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With better tools for data processing and with synchrotron beamlines that are capable of collecting data at longer wavelengths, sulfur-based native single-wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) phasing has become the `first-choice' method for de novo protein structure determination. However, for many proteins native SAD phasing can be simplified by taking advantage of their interactions with natural metal cofactors that are stronger anomalous scatterers than sulfur. This is demonstrated here for four unique domains of a 1.5 MDa calcium-dependent adhesion protein using the anomalous diffraction of the chelated calcium ions. In all cases, low anomalous multiplicity X-ray data were collected on a home-source diffractometer equipped with a chromium rotating anode (λ = 2.2909 Å). In all but one case, calcium SAD phasing alone was sufficient to allow automated model building and refinement of the protein model after the calcium substructure had been determined. Given that Ca atoms will be present in a significant percentage of proteins that remain uncharacterized, many aspects of the data-collection and processing methods described here could be broadly applied for routine de novo structure elucidation.

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