1—B1122.67 (11)C13—C14—C15117.97 (13)
C8—N1—B1122.78 (11)C13—C14—H14A121.0
C9—N2—C8117.21 (11)C15—C14—H14A121.0
C16—N3—C9113.09 (11)C14—C15—C10121.07 (12)
C16—N3—B1122.79 (11)C14—C15—C16131.64 (13)
C9—N3—B1122.33 (11)C10—C15—C16107.17 (11)
C17—N4—C16117.15 (11)N4—C16—N3122.87 (12)
C17—N5—C24113.67 (11)N4—C16—C15130.06 (12)
C17—N5—B1122.88 (11)N3—C16—C15105.63 (11)
C24—N5—B1122.73 (11)N4—C17—N5122.44 (11)
C24—N6—C1116.91 (11)N4—C17—C18130.67 (12)
N6—C1—N1122.65 (12)N5—C17—C18105.39 (11)
N6—C1—C2130.98 (12)C19—C18—C23121.12 (12)
N1—C1—C2105.26 (11)C19—C18—C17131.76 (12)
C3—C2—C7120.43 (12)C23—C18—C17107.07 (11)
C3—C2—C1132.35 (12)C20—C19—C18117.86 (13)
C7—C2—C1107.20 (11)C20—C19—H19A121.1
C4—C3—C2118.01 (13)C18—C19—H19A121.1
C4—C3—H3A121.0C19—C20—C21121.45 (13)
C3—C4—C5121.61 (13)C21—C20—H20A119.3
C3—C4—H4A119.2C22—C21—C20121.47 (13)
C6—C5—C4121.19 (13)C20—C21—H21A119.3
C6—C5—H5A119.4C21—C22—C23118.26 (13)
C5—C6—C7118.11 (12)C23—C22—H22A120.9
C5—C6—H6A120.9C22—C23—C18119.83 (12)
C7—C6—H6A120.9C22—C23—C24132.97 (13)
C6—C7—C2120.60 (12)C18—C23—C24107.15 (11)
C6—C7—C8132.30 (12)N6—C24—N5122.26 (11)
C2—C7—C8107.08 (11)N6—C24—C23131.61 (12)
N2—C8—N1122.27 (12)N5—C24—C23104.94 (11)
N2—C8—C7131.19 (12)O2—C25—O1123.07 (12)
N1—C8—C7105.13 (11)O2—C25—C26123.79 (12)
N2—C9—N3122.59 (12)O1—C25—C26113.13 (11)
N2—C9—C10130.32 (12)C25—C26—H26A109.5
N3—C9—C10105.35 (11)C25—C26—H26B109.5
C11—C10—C15120.00 (12)H26A—C26—H26B109.5
C11—C10—C9132.66 (12)C25—C26—H26C109.5
C15—C10—C9107.25 (11)H26A—C26—H26C109.5
C12—C11—C10117.98 (13)H26B—C26—H26C109.5
C12—C11—H11A121.0O1—B1—N1109.01 (11)
C10—C11—H11A121.0O1—B1—N5116.59 (11)
C11—C12—C13121.72 (13)N1—B1—N5104.40 (10)
C11—C12—H12A119.1O1—B1—N3116.01 (11)
C13—C12—H12A119.1N1—B1—N3104.83 (10)
C14—C13—C12121.15 (13)N5—B1—N3104.79 (11)
C24—N6—C1—N16.98 (18)C14—C15—C16—N416.1 (2)
C24—N6—C1—C2159.13 (13)C10—C15—C16—N4159.94 (13)
C8—N1—C1—N6156.87 (12)C14—C15—C16—N3177.61 (14)
B1—N1—C1—N613.95 (19)C10—C15—C16—N36.33 (14)
C8—N1—C1—C212.30 (14)C16—N4—C17—N54.05 (18)
B1—N1—C1—C2176.88 (11)C16—N4—C17—C18159.85 (13)
N6—C1—C2—C317.4 (2)C24—N5—C17—N4153.53 (12)
N1—C1—C2—C3174.73 (14)B1—N5—C17—N417.04 (19)
N6—C1—C2—C7160.90 (13)C24—N5—C17—C1813.86 (14)
N1—C1—C2—C77.01 (14)B1—N5—C17—C18175.56 (11)
C7—C2—C3—C41.65 (19)N4—C17—C18—C1920.0 (2)
C1—C2—C3—C4179.73 (13)N5—C17—C18—C19174.03 (14)
C2—C3—C4—C51.6 (2)N4—C17—C18—C23157.47 (13)
C3—C4—C5—C60.1 (2)N5—C17—C18—C238.48 (14)
C4—C5—C6—C71.9 (2)C23—C18—C19—C200.3 (2)
C5—C6—C7—C21.80 (19)C17—C18—C19—C20176.87 (14)
C5—C6—C7—C8179.83 (13)C18—C19—C20—C210.3 (2)
C3—C2—C7—C60.06 (19)C19—C20—C21—C220.3 (2)
C1—C2—C7—C6178.45 (12)C20—C21—C22—C230.3 (2)
C3—C2—C7—C8178.53 (12)C21—C22—C23—C180.9 (2)
C1—C2—C7—C80.02 (14)C21—C22—C23—C24178.05 (14)
C9—N2—C8—N16.77 (18)C19—C18—C23—C220.9 (2)
C9—N2—C8—C7157.61 (13)C17—C18—C23—C22176.87 (12)
C1—N1—C8—N2155.60 (12)C19—C18—C23—C24178.75 (12)
B1—N1—C8—N215.20 (19)C17—C18—C23—C240.94 (14)
C1—N1—C8—C712.28 (14)C1—N6—C24—N56.48 (18)
B1—N1—C8—C7176.91 (11)C1—N6—C24—C23159.10 (13)
C6—C7—C8—N218.8 (2)C17—N5—C24—N6155.67 (12)
C2—C7—C8—N2159.41 (13)B1—N5—C24—N614.92 (19)
C6—C7—C8—N1174.83 (13)C17—N5—C24—C2313.22 (14)
C2—C7—C8—N16.95 (13)B1—N5—C24—C23176.19 (11)
C8—N2—C9—N38.47 (18)C22—C23—C24—N616.9 (2)
C8—N2—C9—C10154.20 (13)C18—C23—C24—N6160.49 (13)
C16—N3—C9—N2153.58 (12)C22—C23—C24—N5175.67 (14)
B1—N3—C9—N211.54 (19)C18—C23—C24—N56.92 (14)
C16—N3—C9—C1012.79 (14)B1—O1—C25—O29.79 (18)
B1—N3—C9—C10177.91 (11)B1—O1—C25—C26170.89 (11)
N2—C9—C10—C1119.6 (2)C25—O1—B1—N1161.53 (10)
N3—C9—C10—C11175.47 (14)C25—O1—B1—N543.71 (16)
N2—C9—C10—C15156.92 (13)C25—O1—B1—N380.48 (14)
N3—C9—C10—C158.00 (14)C1—N1—B1—O195.33 (13)
C15—C10—C11—C121.3 (2)C8—N1—B1—O194.66 (13)
C9—C10—C11—C12177.50 (14)C1—N1—B1—N529.92 (16)
C10—C11—C12—C132.4 (2)C8—N1—B1—N5140.08 (12)
C11—C12—C13—C140.6 (2)C1—N1—B1—N3139.84 (12)
C12—C13—C14—C152.3 (2)C8—N1—B1—N330.16 (15)
C13—C14—C15—C103.3 (2)C17—N5—B1—O1100.40 (14)
C13—C14—C15—C16178.92 (14)C24—N5—B1—O189.87 (15)
C11—C10—C15—C141.5 (2)C17—N5—B1—N1139.29 (12)
C9—C10—C15—C14175.51 (12)C24—N5—B1—N130.43 (15)
C11—C10—C15—C16178.11 (12)C17—N5—B1—N329.34 (16)
C9—C10—C15—C161.05 (14)C24—N5—B1—N3140.38 (11)
C17—N4—C16—N37.59 (18)C16—N3—B1—O1104.34 (14)
C17—N4—C16—C15156.62 (13)C9—N3—B1—O191.99 (14)
C9—N3—C16—N4155.35 (12)C16—N3—B1—N1135.39 (12)
B1—N3—C16—N49.69 (19)C9—N3—B1—N128.29 (15)
C9—N3—C16—C1512.16 (14)C16—N3—B1—N525.75 (16)
B1—N3—C16—C15177.20 (11)C9—N3—B1—N5137.92 (12)
(Benzoato)(subphthalocyaninato)boron (d22123a_a) top
Crystal data top
C31H17BN6O2F(000) = 1064
Mr = 516.31Dx = 1.420 Mg m3
Monoclinic, P21/cMo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
a = 15.671 (2) ÅCell parameters from 7016 reflections
b = 11.1920 (13) Åθ = 2.4–26.5°
c = 15.2363 (19) ŵ = 0.09 mm1
β = 115.386 (4)°T = 150 K
V = 2414.3 (5) Å3Shard, purple
Z = 40.30 × 0.15 × 0.12 mm
Data collection top
4050 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: sealed tube with Bruker Triumph monochromatorRint = 0.071
φ and ω scansθmax = 27.5°, θmin = 2.4°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Krause et al., 2015)
h = 2019
Tmin = 0.685, Tmax = 0.746k = 1414
49333 measured reflectionsl = 1819
5530 independent reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Least-squares matrix: fullHydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.040H-atom parameters constrained
wR(F2) = 0.095 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0424P)2 + 0.5643P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
S = 1.03(Δ/σ)max < 0.001
5530 reflectionsΔρmax = 0.23 e Å3
361 parametersΔρmin = 0.24 e Å3
0 restraints
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
O10.23861 (7)0.35273 (8)0.50040 (7)0.0209 (2)
O20.37184 (7)0.41722 (9)0.62313 (7)0.0277 (2)
N10.36297 (8)0.20804 (10)0.49803 (8)0.0187 (3)
N20.46030 (8)0.17010 (10)0.66567 (8)0.0197 (3)
N30.29257 (8)0.17210 (10)0.60497 (8)0.0185 (2)
N40.14395 (8)0.07323 (10)0.54412 (8)0.0207 (3)
N50.20195 (8)0.15311 (10)0.43511 (8)0.0183 (3)
N60.28428 (8)0.13708 (10)0.33543 (8)0.0204 (3)
C10.36234 (10)0.17422 (12)0.41122 (9)0.0192 (3)
C20.46093 (10)0.15779 (12)0.43022 (10)0.0200 (3)
C30.50344 (10)0.12818 (13)0.36951 (10)0.0232 (3)
C40.60064 (11)0.11359 (13)0.41186 (11)0.0255 (3)
C50.65433 (10)0.12346 (13)0.51222 (11)0.0265 (3)
C60.61234 (10)0.14755 (13)0.57398 (11)0.0232 (3)
C70.51517 (10)0.16730 (12)0.53225 (10)0.0202 (3)
C80.44935 (10)0.18976 (12)0.57478 (10)0.0195 (3)
C90.38098 (10)0.15422 (12)0.67778 (9)0.0192 (3)
C100.36703 (10)0.08998 (12)0.75356 (10)0.0197 (3)
C110.43129 (10)0.04217 (13)0.84154 (10)0.0232 (3)
C120.39635 (11)0.02920 (14)0.89293 (10)0.0264 (3)
C130.29967 (11)0.05309 (13)0.85826 (10)0.0258 (3)
C140.23526 (10)0.00862 (13)0.77021 (10)0.0226 (3)
C150.26911 (10)0.06298 (12)0.71715 (9)0.0199 (3)
C160.22426 (10)0.10886 (12)0.61832 (10)0.0192 (3)
C170.13748 (9)0.08822 (12)0.45387 (10)0.0192 (3)
C180.08486 (10)0.01871 (13)0.36687 (10)0.0209 (3)
C190.01279 (10)0.06518 (13)0.34499 (11)0.0250 (3)
C200.01502 (11)0.12889 (14)0.25987 (11)0.0299 (4)
C210.02850 (11)0.11216 (15)0.19734 (11)0.0298 (4)
C220.10047 (10)0.03027 (14)0.21811 (10)0.0256 (3)
C230.12866 (9)0.03695 (13)0.30318 (10)0.0207 (3)
C240.20710 (10)0.11861 (12)0.35138 (9)0.0192 (3)
C250.29049 (10)0.43418 (13)0.56571 (10)0.0206 (3)
C260.23874 (10)0.54689 (12)0.56255 (10)0.0224 (3)
C270.14812 (11)0.56741 (14)0.49178 (11)0.0305 (4)
C280.10142 (13)0.67269 (15)0.49288 (13)0.0388 (4)
C290.14523 (14)0.75613 (15)0.56536 (13)0.0396 (4)
C300.23529 (13)0.73522 (14)0.63603 (12)0.0350 (4)
C310.28302 (12)0.63147 (14)0.63486 (11)0.0280 (3)
B10.27495 (11)0.22967 (14)0.51035 (11)0.0189 (3)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
O10.0230 (5)0.0174 (5)0.0202 (5)0.0011 (4)0.0072 (4)0.0009 (4)
O20.0232 (6)0.0271 (6)0.0286 (5)0.0011 (4)0.0073 (5)0.0031 (4)
N10.0193 (6)0.0184 (6)0.0180 (6)0.0005 (5)0.0077 (5)0.0003 (5)
N20.0206 (6)0.0190 (6)0.0195 (6)0.0012 (5)0.0086 (5)0.0014 (5)
N30.0187 (6)0.0188 (6)0.0180 (6)0.0013 (5)0.0079 (5)0.0006 (5)
N40.0190 (6)0.0236 (6)0.0198 (6)0.0020 (5)0.0087 (5)0.0004 (5)
N50.0181 (6)0.0189 (6)0.0179 (6)0.0014 (5)0.0078 (5)0.0011 (5)
N60.0209 (6)0.0213 (6)0.0184 (6)0.0001 (5)0.0078 (5)0.0025 (5)
C10.0250 (8)0.0165 (7)0.0176 (7)0.0001 (5)0.0103 (6)0.0018 (5)
C20.0228 (7)0.0154 (7)0.0232 (7)0.0018 (5)0.0111 (6)0.0012 (6)
C30.0289 (8)0.0196 (7)0.0237 (7)0.0025 (6)0.0137 (6)0.0001 (6)
C40.0291 (8)0.0215 (8)0.0325 (8)0.0010 (6)0.0195 (7)0.0016 (6)
C50.0216 (8)0.0227 (8)0.0362 (8)0.0005 (6)0.0135 (7)0.0006 (6)
C60.0221 (8)0.0215 (8)0.0254 (7)0.0009 (6)0.0097 (6)0.0007 (6)
C70.0221 (7)0.0163 (7)0.0234 (7)0.0010 (5)0.0108 (6)0.0008 (6)
C80.0191 (7)0.0167 (7)0.0210 (7)0.0011 (5)0.0070 (6)0.0009 (5)
C90.0213 (7)0.0171 (7)0.0171 (6)0.0001 (5)0.0062 (6)0.0030 (5)
C100.0224 (7)0.0190 (7)0.0190 (6)0.0023 (6)0.0101 (6)0.0026 (6)
C110.0247 (8)0.0248 (8)0.0182 (7)0.0021 (6)0.0073 (6)0.0028 (6)
C120.0325 (9)0.0262 (8)0.0192 (7)0.0042 (6)0.0099 (6)0.0023 (6)
C130.0369 (9)0.0237 (8)0.0218 (7)0.0012 (6)0.0172 (7)0.0008 (6)
C140.0250 (8)0.0233 (8)0.0229 (7)0.0019 (6)0.0135 (6)0.0019 (6)
C150.0238 (7)0.0190 (7)0.0186 (6)0.0035 (6)0.0107 (6)0.0020 (5)
C160.0208 (7)0.0192 (7)0.0205 (7)0.0015 (6)0.0117 (6)0.0013 (6)
C170.0168 (7)0.0198 (7)0.0209 (7)0.0025 (5)0.0081 (6)0.0001 (6)
C180.0174 (7)0.0232 (8)0.0198 (7)0.0039 (6)0.0058 (6)0.0010 (6)
C190.0187 (7)0.0286 (8)0.0258 (7)0.0003 (6)0.0078 (6)0.0004 (6)
C200.0215 (8)0.0310 (9)0.0316 (8)0.0045 (6)0.0062 (7)0.0053 (7)
C210.0255 (8)0.0334 (9)0.0254 (7)0.0014 (7)0.0062 (7)0.0095 (7)
C220.0219 (8)0.0321 (9)0.0205 (7)0.0019 (6)0.0070 (6)0.0026 (6)
C230.0172 (7)0.0226 (7)0.0197 (7)0.0040 (5)0.0053 (6)0.0014 (6)
C240.0207 (7)0.0193 (7)0.0164 (6)0.0028 (5)0.0069 (6)0.0017 (5)
C250.0247 (8)0.0215 (7)0.0185 (7)0.0029 (6)0.0120 (6)0.0012 (5)
C260.0309 (8)0.0186 (7)0.0231 (7)0.0004 (6)0.0165 (6)0.0010 (6)
C270.0379 (9)0.0253 (8)0.0272 (8)0.0054 (7)0.0129 (7)0.0011 (6)
C280.0466 (11)0.0305 (9)0.0390 (9)0.0142 (8)0.0179 (8)0.0069 (8)
C290.0607 (12)0.0217 (9)0.0521 (11)0.0098 (8)0.0390 (10)0.0054 (8)
C300.0509 (11)0.0238 (8)0.0436 (10)0.0077 (7)0.0330 (9)0.0080 (7)
C310.0349 (9)0.0253 (8)0.0311 (8)0.0068 (7)0.0210 (7)0.0049 (6)
B10.0192 (8)0.0187 (8)0.0178 (7)0.0011 (6)0.0070 (6)0.0003 (6)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
O1—C251.3374 (16)C11—C121.385 (2)
O1—B11.4731 (18)C11—H11A0.9500
O2—C251.2126 (17)C12—C131.400 (2)
N1—C11.3718 (17)C12—H12A0.9500
N1—C81.3728 (17)C13—C141.380 (2)
N1—B11.489 (2)C13—H13A0.9500
N2—C81.3385 (17)C14—C151.394 (2)
N2—C91.3444 (18)C14—H14A0.9500
N3—C91.3684 (17)C15—C161.4552 (19)
N3—C161.3693 (18)C17—C181.4509 (19)
N3—B11.4928 (19)C18—C191.395 (2)
N4—C161.3421 (18)C18—C231.423 (2)
N4—C171.3453 (17)C19—C201.377 (2)
N5—C241.3680 (17)C19—H19A0.9500
N5—C171.3702 (17)C20—C211.402 (2)
N5—B11.4942 (19)C20—H20A0.9500
N6—C11.3385 (18)C21—C221.381 (2)
N6—C241.3477 (18)C21—H21A0.9500
C1—C21.457 (2)C22—C231.3964 (19)
C2—C31.392 (2)C22—H22A0.9500
C2—C71.4204 (19)C23—C241.453 (2)
C3—C41.386 (2)C25—C261.489 (2)
C3—H3A0.9500C26—C271.385 (2)
C4—C51.398 (2)C26—C311.391 (2)
C4—H4A0.9500C27—C281.391 (2)
C5—C61.386 (2)C27—H27A0.9500
C5—H5A0.9500C28—C291.383 (2)
C6—C71.393 (2)C28—H28A0.9500
C6—H6A0.9500C29—C301.380 (3)
C7—C81.456 (2)C29—H29A0.9500
C9—C101.4541 (19)C30—C311.386 (2)
C10—C111.3928 (19)C30—H30A0.9500
C10—C151.423 (2)C31—H31A0.9500
C25—O1—B1118.41 (11)C14—C15—C16131.88 (13)
C1—N1—C8112.15 (11)C10—C15—C16106.87 (12)
C1—N1—B1122.83 (11)N4—C16—N3122.61 (12)
C8—N1—B1123.04 (11)N4—C16—C15129.00 (13)
C8—N2—C9116.60 (12)N3—C16—C15105.94 (11)
C9—N3—C16112.85 (11)N4—C17—N5122.69 (12)
C9—N3—B1123.36 (12)N4—C17—C18129.14 (13)
C16—N3—B1122.27 (11)N5—C17—C18105.95 (11)
C16—N4—C17117.16 (12)C19—C18—C23120.76 (13)
C24—N5—C17112.86 (11)C19—C18—C17131.61 (13)
C24—N5—B1123.06 (12)C23—C18—C17107.14 (12)
C17—N5—B1122.30 (11)C20—C19—C18118.07 (14)
C1—N6—C24116.81 (12)C20—C19—H19A121.0
N6—C1—N1122.93 (12)C18—C19—H19A121.0
N6—C1—C2129.17 (13)C19—C20—C21121.42 (14)
N1—C1—C2105.95 (11)C19—C20—H20A119.3
C3—C2—C7120.86 (13)C21—C20—H20A119.3
C3—C2—C1131.84 (13)C22—C21—C20121.37 (14)
C7—C2—C1107.10 (12)C22—C21—H21A119.3
C4—C3—C2117.53 (13)C20—C21—H21A119.3
C4—C3—H3A121.2C21—C22—C23118.21 (14)
C3—C4—C5121.73 (14)C23—C22—H22A120.9
C3—C4—H4A119.1C22—C23—C18120.16 (13)
C5—C4—H4A119.1C22—C23—C24132.10 (13)
C6—C5—C4121.29 (14)C18—C23—C24107.24 (11)
C6—C5—H5A119.4N6—C24—N5122.76 (12)
C4—C5—H5A119.4N6—C24—C23129.45 (12)
C5—C6—C7117.71 (13)N5—C24—C23105.87 (11)
C5—C6—H6A121.1O2—C25—O1123.09 (13)
C7—C6—H6A121.1O2—C25—C26123.05 (13)
C6—C7—C2120.77 (13)O1—C25—C26113.85 (12)
C6—C7—C8131.94 (13)C27—C26—C31120.03 (14)
C2—C7—C8107.12 (12)C27—C26—C25121.86 (13)
N2—C8—N1123.23 (13)C31—C26—C25118.09 (13)
N2—C8—C7129.12 (13)C26—C27—C28120.01 (15)
N1—C8—C7105.94 (11)C26—C27—H27A120.0
N2—C9—N3122.94 (12)C28—C27—H27A120.0
N2—C9—C10129.56 (12)C29—C28—C27119.86 (16)
N3—C9—C10105.75 (12)C29—C28—H28A120.1
C11—C10—C15120.51 (13)C27—C28—H28A120.1
C11—C10—C9131.41 (13)C30—C29—C28120.01 (16)
C15—C10—C9107.44 (12)C30—C29—H29A120.0
C12—C11—C10117.89 (14)C28—C29—H29A120.0
C12—C11—H11A121.1C29—C30—C31120.63 (15)
C11—C12—C13121.53 (13)C31—C30—H30A119.7
C11—C12—H12A119.2C30—C31—C26119.45 (15)
C14—C13—C12121.34 (14)C26—C31—H31A120.3
C14—C13—H13A119.3O1—B1—N1118.49 (12)
C12—C13—H13A119.3O1—B1—N3113.97 (12)
C13—C14—C15117.99 (14)N1—B1—N3104.69 (11)
C13—C14—H14A121.0O1—B1—N5108.79 (11)
C15—C14—H14A121.0N1—B1—N5104.83 (11)
C14—C15—C10120.72 (13)N3—B1—N5104.91 (11)
C24—N6—C1—N18.6 (2)C24—N5—C17—N4154.42 (13)
C24—N6—C1—C2153.16 (14)B1—N5—C17—N410.8 (2)
C8—N1—C1—N6152.01 (13)C24—N5—C17—C1810.04 (15)
B1—N1—C1—N612.4 (2)B1—N5—C17—C18175.26 (12)
C8—N1—C1—C213.38 (15)N4—C17—C18—C1914.9 (3)
B1—N1—C1—C2177.79 (12)N5—C17—C18—C19177.99 (14)
N6—C1—C2—C318.5 (2)N4—C17—C18—C23156.91 (14)
N1—C1—C2—C3177.36 (14)N5—C17—C18—C236.19 (15)
N6—C1—C2—C7156.29 (14)C23—C18—C19—C200.5 (2)
N1—C1—C2—C77.86 (15)C17—C18—C19—C20171.33 (15)
C7—C2—C3—C42.7 (2)C18—C19—C20—C211.1 (2)
C1—C2—C3—C4176.90 (14)C19—C20—C21—C220.6 (2)
C2—C3—C4—C52.4 (2)C20—C21—C22—C230.6 (2)
C3—C4—C5—C60.5 (2)C21—C22—C23—C181.2 (2)
C4—C5—C6—C73.0 (2)C21—C22—C23—C24171.92 (15)
C5—C6—C7—C22.7 (2)C19—C18—C23—C220.7 (2)
C5—C6—C7—C8177.27 (14)C17—C18—C23—C22172.17 (12)
C3—C2—C7—C60.2 (2)C19—C18—C23—C24173.51 (13)
C1—C2—C7—C6175.67 (13)C17—C18—C23—C240.64 (15)
C3—C2—C7—C8175.61 (12)C1—N6—C24—N510.2 (2)
C1—C2—C7—C80.14 (15)C1—N6—C24—C23151.73 (14)
C9—N2—C8—N17.90 (19)C17—N5—C24—N6155.94 (13)
C9—N2—C8—C7155.02 (14)B1—N5—C24—N69.2 (2)
C1—N1—C8—N2152.99 (13)C17—N5—C24—C239.63 (15)
B1—N1—C8—N211.4 (2)B1—N5—C24—C23174.72 (12)
C1—N1—C8—C713.30 (15)C22—C23—C24—N612.5 (3)
B1—N1—C8—C7177.66 (12)C18—C23—C24—N6159.10 (14)
C6—C7—C8—N217.6 (3)C22—C23—C24—N5176.77 (15)
C2—C7—C8—N2157.57 (14)C18—C23—C24—N55.16 (15)
C6—C7—C8—N1177.22 (14)B1—O1—C25—O212.02 (19)
C2—C7—C8—N17.62 (15)B1—O1—C25—C26167.05 (11)
C8—N2—C9—N38.38 (19)O2—C25—C26—C27175.26 (14)
C8—N2—C9—C10154.34 (14)O1—C25—C26—C275.67 (19)
C16—N3—C9—N2155.77 (13)O2—C25—C26—C316.4 (2)
B1—N3—C9—N210.4 (2)O1—C25—C26—C31172.67 (12)
C16—N3—C9—C1010.47 (15)C31—C26—C27—C280.1 (2)
B1—N3—C9—C10176.62 (12)C25—C26—C27—C28178.42 (14)
N2—C9—C10—C1110.8 (2)C26—C27—C28—C290.7 (2)
N3—C9—C10—C11175.80 (14)C27—C28—C29—C300.4 (3)
N2—C9—C10—C15159.73 (14)C28—C29—C30—C310.5 (2)
N3—C9—C10—C155.26 (15)C29—C30—C31—C261.1 (2)
