Figure 3
Comparison of BoLBP with its closest structural neighbors. (a) The superposed structures show the Venus flytrap motif with a large central cavity. The superposed structures are monoclinic BoLBP (PDB entry 4xfk, gray), orthorhombic BoLBP (PDB entry 7jfn, blue) and EcLBP (PDB entry 1usg, green; PDB entry 2lbp, orange). The acetate (yellow sticks; from PDB entry 4xfk) and nitrate (blue sticks; from PDB entry 7jfn) are shown. (b) ENDscript coil diagram with thinner ribbons representing more conserved regions and thicker ribbons representing less conserved regions; identical residues in the structures are shown in red. (c) ENDscript surface diagram: identical residues in the structures are shown in red. |