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K-edge subtraction computed tomography (KES-CT) allows simultaneous imaging of both structural features and regional distribution of contrast elements inside an organ. Using this technique, regional lung ventilation and blood volume distributions can be measured experimentally in vivo. In order for this imaging technology to be applicable in humans, it is crucial to minimize exposure to ionizing radiation with little compromise in image quality. The goal of this study was to assess the changes in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of KES-CT lung images as a function of radiation dose. The experiments were performed in anesthetized and ventilated rabbits using inhaled xenon gas in O2 at two concentrations: 20% and 70%. Radiation dose, defined as air kerma (Ka), was measured free-in-air and in a 16 cm polymethyl methacrylate phantom with a cylindrical ionization chamber. The dose free-in-air was varied from 2.7 mGy to 8.0 Gy. SNR in the images of xenon in air spaces was above the Rose criterion (SNR > 5) when Ka was over 400 mGy with 20% xenon, and over 40 mGy with 70% xenon. Although in human thorax attenuation is higher, based on these findings it is estimated that, by optimizing the imaging sequence and reconstruction algorithms, the radiation dose could be further reduced to clinically acceptable levels.