issue contents

ISSN: 2053-230X

September 2024 issue

Highlighted illustration

Cover illustration: The GDP-bound human M-RAS protein, crystal form I [Bester et al. (2024), Acta Cryst. F80, 220–227]. M-RAS, a monomeric GTPase protein, serves as a signaling protein and acts as a molecular switch to regulate cellular transformation. It dynamically cycles between an inactive GDP-bound state and an active GTP-bound state. The transitions between the inactive and active states are essential for interaction with effectors that mediate signaling pathways.

research communications

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Brucella ovis leucine-, isoleucine-, valine-, threonine- and alanine-binding protein structures have a prototypical bacterial periplasmic amino acid-binding protein topology with a conformationally flexible peptide-binding cavity in the absence of peptide.

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Protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 2 (PTPN2), a known target for cancer immunotherapy, was crystallized with novel crystal packing, resulting in a true apo PTPN2 crystal structure with an unbound active site. Inhibitor-bound PTPN2 crystal structures were obtained by soaking these apo crystals with an active-site inhibitor and an allosteric inhibitor.

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The high-resolution structure of a Rib domain derived from L. reuteri reveals a significant structural variant of the canonical Ig-like fold.
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