Figure 6
Experimental set-up at NSLS-II R&D beamline at NSLS (X16A) for the L-shaped laterally graded multilayer mirror tests. The flat bendable beamline mirror was bent in such a way as to take as much as possible a collimated beam. The double-crystal monochromator (DCM) was set at 9.1 keV, the working energy of the mirror. The L-shaped mirror was mounted sagittally at 45°. The mirror was set in a He-filled box (see the inset). To measure the focus size a set of slits was mounted at the mirror focal plane for knife-edge measurements. For reflectivity measurements a detector was mounted after the slits with the slits fully open. For divergence measurements a Si 333 crystal was mounted after the slits. By taking the rocking curve of this crystal with and without the mirror we could estimate the beam divergence. |