data recommended for inclusion in Acta Cryst. F articles
If publBio is used to prepare articles this will help you to include these
recommended data.
communications reporting the crystallization of a biological macromolecule
Include Tables 1, 2 and 3.
communications reporting the structure of a biological macromolecule
Include tables 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Table 1 Macromolecule production information
In the primers,
indicate any restriction sites, cleavage sites or introduction of additional
residues, e.g. His6-tag, as well as modifications, e.g. Se-Met
instead of Met.
Source organism |
DNA source |
Forward primer |
Reverse primer |
Cloning vector |
Expression vector |
Expression host |
Complete amino acid sequence of the construct produced |
Method |
Plate type |
Temperature (K) |
Protein concentration |
Buffer composition of protein solution |
Composition of reservoir solution |
Volume and ratio of drop |
Volume of reservoir |
Table 3 Data collection and processing
With values in
parentheses for the highest resolution shell.
Diffraction source |
Wavelength (Å) |
Temperature (K) |
Detector |
Crystal-detector distance (mm) |
Rotation range per image (°) |
Total rotation range (°) |
Exposure time per image (s) |
Space group |
a, b, c (Å) |
α, β, γ (°) |
Mosaicity (°) |
Resolution range (Å) |
Total No. of reflections |
No. of unique reflections |
Completeness (%)# |
Redundancy |
<I/ (I)> |
Rr.i.m.‡ |
Overall B factor from Wilson plot
(Å2)§ |
If completeness <93% or completeness in outer shell <70%, please provide an
explanation [as a footnote here].
†If mean I/σ(I) in outer shell is <2.0, please
provide an explanation [as a footnote here] and provide resolution at which it
falls below 2.0.
‡Only the redundancy-independent merging R factor
Rr.i.m. or Rmeas should be reported. If
these values are not available, they may be estimated by multiplying the
conventional Rmerge value by the factor [N/(N - 1)]1/2, where
N is the data multiplicity [in such cases, provide a footnote
here]. § State here if
there are any anomalies in the Wilson plot, such as spikes arising from ice
rings, etc.
With values in
parentheses for the highest resolution shell.
Resolution range (Å) |
Completeness (%) |
σ cutoff |
No. of reflections, working set |
No. of reflections, test set |
Final Rcryst |
Final Rfree |
Cruickshank DPI |
No. of non-H atoms |
Protein |
Ion |
Ligand |
Water |
Total |
R.m.s. deviations |
Bonds (Å) |
Angles (°) |
Average B factors (Å2) |
Protein |
Ion |
Ligand |
Water |
Ramachandran plot |
Favoured regions (%) |
Additionally allowed (%) |
Outliers (%) |
These will typically contain no information about phase determination.
However, if a statement is made which requires the determination of phases,
the relevant statistics, such as the number of heavy-atom sites, phasing
power, estimated phase error etc., in the case of experimental phasing,
some combination of initial rigid-body Rwork and
Rfree, the correlation
coefficient, or Z score, in the case of phasing by molecular
need to be provided.
Guidelines for publication of NMR data are available from
Guidelines for articles reporting structural modelling of small-angle
scattering may be found at
/sas/. For
articles that present experimental SAS data, the deposition of an ASCII file
representing the background-corrected scattering profile(s) with errors is
Authors of structural articles are required to provide a validation report
submission. Authors are encouraged to presubmit their data to the wwPDB and
obtain a validation report for their structure. Further information about
validation reports can be found in the online submission instructions at