Figure 5
(a) Light microscope image of silicon nitride membrane covered with freeze-dried FRDA fibroblasts (the region scanned with in-line holography is indicated with a red rectangle). (b) X-ray in-line holography performed upon the fibroblast of interest. The region scanned with SR nano-XRF is indicated with a red rectangle. Field-of-view for each image is 50 µm × 50 µm, scale bar is 10 µm. (c) and (d) Potassium and iron distribution of a large part of the FRDA fibroblast cytoplasm. Outer white dashed lines indicate the cell border and inner white dashed lines an iron-rich band close to the nucleus. The white dotted line indicates the location of the nuclear membrane; white arrows indicate the presence of two nucleoli. White rectangles (marked `e' and `f') indicate two wide iron-rich regions which were scanned at high resolution (20 nm pixel size, 100 ms/pixel), shown in (e) and (f). White square boxes (marked `g', `h' and `i') indicate three square iron-rich regions also scanned at high resolution (20 nm pixel size, 100 ms/pixel) and shown in (g), (h) and (i). All areal concentrations are background-corrected. The asterisks (*) indicates regions which were used for background subtraction. Areal elemental concentrations of potassium are provided in `ng cm−2', areal elemental concentrations of iron are provided in `No. of atoms/pixel'. White dashed lines in (g)–(i) indicate the area that was used for determining the surface area and the iron areal concentration. Quantification for iron was based upon an AXO thin film standard and upon NIST SRM 1577C for all other elements. For each elemental map, step size (Δ) and dwell time (t) are indicated. |