C15—C10—C11—C121.7 (2)C27—C26—C31—C300.8 (2)
C9—C10—C11—C12171.21 (14)C25—C26—C31—C30177.55 (13)
C10—C11—C12—C130.0 (2)C25—O1—B1—N165.32 (16)
C11—C12—C13—C141.5 (2)C25—O1—B1—N358.54 (16)
C12—C13—C14—C151.1 (2)C25—O1—B1—N5175.20 (11)
C13—C14—C15—C100.6 (2)C1—N1—B1—O194.46 (16)
C13—C14—C15—C16169.87 (14)C8—N1—B1—O1102.82 (15)
C11—C10—C15—C142.1 (2)C1—N1—B1—N3137.21 (12)
C9—C10—C15—C14173.82 (12)C8—N1—B1—N325.51 (17)
C11—C10—C15—C16170.55 (12)C1—N1—B1—N527.06 (17)
C9—C10—C15—C161.22 (15)C8—N1—B1—N5135.66 (12)
C17—N4—C16—N38.50 (19)C9—N3—B1—O1105.91 (15)
C17—N4—C16—C15151.17 (14)C16—N3—B1—O189.21 (15)
C9—N3—C16—N4152.44 (13)C9—N3—B1—N125.11 (17)
B1—N3—C16—N413.9 (2)C16—N3—B1—N1139.77 (12)
C9—N3—C16—C1511.25 (15)C9—N3—B1—N5135.20 (12)
B1—N3—C16—C15177.58 (12)C16—N3—B1—N529.68 (17)
C14—C15—C16—N416.4 (3)C24—N5—B1—O1102.14 (14)
C10—C15—C16—N4155.03 (14)C17—N5—B1—O194.15 (14)
C14—C15—C16—N3178.70 (14)C24—N5—B1—N125.54 (17)
C10—C15—C16—N37.25 (15)C17—N5—B1—N1138.17 (12)
C16—N4—C17—N510.01 (19)C24—N5—B1—N3135.53 (13)
C16—N4—C17—C18150.60 (14)C17—N5—B1—N328.18 (16)
(Subphthalocyaninato)(trimethylsilanolato)boron (d23117_a) top
Crystal data top
C27H21BN6OSiF(000) = 1008
Mr = 484.40Dx = 1.336 Mg m3
Monoclinic, P21/cCu Kα radiation, λ = 1.54178 Å
a = 16.343 (3) ÅCell parameters from 6743 reflections
b = 11.9655 (16) Åθ = 2.8–62.7°
c = 12.5059 (19) ŵ = 1.13 mm1
β = 99.996 (11)°T = 150 K
V = 2408.4 (6) Å3Plate, pink
Z = 40.19 × 0.15 × 0.01 mm
Data collection top
2990 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: Incoatec ImuS with multi-layer opticsRint = 0.127
φ and ω scansθmax = 69.6°, θmin = 2.8°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Krause et al., 2015)
h = 1918
Tmin = 0.629, Tmax = 0.753k = 1414
57016 measured reflectionsl = 1415
4230 independent reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Hydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
Least-squares matrix: fullH-atom parameters constrained
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.054 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + 2.7611P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
wR(F2) = 0.123(Δ/σ)max < 0.001
S = 1.05Δρmax = 0.31 e Å3
4230 reflectionsΔρmin = 0.24 e Å3
326 parametersExtinction correction: SHELXL2019 (Sheldrick, 2015b), Fc*=kFc[1+0.001xFc2λ3/sin(2θ)]-1/4
0 restraintsExtinction coefficient: 0.00173 (18)
Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Si10.92196 (5)0.56589 (8)0.69390 (6)0.0419 (3)
O10.82133 (11)0.58527 (17)0.66502 (14)0.0404 (5)
N10.67572 (14)0.54454 (19)0.59336 (16)0.0315 (5)
N20.61079 (13)0.7152 (2)0.62674 (16)0.0324 (5)
N30.73048 (13)0.71287 (19)0.54058 (16)0.0311 (5)
N40.79269 (13)0.7113 (2)0.38153 (17)0.0337 (5)
N50.76928 (13)0.54202 (19)0.47089 (16)0.0315 (5)
N60.69104 (15)0.37895 (19)0.49431 (17)0.0362 (6)
C10.65420 (17)0.4375 (2)0.5652 (2)0.0339 (6)
C20.57669 (17)0.4167 (2)0.6060 (2)0.0341 (7)
C30.52886 (18)0.3214 (3)0.6107 (2)0.0383 (7)
C40.45704 (19)0.3303 (3)0.6553 (2)0.0411 (7)
C50.43160 (18)0.4327 (3)0.6903 (2)0.0396 (7)
C60.47703 (17)0.5288 (3)0.6848 (2)0.0353 (7)
C70.55133 (17)0.5207 (2)0.6443 (2)0.0321 (6)
C80.61404 (16)0.6031 (2)0.62890 (19)0.0314 (6)
C90.66603 (16)0.7676 (2)0.5752 (2)0.0317 (6)
C100.65924 (17)0.8756 (2)0.5218 (2)0.0326 (6)
C110.60688 (18)0.9665 (2)0.5262 (2)0.0365 (7)
C120.61161 (19)1.0550 (2)0.4565 (2)0.0401 (7)
C130.66574 (19)1.0526 (3)0.3817 (2)0.0413 (7)
C140.71758 (18)0.9627 (2)0.3739 (2)0.0362 (7)
C150.71516 (17)0.8744 (2)0.4455 (2)0.0324 (6)
C160.75527 (16)0.7655 (2)0.4544 (2)0.0313 (6)
C170.79452 (16)0.5993 (2)0.3877 (2)0.0323 (6)
C180.80059 (16)0.5173 (2)0.3038 (2)0.0317 (6)
C190.82400 (17)0.5265 (3)0.2025 (2)0.0356 (7)
C200.81744 (17)0.4334 (3)0.1369 (2)0.0388 (7)
C210.78666 (19)0.3333 (3)0.1699 (2)0.0445 (8)
C220.76184 (19)0.3225 (3)0.2695 (2)0.0436 (8)
C230.76918 (17)0.4151 (2)0.3380 (2)0.0355 (7)
C240.74429 (17)0.4358 (2)0.4426 (2)0.0341 (6)
C250.9463 (2)0.5487 (4)0.8434 (3)0.0847 (15)
C260.9766 (2)0.6865 (3)0.6480 (3)0.0651 (10)
C270.9503 (2)0.4385 (3)0.6252 (3)0.0544 (9)
B10.7561 (2)0.5960 (3)0.5750 (2)0.0331 (7)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Si10.0324 (4)0.0598 (6)0.0333 (4)0.0051 (4)0.0054 (3)0.0022 (4)
O10.0334 (11)0.0576 (14)0.0303 (10)0.0052 (9)0.0057 (8)0.0006 (9)
N10.0350 (13)0.0335 (14)0.0271 (11)0.0026 (10)0.0087 (9)0.0015 (10)
N20.0349 (13)0.0374 (15)0.0259 (11)0.0005 (11)0.0081 (9)0.0009 (10)
N30.0335 (12)0.0363 (14)0.0256 (11)0.0018 (11)0.0107 (9)0.0024 (10)
N40.0321 (13)0.0387 (15)0.0309 (12)0.0056 (11)0.0075 (10)0.0026 (10)
N50.0330 (12)0.0370 (14)0.0262 (11)0.0019 (10)0.0103 (9)0.0007 (10)
N60.0417 (14)0.0355 (14)0.0335 (12)0.0050 (11)0.0129 (10)0.0027 (10)
C10.0389 (16)0.0339 (17)0.0295 (14)0.0029 (13)0.0077 (12)0.0060 (12)
C20.0365 (15)0.0395 (18)0.0268 (13)0.0001 (13)0.0071 (11)0.0063 (12)
C30.0463 (18)0.0412 (18)0.0290 (14)0.0059 (14)0.0109 (13)0.0017 (12)
C40.0462 (18)0.047 (2)0.0307 (15)0.0111 (15)0.0087 (13)0.0020 (13)
C50.0350 (16)0.054 (2)0.0306 (14)0.0046 (15)0.0076 (12)0.0016 (14)
C60.0374 (16)0.0428 (18)0.0266 (13)0.0004 (14)0.0080 (12)0.0025 (12)
C70.0331 (15)0.0392 (17)0.0240 (13)0.0006 (13)0.0053 (11)0.0050 (12)
C80.0336 (15)0.0386 (18)0.0231 (12)0.0026 (13)0.0079 (11)0.0014 (12)
C90.0312 (14)0.0393 (17)0.0248 (13)0.0019 (13)0.0054 (11)0.0046 (12)
C100.0379 (16)0.0341 (17)0.0264 (13)0.0054 (13)0.0070 (11)0.0034 (11)
C110.0420 (17)0.0374 (18)0.0313 (14)0.0001 (14)0.0093 (12)0.0042 (12)
C120.0514 (18)0.0325 (17)0.0365 (15)0.0016 (14)0.0080 (13)0.0044 (13)
C130.0546 (19)0.0342 (18)0.0351 (15)0.0077 (15)0.0081 (14)0.0007 (13)
C140.0458 (17)0.0363 (17)0.0277 (14)0.0092 (14)0.0100 (12)0.0032 (12)
C150.0376 (16)0.0319 (16)0.0286 (14)0.0076 (13)0.0078 (12)0.0054 (12)
C160.0313 (15)0.0379 (17)0.0264 (13)0.0060 (12)0.0096 (11)0.0044 (12)
C170.0277 (14)0.0382 (18)0.0314 (14)0.0018 (12)0.0059 (11)0.0004 (12)
C180.0296 (14)0.0407 (17)0.0257 (13)0.0029 (12)0.0078 (11)0.0018 (12)
C190.0308 (15)0.0437 (18)0.0327 (14)0.0023 (13)0.0063 (12)0.0006 (13)
C200.0370 (16)0.050 (2)0.0303 (14)0.0008 (14)0.0071 (12)0.0061 (13)
C210.0472 (19)0.048 (2)0.0400 (16)0.0010 (15)0.0128 (14)0.0132 (14)
C220.0446 (18)0.0393 (19)0.0496 (18)0.0023 (14)0.0154 (15)0.0062 (14)
C230.0349 (15)0.0380 (18)0.0351 (14)0.0018 (13)0.0108 (12)0.0002 (12)
C240.0363 (15)0.0345 (17)0.0336 (14)0.0047 (13)0.0121 (12)0.0030 (12)
C250.047 (2)0.162 (5)0.044 (2)0.030 (3)0.0036 (16)0.001 (2)
C260.048 (2)0.063 (3)0.083 (3)0.0077 (18)0.0090 (19)0.014 (2)
C270.0458 (19)0.058 (2)0.059 (2)0.0088 (17)0.0087 (16)0.0019 (17)
B10.0326 (17)0.040 (2)0.0282 (15)0.0019 (15)0.0078 (13)0.0004 (14)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
Si1—O11.638 (2)C10—C111.391 (4)
Si1—C261.840 (4)C10—C151.431 (4)
Si1—C271.847 (3)C11—C121.382 (4)
Si1—C251.855 (3)C11—H11A0.9500
O1—B11.415 (4)C12—C131.394 (4)
N1—C11.358 (3)C12—H12A0.9500
N1—C81.364 (3)C13—C141.384 (4)
N1—B11.504 (4)C13—H13A0.9500
N2—C81.342 (3)C14—C151.389 (4)
N2—C91.351 (3)C14—H14A0.9500
N3—C161.368 (3)C15—C161.455 (4)
N3—C91.372 (3)C17—C181.452 (4)
N3—B11.502 (4)C18—C191.390 (4)
N4—C171.343 (3)C18—C231.422 (4)
N4—C161.348 (3)C19—C201.377 (4)
N5—C241.363 (4)C19—H19A0.9500
N5—C171.368 (3)C20—C211.389 (4)
N5—B11.502 (4)C20—H20A0.9500
N6—C11.351 (3)C21—C221.381 (4)
N6—C241.354 (3)C21—H21A0.9500
C1—C21.466 (4)C22—C231.393 (4)
C2—C31.390 (4)C22—H22A0.9500
C2—C71.420 (4)C23—C241.457 (4)
C3—C41.388 (4)C25—H25A0.9800
C4—C51.389 (4)C25—H25C0.9800
C5—C61.377 (4)C26—H26B0.9800
C6—C71.397 (4)C27—H27A0.9800
C7—C81.459 (4)C27—H27C0.9800
C9—C101.451 (4)
O1—Si1—C26110.09 (15)C13—C14—C15117.4 (3)
O1—Si1—C27109.70 (14)C13—C14—H14A121.3
C26—Si1—C27109.14 (17)C15—C14—H14A121.3
O1—Si1—C25105.64 (14)C14—C15—C10121.0 (3)
C26—Si1—C25111.7 (2)C14—C15—C16131.9 (2)
C27—Si1—C25110.48 (19)C10—C15—C16106.8 (2)
B1—O1—Si1141.00 (18)N4—C16—N3122.9 (2)
C1—N1—C8113.3 (2)N4—C16—C15129.0 (2)
C1—N1—B1122.7 (2)N3—C16—C15106.4 (2)
C8—N1—B1123.6 (2)N4—C17—N5122.5 (2)
C8—N2—C9116.5 (2)N4—C17—C18129.5 (2)
C16—N3—C9112.2 (2)N5—C17—C18106.2 (2)
C16—N3—B1123.3 (2)C19—C18—C23120.9 (3)
C9—N3—B1123.0 (2)C19—C18—C17132.0 (3)
C17—N4—C16116.7 (2)C23—C18—C17106.9 (2)
C24—N5—C17112.7 (2)C20—C19—C18118.3 (3)
C24—N5—B1123.0 (2)C20—C19—H19A120.8
C17—N5—B1123.5 (2)C18—C19—H19A120.8
C1—N6—C24116.7 (2)C19—C20—C21121.0 (3)
N6—C1—N1122.3 (2)C19—C20—H20A119.5
N6—C1—C2130.6 (3)C21—C20—H20A119.5
N1—C1—C2105.7 (2)C22—C21—C20121.8 (3)
C3—C2—C7120.3 (2)C22—C21—H21A119.1
C3—C2—C1132.8 (3)C20—C21—H21A119.1
C7—C2—C1106.8 (2)C21—C22—C23118.2 (3)
C4—C3—C2118.4 (3)C21—C22—H22A120.9
C2—C3—H3A120.8C22—C23—C18119.8 (2)
C3—C4—C5120.9 (3)C22—C23—C24132.8 (3)
C3—C4—H4A119.5C18—C23—C24107.2 (2)
C5—C4—H4A119.5N6—C24—N5122.2 (2)
C6—C5—C4121.9 (3)N6—C24—C23130.3 (3)
C6—C5—H5A119.1N5—C24—C23105.9 (2)
C5—C6—C7118.0 (3)Si1—C25—H25B109.5
C6—C7—C2120.4 (3)H25A—C25—H25C109.5
C6—C7—C8132.5 (3)H25B—C25—H25C109.5
C2—C7—C8107.1 (2)Si1—C26—H26A109.5
N2—C8—N1122.4 (2)Si1—C26—H26B109.5
N2—C8—C7130.7 (2)H26A—C26—H26B109.5
N1—C8—C7105.7 (2)Si1—C26—H26C109.5
N2—C9—N3122.8 (2)H26A—C26—H26C109.5
N2—C9—C10129.0 (2)H26B—C26—H26C109.5
N3—C9—C10106.3 (2)Si1—C27—H27A109.5
C11—C10—C15120.1 (3)Si1—C27—H27B109.5
C11—C10—C9132.6 (2)H27A—C27—H27B109.5
C15—C10—C9106.9 (2)Si1—C27—H27C109.5
C12—C11—C10118.2 (3)H27A—C27—H27C109.5
C10—C11—H11A120.9O1—B1—N3116.5 (2)
C11—C12—C13121.2 (3)O1—B1—N5116.7 (2)
C11—C12—H12A119.4N3—B1—N5103.1 (2)
C13—C12—H12A119.4O1—B1—N1113.5 (2)
C14—C13—C12122.0 (3)N3—B1—N1102.6 (2)
C14—C13—H13A119.0N5—B1—N1102.5 (2)
C26—Si1—O1—B165.4 (4)C9—N3—C16—C1511.8 (3)
C27—Si1—O1—B154.7 (4)B1—N3—C16—C15177.9 (2)
C25—Si1—O1—B1173.8 (3)C14—C15—C16—N415.2 (5)
C24—N6—C1—N17.2 (4)C10—C15—C16—N4158.2 (3)
C24—N6—C1—C2156.9 (3)C14—C15—C16—N3179.9 (3)
C8—N1—C1—N6155.7 (2)C10—C15—C16—N36.7 (3)
B1—N1—C1—N617.9 (4)C16—N4—C17—N57.8 (4)
C8—N1—C1—C211.9 (3)C16—N4—C17—C18154.7 (3)
B1—N1—C1—C2174.5 (2)C24—N5—C17—N4155.2 (2)
N6—C1—C2—C320.3 (5)B1—N5—C17—N414.6 (4)
N1—C1—C2—C3173.5 (3)C24—N5—C17—C1810.9 (3)
N6—C1—C2—C7158.6 (3)B1—N5—C17—C18179.3 (2)
N1—C1—C2—C77.6 (3)N4—C17—C18—C1916.2 (5)
C7—C2—C3—C41.1 (4)N5—C17—C18—C19179.1 (3)
C1—C2—C3—C4179.9 (3)N4—C17—C18—C23158.4 (3)
C2—C3—C4—C52.7 (4)N5—C17—C18—C236.3 (3)
C3—C4—C5—C61.6 (4)C23—C18—C19—C201.2 (4)
C4—C5—C6—C71.1 (4)C17—C18—C19—C20175.2 (3)
C5—C6—C7—C22.6 (4)C18—C19—C20—C211.3 (4)
C5—C6—C7—C8179.0 (3)C19—C20—C21—C220.3 (5)
C3—C2—C7—C61.5 (4)C20—C21—C22—C230.7 (5)
C1—C2—C7—C6177.6 (2)C21—C22—C23—C180.8 (4)
C3—C2—C7—C8179.8 (2)C21—C22—C23—C24174.9 (3)
C1—C2—C7—C81.2 (3)C19—C18—C23—C220.2 (4)
C9—N2—C8—N17.9 (4)C17—C18—C23—C22175.5 (3)
C9—N2—C8—C7157.9 (3)C19—C18—C23—C24175.4 (2)
C1—N1—C8—N2157.7 (2)C17—C18—C23—C240.0 (3)
B1—N1—C8—N215.9 (4)C1—N6—C24—N59.2 (4)
C1—N1—C8—C711.2 (3)C1—N6—C24—C23154.0 (3)
B1—N1—C8—C7175.3 (2)C17—N5—C24—N6155.9 (2)
C6—C7—C8—N216.6 (5)B1—N5—C24—N613.9 (4)
C2—C7—C8—N2161.9 (3)C17—N5—C24—C2310.8 (3)
C6—C7—C8—N1175.9 (3)B1—N5—C24—C23179.3 (2)
C2—C7—C8—N15.6 (3)C22—C23—C24—N615.7 (5)
C8—N2—C9—N39.5 (4)C18—C23—C24—N6159.0 (3)
C8—N2—C9—C10152.8 (3)C22—C23—C24—N5179.1 (3)
C16—N3—C9—N2153.8 (2)C18—C23—C24—N56.2 (3)
B1—N3—C9—N212.4 (4)Si1—O1—B1—N396.9 (3)
C16—N3—C9—C1012.0 (3)Si1—O1—B1—N525.4 (5)
B1—N3—C9—C10178.2 (2)Si1—O1—B1—N1144.3 (2)
N2—C9—C10—C1116.4 (5)C16—N3—B1—O1100.6 (3)
N3—C9—C10—C11179.0 (3)C9—N3—B1—O194.8 (3)
N2—C9—C10—C15157.5 (3)C16—N3—B1—N528.5 (3)
N3—C9—C10—C157.1 (3)C9—N3—B1—N5136.1 (2)
C15—C10—C11—C121.0 (4)C16—N3—B1—N1134.8 (2)
C9—C10—C11—C12174.2 (3)C9—N3—B1—N129.9 (3)
C10—C11—C12—C131.6 (4)C24—N5—B1—O192.2 (3)
C11—C12—C13—C140.4 (4)C17—N5—B1—O199.1 (3)
C12—C13—C14—C151.3 (4)C24—N5—B1—N3138.8 (2)
C13—C14—C15—C101.9 (4)C17—N5—B1—N330.0 (3)
C13—C14—C15—C16174.5 (3)C24—N5—B1—N132.6 (3)
C11—C10—C15—C140.8 (4)C17—N5—B1—N1136.2 (2)
C9—C10—C15—C14174.0 (2)C1—N1—B1—O192.3 (3)
C11—C10—C15—C16175.1 (2)C8—N1—B1—O194.8 (3)
C9—C10—C15—C160.3 (3)C1—N1—B1—N3141.2 (2)
C17—N4—C16—N39.2 (4)C8—N1—B1—N331.8 (3)
C17—N4—C16—C15153.6 (3)C1—N1—B1—N534.5 (3)
C9—N3—C16—N4154.2 (2)C8—N1—B1—N5138.5 (2)
B1—N3—C16—N411.9 (4)
(2,3,4,5,6-Pentafluorobenzenethiolato)(subphthalocyaninato)boron (d23110_a) top
Crystal data top
C30H12BF5N6SZ = 4
Mr = 594.33F(000) = 1200
Triclinic, P1Dx = 1.547 Mg m3
a = 10.7010 (5) ÅMo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
b = 11.8651 (6) ÅCell parameters from 9956 reflections
c = 22.4968 (13) Åθ = 2.7–27.4°
α = 95.863 (2)°µ = 0.20 mm1
β = 92.861 (2)°T = 150 K
γ = 115.433 (2)°Shard, pink
V = 2552.1 (2) Å30.35 × 0.24 × 0.05 mm
Data collection top
7793 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: sealed tube with Bruker Triumph monochromatorRint = 0.073
φ and ω scansθmax = 27.5°, θmin = 1.9°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Krause et al., 2015)
h = 1313
Tmin = 0.713, Tmax = 0.746k = 1515
75917 measured reflectionsl = 2929
11711 independent reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Least-squares matrix: fullHydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.043H-atom parameters constrained
wR(F2) = 0.102 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0407P)2 + 0.8213P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
S = 1.02(Δ/σ)max = 0.001
11711 reflectionsΔρmax = 0.39 e Å3
775 parametersΔρmin = 0.30 e Å3
0 restraints
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
S1A0.49981 (5)0.53057 (5)0.88589 (2)0.02616 (12)
F1A0.70408 (13)0.72707 (11)0.98271 (5)0.0396 (3)
F2A0.87347 (15)0.69748 (13)1.06595 (6)0.0555 (4)
F3A0.86448 (16)0.46768 (15)1.07207 (6)0.0605 (4)
F4A0.68146 (16)0.26465 (13)0.99579 (6)0.0546 (4)
F5A0.51425 (13)0.29185 (11)0.91116 (6)0.0408 (3)
N1A0.59322 (15)0.61609 (14)0.77505 (7)0.0215 (3)
N2A0.73161 (16)0.83583 (15)0.80554 (7)0.0242 (4)
N3A0.77455 (15)0.68489 (14)0.85414 (7)0.0215 (3)
N4A0.89447 (16)0.55887 (15)0.86719 (7)0.0243 (4)
N5A0.67759 (15)0.47455 (14)0.80606 (7)0.0215 (3)
N6A0.54706 (15)0.42765 (14)0.71034 (7)0.0239 (4)
C1A0.53955 (18)0.53801 (17)0.72171 (8)0.0222 (4)
C2A0.51256 (18)0.61359 (18)0.68042 (9)0.0232 (4)
C3A0.45649 (19)0.5861 (2)0.62048 (9)0.0279 (4)
C4A0.4556 (2)0.6839 (2)0.59199 (10)0.0322 (5)
C5A0.5091 (2)0.8069 (2)0.62219 (10)0.0322 (5)
C6A0.56586 (19)0.83616 (19)0.68124 (9)0.0278 (4)
C7A0.56762 (18)0.73904 (18)0.71074 (9)0.0241 (4)
C8A0.63000 (19)0.73977 (17)0.76930 (8)0.0226 (4)
C9A0.80774 (19)0.80627 (18)0.84451 (8)0.0233 (4)
C10A0.9500 (2)0.88135 (18)0.87186 (8)0.0261 (4)
C11A1.0384 (2)1.00860 (19)0.87489 (9)0.0320 (5)
C12A1.1753 (2)1.0506 (2)0.89839 (10)0.0370 (5)
C13A1.2244 (2)0.9674 (2)0.91794 (9)0.0347 (5)
C14A1.1379 (2)0.8396 (2)0.91432 (9)0.0298 (5)
C15A0.99935 (19)0.79625 (18)0.89140 (8)0.0252 (4)
C16A0.88793 (19)0.66983 (18)0.87543 (8)0.0226 (4)
C17A0.79314 (19)0.46576 (18)0.82956 (8)0.0227 (4)
C18A0.79684 (19)0.35882 (17)0.79304 (9)0.0242 (4)
C19A0.8868 (2)0.30175 (18)0.79667 (10)0.0292 (5)
C20A0.8695 (2)0.20672 (19)0.75150 (10)0.0327 (5)
C21A0.7686 (2)0.17136 (19)0.70237 (10)0.0328 (5)
C22A0.6794 (2)0.22745 (18)0.69774 (9)0.0291 (5)
C23A0.69218 (19)0.32043 (17)0.74412 (9)0.0244 (4)
C24A0.62320 (18)0.40202 (17)0.75149 (8)0.0226 (4)
C25A0.60524 (19)0.51087 (18)0.94308 (8)0.0245 (4)
C26A0.6973 (2)0.61149 (19)0.98424 (9)0.0285 (4)
C27A0.7847 (2)0.5979 (2)1.02709 (9)0.0352 (5)
C28A0.7799 (2)0.4815 (2)1.03038 (9)0.0375 (5)
C29A0.6884 (2)0.3795 (2)0.99165 (9)0.0353 (5)
C30A0.6022 (2)0.39450 (19)0.94868 (9)0.0275 (4)
