Figure 1
Schematic representation of (a) the main structural features of the hutches in the satellite building and (b) the space distribution within the concrete walls, see the main text for details. (a) The thick floor slab is supported on piles and does not touch the soil. The walls and ceiling are made of reinforced concrete and rest on their own independent foundations. This construction serves as both thermal insulation and a radiation shield. Wall and ceiling penetrations are minimized and protected by labyrinths. Cables and pipes are installed at height and run behind the radiant panels, which cover as much surface as possible of the walls and ceiling and can swing on hinges to provide access. (b) OH, optics hutch; EHx, experimental hutches. The symbols in EH2 indicate the approximate positions of the temperature sensors used to perform the measurements described here, while the colours and shapes match those used in subsequent figures. |