issue contents
July 2020 issue

Cover illustration: Sub-10 nm XFEL beam diagnosis with speckle interferometer at SACLA (see Inoue, Matsuyama, Yamada, Nakamura, Osaka, Inoue, Inubushi, Tono, Yumoto, Koyama, Ohashi, Yabashi, Ishikawa and Yamauchi, pages 883-889). Calculated beam profiles near the focus (left); calculated speckle patterns of nanoparticles (center); autocorrelation function of the speckle patterns (right).
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research papers
This paper demonstrates a ring-FEL as an EUV lithography tool in a fourth-generation storage ring.
An online spectrometer with plane variable-line-spacing grating has been designed to monitor each single free-electron laser pulse, especially for the energy region from 800 to 1000 eV.

Focusing of an X-ray free-electron laser enables the production of ultrahigh-intensity X-ray pulses. X-ray nanobeams of a free-electron laser were generated using reflective focusing optics combined with speckle interferometry.

A two-bunch scheme to generate high-power, high-repetition-rate THz radiation for pump–probe experiments at LCLS II is studied. The two-bunch beam dynamics, the THz wiggler and radiation are described, as well as the transport system bringing the THz pulses from the wiggler to the X-ray experimental hall.
Quantum states of an electromagnetic field interacting with a classical current and their applications to radiation problems are studied.

A novel strategy to achieve very high temperature stability in X-ray hutches using radiant panels is described. At maximum heat load, a standard deviation down to 0.017°C over 15 h and drift well below 0.001°C h−1 are demonstrated. After a sample change, the room recovers stability within 15 min.
To enable microscopic measurements at the BL-13B beamline of the Photon Factory, a high-precision XYZ translator is developed, and the beam profile is estimated.
A dedicated X-ray imaging detector for 200 keV high-energy X-ray microtomography was developed to realize high-efficiency high-resolution imaging while keeping the field of view wide.
A new exact solution for the case of third-order nonlinear two-wave X-ray dynamical diffraction is obtained and the third-order nonlinear dynamical diffraction phenomenon is investigated. The solution is presented via Jacobi elliptic functions and takes into account the intensity of the incident wave as well as the deviation from the Bragg exact orientation.
An experimental setup for X-ray absorption measurements based on SASE-XFEL pulses is presented. Ultrafast X-ray absorption changes for non-equilibrium warm dense matter can be measured with femtosecond resolution.

Argon gas windows are shown to be effective for soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy in the low-energy region below 200 eV under atmospheric conditions.
An analyzer system based on collimating scattered X-rays employing a Montel mirror for use with resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) experiments is presented. This concept is shown to reject extrinsic spectral features in low-energy (<1 eV) RIXS spectra in a high-pressure cell at the Ir L3-absorption edge, a significant improvement over a conventional diced spherical analyzer.
Zirconate systems having the composition 3HfO2·15SiO2·xY2O3·(82 − x)ZrO2, where x = 2, 7 and 12 mol% Y2O3, were synthesized by a sol-gel method. Their characteristics and local structure are described.

It is shown that the 2p3d resonant inelastic X-ray scattering intensity is distorted by saturation and self-absorption effects, i.e. by incident-energy-dependent saturation and by emission-energy-dependent self-absorption.
This work reports the first successful generation of diamond-anvil-cell-based high-pressure XANES data for Nb2O5, in the framework of limited focusing optics at the Indus-2 synchrotron facility, India.

A numerical model that can mimic closely the behavior of real X-ray detectors in the context of X-ray speckle visibility spectroscopy is described. Using this model, this work investigates the origin of discrepancies between commonly used photon locating algorithms and proposes a calibration routine to resolve the discrepancy.
The substrate type dependence of cupric particles synthesized by X-ray-radiolysis-induced photochemical reaction in Cu(COOCH3)2 liquid solution with the additive methanol has been investigated.

Phase-contrast enhanced micro-computed tomography reveals huge discontinuities at the interfaces between dental fillings and the tooth substrate. Despite the complex micromorphology, gaps in bonding could be visualized and quantified in 3D.
A complete method of comprehensive and quantitative evaluation of through-silicon via reliability using a highly sensitive phase-contrast X-ray microtomography was established. Quantitative characterizations include 3D local morphology and overall consistency of statistics.
Physical actuation of repeating swelling–deswelling naturally generates anisotropic line patterns, verified by a temperature-responsive nanocomposite system.

Ex vivo X-ray phase contrast tomography of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis of a SOD1G93A mouse model is presented. Quantification of neuronal and vascular alteration in the central nervous system is described.
A formal framework and two software implementations are provided for rapid mapping of speciation using synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy.

A fast-scanning small-angle X-ray scattering study of biological cells is presented that achieves higher throughput and requires lower dose than previous experiments.
short communications
Convolutional neural networks are useful for classifying grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering patterns. They are also useful for classifying real experimental data.
The design, implementation and tests of an He mini-cryostat for the nanoprobe beamline ID16B at ESRF is reported. The first experimental results obtained using the cryogenic equipment are presented.

An overview of the gas-phase endstation with the multi-coincidence setup at the FinEstBeAMS beamline in the MAX IV 1.5 GeV storage ring is presented. A detailed description of the functional design of the endstation together with the data acquisition concept and first test measurements is given.
addenda and errata

A correction is made to the paper by Jones et al. (2020). [J. Synchrotron Rad. 27, 207–211].
international union of crystallography