B1A0.6405 (2)0.5772 (2)0.82919 (10)0.0219 (5)
S1B0.05882 (5)0.33569 (5)0.26516 (2)0.02715 (12)
F1B0.04317 (13)0.09077 (11)0.29706 (6)0.0424 (3)
F2B0.14031 (15)0.04637 (13)0.39967 (7)0.0585 (4)
F3B0.26808 (17)0.23581 (17)0.49192 (6)0.0701 (5)
F4B0.30082 (17)0.47153 (16)0.47987 (7)0.0698 (5)
F5B0.20496 (13)0.51909 (11)0.37741 (6)0.0433 (3)
N1B0.23801 (15)0.23867 (14)0.23854 (7)0.0207 (3)
N2B0.30813 (16)0.06499 (15)0.29462 (7)0.0254 (4)
N3B0.15998 (15)0.27250 (15)0.34106 (7)0.0228 (3)
N4B0.10216 (16)0.47125 (16)0.39815 (8)0.0307 (4)
N5B0.13423 (15)0.44460 (14)0.29154 (7)0.0237 (4)
N6B0.27014 (16)0.40254 (14)0.19762 (7)0.0249 (4)
C1B0.29694 (19)0.28062 (18)0.19606 (8)0.0221 (4)
C2B0.40868 (19)0.16806 (18)0.16220 (8)0.0237 (4)
C3B0.5002 (2)0.1510 (2)0.11228 (9)0.0285 (4)
C4B0.6034 (2)0.0308 (2)0.09323 (9)0.0344 (5)
C5B0.6174 (2)0.0702 (2)0.12372 (10)0.0364 (5)
C6B0.5279 (2)0.05479 (19)0.17342 (9)0.0310 (5)
C7B0.42164 (19)0.06468 (18)0.19246 (8)0.0243 (4)
C8B0.31642 (19)0.11382 (17)0.24397 (9)0.0228 (4)
C9B0.23438 (19)0.14713 (19)0.34350 (9)0.0251 (4)
C10B0.2379 (2)0.1365 (2)0.40754 (9)0.0300 (5)
C11B0.2983 (2)0.0321 (2)0.43806 (10)0.0400 (6)
C12B0.2910 (3)0.0554 (3)0.50023 (11)0.0526 (7)
C13B0.2278 (3)0.1772 (3)0.53090 (11)0.0561 (7)
C14B0.1697 (2)0.2822 (3)0.50167 (10)0.0437 (6)
C15B0.1743 (2)0.2611 (2)0.43919 (9)0.0318 (5)
C16B0.13312 (19)0.3478 (2)0.39478 (9)0.0274 (4)
C17B0.11308 (19)0.51507 (19)0.34637 (9)0.0280 (4)
C18B0.13774 (19)0.62262 (19)0.33445 (10)0.0320 (5)
C19B0.1270 (2)0.7287 (2)0.37161 (12)0.0426 (6)
C20B0.1650 (2)0.8119 (2)0.34621 (14)0.0501 (7)
C21B0.2161 (2)0.7912 (2)0.28592 (13)0.0461 (6)
C22B0.2304 (2)0.68553 (19)0.24864 (12)0.0376 (5)
C23B0.19008 (19)0.60121 (18)0.27311 (10)0.0295 (5)
C24B0.19621 (19)0.48072 (18)0.24739 (9)0.0247 (4)
C25B0.12095 (18)0.30688 (18)0.33317 (9)0.0241 (4)
C26B0.1063 (2)0.18742 (19)0.34126 (9)0.0292 (5)
C27B0.1549 (2)0.1632 (2)0.39406 (11)0.0367 (5)
C28B0.2192 (2)0.2582 (3)0.44062 (10)0.0426 (6)
C29B0.2361 (2)0.3779 (2)0.43455 (10)0.0408 (6)
C30B0.1874 (2)0.4015 (2)0.38137 (9)0.0303 (5)
B1B0.1227 (2)0.3236 (2)0.28434 (10)0.0218 (5)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
S1A0.0222 (2)0.0340 (3)0.0249 (3)0.0136 (2)0.0059 (2)0.0076 (2)
F1A0.0545 (8)0.0296 (7)0.0365 (7)0.0221 (6)0.0012 (6)0.0010 (5)
F2A0.0630 (9)0.0541 (9)0.0418 (8)0.0258 (8)0.0208 (7)0.0145 (7)
F3A0.0809 (11)0.0797 (11)0.0376 (8)0.0549 (9)0.0187 (7)0.0003 (7)
F4A0.0915 (11)0.0470 (8)0.0410 (8)0.0453 (8)0.0020 (7)0.0093 (7)
F5A0.0473 (8)0.0287 (7)0.0396 (8)0.0117 (6)0.0016 (6)0.0015 (6)
N1A0.0187 (8)0.0230 (9)0.0233 (9)0.0094 (7)0.0035 (7)0.0040 (7)
N2A0.0221 (8)0.0252 (9)0.0260 (9)0.0118 (7)0.0035 (7)0.0001 (7)
N3A0.0220 (8)0.0253 (9)0.0182 (8)0.0114 (7)0.0028 (6)0.0025 (7)
N4A0.0260 (8)0.0287 (9)0.0202 (9)0.0128 (8)0.0046 (7)0.0070 (7)
N5A0.0195 (8)0.0230 (8)0.0213 (9)0.0078 (7)0.0044 (6)0.0064 (7)
N6A0.0191 (8)0.0237 (9)0.0251 (9)0.0054 (7)0.0024 (7)0.0048 (7)
C1A0.0166 (9)0.0242 (10)0.0225 (10)0.0057 (8)0.0019 (8)0.0038 (8)
C2A0.0167 (9)0.0290 (11)0.0257 (11)0.0106 (8)0.0045 (8)0.0071 (8)
C3A0.0203 (10)0.0346 (12)0.0283 (11)0.0116 (9)0.0006 (8)0.0042 (9)
C4A0.0252 (10)0.0464 (14)0.0285 (12)0.0176 (10)0.0019 (9)0.0113 (10)
C5A0.0262 (11)0.0423 (13)0.0371 (13)0.0202 (10)0.0080 (9)0.0186 (10)
C6A0.0205 (10)0.0288 (11)0.0372 (12)0.0124 (9)0.0062 (9)0.0098 (9)
C7A0.0168 (9)0.0293 (11)0.0291 (11)0.0117 (8)0.0059 (8)0.0068 (9)
C8A0.0214 (9)0.0243 (10)0.0250 (10)0.0119 (8)0.0068 (8)0.0056 (8)
C9A0.0243 (10)0.0260 (11)0.0210 (10)0.0129 (9)0.0051 (8)0.0005 (8)
C10A0.0265 (10)0.0287 (11)0.0216 (10)0.0122 (9)0.0017 (8)0.0036 (8)
C11A0.0316 (11)0.0261 (11)0.0347 (12)0.0117 (9)0.0005 (9)0.0051 (9)
C12A0.0317 (11)0.0299 (12)0.0404 (13)0.0078 (10)0.0008 (10)0.0070 (10)
C13A0.0225 (10)0.0408 (13)0.0313 (12)0.0087 (10)0.0023 (9)0.0097 (10)
C14A0.0275 (10)0.0397 (13)0.0209 (11)0.0153 (10)0.0007 (8)0.0024 (9)
C15A0.0245 (10)0.0302 (11)0.0187 (10)0.0108 (9)0.0028 (8)0.0006 (8)
C16A0.0226 (10)0.0303 (11)0.0155 (9)0.0118 (9)0.0031 (7)0.0041 (8)
C17A0.0224 (10)0.0253 (10)0.0225 (10)0.0104 (9)0.0067 (8)0.0100 (8)
C18A0.0243 (10)0.0216 (10)0.0271 (11)0.0084 (8)0.0083 (8)0.0095 (8)
C19A0.0256 (10)0.0257 (11)0.0385 (12)0.0108 (9)0.0091 (9)0.0130 (9)
C20A0.0339 (11)0.0255 (11)0.0456 (14)0.0163 (10)0.0158 (10)0.0130 (10)
C21A0.0398 (12)0.0214 (11)0.0374 (13)0.0120 (10)0.0152 (10)0.0058 (9)
C22A0.0320 (11)0.0221 (11)0.0302 (12)0.0080 (9)0.0069 (9)0.0058 (9)
C23A0.0243 (10)0.0199 (10)0.0281 (11)0.0069 (8)0.0086 (8)0.0095 (8)
C24A0.0198 (9)0.0204 (10)0.0223 (10)0.0036 (8)0.0042 (8)0.0032 (8)
C25A0.0232 (10)0.0317 (11)0.0214 (10)0.0137 (9)0.0088 (8)0.0060 (8)
C26A0.0326 (11)0.0299 (11)0.0256 (11)0.0160 (10)0.0071 (9)0.0027 (9)
C27A0.0387 (12)0.0423 (13)0.0235 (11)0.0192 (11)0.0020 (9)0.0040 (10)
C28A0.0458 (13)0.0540 (15)0.0215 (11)0.0312 (12)0.0026 (10)0.0038 (10)
C29A0.0528 (14)0.0373 (13)0.0273 (12)0.0293 (12)0.0070 (10)0.0081 (10)
C30A0.0313 (11)0.0292 (11)0.0209 (10)0.0121 (9)0.0060 (9)0.0020 (9)
B1A0.0209 (10)0.0234 (12)0.0215 (11)0.0089 (9)0.0050 (9)0.0048 (9)
S1B0.0247 (2)0.0386 (3)0.0241 (3)0.0174 (2)0.0081 (2)0.0107 (2)
F1B0.0457 (8)0.0275 (7)0.0490 (8)0.0130 (6)0.0004 (6)0.0006 (6)
F2B0.0599 (9)0.0552 (9)0.0758 (11)0.0336 (8)0.0095 (8)0.0360 (8)
F3B0.0752 (11)0.1215 (15)0.0381 (9)0.0635 (11)0.0019 (7)0.0260 (9)
F4B0.0746 (11)0.0881 (12)0.0421 (9)0.0411 (10)0.0204 (8)0.0242 (8)
F5B0.0436 (7)0.0329 (7)0.0528 (9)0.0185 (6)0.0031 (6)0.0045 (6)
N1B0.0220 (8)0.0198 (8)0.0217 (8)0.0099 (7)0.0039 (6)0.0043 (7)
N2B0.0285 (9)0.0272 (9)0.0258 (9)0.0157 (8)0.0071 (7)0.0081 (7)
N3B0.0198 (8)0.0287 (9)0.0209 (9)0.0113 (7)0.0035 (7)0.0034 (7)
N4B0.0208 (8)0.0373 (11)0.0298 (10)0.0109 (8)0.0018 (7)0.0047 (8)
N5B0.0204 (8)0.0239 (9)0.0257 (9)0.0092 (7)0.0024 (7)0.0010 (7)
N6B0.0235 (8)0.0233 (9)0.0294 (9)0.0106 (7)0.0047 (7)0.0075 (7)
C1B0.0224 (9)0.0254 (10)0.0217 (10)0.0124 (8)0.0057 (8)0.0063 (8)
C2B0.0245 (10)0.0259 (10)0.0221 (10)0.0121 (9)0.0059 (8)0.0023 (8)
C3B0.0291 (11)0.0353 (12)0.0233 (11)0.0165 (10)0.0040 (8)0.0015 (9)
C4B0.0314 (11)0.0428 (13)0.0243 (11)0.0141 (10)0.0003 (9)0.0046 (10)
C5B0.0330 (12)0.0331 (12)0.0296 (12)0.0043 (10)0.0043 (9)0.0082 (10)
C6B0.0360 (12)0.0228 (11)0.0286 (12)0.0077 (9)0.0101 (9)0.0001 (9)
C7B0.0269 (10)0.0244 (10)0.0226 (10)0.0121 (9)0.0067 (8)0.0014 (8)
C8B0.0250 (10)0.0207 (10)0.0259 (11)0.0121 (8)0.0075 (8)0.0038 (8)
C9B0.0241 (10)0.0323 (11)0.0254 (11)0.0167 (9)0.0081 (8)0.0097 (9)
C10B0.0269 (10)0.0475 (13)0.0272 (11)0.0245 (10)0.0087 (9)0.0146 (10)
C11B0.0436 (13)0.0567 (15)0.0385 (14)0.0341 (12)0.0157 (11)0.0250 (11)
C12B0.0626 (17)0.080 (2)0.0411 (15)0.0474 (16)0.0236 (13)0.0373 (15)
C13B0.0678 (18)0.096 (2)0.0279 (14)0.0536 (18)0.0158 (13)0.0234 (15)
C14B0.0447 (13)0.0743 (18)0.0239 (12)0.0368 (13)0.0045 (10)0.0069 (12)
C15B0.0256 (10)0.0527 (14)0.0252 (11)0.0243 (11)0.0032 (9)0.0068 (10)
C16B0.0186 (9)0.0428 (13)0.0211 (11)0.0145 (9)0.0017 (8)0.0006 (9)
C17B0.0186 (9)0.0293 (11)0.0316 (12)0.0080 (9)0.0033 (8)0.0035 (9)
C18B0.0192 (10)0.0246 (11)0.0476 (14)0.0063 (9)0.0079 (9)0.0025 (10)
C19B0.0286 (11)0.0307 (12)0.0604 (16)0.0084 (10)0.0090 (11)0.0096 (11)
C20B0.0322 (12)0.0245 (12)0.089 (2)0.0108 (10)0.0141 (13)0.0098 (13)
C21B0.0287 (12)0.0230 (12)0.086 (2)0.0117 (10)0.0064 (13)0.0039 (12)
C22B0.0230 (10)0.0259 (11)0.0642 (16)0.0105 (9)0.0062 (10)0.0076 (11)
C23B0.0175 (9)0.0205 (10)0.0476 (14)0.0056 (8)0.0075 (9)0.0033 (9)
C24B0.0193 (9)0.0227 (10)0.0330 (12)0.0090 (8)0.0061 (8)0.0065 (9)
C25B0.0192 (9)0.0314 (11)0.0247 (11)0.0129 (9)0.0064 (8)0.0054 (9)
C26B0.0256 (10)0.0330 (12)0.0311 (12)0.0141 (9)0.0049 (9)0.0061 (9)
C27B0.0325 (12)0.0432 (14)0.0441 (14)0.0226 (11)0.0075 (10)0.0188 (11)
C28B0.0382 (13)0.0706 (18)0.0314 (13)0.0335 (13)0.0032 (10)0.0161 (12)
C29B0.0352 (12)0.0589 (16)0.0273 (12)0.0238 (12)0.0037 (10)0.0102 (11)
C30B0.0253 (10)0.0339 (12)0.0348 (12)0.0165 (10)0.0041 (9)0.0003 (10)
B1B0.0207 (10)0.0252 (12)0.0217 (11)0.0120 (9)0.0027 (9)0.0037 (9)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
S1A—C25A1.7679 (19)S1B—C25B1.7608 (19)
S1A—B1A1.955 (2)S1B—B1B1.958 (2)
F1A—C26A1.346 (2)F1B—C26B1.340 (2)
F2A—C27A1.344 (2)F2B—C27B1.347 (2)
F3A—C28A1.341 (2)F3B—C28B1.341 (2)
F4A—C29A1.346 (2)F4B—C29B1.338 (3)
F5A—C30A1.344 (2)F5B—C30B1.339 (2)
N1A—C8A1.369 (2)N1B—C1B1.366 (2)
N1A—C1A1.369 (2)N1B—C8B1.376 (2)
N1A—B1A1.486 (3)N1B—B1B1.481 (3)
N2A—C9A1.339 (2)N2B—C8B1.346 (2)
N2A—C8A1.343 (2)N2B—C9B1.347 (3)
N3A—C16A1.371 (2)N3B—C9B1.361 (2)
N3A—C9A1.371 (2)N3B—C16B1.366 (2)
N3A—B1A1.484 (3)N3B—B1B1.468 (3)
N4A—C17A1.342 (2)N4B—C17B1.343 (3)
N4A—C16A1.343 (2)N4B—C16B1.349 (3)
N5A—C24A1.367 (2)N5B—C17B1.368 (2)
N5A—C17A1.370 (2)N5B—C24B1.369 (2)
N5A—B1A1.489 (3)N5B—B1B1.487 (3)
N6A—C24A1.345 (2)N6B—C1B1.345 (2)
N6A—C1A1.346 (2)N6B—C24B1.345 (2)
C1A—C2A1.455 (3)C1B—C2B1.457 (3)
C2A—C3A1.395 (3)C2B—C3B1.391 (3)
C2A—C7A1.424 (3)C2B—C7B1.422 (3)
C3A—C4A1.386 (3)C3B—C4B1.383 (3)
C4A—C5A1.399 (3)C4B—C5B1.397 (3)
C5A—C6A1.378 (3)C5B—C6B1.379 (3)
C6A—C7A1.394 (3)C6B—C7B1.389 (3)
C7A—C8A1.444 (3)C7B—C8B1.456 (3)
C9A—C10A1.456 (3)C9B—C10B1.460 (3)
C10A—C11A1.387 (3)C10B—C11B1.397 (3)
C10A—C15A1.421 (3)C10B—C15B1.424 (3)
C11A—C12A1.385 (3)C11B—C12B1.389 (3)
C12A—C13A1.397 (3)C12B—C13B1.390 (4)
C13A—C14A1.387 (3)C13B—C14B1.383 (4)
C14A—C15A1.394 (3)C14B—C15B1.397 (3)
C15A—C16A1.453 (3)C15B—C16B1.455 (3)
C17A—C18A1.456 (3)C17B—C18B1.457 (3)
C18A—C19A1.398 (3)C18B—C19B1.395 (3)
C18A—C23A1.417 (3)C18B—C23B1.418 (3)
C19A—C20A1.381 (3)C19B—C20B1.380 (3)
C20A—C21A1.400 (3)C20B—C21B1.393 (4)
C21A—C22A1.383 (3)C21B—C22B1.380 (3)
C22A—C23A1.395 (3)C22B—C23B1.396 (3)
C23A—C24A1.450 (3)C23B—C24B1.459 (3)
C25A—C30A1.386 (3)C25B—C30B1.389 (3)
C25A—C26A1.388 (3)C25B—C26B1.390 (3)
C26A—C27A1.378 (3)C26B—C27B1.379 (3)
C27A—C28A1.369 (3)C27B—C28B1.364 (3)
C28A—C29A1.366 (3)C28B—C29B1.376 (3)
C29A—C30A1.380 (3)C29B—C30B1.382 (3)
C25A—S1A—B1A95.25 (9)C25B—S1B—B1B100.93 (9)
C8A—N1A—C1A112.74 (15)C1B—N1B—C8B112.98 (15)
C8A—N1A—B1A122.29 (16)C1B—N1B—B1B123.47 (15)
C1A—N1A—B1A123.18 (15)C8B—N1B—B1B121.84 (15)
C9A—N2A—C8A116.86 (16)C8B—N2B—C9B116.87 (16)
C16A—N3A—C9A112.63 (15)C9B—N3B—C16B114.69 (16)
C16A—N3A—B1A122.86 (16)C9B—N3B—B1B122.56 (16)
C9A—N3A—B1A122.64 (15)C16B—N3B—B1B122.52 (17)
C17A—N4A—C16A116.84 (15)C17B—N4B—C16B117.07 (17)
C24A—N5A—C17A112.72 (15)C17B—N5B—C24B113.19 (16)
C24A—N5A—B1A123.01 (15)C17B—N5B—B1B122.36 (16)
C17A—N5A—B1A122.26 (16)C24B—N5B—B1B122.91 (16)
C24A—N6A—C1A116.87 (16)C1B—N6B—C24B116.82 (16)
N6A—C1A—N1A122.72 (16)N6B—C1B—N1B122.63 (17)
N6A—C1A—C2A129.83 (17)N6B—C1B—C2B130.16 (16)
N1A—C1A—C2A105.55 (16)N1B—C1B—C2B105.71 (15)
C3A—C2A—C7A120.40 (18)C3B—C2B—C7B120.70 (18)
C3A—C2A—C1A132.43 (18)C3B—C2B—C1B132.07 (18)
C7A—C2A—C1A106.97 (16)C7B—C2B—C1B107.08 (16)
C4A—C3A—C2A118.01 (19)C4B—C3B—C2B117.91 (19)
C3A—C4A—C5A121.27 (19)C3B—C4B—C5B121.2 (2)
C6A—C5A—C4A121.61 (19)C6B—C5B—C4B121.6 (2)
C5A—C6A—C7A118.01 (19)C5B—C6B—C7B118.1 (2)
C6A—C7A—C2A120.69 (18)C6B—C7B—C2B120.49 (18)
C6A—C7A—C8A131.67 (19)C6B—C7B—C8B131.90 (18)
C2A—C7A—C8A107.36 (16)C2B—C7B—C8B107.43 (16)
N2A—C8A—N1A123.01 (16)N2B—C8B—N1B122.60 (17)
N2A—C8A—C7A129.21 (17)N2B—C8B—C7B130.50 (17)
N1A—C8A—C7A105.73 (16)N1B—C8B—C7B105.37 (15)
N2A—C9A—N3A123.00 (17)N2B—C9B—N3B122.19 (17)
N2A—C9A—C10A129.34 (18)N2B—C9B—C10B131.59 (18)
N3A—C9A—C10A105.93 (16)N3B—C9B—C10B104.77 (17)
C11A—C10A—C15A120.83 (18)C11B—C10B—C15B120.9 (2)
C11A—C10A—C9A131.68 (18)C11B—C10B—C9B131.6 (2)
C15A—C10A—C9A107.07 (17)C15B—C10B—C9B107.30 (18)
C12A—C11A—C10A118.2 (2)C12B—C11B—C10B117.1 (2)
C11A—C12A—C13A121.3 (2)C11B—C12B—C13B121.6 (2)
C14A—C13A—C12A121.29 (19)C14B—C13B—C12B122.4 (2)
C13A—C14A—C15A118.08 (19)C13B—C14B—C15B117.0 (2)
C14A—C15A—C10A120.35 (19)C14B—C15B—C10B120.9 (2)
C14A—C15A—C16A131.84 (18)C14B—C15B—C16B131.4 (2)
C10A—C15A—C16A107.36 (16)C10B—C15B—C16B107.52 (17)
N4A—C16A—N3A122.66 (17)N4B—C16B—N3B122.09 (18)
N4A—C16A—C15A129.55 (16)N4B—C16B—C15B131.92 (18)
N3A—C16A—C15A105.83 (16)N3B—C16B—C15B104.74 (18)
N4A—C17A—N5A123.08 (16)N4B—C17B—N5B122.35 (18)
N4A—C17A—C18A129.28 (16)N4B—C17B—C18B130.83 (18)
N5A—C17A—C18A105.48 (16)N5B—C17B—C18B105.38 (17)
C19A—C18A—C23A120.70 (18)C19B—C18B—C23B120.1 (2)
C19A—C18A—C17A131.89 (18)C19B—C18B—C17B132.3 (2)
C23A—C18A—C17A107.21 (16)C23B—C18B—C17B107.44 (17)
C20A—C19A—C18A117.88 (19)C20B—C19B—C18B117.8 (2)
C19A—C20A—C21A121.30 (19)C19B—C20B—C21B122.1 (2)
C22A—C21A—C20A121.62 (19)C22B—C21B—C20B121.0 (2)
C21A—C22A—C23A117.76 (19)C21B—C22B—C23B117.8 (2)
C22A—C23A—C18A120.67 (17)C22B—C23B—C18B121.08 (19)
C22A—C23A—C24A131.79 (18)C22B—C23B—C24B131.7 (2)
C18A—C23A—C24A107.26 (16)C18B—C23B—C24B107.14 (17)
N6A—C24A—N5A123.10 (16)N6B—C24B—N5B122.85 (16)
N6A—C24A—C23A129.36 (17)N6B—C24B—C23B130.29 (17)
N5A—C24A—C23A105.87 (15)N5B—C24B—C23B105.43 (17)
C30A—C25A—C26A116.31 (18)C30B—C25B—C26B116.38 (18)
C30A—C25A—S1A121.85 (15)C30B—C25B—S1B122.24 (15)
C26A—C25A—S1A121.84 (15)C26B—C25B—S1B121.38 (15)
F1A—C26A—C27A117.95 (18)F1B—C26B—C27B117.55 (19)
F1A—C26A—C25A119.92 (17)F1B—C26B—C25B120.24 (18)
C27A—C26A—C25A122.12 (19)C27B—C26B—C25B122.2 (2)
F2A—C27A—C28A119.74 (19)F2B—C27B—C28B119.8 (2)
F2A—C27A—C26A120.62 (19)F2B—C27B—C26B120.3 (2)
C28A—C27A—C26A119.6 (2)C28B—C27B—C26B119.9 (2)
F3A—C28A—C29A120.0 (2)F3B—C28B—C27B120.3 (2)
F3A—C28A—C27A119.9 (2)F3B—C28B—C29B119.8 (2)
C29A—C28A—C27A120.07 (19)C27B—C28B—C29B119.8 (2)
F4A—C29A—C28A120.06 (19)F4B—C29B—C28B119.9 (2)
F4A—C29A—C30A120.2 (2)F4B—C29B—C30B120.2 (2)
C28A—C29A—C30A119.73 (19)C28B—C29B—C30B119.9 (2)
F5A—C30A—C29A117.86 (18)F5B—C30B—C29B118.04 (19)
F5A—C30A—C25A120.04 (17)F5B—C30B—C25B120.16 (18)
C29A—C30A—C25A122.10 (19)C29B—C30B—C25B121.8 (2)
N3A—B1A—N1A105.58 (15)N3B—B1B—N1B105.47 (16)
N3A—B1A—N5A105.31 (15)N3B—B1B—N5B105.02 (15)
N1A—B1A—N5A105.43 (15)N1B—B1B—N5B105.31 (15)
N3A—B1A—S1A113.72 (14)N3B—B1B—S1B111.66 (13)
N1A—B1A—S1A111.33 (13)N1B—B1B—S1B113.09 (13)
N5A—B1A—S1A114.69 (14)N5B—B1B—S1B115.45 (14)
C24A—N6A—C1A—N1A6.8 (3)C24B—N6B—C1B—N1B8.5 (3)
C24A—N6A—C1A—C2A155.10 (18)C24B—N6B—C1B—C2B155.41 (19)
C8A—N1A—C1A—N6A153.15 (17)C8B—N1B—C1B—N6B154.90 (17)
B1A—N1A—C1A—N6A11.9 (3)B1B—N1B—C1B—N6B10.4 (3)
C8A—N1A—C1A—C2A12.54 (19)C8B—N1B—C1B—C2B12.4 (2)
B1A—N1A—C1A—C2A177.56 (15)B1B—N1B—C1B—C2B177.74 (16)
N6A—C1A—C2A—C3A16.9 (3)N6B—C1B—C2B—C3B17.3 (3)
N1A—C1A—C2A—C3A178.82 (19)N1B—C1B—C2B—C3B176.70 (19)
N6A—C1A—C2A—C7A157.83 (18)N6B—C1B—C2B—C7B158.19 (19)
N1A—C1A—C2A—C7A6.46 (19)N1B—C1B—C2B—C7B7.80 (19)
C7A—C2A—C3A—C4A0.4 (3)C7B—C2B—C3B—C4B0.0 (3)
C1A—C2A—C3A—C4A174.53 (19)C1B—C2B—C3B—C4B175.04 (19)
C2A—C3A—C4A—C5A0.0 (3)C2B—C3B—C4B—C5B1.2 (3)
C3A—C4A—C5A—C6A0.5 (3)C3B—C4B—C5B—C6B1.0 (3)
C4A—C5A—C6A—C7A0.6 (3)C4B—C5B—C6B—C7B0.5 (3)
C5A—C6A—C7A—C2A0.2 (3)C5B—C6B—C7B—C2B1.6 (3)
C5A—C6A—C7A—C8A173.23 (19)C5B—C6B—C7B—C8B176.15 (19)
C3A—C2A—C7A—C6A0.3 (3)C3B—C2B—C7B—C6B1.4 (3)
C1A—C2A—C7A—C6A175.80 (16)C1B—C2B—C7B—C6B174.71 (17)
C3A—C2A—C7A—C8A174.25 (16)C3B—C2B—C7B—C8B177.13 (16)
C1A—C2A—C7A—C8A1.23 (19)C1B—C2B—C7B—C8B1.0 (2)
C9A—N2A—C8A—N1A7.0 (3)C9B—N2B—C8B—N1B9.5 (2)
C9A—N2A—C8A—C7A154.32 (18)C9B—N2B—C8B—C7B154.26 (18)
C1A—N1A—C8A—N2A151.72 (17)C1B—N1B—C8B—N2B155.48 (16)
B1A—N1A—C8A—N2A13.5 (3)B1B—N1B—C8B—N2B10.1 (3)
C1A—N1A—C8A—C7A13.34 (19)C1B—N1B—C8B—C7B11.7 (2)
B1A—N1A—C8A—C7A178.51 (15)B1B—N1B—C8B—C7B177.36 (15)
C6A—C7A—C8A—N2A18.4 (3)C6B—C7B—C8B—N2B15.3 (3)
C2A—C7A—C8A—N2A155.33 (18)C2B—C7B—C8B—N2B159.74 (18)
