Figure 1
(a) Temperature responsiveness of the designed AuNP 2PEG10000 nanocomposite hydrogel obtained by SAXS. The structural changes are investigated in hierarchical length scales between 20°C and 80°C. The PEG chains in the nanocomposites are stretched and realigned within a frame, determined by q* (∼0.4 nm−1). This is the end-point below which there is no more structural change. By the peak positions q1 (20°C), q2 (50°C) and q3 (80°C) the average correlation length (ζ) is compared. (b) Schematic illustration of the correlation length (ζ) change driven by the temperature changes between lower (ζ1) and higher (ζ2) states. Due to chain shrinkage at higher temperature, ζ1 < ζ2 is satisfied. |