Figure 1
Purification of recombinant HCoV-NL63 Mpro. (a) Size-exclusion chromatography of HCoV-NL63 Mpro. HCov-NL63 Mpro eluted as a single peak from a Superdex 200 Increase 10/300 GL column. The peak volume is about 14 ml. The calculated molecular weight is approximately 74 kDa using the standard curve in (c), suggesting a dimeric form. (b) SDS–PAGE analysis of purified HCoV-NL63 Mpro. The monomer runs as a single band and the purity is greater than 95%. According to the protein standard markers, the molecular mass is close to 37 kDa. (c) A standard curve for SDS–PAGE (a) was generated using known protein standards. MW represents the molecular weight of the corresponding protein. x represents the peak volume. MW (kDa) = 10(−0.2177x + 5.0182). |