

research communications
Structure of the outer membrane porin OmpW from the pervasive pathogen Klebsiella pneumoniae
aDepartment of Life Sciences, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom, and bRutherford Appleton Laboratory, Research Complex at Harwell, Didcot OX11 0FA, United Kingdom
*Correspondence e-mail: kbeis@imperial.ac.uk
Conjugation is the process by which plasmids, including those that carry antibiotic-resistance genes, are mobilized from one bacterium (the donor) to another (the recipient). The conjugation efficiency of IncF-like plasmids relies on the formation of mating-pair stabilization via intimate interactions between outer membrane proteins on the donor (a plasmid-encoded TraN isoform) and recipient bacteria. Conjugation of the R100-1 plasmid into Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP) recipients relies on pairing between the plasmid-encoded TraNα in the donor and OmpW in the recipient. Here, the of K. pneumoniae OmpW (OmpWKP) is reported at 3.2 Å resolution. OmpWKP forms an eight-stranded β-barrel flanked by extracellular loops. The structures of E. coli OmpW (OmpWEC) and OmpWKP show high conservation despite sequence variability in the extracellular loops.
Keywords: Klebsiella pneumoniae; outer membrane porin; OmpW; bacterial conjugation; β-barrel.
PDB reference: OmpW from Klebsiella pneumoniae, 8qxp
1. Introduction
Outer membrane porins (OMPs) are an important class of β-barrel proteins that form water-filled channels in Gram-negative bacteria. They enable the diffusion of nutrients and the efflux of toxins across the outer membrane (Lou et al., 2009). From a clinical perspective, OMPs are important in modulating the diffusion of antibiotics into the bacterial cell, where mutations or reduced expression of the OMPs enhance antibiotic resistance (Pagès et al., 2008
). It has also been shown that OMPs participate in F-like plasmid conjugation, a form of horizontal gene transfer where plasmids are transferred from donor to recipient bacteria in a contact-dependent manner (Lederberg & Tatum, 1946
; Frankel et al., 2023
). We have recently shown that the efficient conjugation of the multidrug-resistant R100-1 plasmid into both Escherichia coli (EC) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP) relies on the formation of mating-pair stabilization via interaction between the R100-1-encoded OM protein TraNα in the donor and the OMP OmpWEC or OmpWKP in the recipient (Low et al., 2022
, 2023
). Pairing of the TraN isoform with recipient receptors mediates conjugation species specificity and host range; an in-depth review of mating-pair stabilization and the role of TraN has been provided by Frankel et al. (2023
). In brief, TraN is an outer membrane protein that is composed of two domains, a base and an extended tip; the base consists of a conserved α-helix that possibly anchors TraN to the OM, whereas the tip is mostly comprised of β-sheets linked to a β-sandwich domain. The loops at the tip function as a TraN sensor that participates in recipient selection (Frankel et al., 2023
In addition to its role in conjugation, OmpW contributes to virulence as the upregulation of OmpWEC increases resistance to host immune defence (Wu et al., 2013). Conversely, OmpW is a key antigen; indeed, OmpW-immunized mice show greater protection against bacterial infections. This could pave the way for the use of OmpW in vaccine preparation (Huang et al., 2015
The EC forms an eight-stranded monomeric β-barrel with an extracellular region that is involved in hydrophobic substrate binding (Hong et al., 2006). Here, we present the of OmpWKP at 3.2 Å resolution and draw structural comparisons with OmpWEC, both of which are conjugation receptors for TraNα.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Macromolecule production
The mature protein sequence of OmpWKP (His22–Phe212) was subcloned into the pTAMANHISTEV vector in-frame with a tamA signal sequence followed by an N-terminal His7 tag and a Tobacco etch virus (TEV) cleavage site, using the NcoI and XhoI restriction-enzyme sites. The construct was transformed into E. coli BL21 C43(DE3) competent cells [F− ompT hsdSB