C6A—C7A—C8A—N1A177.79 (18)C6B—C7B—C8B—N1B178.87 (19)
C2A—C7A—C8A—N1A8.47 (19)C2B—C7B—C8B—N1B6.09 (19)
C8A—N2A—C9A—N3A9.0 (3)C8B—N2B—C9B—N3B6.3 (2)
C8A—N2A—C9A—C10A153.80 (19)C8B—N2B—C9B—C10B157.78 (18)
C16A—N3A—C9A—N2A155.46 (17)C16B—N3B—C9B—N2B157.76 (16)
B1A—N3A—C9A—N2A9.4 (3)B1B—N3B—C9B—N2B16.9 (3)
C16A—N3A—C9A—C10A10.8 (2)C16B—N3B—C9B—C10B10.0 (2)
B1A—N3A—C9A—C10A175.61 (16)B1B—N3B—C9B—C10B175.33 (15)
N2A—C9A—C10A—C11A13.2 (3)N2B—C9B—C10B—C11B14.0 (3)
N3A—C9A—C10A—C11A178.3 (2)N3B—C9B—C10B—C11B179.86 (19)
N2A—C9A—C10A—C15A159.18 (19)N2B—C9B—C10B—C15B160.80 (19)
N3A—C9A—C10A—C15A5.9 (2)N3B—C9B—C10B—C15B5.31 (19)
C15A—C10A—C11A—C12A1.1 (3)C15B—C10B—C11B—C12B1.2 (3)
C9A—C10A—C11A—C12A172.6 (2)C9B—C10B—C11B—C12B175.47 (19)
C10A—C11A—C12A—C13A0.8 (3)C10B—C11B—C12B—C13B0.7 (3)
C11A—C12A—C13A—C14A0.3 (3)C11B—C12B—C13B—C14B0.6 (4)
C12A—C13A—C14A—C15A1.0 (3)C12B—C13B—C14B—C15B1.4 (3)
C13A—C14A—C15A—C10A0.7 (3)C13B—C14B—C15B—C10B0.8 (3)
C13A—C14A—C15A—C16A171.95 (19)C13B—C14B—C15B—C16B175.0 (2)
C11A—C10A—C15A—C14A0.3 (3)C11B—C10B—C15B—C14B0.5 (3)
C9A—C10A—C15A—C14A173.74 (17)C9B—C10B—C15B—C14B175.99 (17)
C11A—C10A—C15A—C16A172.86 (17)C11B—C10B—C15B—C16B174.97 (17)
C9A—C10A—C15A—C16A0.5 (2)C9B—C10B—C15B—C16B0.5 (2)
C17A—N4A—C16A—N3A9.3 (3)C17B—N4B—C16B—N3B6.9 (3)
C17A—N4A—C16A—C15A152.40 (19)C17B—N4B—C16B—C15B158.25 (19)
C9A—N3A—C16A—N4A154.32 (17)C9B—N3B—C16B—N4B158.29 (17)
B1A—N3A—C16A—N4A10.5 (3)B1B—N3B—C16B—N4B16.4 (3)
C9A—N3A—C16A—C15A11.1 (2)C9B—N3B—C16B—C15B10.3 (2)
B1A—N3A—C16A—C15A175.90 (16)B1B—N3B—C16B—C15B175.01 (15)
C14A—C15A—C16A—N4A14.8 (3)C14B—C15B—C16B—N4B13.9 (4)
C10A—C15A—C16A—N4A157.29 (19)C10B—C15B—C16B—N4B160.87 (19)
C14A—C15A—C16A—N3A178.9 (2)C14B—C15B—C16B—N3B179.1 (2)
C10A—C15A—C16A—N3A6.8 (2)C10B—C15B—C16B—N3B6.1 (2)
C16A—N4A—C17A—N5A8.4 (3)C16B—N4B—C17B—N5B9.5 (3)
C16A—N4A—C17A—C18A152.33 (18)C16B—N4B—C17B—C18B154.72 (19)
C24A—N5A—C17A—N4A152.10 (17)C24B—N5B—C17B—N4B155.44 (17)
B1A—N5A—C17A—N4A12.2 (3)B1B—N5B—C17B—N4B10.7 (3)
C24A—N5A—C17A—C18A12.5 (2)C24B—N5B—C17B—C18B12.2 (2)
B1A—N5A—C17A—C18A176.86 (16)B1B—N5B—C17B—C18B178.41 (16)
N4A—C17A—C18A—C19A19.3 (3)N4B—C17B—C18B—C19B16.7 (4)
N5A—C17A—C18A—C19A177.40 (19)N5B—C17B—C18B—C19B177.1 (2)
N4A—C17A—C18A—C23A155.39 (19)N4B—C17B—C18B—C23B158.9 (2)
N5A—C17A—C18A—C23A7.9 (2)N5B—C17B—C18B—C23B7.3 (2)
C23A—C18A—C19A—C20A0.5 (3)C23B—C18B—C19B—C20B1.8 (3)
C17A—C18A—C19A—C20A174.55 (19)C17B—C18B—C19B—C20B176.9 (2)
C18A—C19A—C20A—C21A2.3 (3)C18B—C19B—C20B—C21B1.6 (3)
C19A—C20A—C21A—C22A1.8 (3)C19B—C20B—C21B—C22B0.2 (4)
C20A—C21A—C22A—C23A0.6 (3)C20B—C21B—C22B—C23B1.0 (3)
C21A—C22A—C23A—C18A2.3 (3)C21B—C22B—C23B—C18B0.8 (3)
C21A—C22A—C23A—C24A175.47 (19)C21B—C22B—C23B—C24B177.4 (2)
C19A—C18A—C23A—C22A1.9 (3)C19B—C18B—C23B—C22B0.6 (3)
C17A—C18A—C23A—C22A173.52 (17)C17B—C18B—C23B—C22B176.85 (17)
C19A—C18A—C23A—C24A176.50 (17)C19B—C18B—C23B—C24B176.74 (18)
C17A—C18A—C23A—C24A1.1 (2)C17B—C18B—C23B—C24B0.5 (2)
C1A—N6A—C24A—N5A7.9 (3)C1B—N6B—C24B—N5B8.5 (3)
C1A—N6A—C24A—C23A155.16 (18)C1B—N6B—C24B—C23B155.83 (19)
C17A—N5A—C24A—N6A154.60 (17)C17B—N5B—C24B—N6B155.70 (17)
B1A—N5A—C24A—N6A9.6 (3)B1B—N5B—C24B—N6B10.4 (3)
C17A—N5A—C24A—C23A11.9 (2)C17B—N5B—C24B—C23B11.9 (2)
B1A—N5A—C24A—C23A176.07 (16)B1B—N5B—C24B—C23B178.02 (16)
C22A—C23A—C24A—N6A14.6 (3)C22B—C23B—C24B—N6B17.1 (4)
C18A—C23A—C24A—N6A159.18 (18)C18B—C23B—C24B—N6B159.83 (19)
C22A—C23A—C24A—N5A179.97 (19)C22B—C23B—C24B—N5B176.5 (2)
C18A—C23A—C24A—N5A6.1 (2)C18B—C23B—C24B—N5B6.5 (2)
B1A—S1A—C25A—C30A93.53 (17)B1B—S1B—C25B—C30B84.01 (17)
B1A—S1A—C25A—C26A85.40 (17)B1B—S1B—C25B—C26B96.28 (17)
C30A—C25A—C26A—F1A178.39 (17)C30B—C25B—C26B—F1B179.89 (17)
S1A—C25A—C26A—F1A2.6 (3)S1B—C25B—C26B—F1B0.4 (3)
C30A—C25A—C26A—C27A2.2 (3)C30B—C25B—C26B—C27B0.1 (3)
S1A—C25A—C26A—C27A176.77 (16)S1B—C25B—C26B—C27B179.64 (16)
F1A—C26A—C27A—F2A0.0 (3)F1B—C26B—C27B—F2B1.0 (3)
C25A—C26A—C27A—F2A179.41 (18)C25B—C26B—C27B—F2B179.01 (18)
F1A—C26A—C27A—C28A179.43 (19)F1B—C26B—C27B—C28B179.61 (19)
C25A—C26A—C27A—C28A1.2 (3)C25B—C26B—C27B—C28B0.4 (3)
F2A—C27A—C28A—F3A0.4 (3)F2B—C27B—C28B—F3B0.1 (3)
C26A—C27A—C28A—F3A179.9 (2)C26B—C27B—C28B—F3B179.34 (19)
F2A—C27A—C28A—C29A179.0 (2)F2B—C27B—C28B—C29B179.0 (2)
C26A—C27A—C28A—C29A0.5 (3)C26B—C27B—C28B—C29B0.4 (3)
F3A—C28A—C29A—F4A0.9 (3)F3B—C28B—C29B—F4B0.1 (3)
C27A—C28A—C29A—F4A178.5 (2)C27B—C28B—C29B—F4B179.1 (2)
F3A—C28A—C29A—C30A179.7 (2)F3B—C28B—C29B—C30B179.10 (19)
C27A—C28A—C29A—C30A0.9 (3)C27B—C28B—C29B—C30B0.2 (3)
F4A—C29A—C30A—F5A1.1 (3)F4B—C29B—C30B—F5B1.2 (3)
C28A—C29A—C30A—F5A179.53 (19)C28B—C29B—C30B—F5B179.53 (19)
F4A—C29A—C30A—C25A179.61 (18)F4B—C29B—C30B—C25B179.37 (19)
C28A—C29A—C30A—C25A0.2 (3)C28B—C29B—C30B—C25B0.1 (3)
C26A—C25A—C30A—F5A178.96 (17)C26B—C25B—C30B—F5B179.54 (17)
S1A—C25A—C30A—F5A2.0 (3)S1B—C25B—C30B—F5B0.7 (3)
C26A—C25A—C30A—C29A1.7 (3)C26B—C25B—C30B—C29B0.2 (3)
S1A—C25A—C30A—C29A177.24 (16)S1B—C25B—C30B—C29B179.89 (16)
C16A—N3A—B1A—N1A137.85 (16)C9B—N3B—B1B—N1B31.7 (2)
C9A—N3A—B1A—N1A25.4 (2)C16B—N3B—B1B—N1B142.52 (16)
C16A—N3A—B1A—N5A26.6 (2)C9B—N3B—B1B—N5B142.72 (16)
C9A—N3A—B1A—N5A136.68 (16)C16B—N3B—B1B—N5B31.5 (2)
C16A—N3A—B1A—S1A99.80 (18)C9B—N3B—B1B—S1B91.46 (18)
C9A—N3A—B1A—S1A96.93 (18)C16B—N3B—B1B—S1B94.28 (18)
C8A—N1A—B1A—N3A27.3 (2)C1B—N1B—B1B—N3B135.81 (17)
C1A—N1A—B1A—N3A136.30 (16)C8B—N1B—B1B—N3B28.3 (2)
C8A—N1A—B1A—N5A138.50 (16)C1B—N1B—B1B—N5B25.0 (2)
C1A—N1A—B1A—N5A25.1 (2)C8B—N1B—B1B—N5B139.04 (16)
C8A—N1A—B1A—S1A96.55 (17)C1B—N1B—B1B—S1B101.90 (17)
C1A—N1A—B1A—S1A99.83 (17)C8B—N1B—B1B—S1B94.02 (18)
C24A—N5A—B1A—N3A135.37 (17)C17B—N5B—B1B—N3B28.8 (2)
C17A—N5A—B1A—N3A27.3 (2)C24B—N5B—B1B—N3B136.01 (17)
C24A—N5A—B1A—N1A24.0 (2)C17B—N5B—B1B—N1B139.91 (17)
C17A—N5A—B1A—N1A138.70 (16)C24B—N5B—B1B—N1B24.9 (2)
C24A—N5A—B1A—S1A98.83 (18)C17B—N5B—B1B—S1B94.60 (19)
C17A—N5A—B1A—S1A98.46 (18)C24B—N5B—B1B—S1B100.57 (18)
(4-Methylbenzenethiolato)(subphthalocyaninato)boron (d23112_a_tw_sq) top
Crystal data top
C31H19BN6SF(000) = 6432
Mr = 518.39Dx = 1.372 Mg m3
Monoclinic, C2/cCu Kα radiation, λ = 1.54178 Å
a = 49.653 (4) ÅCell parameters from 6283 reflections
b = 12.1268 (10) Åθ = 3.5–62.5°
c = 27.559 (2) ŵ = 1.41 mm1
β = 114.838 (4)°T = 150 K
V = 15059 (2) Å3Plate, pink
Z = 240.28 × 0.27 × 0.02 mm
Data collection top
10107 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: Incoatec ImuS with multi-layer opticsRint = 0.091
φ and ω scansθmax = 66.3°, θmin = 2.0°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Krause et al., 2015)
h = 5858
Tmin = 0.633, Tmax = 0.753k = 1414
12819 measured reflectionsl = 2132
12819 independent reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Hydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
Least-squares matrix: fullH-atom parameters constrained
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.098 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0341P)2 + 145.1404P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
wR(F2) = 0.242(Δ/σ)max = 0.001
S = 1.09Δρmax = 0.89 e Å3
12819 reflectionsΔρmin = 0.57 e Å3
1059 parametersExtinction correction: SHELXL2019 (Sheldrick, 2015b), Fc*=kFc[1+0.001xFc2λ3/sin(2θ)]-1/4
0 restraintsExtinction coefficient: 0.00058 (4)
Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Refinement. Refined as a 2-component twin.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
S1A0.59339 (3)0.51753 (12)0.73057 (6)0.0332 (4)
N1A0.59808 (10)0.5166 (4)0.63321 (19)0.0319 (11)
N2A0.56798 (11)0.3623 (4)0.5883 (2)0.0362 (12)
N3A0.54799 (10)0.5100 (4)0.62041 (19)0.0340 (11)
N4A0.52161 (10)0.6784 (4)0.60952 (19)0.0345 (11)
N5A0.57430 (10)0.6766 (4)0.64365 (19)0.0308 (11)
N6A0.61955 (10)0.6927 (4)0.63371 (19)0.0335 (11)
C1A0.61884 (12)0.5823 (5)0.6276 (2)0.0334 (13)
C2A0.63308 (13)0.5140 (5)0.6021 (2)0.0363 (14)
C3A0.65616 (13)0.5368 (6)0.5868 (3)0.0401 (15)
C4A0.66399 (14)0.4552 (6)0.5603 (3)0.0452 (16)
C5A0.64946 (14)0.3538 (6)0.5487 (3)0.0446 (16)
C6A0.62604 (14)0.3308 (6)0.5618 (2)0.0413 (15)
C7A0.61790 (13)0.4118 (5)0.5892 (2)0.0349 (14)
C8A0.59385 (13)0.4191 (5)0.6056 (2)0.0325 (13)
C9A0.54495 (13)0.4124 (5)0.5934 (2)0.0338 (13)
C10A0.51306 (13)0.3972 (5)0.5631 (2)0.0365 (14)
C11A0.49668 (14)0.3119 (6)0.5302 (2)0.0403 (15)
C12A0.46574 (14)0.3245 (6)0.5058 (3)0.0453 (16)
C13A0.45193 (14)0.4187 (6)0.5129 (3)0.0466 (17)
C14A0.46833 (13)0.5054 (6)0.5444 (3)0.0414 (15)
C15A0.49906 (13)0.4934 (6)0.5703 (2)0.0362 (14)
C16A0.52231 (12)0.5687 (5)0.6040 (2)0.0323 (13)
C17A0.54772 (12)0.7320 (5)0.6269 (2)0.0317 (13)
C18A0.55452 (13)0.8458 (5)0.6203 (2)0.0333 (13)
C19A0.53729 (14)0.9420 (6)0.6065 (2)0.0402 (15)
C20A0.55014 (16)1.0400 (6)0.6019 (3)0.0444 (16)
C21A0.57980 (16)1.0422 (6)0.6095 (3)0.0468 (16)
C22A0.59720 (14)0.9482 (5)0.6217 (2)0.0384 (14)
C23A0.58454 (13)0.8503 (5)0.6274 (2)0.0344 (13)
C24A0.59621 (12)0.7387 (5)0.6388 (2)0.0320 (13)
C25A0.57037 (12)0.5904 (5)0.7551 (2)0.0327 (13)
C26A0.55151 (14)0.5325 (6)0.7712 (3)0.0409 (15)
C27A0.53520 (14)0.5895 (6)0.7946 (3)0.0423 (16)
C28A0.53746 (13)0.7018 (6)0.8019 (2)0.0372 (14)
C29A0.55642 (12)0.7579 (5)0.7854 (2)0.0342 (13)
C30A0.57274 (12)0.7044 (5)0.7623 (2)0.0320 (13)
C31A0.51886 (14)0.7624 (7)0.8245 (3)0.0503 (18)
B1A0.57748 (14)0.5575 (6)0.6563 (3)0.0310 (14)
S1B0.70480 (3)0.12941 (13)0.54527 (5)0.0330 (4)
N1B0.75052 (9)0.1664 (4)0.64832 (18)0.0259 (10)
N2B0.73408 (9)0.3260 (4)0.67907 (18)0.0285 (10)
N3B0.70331 (9)0.1666 (4)0.64869 (18)0.0263 (10)
N4B0.68356 (10)0.0029 (4)0.66323 (18)0.0282 (10)
N5B0.72493 (9)0.0007 (4)0.64095 (18)0.0273 (10)
N6B0.77646 (10)0.0037 (4)0.66115 (18)0.0293 (10)
C1B0.77611 (12)0.1075 (5)0.6624 (2)0.0276 (12)
C2B0.80016 (12)0.1853 (5)0.6884 (2)0.0288 (12)
C3B0.83085 (12)0.1732 (5)0.7092 (2)0.0303 (12)
C4B0.84822 (12)0.2619 (5)0.7346 (2)0.0337 (13)
C5B0.83550 (12)0.3618 (5)0.7408 (2)0.0323 (13)
C6B0.80492 (12)0.3738 (5)0.7216 (2)0.0311 (13)
C7B0.78730 (11)0.2855 (5)0.6941 (2)0.0271 (12)
C8B0.75513 (12)0.2692 (5)0.6715 (2)0.0275 (12)
C9B0.70903 (12)0.2702 (5)0.6704 (2)0.0267 (12)
C10B0.68695 (12)0.2891 (5)0.6915 (2)0.0287 (12)
C11B0.68130 (12)0.3792 (5)0.7165 (2)0.0317 (13)
C12B0.65958 (13)0.3696 (5)0.7354 (2)0.0366 (14)
C13B0.64448 (12)0.2709 (5)0.7306 (2)0.0356 (14)
C14B0.65024 (12)0.1797 (5)0.7074 (2)0.0302 (13)
C15B0.67155 (11)0.1880 (5)0.6868 (2)0.0286 (12)
C16B0.68418 (11)0.1081 (5)0.6630 (2)0.0274 (12)
C17B0.70515 (12)0.0555 (5)0.6548 (2)0.0278 (12)
C18B0.71713 (12)0.1672 (5)0.6689 (2)0.0336 (13)
C19B0.70641 (14)0.2611 (5)0.6833 (2)0.0358 (14)
C20B0.72429 (15)0.3530 (6)0.6958 (3)0.0478 (17)
C21B0.75224 (15)0.3540 (5)0.6956 (3)0.0441 (16)
C22B0.76322 (13)0.2598 (5)0.6821 (2)0.0370 (14)
C23B0.74577 (13)0.1664 (5)0.6680 (2)0.0312 (13)
C24B0.75077 (12)0.0554 (5)0.6532 (2)0.0300 (12)
C25B0.67610 (12)0.0277 (5)0.5266 (2)0.0323 (13)
C26B0.65046 (12)0.0452 (5)0.5346 (2)0.0354 (14)
C27B0.62986 (13)0.0375 (6)0.5245 (2)0.0397 (15)
C28B0.63306 (14)0.1393 (6)0.5056 (2)0.0414 (15)
C29B0.65804 (15)0.1544 (6)0.4943 (3)0.0473 (17)
C30B0.67888 (14)0.0714 (6)0.5044 (2)0.0412 (15)
C31B0.61155 (16)0.2325 (6)0.4988 (3)0.0531 (19)
B1B0.72051 (13)0.1155 (5)0.6211 (2)0.0263 (13)
S1C0.59674 (3)0.00520 (14)0.75499 (6)0.0351 (4)
N1C0.64464 (10)0.0089 (4)0.85662 (19)0.0343 (11)
N2C0.66937 (12)0.1610 (5)0.8589 (2)0.0444 (13)
N3C0.61870 (10)0.1582 (4)0.84376 (19)0.0350 (11)
N4C0.57961 (12)0.1708 (5)0.8714 (2)0.0413 (13)
N5C0.59878 (10)0.0031 (4)0.86186 (19)0.0329 (11)
N6C0.63067 (11)0.1585 (4)0.89589 (19)0.0381 (12)
C1C0.65042 (13)0.1077 (5)0.8820 (2)0.0366 (14)
C2C0.68224 (13)0.1231 (6)0.9004 (2)0.0433 (17)
C3C0.70084 (16)0.2118 (7)0.9261 (2)0.055 (2)
C4C0.73082 (18)0.2007 (10)0.9385 (3)0.071 (3)
C5C0.74220 (17)0.1016 (10)0.9301 (3)0.076 (3)
C6C0.72503 (15)0.0121 (8)0.9068 (3)0.057 (2)
C7C0.69402 (13)0.0241 (7)0.8902 (2)0.0459 (18)
C8C0.66960 (13)0.0509 (6)0.8652 (2)0.0394 (15)
C9C0.64407 (15)0.2138 (6)0.8515 (2)0.0404 (15)
C10C0.63896 (17)0.3269 (6)0.8620 (3)0.0507 (18)
C11C0.6560 (2)0.4232 (7)0.8700 (3)0.066 (2)
C12C0.6449 (3)0.5191 (8)0.8818 (3)0.079 (3)
C13C0.6183 (3)0.5225 (7)0.8882 (3)0.079 (3)
C14C0.6016 (2)0.4263 (6)0.8813 (3)0.060 (2)
C15C0.61181 (17)0.3300 (6)0.8672 (3)0.0492 (17)
C16C0.60011 (14)0.2183 (6)0.8584 (2)0.0405 (15)
C17C0.58067 (12)0.0604 (6)0.8761 (2)0.0355 (14)
C18C0.57047 (13)0.0113 (6)0.9071 (2)0.0382 (15)
C19C0.55125 (14)0.0084 (7)0.9316 (3)0.0495 (18)
C20C0.54811 (14)0.0745 (8)0.9634 (3)0.054 (2)
C21C0.56364 (16)0.1745 (7)0.9708 (3)0.0526 (19)
C22C0.58285 (15)0.1937 (6)0.9477 (2)0.0454 (16)
C23C0.58581 (13)0.1113 (6)0.9145 (2)0.0371 (14)
C24C0.60596 (13)0.1025 (5)0.8889 (2)0.0332 (13)
C25C0.56426 (12)0.0896 (5)0.7315 (2)0.0308 (13)
C26C0.56611 (13)0.2000 (5)0.7208 (3)0.0379 (14)
C27C0.54095 (13)0.2661 (6)0.7002 (3)0.0402 (15)
C28C0.51321 (13)0.2243 (5)0.6896 (2)0.0353 (14)
C29C0.51136 (13)0.1125 (5)0.6996 (3)0.0388 (15)
C30C0.53641 (13)0.0463 (5)0.7202 (2)0.0356 (14)
C31C0.48627 (15)0.2975 (6)0.6687 (3)0.0513 (18)
B1C0.61421 (14)0.0393 (6)0.8298 (3)0.0312 (14)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
S1A0.0307 (7)0.0330 (8)0.0379 (8)0.0026 (6)0.0165 (6)0.0009 (6)
N1A0.032 (2)0.027 (3)0.039 (3)0.001 (2)0.017 (2)0.006 (2)
N2A0.035 (3)0.031 (3)0.045 (3)0.003 (2)0.020 (2)0.000 (2)
N3A0.029 (2)0.036 (3)0.040 (3)0.002 (2)0.017 (2)0.003 (2)
N4A0.031 (3)0.037 (3)0.037 (3)0.001 (2)0.017 (2)0.005 (2)
N5A0.029 (2)0.029 (3)0.036 (3)0.004 (2)0.015 (2)0.004 (2)
N6A0.032 (3)0.037 (3)0.032 (3)0.001 (2)0.014 (2)0.000 (2)
C1A0.026 (3)0.040 (4)0.031 (3)0.000 (3)0.010 (2)0.003 (3)
C2A0.031 (3)0.043 (4)0.033 (3)0.006 (3)0.012 (3)0.000 (3)
C3A0.032 (3)0.046 (4)0.046 (4)0.004 (3)0.021 (3)0.000 (3)
C4A0.039 (4)0.051 (4)0.053 (4)0.010 (3)0.027 (3)0.002 (3)
C5A0.044 (4)0.044 (4)0.050 (4)0.017 (3)0.024 (3)0.002 (3)
C6A0.043 (4)0.040 (4)0.042 (3)0.014 (3)0.019 (3)0.000 (3)
C7A0.033 (3)0.036 (4)0.038 (3)0.007 (3)0.017 (3)0.002 (3)
C8A0.033 (3)0.028 (3)0.034 (3)0.003 (3)0.012 (2)0.001 (2)
C9A0.032 (3)0.029 (3)0.042 (3)0.001 (3)0.018 (3)0.001 (3)
C10A0.033 (3)0.037 (4)0.041 (3)0.002 (3)0.017 (3)0.001 (3)
C11A0.042 (4)0.039 (4)0.041 (3)0.007 (3)0.019 (3)0.002 (3)
C12A0.036 (3)0.042 (4)0.052 (4)0.010 (3)0.013 (3)0.000 (3)
C13A0.029 (3)0.059 (5)0.048 (4)0.009 (3)0.013 (3)0.000 (3)
C14A0.034 (3)0.041 (4)0.050 (4)0.002 (3)0.019 (3)0.000 (3)
C15A0.030 (3)0.043 (4)0.039 (3)0.003 (3)0.017 (3)0.000 (3)
C16A0.030 (3)0.031 (3)0.041 (3)0.004 (3)0.020 (3)0.001 (3)
C17A0.030 (3)0.030 (3)0.037 (3)0.006 (3)0.017 (3)0.001 (3)
C18A0.039 (3)0.028 (3)0.033 (3)0.005 (3)0.015 (3)0.002 (2)
C19A0.042 (3)0.040 (4)0.036 (3)0.009 (3)0.013 (3)0.005 (3)
C20A0.058 (4)0.033 (4)0.039 (3)0.012 (3)0.018 (3)0.003 (3)
C21A0.056 (4)0.041 (4)0.044 (4)0.002 (3)0.023 (3)0.001 (3)
C22A0.043 (3)0.043 (4)0.031 (3)0.000 (3)0.017 (3)0.002 (3)
C23A0.040 (3)0.035 (4)0.031 (3)0.002 (3)0.018 (3)0.005 (2)
C24A0.029 (3)0.039 (4)0.030 (3)0.003 (3)0.015 (2)0.005 (2)
C25A0.029 (3)0.035 (3)0.035 (3)0.000 (3)0.014 (2)0.001 (3)
C26A0.038 (3)0.037 (4)0.050 (4)0.009 (3)0.021 (3)0.002 (3)
C27A0.037 (3)0.051 (4)0.050 (4)0.004 (3)0.030 (3)0.004 (3)
C28A0.031 (3)0.049 (4)0.035 (3)0.001 (3)0.017 (3)0.000 (3)
C29A0.028 (3)0.039 (4)0.035 (3)0.001 (3)0.013 (3)0.004 (3)
C30A0.031 (3)0.029 (3)0.038 (3)0.003 (2)0.016 (3)0.002 (2)
C31A0.037 (4)0.069 (5)0.054 (4)0.000 (3)0.027 (3)0.006 (4)
B1A0.029 (3)0.029 (4)0.036 (3)0.002 (3)0.015 (3)0.001 (3)
S1B0.0310 (7)0.0384 (9)0.0311 (7)0.0035 (6)0.0144 (6)0.0028 (6)
