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Figure 3
Sequence alignment and superimposition of OmpWKP with OmpWEC. (a) A sequence alignment of OmpWEC (UniProt ID P0A915) and OmpWKP (UniProt ID W9B759) is shown; conserved and similar residues are shown in red and blue boxes, respectively. Residue numbers are indicated above the protein sequences. An asterisk indicates the mature protein after cleavage of the signal peptide. The alignment was prepared using ESPript (Robert & Gouet, 2014BB17). (b) OmpWKP (green) superimposed with OmpWEC (grey; PDB entry 2f1v; Hong et al., 2006BB7) shows high structural conservation. The LDAO molecule bound to OmpWEC is shown as sticks. (c) Close-up view of the extracellular regions of OmpWKP (green) and OmpWEC (grey), with the side chains of amino-acid differences shown as stick models. The conserved Ala142 is shown in magenta.

ISSN: 2053-230X
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