issue contents

Journal logoSTRUCTURAL
ISSN: 2059-7983

July 2024 issue

Highlighted illustration

Cover illustration: The N-terminal domain of the backbone pilin LrpA in Ligilactobacillus ruminis [Prajapati et al. (2024), Acta Cryst. D80, 474]. Some Gram-positive bacteria frequently use sortase-dependent pili on their cell surfaces to facilitate cellular attachment, host colonization and biofilm formation. X-ray crystallography and SAXS have been used to determine linear and bent conformations of the backbone pilin LrpA from the gut-dwelling L. ruminis. The hinge region connecting the flexible N-terminal domain to the other two domains lets LrpA be assembled into dynamic pili via a new closure-and-twist motion, enabling these surface structures to reach host receptor sites and withstand shear forces during intestinal colonization.

research papers

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A comparative analysis of the known crystal structures of the archaeal translation initiation factor 2 from Sulfolobus solfataricus and its individual subunits is reported. This work confirms the leading role of switch 1 in the function of the γ subunit of translation initiation factor 2 and reveals some important new details of this process.

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Linear and bent conformations of the backbone pilin LrpA from the gut-dwelling Ligilactobacillus ruminis have been determined by X-ray crystallography and SAXS. The hinge region connecting the flexible N-terminal domain to the other two domains lets LrpA be assembled into dynamic pili via a new closure-and-twist motion, enabling these surface structures to reach host receptor sites and withstand shear forces during intestinal colonization.

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A novel validation tool for transmission electron-microscopy maps utilizing independent small-angle X-ray scattering measurements is introduced and implemented. The power of this technique was demonstrated by testing it using simulated data and using it on real experimental data from online repositories.

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The crystallographic structures of asparaginases of class 1 (bacterial-type), class 2 (plant-type) and class 3 (Rhizobium etli-type) in the PDB are reviewed in order to identify and, if possible, correct any modeling errors, with the purpose of creating a reliable data set for further research, including the development of new antileukemic agents.

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Electron-density map segmentation into protein and solvent regions using deep neural networks improves density modification in X-ray structure solution from experimental phases.

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Preferred orientation of macromolecules is one of the major issues that are commonly encountered in obtaining isotropic cryo-EM maps. Here, a comprehensive examination was performed of how macromolecule orientations respond to changes in physical factors, such as freezing temperature, and chemical factors, such as the addition of surfactants, for a standard set of macromolecules, which provides insights into their behaviour on grids and can be utilized to address the preferred orientation problem in a systemic manner for any given macromolecule.

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A set of hydrogen bonds which occur in proteins between the Cδ1—H donor group of the tryptophan indole and main-chain carbonyl O atoms separated by 1–4 peptide units were characterized. These interactions stabilize unique and functionally important structural motifs and noncanonical side-chain conformations of tryptophan.
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