N1B0.022 (2)0.027 (3)0.032 (2)0.0017 (19)0.0153 (19)0.0033 (19)
N2B0.022 (2)0.031 (3)0.035 (3)0.001 (2)0.014 (2)0.003 (2)
N3B0.023 (2)0.026 (3)0.034 (2)0.0008 (19)0.0153 (19)0.0023 (19)
N4B0.026 (2)0.027 (3)0.034 (2)0.006 (2)0.015 (2)0.004 (2)
N5B0.025 (2)0.027 (3)0.034 (2)0.000 (2)0.016 (2)0.002 (2)
N6B0.026 (2)0.029 (3)0.034 (2)0.003 (2)0.014 (2)0.001 (2)
C1B0.030 (3)0.021 (3)0.037 (3)0.001 (2)0.018 (2)0.002 (2)
C2B0.026 (3)0.033 (3)0.032 (3)0.003 (2)0.017 (2)0.001 (2)
C3B0.025 (3)0.031 (3)0.036 (3)0.004 (2)0.014 (2)0.004 (2)
C4B0.025 (3)0.040 (4)0.037 (3)0.004 (3)0.015 (2)0.002 (3)
C5B0.027 (3)0.031 (3)0.040 (3)0.007 (2)0.014 (2)0.005 (3)
C6B0.030 (3)0.033 (3)0.035 (3)0.001 (3)0.018 (2)0.002 (3)
C7B0.022 (3)0.030 (3)0.035 (3)0.000 (2)0.017 (2)0.001 (2)
C8B0.025 (3)0.027 (3)0.034 (3)0.003 (2)0.017 (2)0.006 (2)
C9B0.027 (3)0.027 (3)0.029 (3)0.004 (2)0.015 (2)0.001 (2)
C10B0.024 (3)0.032 (3)0.033 (3)0.003 (2)0.015 (2)0.002 (2)
C11B0.027 (3)0.030 (3)0.039 (3)0.001 (2)0.014 (2)0.002 (3)
C12B0.034 (3)0.039 (4)0.043 (3)0.000 (3)0.023 (3)0.003 (3)
C13B0.027 (3)0.039 (4)0.044 (3)0.000 (3)0.018 (3)0.003 (3)
C14B0.026 (3)0.028 (3)0.041 (3)0.003 (2)0.018 (2)0.005 (2)
C15B0.019 (3)0.038 (3)0.029 (3)0.004 (2)0.010 (2)0.004 (2)
C16B0.022 (3)0.028 (3)0.032 (3)0.003 (2)0.011 (2)0.001 (2)
C17B0.026 (3)0.026 (3)0.032 (3)0.007 (2)0.013 (2)0.003 (2)
C18B0.030 (3)0.031 (3)0.040 (3)0.004 (3)0.015 (3)0.007 (3)
C19B0.038 (3)0.028 (3)0.045 (3)0.008 (3)0.021 (3)0.004 (3)
C20B0.053 (4)0.030 (4)0.066 (5)0.001 (3)0.031 (4)0.007 (3)
C21B0.046 (4)0.021 (3)0.068 (4)0.005 (3)0.027 (3)0.003 (3)
C22B0.033 (3)0.033 (4)0.045 (4)0.001 (3)0.016 (3)0.002 (3)
C23B0.033 (3)0.027 (3)0.037 (3)0.000 (2)0.018 (3)0.002 (2)
C24B0.028 (3)0.029 (3)0.036 (3)0.000 (2)0.016 (2)0.002 (2)
C25B0.032 (3)0.039 (4)0.026 (3)0.001 (3)0.012 (2)0.001 (2)
C26B0.029 (3)0.039 (4)0.037 (3)0.004 (3)0.013 (3)0.001 (3)
C27B0.026 (3)0.051 (4)0.040 (3)0.001 (3)0.012 (3)0.004 (3)
C28B0.039 (3)0.047 (4)0.035 (3)0.007 (3)0.013 (3)0.006 (3)
C29B0.051 (4)0.041 (4)0.050 (4)0.006 (3)0.022 (3)0.012 (3)
C30B0.038 (3)0.047 (4)0.041 (3)0.000 (3)0.018 (3)0.006 (3)
C31B0.055 (4)0.057 (5)0.047 (4)0.018 (4)0.021 (3)0.002 (3)
B1B0.023 (3)0.026 (3)0.031 (3)0.004 (3)0.012 (3)0.002 (3)
S1C0.0300 (7)0.0436 (9)0.0328 (7)0.0036 (6)0.0142 (6)0.0001 (6)
N1C0.027 (2)0.043 (3)0.036 (3)0.004 (2)0.016 (2)0.003 (2)
N2C0.041 (3)0.053 (4)0.044 (3)0.007 (3)0.022 (3)0.003 (3)
N3C0.032 (3)0.036 (3)0.039 (3)0.001 (2)0.016 (2)0.000 (2)
N4C0.040 (3)0.047 (4)0.035 (3)0.011 (3)0.015 (2)0.004 (2)
N5C0.029 (2)0.040 (3)0.032 (3)0.003 (2)0.015 (2)0.002 (2)
N6C0.040 (3)0.043 (3)0.031 (3)0.004 (2)0.014 (2)0.003 (2)
C1C0.034 (3)0.044 (4)0.032 (3)0.004 (3)0.014 (3)0.005 (3)
C2C0.032 (3)0.066 (5)0.026 (3)0.019 (3)0.007 (3)0.008 (3)
C3C0.050 (4)0.085 (6)0.028 (3)0.032 (4)0.013 (3)0.006 (3)
C4C0.053 (5)0.121 (9)0.033 (4)0.050 (5)0.012 (3)0.006 (5)
C5C0.036 (4)0.134 (10)0.051 (5)0.026 (5)0.013 (4)0.016 (5)
C6C0.034 (4)0.096 (7)0.046 (4)0.006 (4)0.021 (3)0.015 (4)
C7C0.024 (3)0.081 (6)0.032 (3)0.003 (3)0.012 (3)0.011 (3)
C8C0.034 (3)0.057 (5)0.034 (3)0.001 (3)0.020 (3)0.008 (3)
C9C0.050 (4)0.042 (4)0.036 (3)0.009 (3)0.024 (3)0.000 (3)
C10C0.067 (5)0.042 (4)0.042 (4)0.012 (4)0.022 (3)0.001 (3)
C11C0.094 (6)0.051 (5)0.060 (5)0.019 (5)0.040 (5)0.002 (4)
C12C0.141 (9)0.047 (5)0.061 (5)0.029 (6)0.053 (6)0.008 (4)
C13C0.140 (9)0.038 (5)0.058 (5)0.012 (5)0.042 (6)0.003 (4)
C14C0.089 (6)0.041 (5)0.046 (4)0.014 (4)0.025 (4)0.005 (3)
C15C0.064 (5)0.044 (4)0.041 (4)0.015 (4)0.024 (3)0.007 (3)
C16C0.043 (4)0.042 (4)0.035 (3)0.013 (3)0.014 (3)0.004 (3)
C17C0.028 (3)0.048 (4)0.029 (3)0.005 (3)0.011 (2)0.004 (3)
C18C0.028 (3)0.055 (4)0.033 (3)0.001 (3)0.015 (3)0.001 (3)
C19C0.031 (3)0.081 (6)0.039 (3)0.001 (3)0.017 (3)0.003 (4)
C20C0.031 (3)0.099 (7)0.036 (3)0.014 (4)0.019 (3)0.002 (4)
C21C0.047 (4)0.074 (6)0.035 (3)0.017 (4)0.016 (3)0.004 (3)
C22C0.044 (4)0.053 (4)0.036 (3)0.009 (3)0.013 (3)0.005 (3)
C23C0.034 (3)0.050 (4)0.028 (3)0.006 (3)0.014 (3)0.001 (3)
C24C0.034 (3)0.033 (3)0.031 (3)0.001 (3)0.013 (3)0.001 (2)
C25C0.027 (3)0.039 (4)0.029 (3)0.002 (3)0.015 (2)0.002 (2)
C26C0.026 (3)0.039 (4)0.048 (4)0.006 (3)0.014 (3)0.005 (3)
C27C0.034 (3)0.038 (4)0.048 (4)0.005 (3)0.017 (3)0.000 (3)
C28C0.033 (3)0.040 (4)0.034 (3)0.003 (3)0.016 (3)0.002 (3)
C29C0.030 (3)0.040 (4)0.047 (4)0.006 (3)0.017 (3)0.002 (3)
C30C0.036 (3)0.032 (3)0.040 (3)0.005 (3)0.017 (3)0.004 (3)
C31C0.043 (4)0.049 (5)0.065 (5)0.002 (3)0.025 (4)0.006 (4)
B1C0.032 (3)0.030 (4)0.033 (3)0.003 (3)0.015 (3)0.004 (3)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
S1A—C25A1.786 (6)C12B—C13B1.388 (9)
S1A—B1A1.922 (7)C12B—H12B0.9500
N1A—C1A1.363 (7)C13B—C14B1.368 (8)
N1A—C8A1.374 (7)C13B—H13B0.9500
N1A—B1A1.497 (8)C14B—C15B1.399 (7)
N2A—C9A1.354 (7)C14B—H14B0.9500
N2A—C8A1.355 (8)C15B—C16B1.452 (8)
N3A—C16A1.361 (7)C17B—C18B1.465 (8)
N3A—C9A1.372 (8)C18B—C19B1.383 (8)
N3A—B1A1.495 (8)C18B—C23B1.432 (8)
N4A—C16A1.341 (8)C19B—C20B1.376 (9)
N4A—C17A1.346 (7)C19B—H19B0.9500
N5A—C24A1.375 (7)C20B—C21B1.391 (9)
N5A—C17A1.376 (7)C20B—H20B0.9500
N5A—B1A1.479 (8)C21B—C22B1.382 (9)
N6A—C24A1.346 (7)C21B—H21B0.9500
N6A—C1A1.348 (8)C22B—C23B1.379 (8)
C1A—C2A1.448 (8)C22B—H22B0.9500
C2A—C3A1.404 (8)C23B—C24B1.458 (8)
C2A—C7A1.416 (9)C25B—C30B1.381 (9)
C3A—C4A1.380 (9)C25B—C26B1.396 (8)
C3A—H3AA0.9500C26B—C27B1.375 (9)
C4A—C5A1.394 (10)C26B—H26B0.9500
C4A—H4AA0.9500C27B—C28B1.375 (10)
C5A—C6A1.383 (9)C27B—H27B0.9500
C5A—H5AA0.9500C28B—C29B1.412 (9)
C6A—C7A1.397 (9)C28B—C31B1.511 (9)
C6A—H6AA0.9500C29B—C30B1.385 (9)
C7A—C8A1.447 (8)C29B—H29B0.9500
C9A—C10A1.459 (8)C30B—H30B0.9500
C10A—C11A1.390 (9)C31B—H31D0.9800
C10A—C15A1.414 (9)C31B—H31E0.9800
C11A—C12A1.403 (9)C31B—H31F0.9800
C11A—H11A0.9500S1C—C25C1.786 (6)
C12A—C13A1.388 (10)S1C—B1C1.915 (7)
C12A—H12A0.9500N1C—C1C1.357 (8)
C13A—C14A1.388 (9)N1C—C8C1.368 (8)
C13A—H13A0.9500N1C—B1C1.494 (8)
C14A—C15A1.394 (8)N2C—C8C1.345 (9)
C14A—H14A0.9500N2C—C9C1.347 (8)
C15A—C16A1.459 (9)N3C—C16C1.364 (8)
C17A—C18A1.450 (9)N3C—C9C1.364 (8)
C18A—C19A1.401 (9)N3C—B1C1.486 (9)
C18A—C23A1.421 (8)N4C—C16C1.342 (8)
C19A—C20A1.379 (10)N4C—C17C1.344 (8)
C19A—H19A0.9500N5C—C17C1.361 (7)
C20A—C21A1.399 (10)N5C—C24C1.383 (8)
C20A—H20A0.9500N5C—B1C1.484 (8)
C21A—C22A1.384 (9)N6C—C1C1.343 (8)
C21A—H21A0.9500N6C—C24C1.344 (8)
C22A—C23A1.383 (9)C1C—C2C1.454 (8)
C22A—H22A0.9500C2C—C3C1.400 (10)
C23A—C24A1.453 (9)C2C—C7C1.415 (11)
C25A—C26A1.384 (8)C3C—C4C1.387 (11)
C25A—C30A1.395 (8)C3C—H3C0.9500
C26A—C27A1.410 (9)C4C—C5C1.388 (14)
C27A—C28A1.374 (9)C5C—C6C1.362 (13)
C28A—C29A1.385 (8)C6C—C7C1.417 (9)
C28A—C31A1.505 (8)C6C—H6CA0.9500
C29A—C30A1.384 (8)C7C—C8C1.439 (10)
C29A—H29A0.9500C9C—C10C1.446 (10)
C30A—H30A0.9500C10C—C11C1.404 (11)
C31A—H31A0.9800C10C—C15C1.414 (10)
C31A—H31B0.9800C11C—C12C1.382 (13)
S1B—C25B1.789 (6)C12C—C13C1.405 (14)
S1B—B1B1.907 (6)C12C—H12C0.9500
N1B—C1B1.364 (7)C13C—C14C1.397 (13)
N1B—C8B1.376 (7)C13C—H13C0.9500
N1B—B1B1.491 (7)C14C—C15C1.390 (10)
N2B—C8B1.338 (7)C14C—H14C0.9500
N2B—C9B1.346 (7)C15C—C16C1.454 (10)
N3B—C16B1.369 (7)C17C—C18C1.451 (9)
N3B—C9B1.370 (7)C18C—C23C1.401 (9)
N3B—B1B1.495 (7)C18C—C19C1.401 (8)
N4B—C16B1.345 (7)C19C—C20C1.385 (11)
N4B—C17B1.349 (7)C19C—H19C0.9500
N5B—C24B1.355 (7)C20C—C21C1.405 (11)
N5B—C17B1.366 (7)C20C—H20C0.9500
N5B—B1B1.494 (8)C21C—C22C1.371 (10)
N6B—C1B1.349 (7)C21C—H21C0.9500
N6B—C24B1.354 (7)C22C—C23C1.403 (9)
C1B—C2B1.453 (8)C22C—H22C0.9500
C2B—C3B1.392 (7)C23C—C24C1.451 (8)
C2B—C7B1.412 (8)C25C—C26C1.383 (9)
C3B—C4B1.373 (8)C25C—C30C1.386 (8)
C3B—H3BA0.9500C26C—C27C1.389 (9)
C4B—C5B1.409 (9)C26C—H26C0.9500
C4B—H4BA0.9500C27C—C28C1.379 (8)
C5B—C6B1.390 (8)C27C—H27C0.9500
C5B—H5BA0.9500C28C—C29C1.394 (9)
C6B—C7B1.389 (8)C28C—C31C1.504 (9)
C6B—H6BA0.9500C29C—C30C1.386 (9)
C7B—C8B1.464 (7)C29C—H29C0.9500
C9B—C10B1.458 (7)C30C—H30C0.9500
C10B—C11B1.382 (8)C31C—H31I0.9800
C10B—C15B1.422 (8)C31C—H31J0.9800
C11B—C12B1.387 (8)C31C—H31G0.9800
C25A—S1A—B1A103.7 (3)N4B—C16B—N3B122.7 (5)
C1A—N1A—C8A112.8 (5)N4B—C16B—C15B130.5 (5)
C1A—N1A—B1A122.6 (5)N3B—C16B—C15B105.5 (5)
C8A—N1A—B1A123.2 (5)N4B—C17B—N5B122.3 (5)
C9A—N2A—C8A117.0 (5)N4B—C17B—C18B131.0 (5)
C16A—N3A—C9A113.4 (5)N5B—C17B—C18B105.4 (5)
C16A—N3A—B1A122.6 (5)C19B—C18B—C23B121.0 (6)
C9A—N3A—B1A123.0 (5)C19B—C18B—C17B132.4 (5)
C16A—N4A—C17A116.9 (5)C23B—C18B—C17B106.6 (5)
C24A—N5A—C17A112.7 (5)C20B—C19B—C18B117.0 (6)
C24A—N5A—B1A123.2 (5)C20B—C19B—H19B121.5
C17A—N5A—B1A123.3 (5)C18B—C19B—H19B121.5
C24A—N6A—C1A116.5 (5)C19B—C20B—C21B123.1 (6)
N6A—C1A—N1A123.2 (5)C19B—C20B—H20B118.5
N6A—C1A—C2A129.5 (6)C21B—C20B—H20B118.5
N1A—C1A—C2A105.5 (5)C22B—C21B—C20B120.1 (6)
C3A—C2A—C7A120.8 (6)C22B—C21B—H21B119.9
C3A—C2A—C1A131.3 (6)C20B—C21B—H21B119.9
C7A—C2A—C1A107.8 (5)C23B—C22B—C21B118.8 (6)
C4A—C3A—C2A117.7 (6)C23B—C22B—H22B120.6
C2A—C3A—H3AA121.1C22B—C23B—C18B120.1 (6)
C3A—C4A—C5A121.3 (6)C22B—C23B—C24B132.6 (5)
C3A—C4A—H4AA119.4C18B—C23B—C24B107.3 (5)
C5A—C4A—H4AA119.4N6B—C24B—N5B122.8 (5)
C6A—C5A—C4A122.0 (6)N6B—C24B—C23B129.9 (5)
C6A—C5A—H5AA119.0N5B—C24B—C23B105.6 (5)
C4A—C5A—H5AA119.0C30B—C25B—C26B118.0 (6)
C5A—C6A—C7A117.7 (7)C30B—C25B—S1B120.8 (4)
C5A—C6A—H6AA121.1C26B—C25B—S1B121.3 (5)
C7A—C6A—H6AA121.1C27B—C26B—C25B120.5 (6)
C6A—C7A—C2A120.4 (6)C27B—C26B—H26B119.7
C6A—C7A—C8A132.5 (6)C25B—C26B—H26B119.7
C2A—C7A—C8A106.9 (5)C26B—C27B—C28B122.5 (6)
N2A—C8A—N1A122.2 (5)C26B—C27B—H27B118.8
N2A—C8A—C7A130.2 (5)C28B—C27B—H27B118.8
N1A—C8A—C7A105.7 (5)C27B—C28B—C29B116.8 (6)
N2A—C9A—N3A122.5 (5)C27B—C28B—C31B122.1 (6)
N2A—C9A—C10A130.1 (5)C29B—C28B—C31B121.1 (7)
N3A—C9A—C10A105.4 (5)C30B—C29B—C28B120.9 (6)
C11A—C10A—C15A121.2 (6)C30B—C29B—H29B119.6
C11A—C10A—C9A131.7 (6)C28B—C29B—H29B119.6
C15A—C10A—C9A107.1 (5)C25B—C30B—C29B121.1 (6)
C10A—C11A—C12A117.0 (6)C25B—C30B—H30B119.5
C13A—C12A—C11A121.9 (6)C28B—C31B—H31E109.5
C14A—C13A—C12A121.1 (6)H31D—C31B—H31F109.5
C12A—C13A—H13A119.5N1B—B1B—N5B104.1 (5)
C13A—C14A—C15A118.1 (6)N1B—B1B—N3B103.7 (4)
C13A—C14A—H14A121.0N5B—B1B—N3B103.4 (4)
C15A—C14A—H14A121.0N1B—B1B—S1B112.1 (4)
C14A—C15A—C10A120.7 (6)N5B—B1B—S1B114.5 (4)
C14A—C15A—C16A131.6 (6)N3B—B1B—S1B117.5 (4)
C10A—C15A—C16A107.5 (5)C25C—S1C—B1C101.4 (3)
N4A—C16A—N3A123.1 (5)C1C—N1C—C8C113.5 (5)
N4A—C16A—C15A129.9 (5)C1C—N1C—B1C123.5 (5)
N3A—C16A—C15A105.3 (5)C8C—N1C—B1C122.2 (5)
N4A—C17A—N5A121.9 (5)C8C—N2C—C9C116.7 (5)
N4A—C17A—C18A130.9 (5)C16C—N3C—C9C112.6 (5)
N5A—C17A—C18A105.4 (5)C16C—N3C—B1C123.3 (5)
C19A—C18A—C23A119.4 (6)C9C—N3C—B1C123.3 (5)
C19A—C18A—C17A132.7 (6)C16C—N4C—C17C116.8 (5)
C23A—C18A—C17A107.7 (5)C17C—N5C—C24C112.9 (5)
C20A—C19A—C18A119.3 (6)C17C—N5C—B1C123.1 (5)
C20A—C19A—H19A120.4C24C—N5C—B1C122.8 (5)
C18A—C19A—H19A120.4C1C—N6C—C24C117.3 (5)
C19A—C20A—C21A120.1 (6)N6C—C1C—N1C122.0 (5)
C19A—C20A—H20A120.0N6C—C1C—C2C131.1 (6)
C21A—C20A—H20A120.0N1C—C1C—C2C104.9 (6)
C22A—C21A—C20A122.1 (7)C3C—C2C—C7C120.8 (6)
C22A—C21A—H21A119.0C3C—C2C—C1C131.7 (7)
C20A—C21A—H21A119.0C7C—C2C—C1C107.5 (6)
C23A—C22A—C21A117.9 (6)C4C—C3C—C2C117.5 (9)
C22A—C23A—C18A121.2 (6)C3C—C4C—C5C120.9 (8)
C22A—C23A—C24A131.7 (6)C3C—C4C—H4CA119.6
C18A—C23A—C24A107.1 (5)C5C—C4C—H4CA119.6
N6A—C24A—N5A122.3 (5)C6C—C5C—C4C123.3 (8)
N6A—C24A—C23A130.3 (5)C6C—C5C—H5CA118.3
N5A—C24A—C23A105.7 (5)C4C—C5C—H5CA118.3
C26A—C25A—C30A119.0 (6)C5C—C6C—C7C116.8 (9)
C26A—C25A—S1A119.8 (5)C5C—C6C—H6CA121.6
C30A—C25A—S1A121.0 (4)C7C—C6C—H6CA121.6
C25A—C26A—C27A119.6 (6)C2C—C7C—C6C120.4 (7)
C25A—C26A—H26A120.2C2C—C7C—C8C107.3 (5)
C27A—C26A—H26A120.2C6C—C7C—C8C132.2 (8)
C28A—C27A—C26A121.7 (6)N2C—C8C—N1C123.0 (6)
C28A—C27A—H27A119.1N2C—C8C—C7C130.5 (6)
C26A—C27A—H27A119.1N1C—C8C—C7C105.5 (6)
C27A—C28A—C29A117.6 (6)N2C—C9C—N3C122.0 (6)
C27A—C28A—C31A121.2 (6)N2C—C9C—C10C130.7 (6)
C29A—C28A—C31A121.1 (6)N3C—C9C—C10C105.8 (6)
C30A—C29A—C28A122.1 (6)C11C—C10C—C15C120.0 (8)
C30A—C29A—H29A119.0C11C—C10C—C9C132.4 (7)
C28A—C29A—H29A119.0C15C—C10C—C9C107.5 (6)
C29A—C30A—C25A120.0 (6)C12C—C11C—C10C117.6 (9)
C28A—C31A—H31A109.5C11C—C12C—C13C122.8 (9)
C28A—C31A—H31C109.5C14C—C13C—C12C119.6 (8)
N5A—B1A—N3A104.0 (5)C15C—C14C—C13C118.4 (9)
N5A—B1A—N1A104.4 (5)C15C—C14C—H14C120.8
N3A—B1A—N1A104.2 (5)C13C—C14C—H14C120.8
N5A—B1A—S1A116.9 (4)C14C—C15C—C10C121.6 (8)
N3A—B1A—S1A117.2 (4)C14C—C15C—C16C131.5 (7)
N1A—B1A—S1A108.7 (4)C10C—C15C—C16C106.8 (6)
C25B—S1B—B1B99.4 (3)N4C—C16C—N3C122.2 (6)
C1B—N1B—C8B112.9 (4)N4C—C16C—C15C130.6 (6)
C1B—N1B—B1B122.7 (5)N3C—C16C—C15C105.9 (6)
C8B—N1B—B1B123.0 (4)N4C—C17C—N5C122.5 (6)
C8B—N2B—C9B115.9 (5)N4C—C17C—C18C130.2 (6)
C16B—N3B—C9B113.0 (4)N5C—C17C—C18C105.5 (6)
C16B—N3B—B1B123.0 (5)C23C—C18C—C19C121.1 (6)
C9B—N3B—B1B123.0 (4)C23C—C18C—C17C107.5 (5)
C16B—N4B—C17B116.8 (4)C19C—C18C—C17C131.1 (7)
C24B—N5B—C17B114.0 (5)C20C—C19C—C18C117.5 (7)
C24B—N5B—B1B122.1 (5)C20C—C19C—H19C121.3
C17B—N5B—B1B123.3 (5)C18C—C19C—H19C121.3
C1B—N6B—C24B116.5 (5)C19C—C20C—C21C121.2 (6)
N6B—C1B—N1B122.5 (5)C19C—C20C—H20C119.4
N6B—C1B—C2B130.2 (5)C21C—C20C—H20C119.4
N1B—C1B—C2B105.9 (5)C22C—C21C—C20C121.7 (7)
C3B—C2B—C7B120.8 (5)C22C—C21C—H21C119.1
C3B—C2B—C1B131.7 (6)C20C—C21C—H21C119.1
C7B—C2B—C1B107.3 (5)C21C—C22C—C23C117.8 (7)
C4B—C3B—C2B118.2 (5)C21C—C22C—H22C121.1
C2B—C3B—H3BA120.9C18C—C23C—C22C120.7 (6)
C3B—C4B—C5B121.2 (5)C18C—C23C—C24C108.0 (5)
C3B—C4B—H4BA119.4C22C—C23C—C24C130.7 (6)
C5B—C4B—H4BA119.4N6C—C24C—N5C122.1 (5)
C6B—C5B—C4B121.2 (5)N6C—C24C—C23C131.9 (6)
C6B—C5B—H5BA119.4N5C—C24C—C23C104.6 (5)
C4B—C5B—H5BA119.4C26C—C25C—C30C117.9 (5)
C7B—C6B—C5B117.7 (5)C26C—C25C—S1C120.1 (4)
C7B—C6B—H6BA121.2C30C—C25C—S1C121.9 (5)
C5B—C6B—H6BA121.2C25C—C26C—C27C121.1 (6)
C6B—C7B—C2B120.9 (5)C25C—C26C—H26C119.4
C6B—C7B—C8B131.3 (5)C27C—C26C—H26C119.4
C2B—C7B—C8B107.5 (5)C28C—C27C—C26C121.4 (6)
N2B—C8B—N1B123.4 (5)C28C—C27C—H27C119.3
N2B—C8B—C7B130.4 (5)C26C—C27C—H27C119.3
N1B—C8B—C7B105.0 (4)C27C—C28C—C29C117.3 (6)
N2B—C9B—N3B123.0 (5)C27C—C28C—C31C120.8 (6)
N2B—C9B—C10B130.1 (5)C29C—C28C—C31C121.9 (6)
N3B—C9B—C10B105.4 (5)C30C—C29C—C28C121.4 (6)
C11B—C10B—C15B120.9 (5)C30C—C29C—H29C119.3
C11B—C10B—C9B131.8 (5)C28C—C29C—H29C119.3
C15B—C10B—C9B107.1 (5)C29C—C30C—C25C120.8 (6)
C10B—C11B—C12B118.3 (6)C29C—C30C—H30C119.6
C11B—C12B—C13B120.7 (6)C28C—C31C—H31J109.5
C14B—C13B—C12B122.1 (5)H31I—C31C—H31G109.5
C12B—C13B—H13B119.0N5C—B1C—N3C103.9 (5)
C13B—C14B—C15B118.3 (6)N5C—B1C—N1C103.7 (5)
C13B—C14B—H14B120.8N3C—B1C—N1C103.9 (5)
C15B—C14B—H14B120.8N5C—B1C—S1C116.9 (4)
C14B—C15B—C10B119.7 (5)N3C—B1C—S1C116.1 (4)
C14B—C15B—C16B132.8 (6)N1C—B1C—S1C110.8 (4)
C10B—C15B—C16B107.4 (4)
C24A—N6A—C1A—N1A8.7 (8)C16B—N4B—C17B—N5B6.8 (8)
C24A—N6A—C1A—C2A154.1 (6)C16B—N4B—C17B—C18B157.5 (6)
C8A—N1A—C1A—N6A155.5 (5)C24B—N5B—C17B—N4B156.6 (5)
B1A—N1A—C1A—N6A11.3 (9)B1B—N5B—C17B—N4B15.3 (8)
C8A—N1A—C1A—C2A10.8 (6)C24B—N5B—C17B—C18B11.2 (6)
B1A—N1A—C1A—C2A177.6 (5)B1B—N5B—C17B—C18B176.9 (5)
N6A—C1A—C2A—C3A15.5 (11)N4B—C17B—C18B—C19B17.6 (11)
N1A—C1A—C2A—C3A179.3 (6)N5B—C17B—C18B—C19B176.2 (6)
N6A—C1A—C2A—C7A159.9 (6)N4B—C17B—C18B—C23B159.7 (6)
N1A—C1A—C2A—C7A5.3 (6)N5B—C17B—C18B—C23B6.5 (6)
C7A—C2A—C3A—C4A1.7 (9)C23B—C18B—C19B—C20B0.9 (9)
C1A—C2A—C3A—C4A176.5 (6)C17B—C18B—C19B—C20B177.9 (6)
C2A—C3A—C4A—C5A0.2 (10)C18B—C19B—C20B—C21B1.2 (10)
C3A—C4A—C5A—C6A1.9 (10)C19B—C20B—C21B—C22B0.2 (11)
C4A—C5A—C6A—C7A2.4 (10)C20B—C21B—C22B—C23B1.3 (10)
C5A—C6A—C7A—C2A0.9 (9)C21B—C22B—C23B—C18B1.6 (9)
C5A—C6A—C7A—C8A175.1 (6)C21B—C22B—C23B—C24B178.4 (6)
