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Journal logoSTRUCTURAL
ISSN: 2053-2296

October 2024 issue

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Over the last three decades, the technology that makes it possible to follow chemical processes in the solid state in real time has grown enormously. These studies have important implications for the design of new functional materials for applications in optoelectronics and sensors. Light–matter inter­actions are of particular importance, and photocrystallography has proved to be an important tool for studying these inter­actions.

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Knowledge of the mol­ecular packing within the crystal structures of organic semi­con­duc­tors has been instrumental in understanding their solid-state electronic properties. Crystal structures are thus becoming increasingly important for enabling engineering properties, understanding poly­mor­phism in bulk and in thin films, exploring dynamics and elucidating phase-transition mech­a­nisms.

electron diffraction

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3D ED studies of synthetic rhabdophane allow single-crystal structure solution from individual nanocrystals and provides insight into the disordered water arrangment in the material. This highlights the usefulness of this technique to study order/disorder at nanoscale and its potential in exploring the effects of irradiation-induced structural and phase changes at such scales in the near future.

crystallography in latin america

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We have successfully synthesized a novel ionic neodymium coordination polymer with 4-sulfobenzoate and pyridine-4-carbohydrazide ligands. The network is characterized by an anionic one-dimensional chain within a cationic three-dimensional polymer, which has potential voids if the one-dimensional net is changed for a smaller anionic species. The structural characterization was achieved by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and com­putational calculations.

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A binuclear paddle-wheel copper(II) com­plex containing substituted benzoates as equatorial bridging ligands and ethanol as axial ligands exhibits an anti­ferromagnetic exchange coupling of 2J = −288 cm−1, which fits well into a previously suggested magneto-structural correlation.

research papers

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Two 2D coordination polymers (CPs) were synthesized by the microwave-irradiated reaction of N,N′-bis­(glycin­yl)pyromellitic di­imide (BGPD) with cadmium acetate dihydrate and zinc acetate dihydrate, respectively. The com­plexes show different structures and photoluminescence properties. Inter­molecular π–π, hy­dro­gen-bonding and carbon­yl–carbonyl (n→π*), as well as lone-pair⋯π, inter­actions are operative in the crystal packing. The influence of the metal-ion size on the structures of the CPs based on the BGPD ligand has been explored through a com­parative analysis of the diverse structures with different metal ions.

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A new three-dimensional coordination polymer, with a 5-connected hexa­gonal boron nitride net (bnn) topology, was synthesized by the microwave-irradiated reaction of N,N′-bis­(glycin­yl)pyromellitic di­imide (BGPD) with barium nitrate. The thermal stability and photoluminescence properties, as well as the UV–Vis absorption spectra, of the coordination polymer were investigated.

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The crystal structures of an array of 16 boron sub­phthalo­cy­an­ines with structurally diverse axial groups were analyzed and com­pared based on their inter­molecular inter­actions, axial bond lengths and bowl depths.

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In the salt calcium (2R,3R)-tar­trate tetra­hydrate, the absolute configuration was established unambiguously using anomalous dispersion effects in the diffraction patterns. High-quality data also allowed the location and free refinement of all the H atoms.

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The crystal structures of two salts and one hydrate form of the tetra­cyclo­quinolizidine alkaloid matrine are described. Hirshfeld and thermal analysis have also been carried out.


Most recent collection

Halogen, chalcogen, pnictogen and tetrel bonds: structural chemistry and beyond (May 2023)

Exciting upcoming collection

Advances in Electron Diffraction for Structural Characterization (2024) - Submit

Selected previous collections

Polyoxometalates (November 2018)

NMR Crystallography (March 2017)

Scorpionates: a golden anniversary (November 2016)

Full details are available on the collections page.

An interesting collection of previously published articles features Coordination polymers, with an introduction by Len Barbour.

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