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A new mobile end-station is described for use on multiple beamlines at the Daresbury synchrotron radiation source (overall excitation range 5 eV to 70 keV) that allows for the detection and dispersion of photoluminescence from solid-state samples in the emission range 190-1000 nm (1.2-6.5 eV). The system is fully self-contained and includes sample-cooling facilities for the temperature range 8-330 K using a closed-cycle refrigerator, thus eliminating the need for liquid cryogens. The system also includes solid-state laser sources for use with a variety of pump-probe-type experiments, and an Ar+ surface-cleaning facility. In order to demonstrate the various capabilities of the system, the results of a variety of experiments are summarized, carried out over the excitation range 5-5000 eV on beamlines 3.2, MPW6.1 and 4.2. These include the optical detection of XAS ofL-edge structure in natural minerals and archaeological ceramics, band-gap determinations of wide-band-gap silicates, and pump-probe studies of quartz.

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