Figure 3
Effect of the absence of the Met405 side chain on the conformation of the helix region Ile191–Thr196 in DvFdhAB. In all stereo representations, the tungsten active site and the helix portion Ile191–Thr196 are shown as sticks; the tungsten ion, sulfido group and U192 Se atom are shown as spheres (light blue, yellow and orange, respectively). (a) Superposition of the M405S (black) and M405A (PDB entry 8cm7; cyan) variants. (b) Superposition of the M405S variant (black) and the oxidized WT (PDB entry 6sdr; red). (c) Superposition of the M405S variant (black) and the formate-reduced WT (green; PDB entry 6sdv). (d) Superposition of the M405S (black) and C872A (violet; PDB entry 8cm6) variants. (e) The M405S (black) variant. The 2Fo − Fc electron-density maps at 1σ for the helix region Ile191–Thr196 and for the tungsten active site are shown as a blue mesh. |