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Figure 2
Wavefront slope error measured downstream of the monochromator for increasing incident power. The corresponding slope error of the monochromator in the meridional direction is half of the resulting wavefront slope error, whereas the monochromator slope error in the sagittal direction is considerably larger than the resulting wavefront slope error [\alpha_{{x,{\rm mono}}}] = [2\alpha_{x}/\sin\theta] = [17.8\,\alpha_{x}], where [\theta] = 113 mrad is the Bragg angle at a photon energy of 17.6 keV. The mean of the plotted data was set to zero, as these are relative measurements; the mean wavefront angle with respect to the interferometer is not measured. (a) Horizontal wavefront slope [\alpha_{x}] at 1 W incident power. The horizontal slope remains virtually constant independently of the power; it is therefore only shown for the lowest incident power setting. (b)–(d) Vertical wavefront slope [\alpha_{y}] at 1 W, 12 W and 38 W incident power. (e, f) Line profiles in the vertical and horizontal direction for six different power levels at the location of the dashed lines in (d).

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