Figure 1
Upload page on Zenodo with the data items as filled in for the first Raw Data Letter (Neviani et al., 2022 ). (a) The raw data file chosen will be uploaded after pressing the `Start upload' button. The Macromolecular Crystallography community has been selected; the upload type is `Dataset'. (b) `Reserve DOI' resulted in the DOI displayed. The publication date, title and authors and a description of the data set were filled in. Keywords and additional notes were given (see Fig. 2 for how this will appear on the Zenodo landing page). (c) Select `Open Access' and select your preferred license (CC BY 4.0 is the default) while keeping in mind the FAIR data principles. For this data set two related identifiers were given: the imgCIF file describing the metadata and the Raw Data Letter as published in IUCrData. At the time of uploading the data, the Raw Data Letter was not yet published. These identifiers were added at a later stage. Pushing the `Publish' button will result in registration of the data with DataCite. The data can no longer be changed. A new version can be created, however, with the same concept DOI. |