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Deposition of synchrotron-radiation-induced carbon contamination on beamline optics causes their performance to deteriorate, especially near the carbon K edge. The photon flux losses due to carbon contamination have spurred researchers to search for a suitable decontamination technique to restore the optical surface and retain its performance. Several in situ and ex situ refurbishing strategies for beamline optics are still under development to solve this serious issue. In this work, the carbon contamination is removed from a large (340 mm × 60 mm) Au-coated toroidal mirror surface using a capacitively coupled low-pressure RF plasma. Before and after RF plasma cleaning, the mirror was characterized by Raman spectroscopy, soft X-ray reflectivity (SXR) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques. The Raman spectra of the contaminated mirror clearly show the G (1575–1590 cm−1) and D (1362–1380 cm−1) bands of graphitic carbon. The SXR curve of the contaminated mirror shows a clear dip near the critical momentum transfer of carbon, indicating the presence of carbon contamination on the mirror surface. This dip disappears after removal of the contamination layer by RF plasma exposure. A decrease in the intensities of the CO bands is also observed by optical emission spectrometry during plasma exposure. The AFM and SXR results suggest that the root-mean-square (r.m.s.) roughness of the mirror surface does not increase after plasma exposure.

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