Figure 10
Momentum resolution in the case of Ir L3-edge RIXS of a Sr3Ir2O7 (a = b = 3.896 Å, c = 20.88 Å and = = = 90°) single crystal ideally oriented with the (−1,−1,0) direction along the x and the (0,0,−1) direction along the y axis when all sample rotations are set to zero. Sample and spectrometer are aligned such that = (0,0,26.5) r.l.u., i.e. = = 90° and = = = 0. Panels (a), (c) and (e) show the momentum transfer spread along the reciprocal lattice axes across the surface of a crystal analyser (R = 2 m) with a circular aperture of radius A = 30 mm. Panels (b), (d) and (f) show the corresponding momentum resolution functions. |