Figure 2
Multi-scale imaging of FRDA fibroblasts at the sub-micrometre and nanoscopic scale. (a) Potassium distribution of fibroblast nucleus and cytoplasm in `fine' mode (50 nm pixel size). (b) Iron distribution of subarea in (a) imaged with 20 nm pixel size. (c), (e) and (f) Potassium elemental distribution of fibroblasts scanned in `coarse' mode (400 nm pixel size). (d) Porous structure of the freeze-dried fibroblast; red arrows indicate hollow areas. (g) Light microscopy image of freeze-dried FRDA fibroblasts as observed inside the ID16A nanoprobe; red rectangles indicate the fibroblast cells which were selected for 2D XRF scanning. (h) and (i) Iron and potassium elemental distribution in the fibroblast cytoplasm with 30 nm pixel size. The white oval and arrows and in (h) indicate the presence of iron-rich regions. All areal concentrations are background-corrected. The asterisks (*) indicates regions which were used for background subtraction. Areal elemental concentrations of potassium are provided in ng cm−2; areal elemental concentrations of iron are provided in number of atoms/pixel. Quantification for iron was based upon an AXO thin film standard and upon NIST SRM 1577C for all other elements. For each elemental map, step size (Δ) and dwell time (t) are indicated. Note that in the case of a large, non-linear spread of elemental intensities, elemental maps were the square-root or logarithm [as in (i) and (h), respectively]; this generally provides a better spread of intensity values across the color scale. |