gal dcm (DE3)] (Miroux & Walker, 1996
) and expressed in Terrific Broth (TB) medium. Cultures were incubated at 37°C with orbital shaking at 200 rev min−1 until an at 600 nm (OD600) of 0.6–0.8 was achieved. Cultures were then induced with isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) at a final concentration of 1 mM and maintained for 3 h. The cells were harvested by centrifugation (Beckman Coulter) at 8000g for 10 min and stored at −80°C. Outer membranes were prepared as described previously (Beis et al., 2006
) and were then solubilized in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) supplemented with 1% N,N-dimethyl-n-dodecylamine N-oxide (LDAO) overnight. Unsolubilized membranes and debris were removed by ultracentrifugation at 131 000g for 1 h. The supernatant was supplemented with 30 mM imidazole and passed through a 5 ml HisTrap HP column (Cytiva) equilibrated in PBS with 0.1% LDAO. The column was washed with 20 column volumes of buffer consisting of PBS, 300 mM NaCl, 30 mM imidazole pH 7.0 and 0.45% 1-O-(n-octyl)-tetraethyleneglycol (C8E4) to exchange the detergent. OmpWKP was eluted in buffer consisting of 250 mM imidazole and 0.45% C8E4. OmpWKP was then exchanged into 50 mM NaCl, 10 mM HEPES pH 7.0 and 0.45% C8E4 using a PD-10 Desalting Column (Cytiva) and concentrated to 15 mg ml−1. Macromolecule-production information is summarized in Table 1
‡The XhoI restriction site is underlined. §The pTAMA signal sequence that is not present after cleavage is underlined. |
2.2. Crystallization
Purified OmpWKP underwent preliminary screening by the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method at 293 K using the sparse-matrix MemGold screen (Molecular Dimensions). The protein was mixed with the precipitant in a 1:1 ratio using a Mosquito LCP crystallization robot (SPT Labtech). Orthorhombic crystals appeared after 24 h in the following condition: 0.35 M lithium sulfate, 0.1 M sodium acetate pH 4.0, 11% PEG 600. Large OmpWKP crystals were obtained by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method. Crystals were cryoprotected in a mixture of well solution supplemented with 30% PEG 600.
2.3. Data collection and processing
Diffraction data were collected on the I03 beamline at Diamond Light Source (DLS), Didcot, United Kingdom using an EIGER2 XE 16M detector. The crystals belonged to C222. Diffraction frames were indexed and integrated using the DIALS pipeline as implemented at DLS (Winter et al., 2018). The data were scaled using AIMLESS in the CCP4 suite (Evans & Murshudov, 2013
; Agirre et al., 2023
). The data-collection parameters and merging statistics are summarized in Table 2
2.4. Structure solution, model building and refinement
The structure of OmpWKP was solved by molecular replacement with the AlphaFold-predicted model of OmpWKP (Jumper et al., 2021) using Phenix (Liebschner et al., 2019
). The calculated Matthews coefficient (VM) was 3.84 Å3 Da−1, suggesting the presence of one molecule of OmpWKP in the this corresponds to a solvent content of 68% by volume. Manual adjustments to the model were performed in Coot (Emsley et al., 2010
). Density for two sulfate ions was present and they were included in the model. Phenix was used for (Afonine et al., 2018
). MolProbity was used for validation (Williams et al., 2018
). Figure preparation was performed using UCSF ChimeraX 1.6 (Pettersen et al., 2021
). are summarized in Table 3
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Purification and crystallization of OmpWKP
OmpWKP was overexpressed in E. coli and purified in C8E4 to by immobilized metal OmpWKP displays a monodisperse peak on and was >95% pure as judged by SDS–PAGE (Fig. 1a). OmpWKP crystals grew overnight from a solution consisting of 0.35 M lithium sulfate, 0.1 M sodium acetate pH 4.0, 11%(w/v) PEG 600 (Fig. 1
b). The crystals had an orthorhombic shape and were further optimized by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method. The optimized crystals diffracted X-rays to 3.2 Å resolution and belonged to C222.
