"Our aim is to provide a forum for rapid publication of important results in the cryoEM field. We seek to publish methodological advances as well as new biologically relevant findings that emerge from the use of cryoEM and related techniques."
main editor for cryoEM
S. SubramaniamFaculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3, Canada (e-mail: sriram.subramaniam@ubc.ca)
E. BullittDepartment of Physiology & Biophysics, Boston University School of Medicine, 700 Albany St, Boston MA 02118-2526, USA (e-mail: bullitt@bu.edu)
W. KühlbrandtDepartment of Structural Biology, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Max von Laue-Str. 3, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany (e-mail: werner.kuehlbrandt@biophys.mpg.de)
S. RaunserDepartment of Structural Biochemistry, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology, Otto-Hahn-Str. 11, 44227 Dortmund, Germany (e-mail: stefan.raunser@mpi-dortmund.mpg.de)
F. SunInstitute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, School of Life Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Datun Road 15, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China (e-mail: feisun@ibp.ac.cn)
articles in this subject area
A new statistical metric for robust target detection in cryo-EM using 2D template matching. (2025). IUCrJ 12, 155-176.
Roodmus: a toolkit for benchmarking heterogeneous electron cryo-microscopy reconstructions. (2024). IUCrJ 11, 951-965.
Refinement of cryo-EM 3D maps with a self-supervised denoising model: crefDenoiser. (2024). IUCrJ 11, 821-830.
Structure of Aquifex aeolicus lumazine synthase by cryo-electron microscopy to 1.42 Å resolution. (2024). IUCrJ 11, 723-729.
C-SPAM: an open-source time-resolved specimen vitrification device with light-activated molecules. (2024). IUCrJ 11, 16-22.
`Cryo-EM': electron cryomicroscopy, cryo electron microscopy or something else?. (2023). IUCrJ 10, 519-520.
Dynamical scattering in ice-embedded proteins in conventional and scanning transmission electron microscopy. (2023). IUCrJ 10, 475-486.
Learning to automate cryo-electron microscopy data collection with Ptolemy. (2023). IUCrJ 10, 90-102.
Structural heterogeneity of the Rieske iron–sulfur protein in a yeast complex III2. (2023). IUCrJ 10, 1-3.
Analytic modeling of inhomogeneous-resolution maps in cryo-electron microscopy and crystallography. (2022). IUCrJ 9, 728-734.
Cryo-TEM simulations of amorphous radiation-sensitive samples using multislice wave propagation. (2021). IUCrJ 8, 943-953.
High-resolution single-particle cryo-EM of samples vitrified in boiling nitrogen. (2021). IUCrJ 8, 867-877.
Cryo-EM structure of a thermophilic encapsulin offers clues to its functions. (2021). IUCrJ 8, 333-334.
Exploiting prior knowledge about biological macromolecules in cryo-EM structure determination. (2021). IUCrJ 8, 60-75.
Continuous flexibility analysis of SARS-CoV-2 spike prefusion structures. (2020). IUCrJ 7, 1059-1069.
Reliable cryo-EM resolution estimation with modified Fourier shell correlation. (2020). IUCrJ 7, 995-1008.
Deep learning enables the atomic structure determination of the Fanconi Anemia core complex from cryoEM. (2020). IUCrJ 7, 881-892.
Electrons receive individual treatment with electron-event representation. (2020). IUCrJ 7, 780-781.
1.8 Å resolution structure of β-galactosidase with a 200 kV CRYO ARM electron microscope. (2020). IUCrJ 7, 639-643.
Fast and accurate defocus modulation for improved tunability of cryo-EM experiments. (2020). IUCrJ 7, 566-574.
Atomic structures determined from digitally defined nanocrystalline regions. (2020). IUCrJ 7, 490-499.
High-resolution cryo-EM reconstructions in the presence of substantial aberrations. (2020). IUCrJ 7, 445-452.
Hypothesis for a mechanism of beam-induced motion in cryo-electron microscopy. (2020). IUCrJ 7, 416-421.
The active form of quinol-dependent nitric oxide reductase from Neisseria meningitidis is a dimer. (2020). IUCrJ 7, 404-415.
Estimation of high-order aberrations and anisotropic magnification from cryo-EM data sets in RELION-3.1. (2020). IUCrJ 7, 253-267.
A comparative study of single-particle cryo-EM with liquid-nitrogen and liquid-helium cooling. (2019). IUCrJ 6, 1099-1105.
DeepRes: a new deep-learning- and aspect-based local resolution method for electron-microscopy maps. (2019). IUCrJ 6, 1054-1063.
Throughput and resolution with a next-generation direct electron detector. (2019). IUCrJ 6, 1007-1013.
Homochiral and racemic MicroED structures of a peptide repeat from the ice-nucleation protein InaZ. (2019). IUCrJ 6, 197-205.
Nanobeam precession-assisted 3D electron diffraction reveals a new polymorph of hen egg-white lysozyme. (2019). IUCrJ 6, 178-188.
A Bayesian approach to beam-induced motion correction in cryo-EM single-particle analysis. (2019). IUCrJ 6, 5-17.
Deep Consensus, a deep learning-based approach for particle pruning in cryo-electron microscopy. (2018). IUCrJ 5, 854-865.
Cryo-EM reconstruction of the chlororibosome to 3.2 Å resolution within 24 h. (2017). IUCrJ 4, 723-727.
Segregation of lipids near acetylcholine-receptor channels imaged by cryo-EM. (2017). IUCrJ 4, 393-399.