Figure 4
Magnification of the SHN3pS542 and SHN3pT869 peptides bound to 14-3-3σ. (a) The SHN3pS542 peptide is represented as purple sticks bound covalently through a disulfide bond to Cys38 of 14-3-3σ. 14-3-3σ is represented as a white surface and its Ser37, Cys38, Glu39 and Glu40 residues as grey sticks. The 2Fo − Fc map countered at σ = 1 is coloured blue for SHN3pS542 and grey for 14-3-3σ, suggesting the presence of a disulfide bond between Cys38 and Cys548. (b) Superposition of the SHN3pS542 and SHN3pT869 peptides bound to 14-3-3σ. The SHN3pS542 peptide (purple) occupies the entire 14-3-3σ groove, whereas the two consecutive prolines in SHN3pT869 cause the peptide to turn away from the 14-3-3 groove. |