![]() | Figure 1 Purification and crystallization of OmpWKP. (a) SEC analysis of OmpWKP shows a monodisperse peak, with SDS–PAGE analysis of purified OmpWKP; the purity is greater than 95%. (b) Orthorhombic OmpWKP crystals. The largest crystals had dimensions of 100 × 20 × 20 µm. |
3.2. Structure solution of OmpWKP
The structure of OmpWKP was solved by molecular replacement using the AlphaFold-predicted model. Continuous electron density could be observed for most of the structure except for Gly41–Phe52, which were omitted from model building. The OmpWKP structure consists of eight antiparallel β-strands (β1–β8) that arrange to form a hollow β-barrel in the OM and an extracellular solvent-exposed region (Fig. 2a). The extracellular region is formed from the extended β-strands of the barrel and a single α-helical turn (α1) connecting β5 and β6. A hydrophobic gate is present midway through the channel consisting of residues Leu89 and Trp188, as in OmpWEC (Hong et al., 2006
), where the extracellular entrance to the channel is lined with hydrophobic residues (Fig. 2
![]() | Figure 2 Structure of OmpWKP. (a) Cartoon representation of the OmpWKP structure (shown in green) perpendicular to the OM (depicted in grey). Sulfate ions are depicted as sticks (O atoms are shown in red and S atoms in yellow). The missing residues are marked with a green dashed line. (b) The hydrophobic residues lining the extracellular region and forming the hydrophobic gate, Leu89 and Trp188, are shown as orange sticks. |
3.3. Comparison of OmpWKP with OmpWEC
The closest structural homologue to OmpWKP is OmpWEC, which shares 82.7% sequence identity and 88% sequence similarity (Fig. 3a). The two structures can be superimposed with an r.m.s.d. of 0.54 Å over 171 Cα atoms (Fig. 3
b); they show high structural conservation of the β-barrel, with minor differences confined to the extracellular region, which displays some flexibility. The extracellular loop 1 that connects β1 and β2 is missing in both the OmpWKP and the OmpWEC structures, suggesting a highly flexible structure. This flexibility could be associated with substrate recruitment, as the conformation of the modelled loop 1 blocks the channel in the AlphaFold-predicted structure. In the OmpWEC structure an LDAO molecule is bound at the extracellular region but loop 1 is not fully resolved, suggesting that the inherited flexibility cannot be stabilized upon its binding (Hong et al., 2006
). This highly mobile structural element on the extracellular loop is likely to shield the hydrophobic face of the extracellular region and it could transiently open to recruit hydrophobic substrates. Despite the sequence conservation of loop 1 being low between OmpWKP and OmpWEC, this suggests that it might be involved in substrate selectivity between different bacterial species.
![]() | Figure 3 Sequence alignment and superimposition of OmpWKP with OmpWEC. (a) A sequence alignment of OmpWEC (UniProt ID P0A915) and OmpWKP (UniProt ID W9B759) is shown; conserved and similar residues are shown in red and blue boxes, respectively. Residue numbers are indicated above the protein sequences. An asterisk indicates the mature protein after cleavage of the signal peptide. The alignment was prepared using ESPript (Robert & Gouet, 2014 ![]() ![]() |
Despite amino-acid differences in the extracellular region between OmpWKP and OmpWEC (Fig. 3c), where the tip of TraNR100-1 has been shown to bind (Low et al., 2023
), binding of TraNR100-1 is not impaired between the two species. We previously reported that Ala142, which is conserved between OmpWKP and OmpWEC, acts as the minimum residue for specificity towards TraNR100-1 (Low et al., 2023
); the equivalent residue in Citrobacter rodentium OmpW (OmpWCR) is Asn142, which prevents R100-1 conjugation because of a steric clash with the tip of TraNR100-1 (Low et al., 2023
). The N142A mutation in OmpWCR restored conjugation efficiency (Low et al., 2023
In conclusion, we have resolved the KP; structural comparison with OmpWEC identified the presence of a highly flexible loop, loop 1, that might be important for shielding the pore prior to hydrophobic substrate recruitment. In addition, despite sequence and structural differences in the extracellular region, both porins can mediate interactions with TraNα.
of OmpWAcknowledgements
We would like to thank Diamond Light Source for beam time on I03.
Funding information
This work was carried out with the funding of a BBSRC DTP Studentship grant (BB/M011178/1).
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