C3A—C2A—C7A—C6A1.1 (9)C19B—C18B—C23B—C22B0.5 (9)
C1A—C2A—C7A—C6A177.1 (5)C17B—C18B—C23B—C22B177.2 (5)
C3A—C2A—C7A—C8A174.4 (6)C19B—C18B—C23B—C24B178.0 (5)
C1A—C2A—C7A—C8A1.6 (7)C17B—C18B—C23B—C24B0.4 (6)
C9A—N2A—C8A—N1A8.1 (8)C1B—N6B—C24B—N5B7.5 (8)
C9A—N2A—C8A—C7A154.0 (6)C1B—N6B—C24B—C23B155.4 (6)
C1A—N1A—C8A—N2A154.1 (6)C17B—N5B—C24B—N6B155.5 (5)
B1A—N1A—C8A—N2A12.6 (9)B1B—N5B—C24B—N6B16.5 (8)
C1A—N1A—C8A—C7A11.8 (7)C17B—N5B—C24B—C23B11.0 (6)
B1A—N1A—C8A—C7A178.5 (5)B1B—N5B—C24B—C23B177.0 (5)
C6A—C7A—C8A—N2A18.2 (11)C22B—C23B—C24B—N6B17.9 (11)
C2A—C7A—C8A—N2A156.6 (6)C18B—C23B—C24B—N6B159.2 (6)
C6A—C7A—C8A—N1A177.5 (6)C22B—C23B—C24B—N5B176.9 (6)
C2A—C7A—C8A—N1A7.8 (6)C18B—C23B—C24B—N5B6.0 (6)
C8A—N2A—C9A—N3A7.7 (8)B1B—S1B—C25B—C30B107.4 (5)
C8A—N2A—C9A—C10A154.2 (6)B1B—S1B—C25B—C26B71.7 (5)
C16A—N3A—C9A—N2A155.0 (6)C30B—C25B—C26B—C27B5.0 (9)
B1A—N3A—C9A—N2A13.6 (9)S1B—C25B—C26B—C27B174.2 (5)
C16A—N3A—C9A—C10A10.7 (7)C25B—C26B—C27B—C28B0.9 (9)
B1A—N3A—C9A—C10A179.3 (5)C26B—C27B—C28B—C29B3.1 (9)
N2A—C9A—C10A—C11A18.6 (11)C26B—C27B—C28B—C31B175.0 (6)
N3A—C9A—C10A—C11A177.2 (6)C27B—C28B—C29B—C30B3.1 (10)
N2A—C9A—C10A—C15A158.9 (6)C31B—C28B—C29B—C30B175.1 (6)
N3A—C9A—C10A—C15A5.3 (6)C26B—C25B—C30B—C29B5.0 (9)
C15A—C10A—C11A—C12A1.6 (9)S1B—C25B—C30B—C29B174.2 (5)
C9A—C10A—C11A—C12A178.9 (6)C28B—C29B—C30B—C25B1.0 (10)
C10A—C11A—C12A—C13A1.5 (10)C1B—N1B—B1B—N5B30.1 (6)
C11A—C12A—C13A—C14A0.5 (10)C8B—N1B—B1B—N5B135.6 (5)
C12A—C13A—C14A—C15A2.3 (10)C1B—N1B—B1B—N3B138.0 (5)
C13A—C14A—C15A—C10A2.1 (9)C8B—N1B—B1B—N3B27.7 (7)
C13A—C14A—C15A—C16A177.6 (6)C1B—N1B—B1B—S1B94.2 (5)
C11A—C10A—C15A—C14A0.2 (9)C8B—N1B—B1B—S1B100.1 (5)
C9A—C10A—C15A—C14A177.7 (6)C24B—N5B—B1B—N1B32.4 (7)
C11A—C10A—C15A—C16A176.6 (6)C17B—N5B—B1B—N1B138.9 (5)
C9A—C10A—C15A—C16A1.3 (7)C24B—N5B—B1B—N3B140.5 (5)
C17A—N4A—C16A—N3A7.3 (8)C17B—N5B—B1B—N3B30.8 (7)
C17A—N4A—C16A—C15A155.9 (6)C24B—N5B—B1B—S1B90.4 (6)
C9A—N3A—C16A—N4A155.3 (6)C17B—N5B—B1B—S1B98.3 (5)
B1A—N3A—C16A—N4A13.4 (9)C16B—N3B—B1B—N1B138.3 (5)
C9A—N3A—C16A—C15A11.4 (7)C9B—N3B—B1B—N1B29.7 (7)
B1A—N3A—C16A—C15A179.9 (5)C16B—N3B—B1B—N5B29.8 (6)
C14A—C15A—C16A—N4A17.8 (11)C9B—N3B—B1B—N5B138.1 (5)
C10A—C15A—C16A—N4A158.1 (6)C16B—N3B—B1B—S1B97.4 (6)
C14A—C15A—C16A—N3A176.7 (6)C9B—N3B—B1B—S1B94.7 (6)
C10A—C15A—C16A—N3A7.4 (6)C24C—N6C—C1C—N1C7.0 (8)
C16A—N4A—C17A—N5A6.7 (8)C24C—N6C—C1C—C2C154.9 (6)
C16A—N4A—C17A—C18A155.9 (6)C8C—N1C—C1C—N6C154.1 (5)
C24A—N5A—C17A—N4A154.9 (5)B1C—N1C—C1C—N6C15.8 (9)
B1A—N5A—C17A—N4A14.8 (8)C8C—N1C—C1C—C2C11.8 (6)
C24A—N5A—C17A—C18A11.6 (6)B1C—N1C—C1C—C2C178.3 (5)
B1A—N5A—C17A—C18A178.7 (5)N6C—C1C—C2C—C3C20.4 (11)
N4A—C17A—C18A—C19A18.6 (11)N1C—C1C—C2C—C3C175.5 (6)
N5A—C17A—C18A—C19A176.7 (6)N6C—C1C—C2C—C7C157.0 (6)
N4A—C17A—C18A—C23A157.8 (6)N1C—C1C—C2C—C7C7.1 (6)
N5A—C17A—C18A—C23A7.0 (6)C7C—C2C—C3C—C4C3.1 (9)
C23A—C18A—C19A—C20A2.2 (9)C1C—C2C—C3C—C4C179.8 (6)
C17A—C18A—C19A—C20A178.2 (6)C2C—C3C—C4C—C5C5.6 (10)
C18A—C19A—C20A—C21A1.7 (9)C3C—C4C—C5C—C6C3.8 (12)
C19A—C20A—C21A—C22A0.0 (10)C4C—C5C—C6C—C7C0.9 (11)
C20A—C21A—C22A—C23A1.2 (9)C3C—C2C—C7C—C6C1.4 (9)
C21A—C22A—C23A—C18A0.7 (9)C1C—C2C—C7C—C6C176.3 (6)
C21A—C22A—C23A—C24A178.6 (6)C3C—C2C—C7C—C8C178.3 (5)
C19A—C18A—C23A—C22A0.9 (9)C1C—C2C—C7C—C8C0.6 (7)
C17A—C18A—C23A—C22A177.9 (5)C5C—C6C—C7C—C2C3.4 (9)
C19A—C18A—C23A—C24A177.4 (5)C5C—C6C—C7C—C8C179.3 (7)
C17A—C18A—C23A—C24A0.5 (6)C9C—N2C—C8C—N1C9.8 (9)
C1A—N6A—C24A—N5A7.2 (8)C9C—N2C—C8C—C7C157.2 (6)
C1A—N6A—C24A—C23A155.6 (6)C1C—N1C—C8C—N2C158.3 (6)
C17A—N5A—C24A—N6A155.1 (5)B1C—N1C—C8C—N2C11.8 (9)
B1A—N5A—C24A—N6A14.6 (8)C1C—N1C—C8C—C7C11.5 (6)
C17A—N5A—C24A—C23A11.3 (6)B1C—N1C—C8C—C7C178.4 (5)
B1A—N5A—C24A—C23A179.0 (5)C2C—C7C—C8C—N2C162.5 (6)
C22A—C23A—C24A—N6A19.4 (11)C6C—C7C—C8C—N2C13.8 (11)
C18A—C23A—C24A—N6A158.7 (6)C2C—C7C—C8C—N1C6.2 (6)
C22A—C23A—C24A—N5A175.7 (6)C6C—C7C—C8C—N1C177.5 (6)
C18A—C23A—C24A—N5A6.2 (6)C8C—N2C—C9C—N3C8.3 (9)
B1A—S1A—C25A—C26A112.4 (5)C8C—N2C—C9C—C10C155.3 (7)
B1A—S1A—C25A—C30A72.8 (5)C16C—N3C—C9C—N2C155.0 (6)
C30A—C25A—C26A—C27A0.1 (9)B1C—N3C—C9C—N2C15.2 (9)
S1A—C25A—C26A—C27A174.8 (5)C16C—N3C—C9C—C10C12.1 (7)
C25A—C26A—C27A—C28A0.1 (10)B1C—N3C—C9C—C10C177.7 (5)
C26A—C27A—C28A—C29A0.0 (10)N2C—C9C—C10C—C11C18.6 (13)
C26A—C27A—C28A—C31A177.0 (6)N3C—C9C—C10C—C11C175.9 (8)
C27A—C28A—C29A—C30A0.1 (9)N2C—C9C—C10C—C15C157.6 (7)
C31A—C28A—C29A—C30A177.1 (6)N3C—C9C—C10C—C15C7.9 (7)
C28A—C29A—C30A—C25A0.1 (9)C15C—C10C—C11C—C12C1.2 (11)
C26A—C25A—C30A—C29A0.1 (9)C9C—C10C—C11C—C12C177.1 (8)
S1A—C25A—C30A—C29A174.8 (4)C10C—C11C—C12C—C13C2.7 (13)
C24A—N5A—B1A—N3A138.6 (5)C11C—C12C—C13C—C14C1.6 (14)
C17A—N5A—B1A—N3A30.1 (7)C12C—C13C—C14C—C15C1.1 (12)
C24A—N5A—B1A—N1A29.5 (7)C13C—C14C—C15C—C10C2.5 (11)
C17A—N5A—B1A—N1A139.1 (5)C13C—C14C—C15C—C16C178.4 (7)
C24A—N5A—B1A—S1A90.5 (6)C11C—C10C—C15C—C14C1.4 (11)
C17A—N5A—B1A—S1A100.8 (6)C9C—C10C—C15C—C14C175.4 (6)
C16A—N3A—B1A—N5A29.4 (7)C11C—C10C—C15C—C16C178.2 (6)
C9A—N3A—B1A—N5A138.2 (5)C9C—C10C—C15C—C16C1.4 (8)
C16A—N3A—B1A—N1A138.5 (5)C17C—N4C—C16C—N3C8.5 (9)
C9A—N3A—B1A—N1A29.1 (7)C17C—N4C—C16C—C15C156.6 (7)
C16A—N3A—B1A—S1A101.4 (6)C9C—N3C—C16C—N4C157.1 (6)
C9A—N3A—B1A—S1A91.0 (6)B1C—N3C—C16C—N4C13.1 (9)
C1A—N1A—B1A—N5A27.9 (7)C9C—N3C—C16C—C15C11.3 (7)
C8A—N1A—B1A—N5A137.6 (5)B1C—N3C—C16C—C15C178.5 (5)
C1A—N1A—B1A—N3A136.8 (5)C14C—C15C—C16C—N4C15.0 (12)
C8A—N1A—B1A—N3A28.7 (7)C10C—C15C—C16C—N4C161.3 (7)
C1A—N1A—B1A—S1A97.5 (6)C14C—C15C—C16C—N3C178.0 (7)
C8A—N1A—B1A—S1A97.0 (6)C10C—C15C—C16C—N3C5.6 (7)
C24B—N6B—C1B—N1B10.0 (8)C16C—N4C—C17C—N5C8.6 (9)
C24B—N6B—C1B—C2B154.2 (6)C16C—N4C—C17C—C18C154.3 (6)
C8B—N1B—C1B—N6B155.5 (5)C24C—N5C—C17C—N4C154.8 (6)
B1B—N1B—C1B—N6B11.5 (8)B1C—N5C—C17C—N4C13.0 (9)
C8B—N1B—C1B—C2B12.0 (6)C24C—N5C—C17C—C18C11.7 (6)
B1B—N1B—C1B—C2B179.0 (5)B1C—N5C—C17C—C18C179.5 (5)
N6B—C1B—C2B—C3B16.3 (10)N4C—C17C—C18C—C23C158.7 (6)
N1B—C1B—C2B—C3B177.5 (6)N5C—C17C—C18C—C23C6.3 (6)
N6B—C1B—C2B—C7B159.3 (6)N4C—C17C—C18C—C19C15.6 (11)
N1B—C1B—C2B—C7B6.9 (6)N5C—C17C—C18C—C19C179.3 (6)
C7B—C2B—C3B—C4B1.0 (8)C23C—C18C—C19C—C20C0.2 (9)
C1B—C2B—C3B—C4B176.2 (6)C17C—C18C—C19C—C20C173.5 (6)
C2B—C3B—C4B—C5B1.6 (8)C18C—C19C—C20C—C21C0.0 (10)
C3B—C4B—C5B—C6B0.3 (9)C19C—C20C—C21C—C22C1.1 (11)
C4B—C5B—C6B—C7B2.7 (8)C20C—C21C—C22C—C23C2.3 (10)
C5B—C6B—C7B—C2B3.2 (8)C19C—C18C—C23C—C22C1.5 (9)
C5B—C6B—C7B—C8B176.4 (6)C17C—C18C—C23C—C22C173.5 (6)
C3B—C2B—C7B—C6B1.4 (8)C19C—C18C—C23C—C24C174.3 (6)
C1B—C2B—C7B—C6B174.8 (5)C17C—C18C—C23C—C24C0.8 (7)
C3B—C2B—C7B—C8B176.1 (5)C21C—C22C—C23C—C18C2.5 (9)
C1B—C2B—C7B—C8B0.1 (6)C21C—C22C—C23C—C24C173.4 (6)
C9B—N2B—C8B—N1B10.1 (8)C1C—N6C—C24C—N5C8.8 (8)
C9B—N2B—C8B—C7B155.2 (6)C1C—N6C—C24C—C23C155.5 (6)
C1B—N1B—C8B—N2B156.5 (5)C17C—N5C—C24C—N6C155.8 (5)
B1B—N1B—C8B—N2B10.4 (8)B1C—N5C—C24C—N6C12.0 (9)
C1B—N1B—C8B—C7B12.0 (6)C17C—N5C—C24C—C23C12.1 (6)
B1B—N1B—C8B—C7B178.9 (5)B1C—N5C—C24C—C23C180.0 (5)
C6B—C7B—C8B—N2B13.4 (10)C18C—C23C—C24C—N6C158.8 (6)
C2B—C7B—C8B—N2B160.4 (6)C22C—C23C—C24C—N6C13.0 (12)
C6B—C7B—C8B—N1B179.2 (6)C18C—C23C—C24C—N5C7.4 (6)
C2B—C7B—C8B—N1B7.0 (6)C22C—C23C—C24C—N5C179.2 (6)
C8B—N2B—C9B—N3B8.1 (8)B1C—S1C—C25C—C26C82.0 (5)
C8B—N2B—C9B—C10B155.8 (6)B1C—S1C—C25C—C30C102.3 (5)
C16B—N3B—C9B—N2B154.6 (5)C30C—C25C—C26C—C27C1.2 (9)
B1B—N3B—C9B—N2B14.5 (8)S1C—C25C—C26C—C27C177.0 (5)
C16B—N3B—C9B—C10B12.7 (6)C25C—C26C—C27C—C28C0.2 (10)
B1B—N3B—C9B—C10B178.2 (5)C26C—C27C—C28C—C29C0.9 (9)
N2B—C9B—C10B—C11B15.7 (10)C26C—C27C—C28C—C31C178.3 (6)
N3B—C9B—C10B—C11B178.2 (6)C27C—C28C—C29C—C30C0.9 (9)
N2B—C9B—C10B—C15B158.7 (6)C31C—C28C—C29C—C30C178.3 (6)
N3B—C9B—C10B—C15B7.4 (6)C28C—C29C—C30C—C25C0.1 (9)
C15B—C10B—C11B—C12B2.0 (8)C26C—C25C—C30C—C29C1.1 (9)
C9B—C10B—C11B—C12B175.8 (6)S1C—C25C—C30C—C29C176.9 (5)
C10B—C11B—C12B—C13B1.7 (9)C17C—N5C—B1C—N3C29.2 (7)
C11B—C12B—C13B—C14B0.2 (10)C24C—N5C—B1C—N3C137.4 (5)
C12B—C13B—C14B—C15B1.6 (9)C17C—N5C—B1C—N1C137.6 (5)
C13B—C14B—C15B—C10B1.3 (8)C24C—N5C—B1C—N1C29.0 (7)
C13B—C14B—C15B—C16B175.8 (6)C17C—N5C—B1C—S1C100.0 (6)
C11B—C10B—C15B—C14B0.5 (8)C24C—N5C—B1C—S1C93.4 (6)
C9B—C10B—C15B—C14B175.7 (5)C16C—N3C—B1C—N5C29.4 (7)
C11B—C10B—C15B—C16B175.2 (5)C9C—N3C—B1C—N5C139.8 (5)
C9B—C10B—C15B—C16B0.1 (6)C16C—N3C—B1C—N1C137.6 (5)
C17B—N4B—C16B—N3B7.6 (8)C9C—N3C—B1C—N1C31.5 (7)
C17B—N4B—C16B—C15B157.3 (5)C16C—N3C—B1C—S1C100.4 (6)
C9B—N3B—C16B—N4B155.5 (5)C9C—N3C—B1C—S1C90.4 (6)
B1B—N3B—C16B—N4B13.6 (8)C1C—N1C—B1C—N5C31.1 (7)
C9B—N3B—C16B—C15B12.7 (6)C8C—N1C—B1C—N5C138.0 (5)
B1B—N3B—C16B—C15B178.3 (5)C1C—N1C—B1C—N3C139.5 (5)
C14B—C15B—C16B—N4B15.3 (10)C8C—N1C—B1C—N3C29.6 (7)
C10B—C15B—C16B—N4B159.7 (6)C1C—N1C—B1C—S1C95.2 (6)
C14B—C15B—C16B—N3B177.8 (6)C8C—N1C—B1C—S1C95.7 (6)
C10B—C15B—C16B—N3B7.2 (6)
(N-Phenylbenzamido)(subphthalocyaninato)boron (d2339_a) top
Crystal data top
C31H20BN7·0.14H2OZ = 4
Mr = 503.87F(000) = 1046
Triclinic, P1Dx = 1.385 Mg m3
a = 11.4897 (5) ÅCu Kα radiation, λ = 1.54178 Å
b = 11.7489 (5) ÅCell parameters from 9824 reflections
c = 19.3046 (8) Åθ = 4.0–65.7°
α = 73.348 (2)°µ = 0.68 mm1
β = 81.941 (2)°T = 150 K
γ = 76.167 (2)°Shard, pink
V = 2417.05 (18) Å30.20 × 0.15 × 0.08 mm
Data collection top
7193 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: Incoatec ImuS with multi-layer opticsRint = 0.046
φ and ω scansθmax = 66.0°, θmin = 2.4°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
SADABS (Krause et al., 2015)
h = 1313
Tmin = 0.657, Tmax = 0.753k = 1313
60606 measured reflectionsl = 2222
8275 independent reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Least-squares matrix: fullHydrogen site location: mixed
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.037H-atom parameters constrained
wR(F2) = 0.093 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0453P)2 + 0.687P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
S = 1.06(Δ/σ)max < 0.001
8275 reflectionsΔρmax = 0.27 e Å3
713 parametersΔρmin = 0.29 e Å3
0 restraints
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
xyzUiso*/UeqOcc. (<1)
N10.01647 (9)0.70429 (10)0.08430 (6)0.0216 (2)
N20.00691 (9)0.49963 (10)0.15298 (6)0.0228 (2)
N30.16519 (9)0.58812 (10)0.13041 (6)0.0229 (2)
N40.29543 (10)0.68828 (11)0.16512 (6)0.0279 (3)
N50.13649 (10)0.80098 (10)0.09047 (6)0.0240 (2)
N60.06157 (10)0.91739 (10)0.06937 (6)0.0250 (2)
N70.16020 (10)0.68676 (10)0.00712 (6)0.0251 (2)
C10.09554 (11)0.81378 (12)0.07385 (7)0.0230 (3)
C20.21422 (12)0.78506 (13)0.08656 (7)0.0251 (3)
C30.32857 (13)0.85814 (14)0.07843 (8)0.0332 (3)
C40.42578 (13)0.80261 (15)0.09901 (9)0.0385 (4)
C50.41054 (13)0.67746 (15)0.12984 (9)0.0365 (4)
C60.29758 (12)0.60402 (13)0.13871 (8)0.0280 (3)
C70.19825 (11)0.65711 (12)0.11511 (7)0.0230 (3)
C80.06908 (11)0.60808 (12)0.11715 (7)0.0218 (3)
C90.10872 (11)0.49409 (12)0.16254 (7)0.0231 (3)
C100.18630 (12)0.41069 (13)0.21727 (7)0.0252 (3)
C110.17561 (13)0.30096 (13)0.26734 (8)0.0291 (3)
C120.26251 (14)0.24755 (14)0.31676 (8)0.0355 (3)
C130.35778 (14)0.30231 (15)0.31706 (9)0.0383 (4)
C140.36757 (13)0.41301 (14)0.26931 (8)0.0329 (3)
C150.28107 (12)0.46783 (13)0.21940 (8)0.0272 (3)
C160.25890 (11)0.58633 (13)0.16753 (7)0.0259 (3)
C170.22837 (11)0.79456 (13)0.13026 (7)0.0264 (3)
C180.21547 (12)0.91685 (13)0.13773 (8)0.0286 (3)
C190.28483 (13)0.96887 (15)0.16923 (8)0.0352 (4)
C200.24601 (15)1.09026 (15)0.16757 (9)0.0388 (4)
C210.13861 (15)1.15892 (15)0.13793 (8)0.0374 (4)
C220.06604 (14)1.10814 (13)0.10922 (8)0.0322 (3)
C230.10615 (12)0.98678 (13)0.10819 (7)0.0270 (3)
C240.05306 (12)0.90673 (12)0.08295 (7)0.0242 (3)
C250.28121 (12)0.69402 (13)0.03300 (7)0.0254 (3)
C260.36217 (13)0.59752 (14)0.05290 (8)0.0315 (3)
C270.47876 (14)0.60706 (15)0.07962 (9)0.0386 (4)
C280.51855 (14)0.71100 (15)0.08581 (9)0.0408 (4)
C290.43931 (14)0.80749 (15)0.06607 (9)0.0384 (4)
C300.32135 (13)0.80070 (14)0.04137 (8)0.0317 (3)
C310.11511 (13)0.59755 (14)0.02957 (8)0.0319 (3)
B10.11629 (13)0.69448 (14)0.06916 (8)0.0237 (3)
N80.80208 (10)0.22661 (10)0.44369 (6)0.0248 (2)
N90.97660 (10)0.31154 (11)0.40625 (6)0.0273 (3)
N100.79477 (10)0.40585 (10)0.34885 (6)0.0249 (2)
N110.60890 (10)0.54894 (11)0.33121 (6)0.0289 (3)
N120.61599 (10)0.34840 (10)0.40642 (6)0.0247 (2)
N130.62459 (10)0.20647 (11)0.52258 (6)0.0275 (3)
N140.74153 (10)0.23329 (10)0.31662 (6)0.0258 (3)
C320.74483 (12)0.17952 (12)0.50877 (7)0.0259 (3)
C330.83819 (13)0.12217 (12)0.55928 (8)0.0277 (3)
C340.83378 (14)0.05840 (13)0.63239 (8)0.0329 (3)
C350.93989 (14)0.02096 (14)0.66637 (8)0.0369 (4)
C361.04779 (14)0.04769 (14)0.62961 (8)0.0361 (3)
C371.05289 (13)0.11445 (13)0.55789 (8)0.0319 (3)
C380.94727 (12)0.15113 (13)0.52213 (8)0.0274 (3)
C390.91895 (12)0.22814 (13)0.45033 (7)0.0257 (3)
C400.91044 (12)0.40437 (13)0.35936 (7)0.0256 (3)
C410.92861 (13)0.52674 (13)0.32510 (7)0.0275 (3)
C421.02796 (14)0.57922 (14)0.31861 (8)0.0327 (3)
C431.01408 (16)0.70269 (15)0.28612 (8)0.0402 (4)
C440.90370 (17)0.77357 (15)0.26230 (8)0.0411 (4)
C450.80302 (15)0.72415 (14)0.27068 (8)0.0345 (3)
C460.81619 (13)0.59917 (13)0.30156 (7)0.0285 (3)
C470.73002 (12)0.52042 (13)0.32209 (7)0.0267 (3)
C480.55510 (12)0.46415 (13)0.37720 (7)0.0273 (3)
C490.43838 (12)0.47681 (14)0.41828 (8)0.0309 (3)
C500.33515 (13)0.56869 (15)0.40909 (9)0.0380 (4)
C510.23524 (14)0.54967 (17)0.45645 (10)0.0448 (4)
C520.23860 (14)0.44417 (18)0.51322 (9)0.0454 (4)
C530.34236 (13)0.35509 (16)0.52568 (8)0.0369 (4)
C540.44269 (12)0.37063 (14)0.47694 (8)0.0302 (3)
C550.56274 (12)0.29493 (13)0.47186 (7)0.0264 (3)
C560.67307 (12)0.14705 (12)0.32086 (7)0.0251 (3)
C570.64720 (14)0.12150 (14)0.25856 (8)0.0339 (3)
C580.57979 (15)0.03512 (15)0.26419 (9)0.0417 (4)
C590.53559 (15)0.02839 (15)0.33041 (9)0.0400 (4)
C600.56122 (13)0.00485 (14)0.39217 (9)0.0345 (3)
C610.62956 (12)0.07987 (13)0.38775 (8)0.0290 (3)
C620.81233 (14)0.26659 (14)0.24757 (8)0.0348 (3)
B20.73887 (14)0.29648 (14)0.37514 (8)0.0247 (3)
O1W0.4210 (4)0.7569 (3)0.2715 (2)0.0384 (14)0.281 (4)
H2O0.3878360.7257530.2475830.058*0.281 (4)
H1O0.4854060.7074030.2836330.058*0.281 (4)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
N10.0188 (5)0.0265 (6)0.0220 (5)0.0075 (4)0.0001 (4)0.0087 (4)
N20.0196 (5)0.0282 (6)0.0233 (6)0.0059 (5)0.0010 (4)0.0106 (5)
N30.0171 (5)0.0301 (6)0.0251 (6)0.0064 (5)0.0001 (4)0.0123 (5)
N40.0179 (5)0.0392 (7)0.0320 (6)0.0086 (5)0.0017 (5)0.0176 (5)
N50.0208 (5)0.0308 (6)0.0248 (6)0.0109 (5)0.0034 (4)0.0124 (5)
N60.0264 (6)0.0283 (6)0.0218 (6)0.0089 (5)0.0002 (4)0.0073 (5)
N70.0225 (6)0.0321 (6)0.0259 (6)0.0114 (5)0.0034 (4)0.0136 (5)
C10.0223 (7)0.0280 (7)0.0196 (6)0.0061 (5)0.0009 (5)0.0072 (5)
C20.0218 (7)0.0321 (7)0.0236 (7)0.0061 (6)0.0014 (5)0.0107 (6)
C30.0255 (7)0.0339 (8)0.0405 (9)0.0023 (6)0.0054 (6)0.0123 (7)
C40.0191 (7)0.0449 (9)0.0527 (10)0.0011 (6)0.0036 (6)0.0191 (8)
C50.0200 (7)0.0466 (9)0.0471 (9)0.0113 (6)0.0027 (6)0.0178 (7)
C60.0220 (7)0.0352 (8)0.0297 (7)0.0101 (6)0.0005 (5)0.0110 (6)
C70.0201 (6)0.0316 (7)0.0207 (6)0.0072 (5)0.0005 (5)0.0113 (5)
C80.0200 (6)0.0282 (7)0.0209 (6)0.0088 (5)0.0002 (5)0.0101 (5)
C90.0202 (6)0.0288 (7)0.0241 (7)0.0065 (5)0.0004 (5)0.0128 (6)
C100.0222 (7)0.0305 (7)0.0261 (7)0.0019 (6)0.0017 (5)0.0154 (6)
C110.0291 (7)0.0304 (8)0.0295 (7)0.0016 (6)0.0030 (6)0.0138 (6)
C120.0400 (9)0.0331 (8)0.0323 (8)0.0004 (7)0.0085 (6)0.0109 (6)
C130.0337 (8)0.0441 (9)0.0377 (9)0.0048 (7)0.0145 (7)0.0171 (7)
C140.0233 (7)0.0435 (9)0.0357 (8)0.0004 (6)0.0073 (6)0.0194 (7)
C150.0203 (7)0.0355 (8)0.0291 (7)0.0012 (6)0.0012 (5)0.0178 (6)
C160.0159 (6)0.0375 (8)0.0286 (7)0.0056 (6)0.0004 (5)0.0166 (6)
