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Preparations are underway for the experimental investigation of the roughness of magnetic interfaces in rare-earth multilayers by combining the grazing-angle X-ray scattering technique with the resonant magnetic scattering of hard X-rays. Theoretical considerations show that for small scattering angles, 2θ, the asymmetry ratio, A = [I(+) − I(−)]/[I(+) + I(−)], depends on 2θ and varies as 1/cos θ. The first step towards the goal of determining the magnetic roughness has been taken by measuring the chemical roughness (via specular reflectivity) of a Gd thin-film sample at five photon energies close to the L3 absorption edge, which yielded the dispersion corrections, f′ and f′′, to the Gd atomic form factor in good agreement with the calculation of Cromer & Liberman [J. Chem. Phys. (1970), 53, 1891–1898].