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Figure 1
Experimental setup for remote high-magnification X-ray imaging of small animals in a prone position, shown here at BL20XU of the SPring-8 synchrotron. (a) Here, the animal (a soft toy in this image) is set up for free-breathing imaging, with ECG, respiration, temperature and appearance monitored and displayed using PowerLab, both inside and outside the experimental hutch. (b) For upright imaging, a mouse or rat is placed in these mounts, with incisors placed on a loop of thread (not shown) and supporting tape placed around the abdomen. There is the possibility to clip the ventilation hub into the mount, particularly useful for tomographic imaging. (c) Air into a ventilator is humidified using a bubbler system. (d) During free-breathing imaging, aerosolized treatment can be inhaled via a cone attached to the nebuliser. An LED/photodiode-based sensor detects when aerosol is passing out of the nebuliser. Note also the placement of the respiration chest motion sensor.

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