C170.0181 (6)0.0393 (8)0.0279 (7)0.0119 (6)0.0043 (5)0.0166 (6)
C180.0261 (7)0.0373 (8)0.0287 (7)0.0153 (6)0.0075 (6)0.0159 (6)
C190.0285 (8)0.0501 (10)0.0377 (8)0.0188 (7)0.0065 (6)0.0241 (7)
C200.0427 (9)0.0500 (10)0.0384 (9)0.0278 (8)0.0090 (7)0.0252 (7)
C210.0519 (10)0.0351 (8)0.0326 (8)0.0208 (7)0.0064 (7)0.0156 (7)
C220.0420 (8)0.0322 (8)0.0255 (7)0.0149 (7)0.0045 (6)0.0102 (6)
C230.0299 (7)0.0331 (8)0.0225 (7)0.0151 (6)0.0063 (5)0.0116 (6)
C240.0249 (7)0.0284 (7)0.0212 (7)0.0094 (6)0.0034 (5)0.0087 (5)
C250.0236 (7)0.0326 (7)0.0204 (7)0.0079 (6)0.0021 (5)0.0078 (6)
C260.0307 (8)0.0319 (8)0.0314 (8)0.0069 (6)0.0024 (6)0.0095 (6)
C270.0303 (8)0.0391 (9)0.0407 (9)0.0014 (7)0.0075 (7)0.0109 (7)
C280.0252 (8)0.0478 (10)0.0441 (9)0.0102 (7)0.0092 (7)0.0073 (7)
C290.0322 (8)0.0405 (9)0.0440 (9)0.0172 (7)0.0091 (7)0.0112 (7)
C300.0286 (7)0.0341 (8)0.0345 (8)0.0117 (6)0.0084 (6)0.0133 (6)
C310.0328 (8)0.0401 (8)0.0308 (8)0.0156 (6)0.0038 (6)0.0185 (7)
B10.0198 (7)0.0294 (8)0.0254 (8)0.0088 (6)0.0003 (6)0.0106 (6)
N80.0233 (6)0.0289 (6)0.0234 (6)0.0076 (5)0.0000 (4)0.0077 (5)
N90.0240 (6)0.0332 (6)0.0255 (6)0.0074 (5)0.0019 (5)0.0097 (5)
N100.0263 (6)0.0281 (6)0.0218 (6)0.0079 (5)0.0008 (4)0.0077 (5)
N110.0318 (6)0.0318 (6)0.0260 (6)0.0059 (5)0.0070 (5)0.0103 (5)
N120.0220 (6)0.0306 (6)0.0236 (6)0.0067 (5)0.0017 (4)0.0097 (5)
N130.0264 (6)0.0346 (7)0.0250 (6)0.0118 (5)0.0003 (5)0.0096 (5)
N140.0267 (6)0.0294 (6)0.0231 (6)0.0102 (5)0.0018 (5)0.0077 (5)
C320.0281 (7)0.0278 (7)0.0236 (7)0.0106 (6)0.0001 (5)0.0068 (6)
C330.0299 (7)0.0256 (7)0.0278 (7)0.0069 (6)0.0023 (6)0.0067 (6)
C340.0374 (8)0.0312 (8)0.0294 (8)0.0102 (6)0.0029 (6)0.0041 (6)
C350.0443 (9)0.0334 (8)0.0289 (8)0.0047 (7)0.0083 (7)0.0019 (6)
C360.0350 (8)0.0346 (8)0.0360 (8)0.0019 (6)0.0107 (7)0.0090 (7)
C370.0276 (7)0.0328 (8)0.0349 (8)0.0023 (6)0.0043 (6)0.0109 (6)
C380.0279 (7)0.0272 (7)0.0276 (7)0.0047 (6)0.0018 (6)0.0092 (6)
C390.0214 (7)0.0304 (7)0.0264 (7)0.0055 (6)0.0008 (5)0.0104 (6)
C400.0240 (7)0.0331 (8)0.0225 (7)0.0094 (6)0.0029 (5)0.0114 (6)
C410.0332 (7)0.0344 (8)0.0189 (7)0.0136 (6)0.0042 (5)0.0106 (6)
C420.0366 (8)0.0415 (9)0.0266 (7)0.0181 (7)0.0081 (6)0.0161 (6)
C430.0512 (10)0.0451 (9)0.0339 (8)0.0285 (8)0.0106 (7)0.0170 (7)
C440.0643 (11)0.0335 (8)0.0300 (8)0.0227 (8)0.0044 (7)0.0087 (7)
C450.0502 (9)0.0318 (8)0.0236 (7)0.0124 (7)0.0015 (6)0.0078 (6)
C460.0388 (8)0.0311 (8)0.0191 (7)0.0123 (6)0.0001 (6)0.0089 (6)
C470.0319 (7)0.0299 (7)0.0200 (7)0.0073 (6)0.0040 (5)0.0077 (6)
C480.0274 (7)0.0318 (8)0.0265 (7)0.0047 (6)0.0073 (6)0.0123 (6)
C490.0260 (7)0.0404 (8)0.0332 (8)0.0049 (6)0.0057 (6)0.0203 (7)
C500.0317 (8)0.0450 (9)0.0448 (9)0.0003 (7)0.0108 (7)0.0266 (8)
C510.0289 (8)0.0640 (12)0.0515 (10)0.0036 (8)0.0078 (7)0.0395 (9)
C520.0278 (8)0.0780 (13)0.0415 (10)0.0077 (8)0.0032 (7)0.0387 (10)
C530.0280 (8)0.0594 (10)0.0320 (8)0.0119 (7)0.0021 (6)0.0252 (7)
C540.0240 (7)0.0440 (9)0.0299 (8)0.0085 (6)0.0020 (6)0.0197 (7)
C550.0249 (7)0.0345 (8)0.0248 (7)0.0115 (6)0.0004 (5)0.0125 (6)
C560.0219 (7)0.0245 (7)0.0292 (7)0.0032 (5)0.0021 (5)0.0087 (6)
C570.0388 (8)0.0356 (8)0.0299 (8)0.0121 (7)0.0039 (6)0.0086 (6)
C580.0504 (10)0.0444 (9)0.0395 (9)0.0178 (8)0.0089 (7)0.0164 (7)
C590.0406 (9)0.0365 (9)0.0496 (10)0.0175 (7)0.0039 (7)0.0137 (7)
C600.0337 (8)0.0326 (8)0.0376 (8)0.0113 (6)0.0027 (6)0.0089 (7)
C610.0290 (7)0.0298 (7)0.0301 (8)0.0074 (6)0.0002 (6)0.0110 (6)
C620.0422 (9)0.0388 (9)0.0273 (8)0.0176 (7)0.0069 (6)0.0117 (6)
B20.0233 (8)0.0268 (8)0.0238 (8)0.0071 (6)0.0001 (6)0.0060 (6)
O1W0.045 (2)0.032 (2)0.038 (2)0.0009 (17)0.0176 (17)0.0095 (17)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
N1—C81.3616 (17)N8—C391.3714 (17)
N1—C11.3655 (17)N8—B21.5213 (19)
N1—B11.4952 (18)N9—C391.3408 (18)
N2—C81.3455 (17)N9—C401.3481 (18)
N2—C91.3505 (17)N10—C471.3648 (18)
N3—C91.3651 (17)N10—C401.3676 (17)
N3—C161.3675 (16)N10—B21.5002 (19)
N3—B11.5096 (19)N11—C481.3404 (19)
N4—C171.3451 (19)N11—C471.3498 (18)
N4—C161.3475 (18)N12—C481.3687 (18)
N5—C241.3601 (18)N12—C551.3701 (18)
N5—C171.3661 (17)N12—B21.5134 (19)
N5—B11.4997 (19)N13—C551.3425 (18)
N6—C11.3413 (17)N13—C321.3475 (18)
N6—C241.3484 (17)N14—C561.4026 (17)
N7—C251.4238 (17)N14—C621.4632 (18)
N7—C311.4622 (17)N14—B21.5128 (19)
N7—B11.5093 (18)C32—C331.4583 (19)
C1—C21.4533 (18)C33—C341.396 (2)
C2—C31.389 (2)C33—C381.419 (2)
C2—C71.421 (2)C34—C351.383 (2)
C3—C41.381 (2)C34—H34A0.9500
C3—H3A0.9500C35—C361.397 (2)
C4—C51.397 (2)C35—H35A0.9500
C4—H4A0.9500C36—C371.383 (2)
C5—C61.379 (2)C36—H36A0.9500
C5—H5A0.9500C37—C381.396 (2)
C6—C71.3896 (19)C37—H37A0.9500
C6—H6A0.9500C38—C391.4534 (19)
C7—C81.4596 (18)C40—C411.452 (2)
C9—C101.4573 (19)C41—C421.397 (2)
C10—C111.393 (2)C41—C461.420 (2)
C10—C151.4199 (19)C42—C431.385 (2)
C11—C121.387 (2)C42—H42A0.9500
C11—H11A0.9500C43—C441.397 (3)
C12—C131.397 (2)C43—H43A0.9500
C12—H12A0.9500C44—C451.384 (2)
C13—C141.381 (2)C44—H44A0.9500
C13—H13A0.9500C45—C461.397 (2)
C14—C151.392 (2)C45—H45A0.9500
C14—H14A0.9500C46—C471.453 (2)
C15—C161.452 (2)C48—C491.457 (2)
C17—C181.455 (2)C49—C501.393 (2)
C18—C191.400 (2)C49—C541.420 (2)
C18—C231.420 (2)C50—C511.384 (2)
C19—C201.381 (2)C50—H50A0.9500
C19—H19A0.9500C51—C521.396 (3)
C20—C211.399 (2)C51—H51A0.9500
C20—H20A0.9500C52—C531.383 (2)
C21—C221.384 (2)C52—H52A0.9500
C21—H21A0.9500C53—C541.395 (2)
C22—C231.395 (2)C53—H53A0.9500
C22—H22A0.9500C54—C551.459 (2)
C23—C241.4541 (19)C56—C611.401 (2)
C25—C261.394 (2)C56—C571.405 (2)
C25—C301.396 (2)C57—C581.389 (2)
C26—C271.385 (2)C57—H57A0.9500
C26—H26A0.9500C58—C591.379 (2)
C27—C281.372 (2)C58—H58A0.9500
C27—H27A0.9500C59—C601.382 (2)
C28—C291.384 (2)C59—H59A0.9500
C28—H28A0.9500C60—C611.386 (2)
C29—C301.385 (2)C60—H60A0.9500
N8—C321.3642 (17)O1W—H1O0.8400
C8—N1—C1113.38 (10)C32—N8—B2124.40 (11)
C8—N1—B1124.01 (11)C39—N8—B2122.09 (11)
C1—N1—B1122.20 (11)C39—N9—C40116.86 (11)
C8—N2—C9116.50 (11)C47—N10—C40112.78 (11)
C9—N3—C16112.49 (11)C47—N10—B2122.91 (11)
C9—N3—B1123.58 (11)C40—N10—B2123.59 (12)
C16—N3—B1123.03 (11)C48—N11—C47116.64 (12)
C17—N4—C16117.11 (11)C48—N12—C55112.39 (11)
C24—N5—C17113.28 (11)C48—N12—B2122.23 (11)
C24—N5—B1122.27 (11)C55—N12—B2124.57 (11)
C17—N5—B1123.49 (12)C55—N13—C32116.47 (12)
C1—N6—C24116.38 (11)C56—N14—C62114.88 (11)
C25—N7—C31114.43 (11)C56—N14—B2124.55 (11)
C25—N7—B1119.69 (11)C62—N14—B2120.43 (11)
C31—N7—B1113.68 (11)N13—C32—N8123.15 (12)
N6—C1—N1122.43 (11)N13—C32—C33129.25 (12)
N6—C1—C2130.60 (12)N8—C32—C33106.29 (11)
N1—C1—C2105.39 (11)C34—C33—C38120.82 (13)
C3—C2—C7120.80 (12)C34—C33—C32132.17 (13)
C3—C2—C1131.97 (13)C38—C33—C32106.80 (12)
C7—C2—C1107.17 (11)C35—C34—C33117.74 (14)
C4—C3—C2117.96 (14)C35—C34—H34A121.1
C2—C3—H3A121.0C34—C35—C36121.53 (14)
C3—C4—C5121.35 (14)C34—C35—H35A119.2
C5—C4—H4A119.3C37—C36—C35121.44 (14)
C6—C5—C4121.23 (13)C37—C36—H36A119.3
C4—C5—H5A119.4C36—C37—C38117.95 (14)
C5—C6—C7118.40 (14)C36—C37—H37A121.0
C7—C6—H6A120.8C37—C38—C33120.45 (13)
C6—C7—C2120.12 (12)C37—C38—C39132.18 (13)
C6—C7—C8132.66 (13)C33—C38—C39107.11 (12)
C2—C7—C8107.08 (11)N9—C39—N8122.90 (12)
N2—C8—N1122.62 (11)N9—C39—C38128.68 (12)
N2—C8—C7131.06 (12)N8—C39—C38106.02 (11)
N1—C8—C7105.40 (11)N9—C40—N10122.31 (12)
N2—C9—N3122.39 (12)N9—C40—C41130.29 (12)
N2—C9—C10130.04 (12)N10—C40—C41105.90 (12)
N3—C9—C10106.02 (11)C42—C41—C46120.67 (13)
C11—C10—C15120.29 (12)C42—C41—C40131.84 (14)
C11—C10—C9132.45 (12)C46—C41—C40107.24 (12)
C15—C10—C9106.92 (12)C43—C42—C41117.82 (15)
C12—C11—C10118.15 (14)C43—C42—H42A121.1
C10—C11—H11A120.9C42—C43—C44121.38 (14)
C11—C12—C13121.26 (15)C42—C43—H43A119.3
C13—C12—H12A119.4C45—C44—C43121.67 (15)
C14—C13—C12121.31 (14)C45—C44—H44A119.2
C12—C13—H13A119.3C44—C45—C46117.69 (15)
C13—C14—C15118.13 (14)C44—C45—H45A121.2
C15—C14—H14A120.9C45—C46—C41120.69 (13)
C14—C15—C10120.79 (14)C45—C46—C47132.07 (14)
C14—C15—C16131.87 (13)C41—C46—C47107.03 (12)
C10—C15—C16107.13 (11)N11—C47—N10122.46 (12)
N4—C16—N3122.16 (13)N11—C47—C46129.81 (13)
N4—C16—C15129.87 (12)N10—C47—C46106.02 (12)
N3—C16—C15105.96 (11)N11—C48—N12122.61 (12)
N4—C17—N5122.55 (12)N11—C48—C49130.11 (13)
N4—C17—C18130.64 (12)N12—C48—C49105.88 (12)
N5—C17—C18105.45 (12)C50—C49—C54120.88 (14)
C19—C18—C23120.20 (14)C50—C49—C48132.12 (15)
C19—C18—C17132.59 (14)C54—C49—C48107.00 (12)
C23—C18—C17107.15 (11)C51—C50—C49117.69 (16)
C20—C19—C18117.89 (15)C51—C50—H50A121.2
C18—C19—H19A121.1C50—C51—C52121.40 (15)
C19—C20—C21121.59 (14)C50—C51—H51A119.3
C21—C20—H20A119.2C53—C52—C51121.67 (15)
C22—C21—C20121.52 (15)C53—C52—H52A119.2
C20—C21—H21A119.2C52—C53—C54117.69 (16)
C21—C22—C23117.53 (15)C52—C53—H53A121.2
C23—C22—H22A121.2C53—C54—C49120.51 (14)
C22—C23—C18121.17 (13)C53—C54—C55132.38 (15)
C22—C23—C24131.68 (13)C49—C54—C55107.10 (12)
C18—C23—C24107.11 (12)N13—C55—N12122.55 (12)
N6—C24—N5123.03 (12)N13—C55—C54130.57 (13)
N6—C24—C23129.86 (12)N12—C55—C54105.60 (12)
N5—C24—C23105.70 (11)C61—C56—N14121.49 (12)
C26—C25—C30117.79 (13)C61—C56—C57116.67 (13)
C26—C25—N7121.72 (12)N14—C56—C57121.82 (12)
C30—C25—N7120.46 (12)C58—C57—C56120.76 (14)
C27—C26—C25121.02 (14)C58—C57—H57A119.6
C25—C26—H26A119.5C59—C58—C57121.78 (15)
C28—C27—C26120.85 (15)C59—C58—H58A119.1
C26—C27—H27A119.6C58—C59—C60118.05 (14)
C27—C28—C29118.79 (14)C58—C59—H59A121.0
C29—C28—H28A120.6C59—C60—C61121.04 (14)
C28—C29—C30121.02 (15)C59—C60—H60A119.5
C30—C29—H29A119.5C60—C61—C56121.67 (13)
C29—C30—C25120.46 (14)C60—C61—H61A119.2
H31B—C31—H31C109.5N10—B2—N14112.75 (11)
N1—B1—N5102.87 (11)N10—B2—N12102.23 (11)
N1—B1—N7113.06 (11)N14—B2—N12116.53 (11)
N5—B1—N7116.61 (11)N10—B2—N8102.36 (11)
N1—B1—N3102.27 (11)N14—B2—N8119.22 (12)
N5—B1—N3102.77 (11)N12—B2—N8101.40 (11)
N7—B1—N3117.25 (12)H2O—O1W—H1O106.2
C32—N8—C39112.03 (11)
C24—N6—C1—N16.41 (18)C55—N13—C32—N88.12 (19)
C24—N6—C1—C2157.01 (13)C55—N13—C32—C33156.97 (14)
C8—N1—C1—N6153.70 (12)C39—N8—C32—N13155.20 (13)
B1—N1—C1—N619.18 (19)B2—N8—C32—N1311.1 (2)
C8—N1—C1—C213.32 (14)C39—N8—C32—C3312.83 (15)
B1—N1—C1—C2173.80 (11)B2—N8—C32—C33179.16 (12)
N6—C1—C2—C320.4 (2)N13—C32—C33—C3414.1 (3)
N1—C1—C2—C3174.04 (14)N8—C32—C33—C34178.85 (15)
N6—C1—C2—C7156.65 (13)N13—C32—C33—C38160.50 (14)
N1—C1—C2—C78.88 (14)N8—C32—C33—C386.53 (15)
C7—C2—C3—C40.1 (2)C38—C33—C34—C352.2 (2)
C1—C2—C3—C4176.66 (14)C32—C33—C34—C35176.24 (15)
C2—C3—C4—C52.6 (2)C33—C34—C35—C361.2 (2)
C3—C4—C5—C62.2 (2)C34—C35—C36—C371.0 (2)
C4—C5—C6—C71.0 (2)C35—C36—C37—C382.2 (2)
C5—C6—C7—C23.6 (2)C36—C37—C38—C331.2 (2)
C5—C6—C7—C8178.76 (14)C36—C37—C38—C39174.66 (15)
C3—C2—C7—C63.2 (2)C34—C33—C38—C371.1 (2)
C1—C2—C7—C6174.25 (12)C32—C33—C38—C37176.42 (13)
C3—C2—C7—C8179.48 (12)C34—C33—C38—C39173.89 (13)
C1—C2—C7—C82.02 (14)C32—C33—C38—C391.47 (15)
C9—N2—C8—N17.69 (18)C40—N9—C39—N87.64 (19)
C9—N2—C8—C7159.65 (13)C40—N9—C39—C38152.21 (14)
C1—N1—C8—N2158.07 (12)C32—N8—C39—N9150.03 (13)
B1—N1—C8—N214.66 (19)B2—N8—C39—N916.7 (2)
C1—N1—C8—C712.06 (14)C32—N8—C39—C3813.73 (15)
B1—N1—C8—C7175.21 (11)B2—N8—C39—C38179.58 (12)
C6—C7—C8—N212.3 (2)C37—C38—C39—N920.5 (3)
C2—C7—C8—N2163.34 (13)C33—C38—C39—N9153.60 (14)
C6—C7—C8—N1178.77 (14)C37—C38—C39—N8176.99 (15)
C2—C7—C8—N15.62 (14)C33—C38—C39—N88.90 (15)
C8—N2—C9—N37.82 (18)C39—N9—C40—N109.49 (19)
C8—N2—C9—C10155.91 (13)C39—N9—C40—C41154.45 (14)
C16—N3—C9—N2155.30 (12)C47—N10—C40—N9157.11 (12)
B1—N3—C9—N214.09 (19)B2—N10—C40—N913.4 (2)
C16—N3—C9—C1011.81 (14)C47—N10—C40—C4110.22 (15)
B1—N3—C9—C10178.80 (11)B2—N10—C40—C41179.28 (12)
N2—C9—C10—C1113.2 (2)N9—C40—C41—C4213.8 (2)
N3—C9—C10—C11178.95 (14)N10—C40—C41—C42179.78 (14)
N2—C9—C10—C15159.83 (13)N9—C40—C41—C46160.26 (14)
N3—C9—C10—C155.93 (14)N10—C40—C41—C465.67 (14)
C15—C10—C11—C122.7 (2)C46—C41—C42—C432.4 (2)
C9—C10—C11—C12174.92 (14)C40—C41—C42—C43175.84 (14)
C10—C11—C12—C130.6 (2)C41—C42—C43—C441.7 (2)
C11—C12—C13—C141.5 (2)C42—C43—C44—C450.7 (2)
C12—C13—C14—C151.4 (2)C43—C44—C45—C462.3 (2)
C13—C14—C15—C100.7 (2)C44—C45—C46—C411.6 (2)
C13—C14—C15—C16173.40 (14)C44—C45—C46—C47175.55 (14)
C11—C10—C15—C142.8 (2)C42—C41—C46—C450.7 (2)
C9—C10—C15—C14176.81 (12)C40—C41—C46—C45175.62 (12)
C11—C10—C15—C16172.62 (12)C42—C41—C46—C47174.55 (12)
C9—C10—C15—C161.43 (14)C40—C41—C46—C470.35 (14)
C17—N4—C16—N36.41 (19)C48—N11—C47—N109.80 (18)
C17—N4—C16—C15155.14 (13)C48—N11—C47—C46153.14 (14)
C9—N3—C16—N4152.66 (12)C40—N10—C47—N11155.99 (12)
B1—N3—C16—N416.80 (19)B2—N10—C47—N1114.58 (19)
C9—N3—C16—C1512.70 (14)C40—N10—C47—C4610.44 (15)
B1—N3—C16—C15177.84 (11)B2—N10—C47—C46178.98 (11)
C14—C15—C16—N419.1 (2)C45—C46—C47—N1115.7 (2)
C10—C15—C16—N4155.57 (13)C41—C46—C47—N11158.82 (13)
C14—C15—C16—N3177.09 (14)C45—C46—C47—N10179.22 (14)
C10—C15—C16—N38.24 (14)C41—C46—C47—N106.25 (14)
C16—N4—C17—N58.54 (19)C47—N11—C48—N128.67 (18)
C16—N4—C17—C18156.14 (13)C47—N11—C48—C49155.79 (13)
C24—N5—C17—N4156.40 (12)C55—N12—C48—N11153.61 (12)
B1—N5—C17—N412.61 (19)B2—N12—C48—N1116.58 (19)
C24—N5—C17—C1811.60 (15)C55—N12—C48—C4914.09 (14)
B1—N5—C17—C18179.39 (11)B2—N12—C48—C49175.73 (11)
N4—C17—C18—C1917.0 (3)N11—C48—C49—C5020.8 (2)
N5—C17—C18—C19176.36 (15)N12—C48—C49—C50172.79 (14)
N4—C17—C18—C23160.04 (14)N11—C48—C49—C54158.87 (13)
N5—C17—C18—C236.61 (14)N12—C48—C49—C547.55 (14)
C23—C18—C19—C202.8 (2)C54—C49—C50—C513.7 (2)
C17—C18—C19—C20179.47 (14)C48—C49—C50—C51176.72 (14)
C18—C19—C20—C212.3 (2)C49—C50—C51—C522.3 (2)
C19—C20—C21—C220.3 (2)C50—C51—C52—C531.4 (2)
C20—C21—C22—C232.5 (2)C51—C52—C53—C543.6 (2)
C21—C22—C23—C182.1 (2)C52—C53—C54—C492.2 (2)
C21—C22—C23—C24179.51 (14)C52—C53—C54—C55177.52 (14)
C19—C18—C23—C220.6 (2)C50—C49—C54—C531.4 (2)
C17—C18—C23—C22178.05 (12)C48—C49—C54—C53178.85 (12)
C19—C18—C23—C24177.44 (12)C50—C49—C54—C55178.78 (12)
C17—C18—C23—C240.04 (14)C48—C49—C54—C550.92 (15)
C1—N6—C24—N59.36 (18)C32—N13—C55—N125.74 (19)
C1—N6—C24—C23155.11 (13)C32—N13—C55—C54159.42 (14)
C17—N5—C24—N6156.04 (12)C48—N12—C55—N13153.71 (12)
B1—N5—C24—N613.13 (19)B2—N12—C55—N1316.2 (2)
C17—N5—C24—C2311.64 (15)C48—N12—C55—C5414.63 (14)
B1—N5—C24—C23179.19 (11)B2—N12—C55—C54175.46 (12)
C22—C23—C24—N617.9 (2)C53—C54—C55—N1322.3 (3)
C18—C23—C24—N6159.82 (13)C49—C54—C55—N13158.00 (14)
C22—C23—C24—N5175.58 (14)C53—C54—C55—N12170.69 (14)
C18—C23—C24—N56.70 (14)C49—C54—C55—N129.04 (14)
C31—N7—C25—C2623.22 (18)C62—N14—C56—C61160.96 (13)
B1—N7—C25—C26116.85 (15)B2—N14—C56—C6123.3 (2)
C31—N7—C25—C30154.75 (13)C62—N14—C56—C5717.44 (19)
B1—N7—C25—C3065.19 (18)B2—N14—C56—C57158.30 (13)
C30—C25—C26—C270.4 (2)C61—C56—C57—C581.1 (2)
N7—C25—C26—C27178.44 (13)N14—C56—C57—C58179.60 (14)
C25—C26—C27—C281.4 (2)C56—C57—C58—C590.2 (3)
C26—C27—C28—C291.1 (3)C57—C58—C59—C600.7 (3)
C27—C28—C29—C300.9 (3)C58—C59—C60—C610.1 (2)
C28—C29—C30—C252.7 (2)C59—C60—C61—C561.5 (2)
C26—C25—C30—C292.4 (2)N14—C56—C61—C60179.57 (13)
N7—C25—C30—C29179.54 (14)C57—C56—C61—C601.9 (2)
C8—N1—B1—N5136.81 (12)C47—N10—B2—N1492.61 (15)
C1—N1—B1—N535.30 (16)C40—N10—B2—N1497.83 (14)
C8—N1—B1—N796.56 (15)C47—N10—B2—N1233.31 (16)
C1—N1—B1—N791.33 (15)C40—N10—B2—N12136.26 (12)
C8—N1—B1—N330.44 (16)C47—N10—B2—N8138.06 (12)
C1—N1—B1—N3141.67 (11)C40—N10—B2—N831.51 (16)
C24—N5—B1—N132.34 (16)C56—N14—B2—N10164.96 (12)
C17—N5—B1—N1135.72 (12)C62—N14—B2—N1010.56 (18)
C24—N5—B1—N791.99 (15)C56—N14—B2—N1247.17 (18)
C17—N5—B1—N799.96 (15)C62—N14—B2—N12128.35 (14)
C24—N5—B1—N3138.32 (12)C56—N14—B2—N875.00 (17)
C17—N5—B1—N329.73 (16)C62—N14—B2—N8109.48 (15)
C25—N7—B1—N1171.31 (11)C48—N12—B2—N1034.20 (15)
