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Figure 1
Overview of the workflow and GUI of CryoCrane. (a) Workflow of CryoCrane. The function `load' takes the metadata and image files, the atlas file, the rotation angle and the offsets as inputs and outputs a table containing the (atlas) coordinates of each exposure, the applied defocus and the file name. The coordinates can be fine-tuned with the `realign' function. The `plot' function then displays the atlas image and overlays the exposure locations. Upon clicking on the atlas image the `onclick' function displays the exposures according to the user settings. The user then has the possibility of flagging a certain exposure position as good or bad with the `flag' function. (b) Overview of the GUI. The two upper panels are the heart of the GUI. The left panel shows the atlas image and the locations of the exposures, while the right panel shows the respective exposure upon clicking on a specific location in the left panel. The uppermost panels are navigation toolbars for the plotted images allowing zooming, panning and saving of the image. The lower panels harbor the settings. Clicking on the CryoCrane logo will attempt to plot the atlas and exposure locations. The user has to specify the paths and file types. Furthermore, the central panel contains the parameters for aligning atlas and stage coordinates, while in the leftmost panel the parameters for FFT, scale bars and binning can be set.

ISSN: 2053-230X
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