Figure 4
YfeA sequence analysis. YfeA secondary structure mapped onto a YfeA homolog sequence alignment across Yersinia species. The Y. pestis YfeA secondary-structure components (PDB entry 5uxs) are shown above a sequence alignment of Y. pestis (GenPept entry WP_002227896.1), Y. pseudotuberculosis (GenPept entry WP_072083356.1), Y. similis (GenPept entry WP_081761347.1), Y. aldovae (GenPept entry WP_049633611.1), Y. rohdei (GenPept entry WP_004713032.1), Y. mollaretii (GenPept entry WP_049677738.1), Y. pekkanenii (GenPept entry WP_049614033.1), Y. kristensenii (GenPept entry WP_050116424.1), Y. massiliensis (GenPept entry WP_019210183.1), Y. enterocolitica (GenPept entry WP_083158681.1), Y. frederiksenii (GenPept entry WP_087818068.1), Y. intermedia (GenPept entry WP_042569899.1), Y. ruckeri (GenPept entry WP_042525072.1), Y. entomophaga (GenPept entry WP_064518097.1) and Y. nurmii (GenPept entry WP_049600648.1). Site 2 amino-acid residues are identified by blue arrows under the alignment. Primary sequences of YfeA were aligned using Clustal Omega (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/msa/clustalo/) and the alignment was visualized using ESPript (https://endscript.ibcp.fr/ESPript/ESPript/index.php). Sequence numbering is that assigned to Y. pestis (GenPept entry WP_002227896.1). |