C31—N7—B1—N148.35 (16)C55—N12—B2—N10134.76 (12)
C25—N7—B1—N552.36 (17)C48—N12—B2—N1489.21 (15)
C31—N7—B1—N5167.30 (12)C55—N12—B2—N14101.83 (15)
C25—N7—B1—N370.06 (16)C48—N12—B2—N8139.70 (12)
C31—N7—B1—N370.28 (15)C55—N12—B2—N829.26 (16)
C9—N3—B1—N130.12 (16)C32—N8—B2—N10132.17 (13)
C16—N3—B1—N1138.18 (12)C39—N8—B2—N1032.85 (16)
C9—N3—B1—N5136.56 (12)C32—N8—B2—N14102.64 (15)
C16—N3—B1—N531.74 (16)C39—N8—B2—N1492.34 (16)
C9—N3—B1—N794.14 (15)C32—N8—B2—N1226.77 (17)
C16—N3—B1—N797.56 (15)C39—N8—B2—N12138.24 (12)
(N-Phenylbenzamido)(subphthalocyaninato)boron (d22150_a) top
Crystal data top
C31H20BN7F(000) = 1040
Mr = 501.35Dx = 1.390 Mg m3
Monoclinic, P21/cCu Kα radiation, λ = 1.54178 Å
a = 10.3502 (4) ÅCell parameters from 9219 reflections
b = 20.7509 (8) Åθ = 4.3–65.8°
c = 12.2816 (5) ŵ = 0.68 mm1
β = 114.734 (2)°T = 150 K
V = 2395.80 (17) Å3Shard, purple
Z = 40.19 × 0.14 × 0.09 mm
Data collection top
3432 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Radiation source: Inoatec ImuS with multi-layer opticsRint = 0.111
φ and ω scansθmax = 66.4°, θmin = 4.3°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Krause et al., 2015)
h = 1212
Tmin = 0.462, Tmax = 0.753k = 2424
41606 measured reflectionsl = 1414
4159 independent reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Hydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
Least-squares matrix: fullH-atom parameters constrained
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.055 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.1179P)2]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
wR(F2) = 0.165(Δ/σ)max < 0.001
S = 1.06Δρmax = 0.28 e Å3
4159 reflectionsΔρmin = 0.35 e Å3
354 parametersExtinction correction: SHELXL2019 (Sheldrick, 2015b), Fc*=kFc[1+0.001xFc2λ3/sin(2θ)]-1/4
0 restraintsExtinction coefficient: 0.0101 (12)
Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
N10.65532 (16)0.59175 (7)0.21413 (13)0.0257 (4)
N20.73697 (17)0.69317 (7)0.17604 (13)0.0281 (4)
N30.75068 (16)0.66827 (7)0.36934 (13)0.0258 (4)
N40.87250 (17)0.63159 (8)0.57049 (13)0.0286 (4)
N50.73686 (17)0.55959 (7)0.41500 (13)0.0268 (4)
N60.69933 (16)0.48035 (7)0.26647 (13)0.0287 (4)
N70.50830 (17)0.62224 (7)0.33581 (14)0.0295 (4)
B10.6507 (2)0.61169 (10)0.33133 (18)0.0260 (5)
C10.66648 (19)0.52872 (9)0.18618 (16)0.0274 (4)
C20.67281 (19)0.52945 (9)0.07061 (16)0.0279 (5)
C30.6813 (2)0.48015 (10)0.00334 (17)0.0326 (5)
C40.6988 (2)0.49697 (11)0.10515 (18)0.0385 (5)
C50.7083 (2)0.56135 (11)0.13372 (18)0.0399 (5)
C60.7015 (2)0.61122 (10)0.06111 (16)0.0335 (5)
C70.68294 (19)0.59499 (10)0.04165 (16)0.0291 (5)
C80.68407 (19)0.63353 (9)0.14095 (16)0.0271 (4)
C90.7765 (2)0.70803 (9)0.29241 (16)0.0259 (4)
C100.8777 (2)0.75606 (9)0.36766 (16)0.0268 (4)
C110.9404 (2)0.80922 (9)0.34031 (17)0.0297 (5)
C121.0412 (2)0.84310 (9)0.43435 (18)0.0340 (5)
C131.0837 (2)0.82399 (10)0.55379 (19)0.0345 (5)
C141.0241 (2)0.77033 (9)0.58198 (18)0.0308 (5)
C150.9192 (2)0.73697 (9)0.48870 (16)0.0274 (4)
C160.8426 (2)0.67775 (9)0.48600 (16)0.0266 (4)
C170.8247 (2)0.57179 (9)0.53119 (16)0.0274 (5)
C180.8719 (2)0.50927 (9)0.58638 (16)0.0285 (4)
C190.9529 (2)0.49073 (10)0.70445 (17)0.0315 (5)
C200.9779 (2)0.42583 (10)0.72813 (18)0.0340 (5)
C210.9292 (2)0.38011 (10)0.63620 (18)0.0331 (5)
C220.8544 (2)0.39775 (9)0.51793 (19)0.0317 (5)
C230.8217 (2)0.46271 (9)0.49248 (17)0.0279 (4)
C240.7415 (2)0.49745 (9)0.38169 (16)0.0277 (4)
C250.4518 (2)0.68471 (9)0.32846 (17)0.0298 (5)
C260.4561 (2)0.72829 (10)0.24303 (18)0.0338 (5)
C270.4072 (2)0.79084 (11)0.2374 (2)0.0413 (5)
C280.3480 (2)0.81124 (11)0.3135 (2)0.0452 (6)
C290.3396 (2)0.76848 (12)0.3959 (2)0.0454 (6)
C300.3913 (2)0.70597 (10)0.40425 (19)0.0366 (5)
C310.4606 (2)0.57447 (10)0.3988 (2)0.0382 (5)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
N10.0278 (8)0.0275 (9)0.0265 (8)0.0002 (6)0.0159 (6)0.0006 (6)
N20.0313 (9)0.0293 (9)0.0274 (8)0.0018 (7)0.0159 (7)0.0015 (6)
N30.0302 (8)0.0260 (8)0.0266 (8)0.0006 (6)0.0172 (7)0.0000 (6)
N40.0369 (9)0.0273 (9)0.0279 (8)0.0006 (7)0.0200 (7)0.0001 (6)
N50.0302 (9)0.0269 (9)0.0282 (8)0.0002 (6)0.0169 (7)0.0006 (6)
N60.0292 (8)0.0303 (9)0.0303 (9)0.0018 (7)0.0162 (7)0.0015 (7)
N70.0337 (9)0.0274 (9)0.0358 (9)0.0006 (7)0.0228 (7)0.0013 (6)
B10.0293 (11)0.0270 (11)0.0256 (11)0.0007 (9)0.0154 (9)0.0011 (8)
C10.0261 (10)0.0299 (10)0.0290 (9)0.0022 (8)0.0144 (8)0.0036 (8)
C20.0237 (10)0.0348 (11)0.0275 (9)0.0012 (8)0.0129 (8)0.0027 (8)
C30.0283 (10)0.0368 (11)0.0321 (10)0.0004 (8)0.0120 (8)0.0066 (8)
C40.0380 (12)0.0453 (13)0.0368 (11)0.0008 (10)0.0203 (9)0.0099 (9)
C50.0437 (13)0.0520 (14)0.0300 (11)0.0046 (10)0.0214 (9)0.0048 (9)
C60.0361 (11)0.0412 (12)0.0267 (10)0.0040 (9)0.0167 (8)0.0024 (8)
C70.0254 (10)0.0362 (11)0.0279 (10)0.0015 (8)0.0134 (8)0.0020 (8)
C80.0269 (10)0.0328 (11)0.0250 (9)0.0014 (8)0.0142 (8)0.0014 (7)
C90.0293 (10)0.0270 (10)0.0266 (9)0.0039 (8)0.0168 (8)0.0027 (7)
C100.0329 (10)0.0247 (10)0.0305 (10)0.0032 (8)0.0207 (8)0.0011 (7)
C110.0356 (11)0.0277 (11)0.0339 (10)0.0042 (8)0.0227 (9)0.0025 (8)
C120.0387 (11)0.0271 (10)0.0447 (12)0.0021 (8)0.0259 (9)0.0011 (8)
C130.0371 (11)0.0307 (11)0.0398 (11)0.0028 (8)0.0201 (9)0.0063 (8)
C140.0375 (11)0.0278 (10)0.0311 (10)0.0021 (8)0.0184 (9)0.0020 (8)
C150.0353 (10)0.0242 (10)0.0307 (10)0.0025 (8)0.0217 (8)0.0016 (7)
C160.0312 (10)0.0275 (10)0.0276 (10)0.0003 (8)0.0186 (8)0.0016 (7)
C170.0329 (10)0.0291 (10)0.0259 (10)0.0005 (8)0.0179 (8)0.0005 (7)
C180.0315 (10)0.0280 (10)0.0324 (10)0.0001 (8)0.0199 (8)0.0027 (8)
C190.0312 (10)0.0364 (11)0.0316 (10)0.0020 (8)0.0178 (8)0.0030 (8)
C200.0290 (11)0.0374 (12)0.0379 (11)0.0040 (8)0.0161 (9)0.0095 (9)
C210.0299 (11)0.0307 (11)0.0455 (12)0.0045 (8)0.0223 (9)0.0092 (9)
C220.0306 (10)0.0287 (11)0.0449 (12)0.0006 (8)0.0248 (9)0.0010 (8)
C230.0264 (10)0.0304 (11)0.0341 (10)0.0006 (8)0.0198 (8)0.0034 (8)
C240.0304 (10)0.0266 (10)0.0332 (10)0.0001 (8)0.0203 (8)0.0003 (8)
C250.0278 (10)0.0318 (11)0.0320 (10)0.0010 (8)0.0146 (8)0.0019 (8)
C260.0309 (10)0.0387 (12)0.0343 (11)0.0033 (9)0.0163 (8)0.0042 (8)
C270.0389 (12)0.0407 (13)0.0450 (13)0.0040 (9)0.0182 (10)0.0096 (10)
C280.0449 (13)0.0367 (12)0.0522 (14)0.0098 (10)0.0184 (11)0.0012 (10)
C290.0458 (13)0.0500 (14)0.0466 (13)0.0096 (11)0.0256 (11)0.0068 (10)
C300.0402 (12)0.0396 (12)0.0365 (11)0.0038 (9)0.0226 (9)0.0007 (9)
C310.0401 (12)0.0386 (12)0.0470 (13)0.0024 (9)0.0293 (10)0.0044 (9)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
N1—C81.368 (2)C11—H11A0.9500
N1—C11.369 (2)C12—C131.401 (3)
N1—B11.518 (2)C12—H12A0.9500
N2—C91.348 (2)C13—C141.385 (3)
N2—C81.349 (3)C13—H13A0.9500
N3—C161.362 (2)C14—C151.389 (3)
N3—C91.362 (2)C14—H14A0.9500
N3—B11.504 (3)C15—C161.456 (3)
N4—C171.348 (2)C17—C181.450 (3)
N4—C161.350 (2)C18—C191.392 (3)
N5—C171.357 (2)C18—C231.425 (3)
N5—C241.360 (2)C19—C201.379 (3)
N5—B11.501 (3)C19—H19A0.9500
N6—C241.342 (2)C20—C211.397 (3)
N6—C11.347 (2)C20—H20A0.9500
N7—C251.409 (3)C21—C221.379 (3)
N7—C311.464 (3)C21—H21A0.9500
N7—B11.513 (3)C22—C231.393 (3)
C1—C21.448 (3)C22—H22A0.9500
C2—C31.395 (3)C23—C241.454 (3)
C2—C71.421 (3)C25—C301.394 (3)
C3—C41.381 (3)C25—C261.400 (3)
C3—H3A0.9500C26—C271.384 (3)
C4—C51.395 (3)C26—H26A0.9500
C4—H4A0.9500C27—C281.380 (3)
C5—C61.387 (3)C27—H27A0.9500
C5—H5A0.9500C28—C291.376 (3)
C6—C71.395 (3)C28—H28A0.9500
C6—H6A0.9500C29—C301.391 (3)
C7—C81.454 (3)C29—H29A0.9500
C9—C101.461 (3)C30—H30A0.9500
C10—C111.390 (3)C31—H31A0.9800
C10—C151.420 (3)C31—H31B0.9800
C11—C121.381 (3)C31—H31C0.9800
C8—N1—C1112.10 (15)C12—C13—H13A119.6
C8—N1—B1123.51 (16)C13—C14—C15118.07 (18)
C1—N1—B1122.53 (15)C13—C14—H14A121.0
C9—N2—C8116.83 (15)C15—C14—H14A121.0
C16—N3—C9112.88 (15)C14—C15—C10120.93 (17)
C16—N3—B1121.73 (15)C14—C15—C16132.07 (17)
C9—N3—B1124.51 (15)C10—C15—C16106.76 (15)
C17—N4—C16116.49 (16)N4—C16—N3122.75 (17)
C17—N5—C24113.64 (15)N4—C16—C15129.35 (17)
C17—N5—B1122.02 (15)N3—C16—C15106.25 (15)
C24—N5—B1124.24 (15)N4—C17—N5122.15 (17)
C24—N6—C1116.48 (16)N4—C17—C18130.88 (17)
C25—N7—C31115.73 (16)N5—C17—C18105.73 (16)
C25—N7—B1120.98 (15)C19—C18—C23120.82 (18)
C31—N7—B1118.03 (15)C19—C18—C17132.26 (18)
N5—B1—N3102.41 (15)C23—C18—C17106.90 (16)
N5—B1—N7112.84 (16)C20—C19—C18117.89 (19)
N3—B1—N7115.47 (16)C20—C19—H19A121.1
N5—B1—N1101.96 (15)C18—C19—H19A121.1
N3—B1—N1102.49 (15)C19—C20—C21121.34 (19)
N7—B1—N1119.45 (16)C19—C20—H20A119.3
N6—C1—N1123.37 (16)C21—C20—H20A119.3
N6—C1—C2128.62 (17)C22—C21—C20121.64 (19)
N1—C1—C2106.19 (15)C22—C21—H21A119.2
C3—C2—C7120.52 (18)C20—C21—H21A119.2
C3—C2—C1132.17 (18)C21—C22—C23118.01 (19)
C7—C2—C1107.09 (16)C21—C22—H22A121.0
C4—C3—C2118.15 (19)C23—C22—H22A121.0
C4—C3—H3A120.9C22—C23—C18120.14 (17)
C2—C3—H3A120.9C22—C23—C24132.81 (18)
C3—C4—C5121.31 (19)C18—C23—C24107.04 (16)
C3—C4—H4A119.3N6—C24—N5122.07 (16)
C5—C4—H4A119.3N6—C24—C23131.43 (17)
C6—C5—C4121.65 (19)N5—C24—C23105.47 (15)
C6—C5—H5A119.2C30—C25—C26117.39 (18)
C4—C5—H5A119.2C30—C25—N7122.60 (18)
C5—C6—C7117.7 (2)C26—C25—N7120.01 (17)
C5—C6—H6A121.1C27—C26—C25121.2 (2)
C6—C7—C2120.67 (18)C25—C26—H26A119.4
C6—C7—C8132.07 (19)C28—C27—C26120.7 (2)
C2—C7—C8106.98 (16)C28—C27—H27A119.6
N2—C8—N1122.84 (16)C26—C27—H27A119.6
N2—C8—C7129.21 (17)C29—C28—C27118.9 (2)
N1—C8—C7105.95 (16)C29—C28—H28A120.6
N2—C9—N3122.43 (17)C27—C28—H28A120.6
N2—C9—C10130.26 (16)C28—C29—C30121.0 (2)
N3—C9—C10105.73 (15)C28—C29—H29A119.5
C11—C10—C15120.45 (17)C30—C29—H29A119.5
C11—C10—C9132.22 (17)C29—C30—C25120.9 (2)
C15—C10—C9107.14 (15)C29—C30—H30A119.6
C12—C11—C10117.86 (18)C25—C30—H30A119.6
C11—C12—C13121.87 (19)H31A—C31—H31B109.5
C14—C13—C12120.76 (19)H31B—C31—H31C109.5
C17—N5—B1—N337.5 (2)C15—C10—C11—C121.3 (3)
C24—N5—B1—N3138.68 (17)C9—C10—C11—C12175.58 (19)
C17—N5—B1—N787.3 (2)C10—C11—C12—C132.1 (3)
C24—N5—B1—N796.5 (2)C11—C12—C13—C140.9 (3)
C17—N5—B1—N1143.34 (16)C12—C13—C14—C151.3 (3)
C24—N5—B1—N132.8 (2)C13—C14—C15—C102.1 (3)
C16—N3—B1—N534.8 (2)C13—C14—C15—C16175.63 (19)
C9—N3—B1—N5133.72 (17)C11—C10—C15—C140.8 (3)
C16—N3—B1—N788.3 (2)C9—C10—C15—C14174.77 (17)
C9—N3—B1—N7103.3 (2)C11—C10—C15—C16175.80 (17)
C16—N3—B1—N1140.19 (16)C9—C10—C15—C160.24 (19)
C9—N3—B1—N128.3 (2)C17—N4—C16—N310.2 (3)
C25—N7—B1—N5141.49 (17)C17—N4—C16—C15153.12 (19)
C31—N7—B1—N511.8 (2)C9—N3—C16—N4155.34 (17)
C25—N7—B1—N324.2 (2)B1—N3—C16—N414.4 (3)
C31—N7—B1—N3129.11 (18)C9—N3—C16—C1511.3 (2)
C25—N7—B1—N198.8 (2)B1—N3—C16—C15179.02 (16)
C31—N7—B1—N1107.9 (2)C14—C15—C16—N415.1 (3)
C8—N1—B1—N5133.49 (17)C10—C15—C16—N4159.09 (19)
C1—N1—B1—N529.8 (2)C14—C15—C16—N3179.45 (19)
C8—N1—B1—N327.7 (2)C10—C15—C16—N36.32 (19)
C1—N1—B1—N3135.54 (16)C16—N4—C17—N57.6 (3)
C8—N1—B1—N7101.4 (2)C16—N4—C17—C18157.72 (19)
C1—N1—B1—N795.3 (2)C24—N5—C17—N4156.89 (18)
C24—N6—C1—N19.3 (3)B1—N5—C17—N419.7 (3)
C24—N6—C1—C2153.20 (19)C24—N5—C17—C1811.6 (2)
C8—N1—C1—N6152.83 (17)B1—N5—C17—C18171.81 (17)
B1—N1—C1—N612.1 (3)N4—C17—C18—C1918.9 (4)
C8—N1—C1—C213.0 (2)N5—C17—C18—C19174.0 (2)
B1—N1—C1—C2177.97 (15)N4—C17—C18—C23159.61 (19)
N6—C1—C2—C316.8 (3)N5—C17—C18—C237.5 (2)
N1—C1—C2—C3178.39 (19)C23—C18—C19—C202.6 (3)
N6—C1—C2—C7157.64 (18)C17—C18—C19—C20179.1 (2)
N1—C1—C2—C77.2 (2)C18—C19—C20—C212.8 (3)
C7—C2—C3—C40.4 (3)C19—C20—C21—C220.2 (3)
C1—C2—C3—C4174.19 (19)C20—C21—C22—C233.3 (3)
C2—C3—C4—C50.2 (3)C21—C22—C23—C183.5 (3)
C3—C4—C5—C60.4 (3)C21—C22—C23—C24177.12 (19)
C4—C5—C6—C70.8 (3)C19—C18—C23—C220.6 (3)
C5—C6—C7—C20.6 (3)C17—C18—C23—C22178.12 (17)
C5—C6—C7—C8173.7 (2)C19—C18—C23—C24179.91 (17)
C3—C2—C7—C60.0 (3)C17—C18—C23—C241.4 (2)
C1—C2—C7—C6175.20 (17)C1—N6—C24—N56.9 (3)
C3—C2—C7—C8174.65 (16)C1—N6—C24—C23159.73 (19)
C1—C2—C7—C80.6 (2)C17—N5—C24—N6158.89 (17)
C9—N2—C8—N17.4 (3)B1—N5—C24—N617.6 (3)
C9—N2—C8—C7154.15 (19)C17—N5—C24—C2310.7 (2)
C1—N1—C8—N2151.92 (17)B1—N5—C24—C23172.81 (17)
B1—N1—C8—N212.9 (3)C22—C23—C24—N616.4 (4)
C1—N1—C8—C713.3 (2)C18—C23—C24—N6163.04 (19)
B1—N1—C8—C7178.11 (16)C22—C23—C24—N5175.3 (2)
C6—C7—C8—N217.9 (3)C18—C23—C24—N55.2 (2)
C2—C7—C8—N2155.87 (18)C31—N7—C25—C3019.0 (3)
C6—C7—C8—N1178.1 (2)B1—N7—C25—C30134.9 (2)
C2—C7—C8—N18.09 (19)C31—N7—C25—C26161.42 (18)
C8—N2—C9—N37.2 (3)B1—N7—C25—C2644.7 (3)
C8—N2—C9—C10156.40 (18)C30—C25—C26—C272.5 (3)
C16—N3—C9—N2155.68 (17)N7—C25—C26—C27177.08 (19)
B1—N3—C9—N213.7 (3)C25—C26—C27—C282.4 (3)
C16—N3—C9—C1011.4 (2)C26—C27—C28—C290.6 (3)
B1—N3—C9—C10179.27 (16)C27—C28—C29—C300.8 (4)
N2—C9—C10—C1115.9 (3)C28—C29—C30—C250.6 (3)
N3—C9—C10—C11178.48 (19)C26—C25—C30—C291.1 (3)
N2—C9—C10—C15158.94 (19)N7—C25—C30—C29178.54 (19)
N3—C9—C10—C156.70 (19)
Summary of ππ interactions (Å), not including any axial group interactions top
Axial groupConcave–concaveConvex–convexConcave–convex
Cl (1)-4.1503.615a----
Br (2)-4.1513.661a----
MeO (3)-4.044-----
EtO (4-I)3.574a------
EtO (4-II)3.577a------
F3EtO (5)3.640a--3.822---
ButO (6)3.612a--4.295---
tButO (7)3.564a------
OctO (8)-----3.628a, 3.673a3.890
PhO (9)3.674a------
Naphthoxy (10)-------
Acetate (11)3.620a---3.897--
Benzoate (12)---4.163---
TMSO (13)3.543a------
F5PhS (14)------3.958
MePhS (15)3.659a4.0403.577a
PhMeN (16-I)3.705a------
PhMeN (16-II)3.790a------
Notes: (a) πpyrπPh distance; (b) πPhπPh distance.
Summary of intermolecular interactions (Å) involving the axial group top
Axial groupConvex-to-axial ligandConcave-to-axial ligandHydrogen/halogen bondingπax interactions
Cl (1)3.548----2.893b------
Br (2)3.475----2.977b------
MeO (3)-2.605---2.637a------
EtO (4-I)----3.5932.682a------
EtO (4-II)----3.5902.690a------
F3EtO (5)-----2.446a2.622a2.529a----
ButO (6)-3.319---2.556a2.640a-----
tButO (7)-3.057----------
OctO (8)-2.971---2.641a------
PhO (9)------------
Naphthoxy (10)--3.813--2.627a------
Acetate (11)-----2.581a2.635a-2.628a---
Benzoate (12)--------2.510a, 2.536a2.726, 3.612--
TMSO (13)-3.070---2.478a------
F5PhS (14)---3.525---2.546a--3.560-
MePhS (15)3.786-3.895--------2.876
PhMeN (16-I)-----------3.048
PhMeN (16-II)-2.816----------
Notes: (a) weak hydrogen bond; (b) halogen bond.
Axial bond lengths (Å) and bowl depths (Å) of the investigated BsubPcs top
Axial groupAxial bond lengthBowl depth to plane aBowl depth to plane bBowl depth to plane c
Cl (1)1.8840.5801.1162.456
Br (2)2.0520.5681.1012.457
MeO (3)1.4240.6321.1912.618
EtO (4-I)1.4210.6411.1932.598
EtO (4-II)1.4180.6421.1922.590
F3EtO (5)1.4370.6311.1882.468
ButO (6)1.4170.6431.2102.718
tButO (7)1.4150.6601.2252.711
OctO (8-A)1.4160.6431.2302.867
OctO (8-B)1.4210.6461.2092.652
OctO (8-C)1.4060.6401.1952.493
PhO (9)1.4410.6241.1812.607
Naphthoxy (10)1.4410.6201.2022.881
Acetate (11)1.4730.6031.1582.389
Benzoate (12)1.4730.6021.1922.835
TMSO (13)1.4150.6491.2072.630
F5PhS (14-A)1.9550.5871.1832.751
F5PhS (14-B)1.9580.5871.1192.489
MePhS (15-A)1.9220.6151.1802.580
MePhS (15-A)1.9070.6251.1732.541
MePhS (15-A)1.9150.6191.1652.537
PhMeN (16-1, mol 1)1.5090.6501.2052.541
PhMeN (16-1, mol 2)1.5130.6671.2502.631
PhMeN (16-2)1.5130.6591.2172.595


This work was supported by Mitacs through the Mitacs Accelerate program that is present within Canada and a Hatch Graduate Scholarship from Hatch Ltd (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada). The authors also gratefully acknowledge the NSERC of Canada and their support of this work through a Discovery Grant (DG) to TPB.

Funding information

Funding for this research was provided by: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.


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