issue contents
July 2004 issue

Cover illustration: Left: A three-dimensional view of a new diffractometer dedicated to X-ray resonant magnetic scattering in the soft X-rays range. Upper right: sketch of the reflectometer showing the possible movements. Bottom right: energy-dependent circularly polarised X-ray reflectivity from an Ir/Fe70Mn30/Ir/Al2O3 thin film in the vicinity of the Fe L3 edge obtained for two opposite directions of a longitudinally applied magnetic field as well as the asymmetry ratio and its simulation. See Jaouen, Tonnerre, Kapoujian, Taunier, Roux, Raoux and Sirotti, pages 353-357.
facility information

research papers
The combination of synchrotron white X-ray topography and a topo-tomographic technique provides a useful tool for determining the three-dimensional structure of individual dislocations in silicon, i.e. the direction of the dislocation line, its Burgers vector and the glide plane.
Depth-resolved strain measurements in polycrystalline materials by energy-variable X-ray diffraction
An energy-variable synchrotron diffraction technique is being established as a novel method for the depth-resolved measurement of residual strains in polycrystalline structures.
Molecular exclusion chromatography of proteins immediately preceding Guinier analysis of SAXS data greatly reduces complications due to association or aggregation and improves sensitivity and accuracy.
An investigation of depositions to the Protein Data Bank from synchrotron radiation sources.
The refurbished powder diffraction beamline B2 at HASYLAB/DESY is described.
A spectrometer for X-ray energy-loss experiments by electron excitations at the XRD1 beamline of the LNLS is described. Results from performance tests are presented.

Image quality improvement in a hard X-ray projection microscope using total reflection mirror optics
Highly accurate elliptical mirrors have been fabricated and evaluated to have high image quality in one-dimensionally diverging X-ray beams.

A CMOS flatpanel detector has been tested in various synchrotron radiation experiments.
A novel diffractometer devoted to temperature-dependent soft X-ray resonant scattering is described. The principal features of the diffractometer are presented and illustrated through experiments performed at LURE during commissioning.
The power of ACORN for phasing a 39.5 kDa protein with laboratory source data at 1.9 Å resolution with seed-phase information of about 14% of the whole structure is reported.
short communications
A new in situ cell for X-ray absorption spectroscopic investigations has been designed and tested. With this cell it is possible to reach temperatures as high as 1250 K and record spectra in transmission and fluorescence modes simultaneously.
current events


