issue contents
November 2011 issue

Cover illustration: Two-dimensional wide-angle X-ray scattering characterization of natural rubber material under combined tension and shear loadings acquired at the Synchrotron Soleil on the DiffAbs beamline (see Pannier, Proudhon, Mocuta, Thiaudière and Cantournet, pages 907-911).
facility information
research papers

A coherence-based X-ray near-field speckle detector has been implemented and characterized for its capability of studying static structure and dynamics.
Confocal synchrotron-radiation-induced micro X-ray fluorescence of trabecular bone from rats treated with strontium ranelate or chloride revealed that the bone strontium uptake is strongly increased by low calcium diet compared with normal calcium diet.
Single- and limited-energy-range multicrystal analyser detectors, the main detectors for high-resolution powder diffraction, are described on the basis of the Rowland circle construction. The conceptual design, key manufacturing parameters, along with the error budget study of MAD26, the device of the high-resolution powder diffraction endstation of ALBA, are presented.

A method for a direct measurement of X-ray projections of the atomic structure is described. Projections of the atomic structure around Nb atoms in a LiNbO3 single crystal were obtained from a white-beam X-ray absorption anisotropy pattern detected using Nb K fluorescence.
The performance of an L-shaped laterally graded multilayer mirror as a two-dimensional optical focusing device for a synchrotron beamline is presented.
An advanced characterization approach to spatially resolve the reactions occurring at the interface between silver nanoparticles and a simple aqueous system is presented. Both phase and chemical distributions were obtained from X-ray scattering and fluorescence yield techniques.

A soft X-ray angle-resolved photoemission system applicable to 100 µm crystals has been developed.
The local structure of titanium in six tektites from different strewn fields are compared by XANES and EXAFS spectroscopy and refined Ti—O bond distance. Speculations on the different formation conditions of the tektites are provided.
Various aspects of the through-the-substrate microdiffraction technique and its application to the structural characterization of polished thin sections are investigated on two representative cases. In one of these a new intermediate crystalline phase (provisionally named ilerdite) is found and its structural model derived from Patterson-function direct methods.
A simple four-bounce angular-dispersion analyzer without multiple-beam diffraction or transmission-induced absorption is proposed for developing meV- to sub-meV-resolution inelastic X-ray scattering optics at medium photon energies.
An in situ tensile–shear loading device is described for studying elastomer crystallization using synchrotron X-ray scattering at Synchrotron Soleil on the DiffAbs beamline.
XANES collected at the Sr K-edge and ab initio FEFF9 numerical simulations have been performed to establish a possible relationship between the preparation mode of the calcification (cellular activity and precipitation) and the adsorption mode of Sr2+ cations (simple adsorption or insertion). Is it possible to draw a line between life and chemistry through the localization of Sr in apatite? The question is open for discussion.

Two-dimensional imaging quick-scanning XAFS measurements were performed using a pixel array detector.

The MYTHEN photon-counting ASIC operated in time-over-threshold mode shows an innovative approach towards the development of a detector operating with very high photon intensities while maintaining the single-photon sensitivity for synchrotron radiation experiments.
Tikhonov regularization was used for solving the inverse problem in bimorph mirror tuning, with satisfactory results.
short communications
Equations have been developed for the calculation of the dimensions of a gauge volume, also known as the active volume or diffraction lozenge, in an energy-dispersive diffraction experiment where the detector is collimated by two slits.

addenda and errata

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