forthcoming articles

The following articles are a selection of those recently accepted for publication in Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology Communications.

See also Forthcoming articles in all IUCr journals.

Accepted 24 June 2024

Preparing research samples for safe arrival at Centers and Facilities: recipes for successful experiments

Shipping of biomacromolecules to synchrotrons, cryoEM and sample-preparation facilities is often overlooked and has the potential to erase months and years of hard work. Here, guidelines and procedures are provided to ensure that samples arrive intact and safely to their destination.

Accepted 21 June 2024

The impact of exchanging the light and heavy chains on the structures of bovine ultralong antibodies

Complementary-determining region 3 (CDR3) of the light chain interacts with the extended CDR3 of the paired heavy chain in bovine ultralong antibodies. Exchanging light chains between two different ultralong antibodies induced a small axial twist in the CDR3H β-ribbon stalk region; however, comparative crystallographic interface analysis indicates that the ultralong loops have flexibility and their positioning is affected by crystal packing.

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